Book 1 - Chapter 2.1 Trouble in the Mists

Started by Asta, April 03, 2020, 02:04:18 PM

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     Thedrin stood, still whimpering a little, and tied the rope around his waist.

[info] Move action: stand from prone

Standard action: tie rope around waist[/info]


Cecilia sighs in frustration, another dart had gone astray. She slaps her cheeks to psyche herself up and yells again. "Acid Dart!" the glowing green dart shoots forth from her hand and glides through the air towards the kobold.

[info] Ranged touch attack: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 5 + 2, total 7[/blockquote]
Acid damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


Yet again, Cecilia's attack was unsuccessful. The kobold that had been trading "blows" with Cecilia tossed down its sling in annoyance and removed its crude spear from where it was affixed to its back, stepping toward the mage with caution. The monster nearest Scathach lashed out at her with its spear but the attack only caused a small cut.

[error]Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses.[/error]
[okay]Kobold 2 affected for another 3, 1, and 1 rounds.[/okay]
[error]Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, dealing 1 damage.[/error]
[info]Kobold 1 drops sling, draws spear, moves 5 feet.[/info]

[info]Rhenri to take turn.[/info]

Initiative Order:Thedrin, Cecilia, Kobold 2, Kobold 1, Kobold 4, Rhenri, Scathach, Kobold 5
[spoiler=Surprise Round]Surprise Round
Cecelia moves and casts Mage Armor
Thedrin moves and falls into a pit for 6 damage
Rhenri moves and tosses a rope down to Thedrin
Scathach moves and shoots at Kobold 2, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1
Cecelia moves and readies Acid Dart
Thedrin heals for 2
Kobold 2 moves
Kobold 1 moves and shoots at Rhenri, misses
Cecilia shoots Kobold 2 for 2 damage
Kobold 2 shoots Cecilia for 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 1 for 3 damage
Kobold 3 Charges Rhenri for 3 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2
Thedrin climbs 5 feet, Combat Advice to Scathach
Cecilia casts Color Spray, Kobold 2 affected 6, 1, 1 rounds; Kobold 1 resists
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 3 for 5 damage, Kobold 3 disabled
Kobold 3 lies there[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 3]Round 3
Thedrin climbs 5 feet
Cecelia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold lays unconscious
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 4, misses
Kobold 5 appears, attacks Scathach, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 4]Round 4
Thedrin falls 10 feet, 2 damage
Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2, stunned
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach changes weapons, moves
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
Round 5
Thedrin ties himself up
Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 1 draws spear, moves
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, 1 damage


The markswoman frowned when another one of her shots missed, though at least she got out of the way from one of the kobold's attacks. She knew Scathach was being pressed, and with Thedrin still in the pit, it wouldn't be long until Cecilia was surrounded as well.

Taking another breath of the misty air, she focused her inner self again, this time preparing to unlead one of the maneuvers she had learned under her mentor.

[info]Active stance: Stance of the Piercing Rays
Free: 5 ft. SW
Standard: Dimensional Strike
[blockquote]attack vs flat foot 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote][info]

Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
By shifting slightly between two worlds, the disciple confuses the senses of his foe so he may land his attack more easily. The initiator initiating this strike causes his foe to be flat-footed to this attack.[/info]


Be it foul luck, or simply fate, yet again Rhenri's attack flew wide of its intended target. Scathach, still pressured by the kobold next to her lashed out at it with a swing from her scimitar. This time the attack connected, catching the kobold full in the chest and cutting a deep wound. The scaly humanoid dropped to the ground, incapacitated by the blow.

"Aboyt feckin time! 'Owl on an' oyl pull yer up!" Scathach hollered down to Thedrin, then stooped to grab the rope.

Meanwhile, the kobold engaged with Rhenri closed in once more and thrust its spear in a series of jabs, none of which found purchase.

