[Hanako] Chapter 12: Idyllic Days

Started by Throndir, April 23, 2019, 07:42:11 PM

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"Damn, it's actually like... a real human body." she said, and then looked around at the garden where some of the plants had dried up from what she assumed was the homunculus using the water inside them to form body fluids.

"I wonder if I can specify where the material comes from... or if I should bring like... reagents to use in a pinch. I guess I should see how badly this drains me too. I'm pretty tired."

Hanako looked off into the middle distance. "Status."


[okay]Hanako Okita
Homunculus Master
Level 15

Condition: Uninjured, Sleepy

HP: 34/34
MP: 1/46
STR: 18
DEX: 22
CON: 22
INT: 18
WIS: 12
CHA: 20
MAG: 31

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate Languages, Personal Status, Item Speaker, Slavemancer, Create Golem[/okay]


"Oh damn, looks like I won't be attempting this again for a while." Hanako said to herself, noting that the number that indicated her mana resources.

Now that she was alone and thinking about it, Hanako decided to try something she had been wondering about for a while now. If she could see her own "stats" represented as numbers, which to be fair was a very game like concept, shouldn't she be able to see information about people in her "party"? This of course assumed that those kinds of rules applied to this world, and since she had the opportunity to check she figured there was nothing to be lost from the effort.

"Uhhh... Party status?" she said tentatively, expecting nothing to happen.


The moment you spoke those words, a new notification appeared.

[okay]Ability not yet unlocked.[/okay]The homunculus you had created continued to stand still and look at nothing in particular. Though, from the slight movements of its body, you knew she or it was breathing.


That's interesting.

Knowing that it was indeed a feature, but not something she had unlocked yet was useful information. That begged the question on how one went about unlocking additional features of the "status window".

Is it tied to my 'level'? Hanako wondered. Well, I might as well say a few dumb other things and see what happens since I've got the time...

"Uhhh... Strategy guide? Manual?" she said aloud, feeling silly.


When you spoke those words, nothing happened.


"Figures." she said with a shrug. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Actually, after spending all so much time here, if it had worked she probably would have felt like an idiot...

"Well, back to the matter at hand... Golem-chan, please raise your right hand above your head." Hanako asked the duplicate of herself. It may have only been a magical facsimile of herself, but it felt rude to simply boss the thing around.


Rather than stating a question, the moment you willed that you wanted the golem to do something, she obeyed. The life-like golem raised her right hand above her head.


"Mmmm... I see, I see." Hanako said, and rubbed a finger across her lips in thought. "She, it... whatever, reacted before I even finished speaking so I guess I don't need to give orders out loud."

She mentally gave a command for the golem to imitate her and struck a pose like Sailor Moon. "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"


The golem proceeded to strike the pose. And this time she actually spoke as well.

"In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" She said it in the same voice inflection as you would have expected too, the same amount of enthusiasm you would have expected to see if Sailor Moon was an actual person. Though, the fact that the girl looked just like you and was completely naked gave the entire scene an almost surreal feeling.


"Fuck that's really embarrassing." Hanako said, dropping the pose. "I should have brought some clothes out here for you. Though I guess my track jacket is long enough to cover up below the waist."

She mentally ordered the golem to stop imitating her and then removed her jacket, the chill of the dusk air made the fine hairs on her arms prick up. "I wonder if you get cold... Here go ahead and put this on, and make sure you pull it low enough to cover up down there... Can't have the rank and file seeing my downstairs..." She said, walking over to hand her doppelganger the garment.


You noticed that the golem really did not have a mind of it's own at all, and apart from automatic functions like breathing, interacting with it made you realize it needed continual instruction. Even as you handed the garment towards it, it didn't move to grab it until you willed it to. Even instructions such as 'putting the jacket on', it didn't seem to fully understand until you started to will it grab the jacket, put her arms into the correct places, zip it up, and then lower it down.


"Man this is a lot of effort. I guess after a while I'l have it down as second nature though... Come along then Golem-chan."

Hanako willed the golem to follow after her as she made her way back through the labyrinth. When she drew closer to the mansion the guards posted outside that night shared a look of confused alarm until she defused the situation with a casual wave and a smile.

"Everything's normal gentlemen, nothing to see here. Please refrain from staring at places you shouldn't..."

Hanako, Golem-chan in tow walked through the mansion, drawing more confused looks. She just continued to move along waving away the concern of anyone that they passed. Eventually the odd pair arrived at Hanako's bedroom door, which she pushed open just enough to fit her upper half through to peer in.

"Girls, girls!" she began excitedly. "Look what I can do!"

She pushed the door open the rest of the way and strode inside, willing her copy to follow in behind her.

"Say hello Go'chin!" she said comically, with a mischievous smile while willing the homunculous to wave and say "hello".


The homunculus obeyed, both waving, and saying "hello". Without any guidance on their own vocal inflections, the golem would have used a monotone and dull voice as it spoke, following the instructions given to her.

"H-Hanako?" Trudy asked, her eyes shifting between you and the homunculus. Minette was no doubt just as surprised as Trudy was.

"Oh...? There's two of you?" Minette blinked. "... One for each?"


"Hah! You wish." Hanako said with a laugh. "After our meeting this afternoon I apparently gained a new ability, or something to that effect. Not that I understand how that happens."

She sighed a little at her own lack of knowledge regarding the way her "blessings" worked, then clapped an arm around the other "Hanako's" shoulder. "Evidently I can summon golems of some kind or another. This particular one is... a homunculus. If my similarly mysterious knowledge on the subject is to be believed. Nearly passed out in the garden making her. Probably wont be able to do it again safely, think I got a little lucky this time."

"She's fully functional, and anatomically correct!" Hanako withdrew her arm and then made a flourish with both hands in the general direction of the golem, while quoting a popular science fiction TV show from America. "Not much for words though, or actions really. I have to tell her to do things mentally or she just kind of stands there. I could probably make her look like anyone if I really wanted to though, so once I get a handle on it I imagine it will be pretty useful."