[error]Rhenri shoots Kobold , misses.[/error]
[okay]Scathach attacks Kobold 4, dealing 5 damage. Kobold 4 is disabled. Move action to pick up rope.[/okay]
[okay]Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses.[/okay]
[info]Round 6, Thedrin to take turn.[/info]

Initiative Order:Thedrin, Cecilia, Kobold 2, Kobold 1, Kobold 4, Rhenri, Scathach, Kobold 5
[spoiler=Surprise Round]Surprise Round
Cecelia moves and casts Mage Armor
Thedrin moves and falls into a pit for 6 damage
Rhenri moves and tosses a rope down to Thedrin
Scathach moves and shoots at Kobold 2, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1
Cecelia moves and readies Acid Dart
Thedrin heals for 2
Kobold 2 moves
Kobold 1 moves and shoots at Rhenri, misses
Cecilia shoots Kobold 2 for 2 damage
Kobold 2 shoots Cecilia for 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 1 for 3 damage
Kobold 3 Charges Rhenri for 3 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2
Thedrin climbs 5 feet, Combat Advice to Scathach
Cecilia casts Color Spray, Kobold 2 affected 6, 1, 1 rounds; Kobold 1 resists
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 3 for 5 damage, Kobold 3 disabled
Kobold 3 lies there[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 3]Round 3
Thedrin climbs 5 feet
Cecelia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold lays unconscious
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 4, misses
Kobold 5 appears, attacks Scathach, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 4]Round 4
Thedrin falls 10 feet, 2 damage
Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2, stunned
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach changes weapons, moves
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 5]Round 5
Thedrin ties himself up
Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 1 draws spear, moves
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, misses
Scathach attacks Kobold 4, 5 damage
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
Round 6


     Thedrin braced against the wall and gripped the rope to be pulled up.

[info]Thedrin will delay his turn to be lifted up.[/info]


Cecilia stares down the kobold in frustration. She scoffs. "Acid Dart!" This time, she hoped her strike would land true.

[info] ranged touch attack: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 8 + 2, total 10[/blockquote]
acid damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


The acid dart Cecilia launched once again passed harmlessly by the kobold. The reptilian affected by her previous spell continued to lie on the ground in a stupor, while the one that had slowly been closing in moved a step closer and thrust at the mage with its spear... A mortal wound. The crude stone tip cut straight through her robes, her flesh, and passed between her ribs landing deep into her internal organs. A gout of blood came involuntarily from Cecilias mouth as she fell to the ground disabled and dying.

[error]Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses.[/error]
[info]Kobold 2 Stunned etc for 3, 1, 1, rounds.[/info]
[error]Kobold 1 attacks Cecilia, a critical hit dealing 12 damage! Cecilia is now dying![/error]
[info]Rhenri to take turn.[/info]

Initiative Order:Cecilia, Kobold 2, Kobold 1, Kobold 4, Rhenri, Scathach, Thedrin, Kobold 5
[spoiler=Surprise Round]Surprise Round
Cecelia moves and casts Mage Armor
Thedrin moves and falls into a pit for 6 damage
Rhenri moves and tosses a rope down to Thedrin
Scathach moves and shoots at Kobold 2, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1
Cecelia moves and readies Acid Dart
Thedrin heals for 2
Kobold 2 moves
Kobold 1 moves and shoots at Rhenri, misses
Cecilia shoots Kobold 2 for 2 damage
Kobold 2 shoots Cecilia for 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 1 for 3 damage
Kobold 3 Charges Rhenri for 3 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2
Thedrin climbs 5 feet, Combat Advice to Scathach
Cecilia casts Color Spray, Kobold 2 affected 6, 1, 1 rounds; Kobold 1 resists
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 3 for 5 damage, Kobold 3 disabled
Kobold 3 lies there[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 3]Round 3
Thedrin climbs 5 feet
Cecelia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold lays unconscious
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 4, misses
Kobold 5 appears, attacks Scathach, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 4]Round 4
Thedrin falls 10 feet, 2 damage
Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2, stunned
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach changes weapons, moves
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 5]Round 5
Thedrin ties himself up
Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 1 draws spear, moves
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, misses
Scathach attacks Kobold 4, 5 damage
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
Round 6
Thedrin delays turn
Cecilia attacks Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2 still retarded
Kobold 1 attacks Cecilia, critical hit, 12 damage, Cecilia dying


[info]Active stance: Stance of the Piercing Rays
Free: 5 ft. step away.
Swift action: Activate Horizon Wind Lancet.
Standard: Attack kobold 5.

[blockquote]attack 1d20+5 : 18 + 5, total 23[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
[blockquote]horizon wind lancet 1d6 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]

Discipline: Solar Wind (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
The tenets of the Solar Wind have taught the disciple how to place more force behind his attacks. The initiator inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage on a single ranged attack he makes this round. If the initiator is making multiple attacks in this round, this bonus applies to the first attack the initiator makes.[/info]


Finally one of Rhenri's attacks found its mark, the flaming arrow sunk into the kobolds face with a satisfying thunk. The creature toppled over backwards unconscious and dying. Meanwhile, Scathach stooped to wrap the rope around her forearm. When that was finished she hauled backwards to pull Thedrin up from the pit. "Up yer get!" she called out with a grunt.

[okay]Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, dealing 8 damage. Kobold 5 is now dying.[/okay]
[info]Scathach moves 25ft pulling Thedrin up with the rope.[/info]
[info]Thedrin to take turn.[/info]

Initiative Order:Cecilia, Kobold 2, Kobold 1, Kobold 4, Rhenri, Scathach, Thedrin, Kobold 5
[spoiler=Surprise Round]Surprise Round
Cecelia moves and casts Mage Armor
Thedrin moves and falls into a pit for 6 damage
Rhenri moves and tosses a rope down to Thedrin
Scathach moves and shoots at Kobold 2, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1
Cecelia moves and readies Acid Dart
Thedrin heals for 2
Kobold 2 moves
Kobold 1 moves and shoots at Rhenri, misses
Cecilia shoots Kobold 2 for 2 damage
Kobold 2 shoots Cecilia for 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 1 for 3 damage
Kobold 3 Charges Rhenri for 3 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2
Thedrin climbs 5 feet, Combat Advice to Scathach
Cecilia casts Color Spray, Kobold 2 affected 6, 1, 1 rounds; Kobold 1 resists
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 3 for 5 damage, Kobold 3 disabled
Kobold 3 lies there[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 3]Round 3
Thedrin climbs 5 feet
Cecelia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold lays unconscious
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 4, misses
Kobold 5 appears, attacks Scathach, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 4]Round 4
Thedrin falls 10 feet, 2 damage
Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2, stunned
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach changes weapons, moves
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 5]Round 5
Thedrin ties himself up
Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 1 draws spear, moves
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, misses
Scathach attacks Kobold 4, 5 damage
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
Round 6
Thedrin delays turn
Cecilia attacks Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2 still retarded
Kobold 1 attacks Cecilia, critical hit, 12 damage, Cecilia dying
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, 8 damage
Scathach moves 25ft with rope


     Finally out of the hole, Thedrin pointed his hammer at the nearest kobold. "You foolish kobolds, you think your meager hole could contain a true champion such as myself? I shall strike you down!"  He shouted as he leapt forward to try and smash his hammer down on the kobold.

[info]Swift Action: Smite Kobold 2

Full-round Action: Charge Kobold 2
    Attack[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 16 + 10, total 26[/blockquote]    Damage[blockquote]Rolled 1d8+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote][/info]


Filled with righteous fury, and the ethereal energies of good, Thedrin's hammer collided with the face of the Kobold that had been sitting on the ground blind and stunned. The blow caved in its snout spraying blood and teeth everywhere as the rest of the kobold's body spun a quarter turn in the air and landed face down in its own pooling viscera.

[okay]Thedrin smites and charges Kobold 2, dealing 7 damage. Kobold 2 is now dying.[/okay]
[info]Round 7[/info]
[info]Cecilia to take turn.[/info]

Initiative Order:Cecilia, Kobold 2, Kobold 1, Kobold 4, Rhenri, Scathach, Thedrin, Kobold 5
[spoiler=Surprise Round]Surprise Round
Cecelia moves and casts Mage Armor
Thedrin moves and falls into a pit for 6 damage
Rhenri moves and tosses a rope down to Thedrin
Scathach moves and shoots at Kobold 2, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1
Cecelia moves and readies Acid Dart
Thedrin heals for 2
Kobold 2 moves
Kobold 1 moves and shoots at Rhenri, misses
Cecilia shoots Kobold 2 for 2 damage
Kobold 2 shoots Cecilia for 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 1 for 3 damage
Kobold 3 Charges Rhenri for 3 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2
Thedrin climbs 5 feet, Combat Advice to Scathach
Cecilia casts Color Spray, Kobold 2 affected 6, 1, 1 rounds; Kobold 1 resists
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 3 for 5 damage, Kobold 3 disabled
Kobold 3 lies there[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 3]Round 3
Thedrin climbs 5 feet
Cecelia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold lays unconscious
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 4, misses
Kobold 5 appears, attacks Scathach, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 4]Round 4
Thedrin falls 10 feet, 2 damage
Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2, stunned
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach changes weapons, moves
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 5]Round 5
Thedrin ties himself up
Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 1 draws spear, moves
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, misses
Scathach attacks Kobold 4, 5 damage
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 6]Round 6
Thedrin delays turn
Cecilia attacks Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2 still retarded
Kobold 1 attacks Cecilia, critical hit, 12 damage, Cecilia dying
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, 8 damage
Scathach moves 25ft with rope
Thedrin smites, attacks Kobold 2, 7 damage, Kobold 2 dying[/spoiler]
Round 7


[info] Trying to stabilize. [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 7 + 1, total 8[/blockquote][/info]


Cecilia continued to bleed out on the ground. The remaining kobold, unexpectedly continued to attack rather than run. Turning its attention to Thedrin, who had just destroyed its companions face. The spear was no match for Thedrin's armor however, and the blow was turned aside harmlessly.

[okay]Kobold 1 attacks Thedrin, misses.[/okay]
[info]Rhenri to take turn.[/info]

Initiative Order:Cecilia, Kobold 2, Kobold 1, Kobold 4, Rhenri, Scathach, Thedrin, Kobold 5
[spoiler=Surprise Round]Surprise Round
Cecelia moves and casts Mage Armor
Thedrin moves and falls into a pit for 6 damage
Rhenri moves and tosses a rope down to Thedrin
Scathach moves and shoots at Kobold 2, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1
Cecelia moves and readies Acid Dart
Thedrin heals for 2
Kobold 2 moves
Kobold 1 moves and shoots at Rhenri, misses
Cecilia shoots Kobold 2 for 2 damage
Kobold 2 shoots Cecilia for 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 1 for 3 damage
Kobold 3 Charges Rhenri for 3 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2
Thedrin climbs 5 feet, Combat Advice to Scathach
Cecilia casts Color Spray, Kobold 2 affected 6, 1, 1 rounds; Kobold 1 resists
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 1, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 3 for 5 damage, Kobold 3 disabled
Kobold 3 lies there[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 3]Round 3
Thedrin climbs 5 feet
Cecelia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold lays unconscious
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach shoots Kobold 4, misses
Kobold 5 appears, attacks Scathach, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 4]Round 4
Thedrin falls 10 feet, 2 damage
Cecilia shoots Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2, stunned
Kobold 1 shoots Cecilia, misses
Rhenri shoots Kobold 4, misses
Scathach changes weapons, moves
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 5]Round 5
Thedrin ties himself up
Cecilia shoots at Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 1 draws spear, moves
Kobold 4 attacks Scathach, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, misses
Scathach attacks Kobold 4, 5 damage
Kobold 5 attacks Rhenri, misses[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 6]Round 6
Thedrin delays turn
Cecilia attacks Kobold 1, misses
Kobold 2 still retarded
Kobold 1 attacks Cecilia, critical hit, 12 damage, Cecilia dying
Rhenri shoots Kobold 5, 8 damage
Scathach moves 25ft with rope
Thedrin smites, attacks Kobold 2, 7 damage, Kobold 2 dying[/spoiler]
Round 7
Cecilia fails to stabilize, bleeds for 1 damage
Kobold 1 attacks Thedrin, misses


[info]Active stance: Stance of the Piercing Rays
Move: 30 ft. NE
Standard: Attack kobold 1.

[blockquote]miss chance 1d100 : 41, total 41[/blockquote]
[blockquote]attack 1d20+5 : 15 + 5, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]