[Hanako] Chapter 12: Idyllic Days

Started by Throndir, April 23, 2019, 07:42:11 PM

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[info]Tomorrow Hanako will hide out during the meeting and work on Light Armor Proficiency, then probably just hang around like normal unless something comes up.[/info]

[info]Training, Light Armor Proficiency:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 2 + 8, total 10[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Light Armor Proficiency Second Session:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 16 + 8, total 24[/blockquote][/info]


Location: Klein's Estate
Date: Day 13 - 6:00 AM - 2 PM

You spent 8 hours working on being able to move well in the light armor. When it was over, Aldric and Minette came in to report about the meeting with the slaver. The slaver had apparently wanted to sell Klein a couple hundred more working slaves, but Aldric had promptly declined, and had also mentioned that he was thinking of downsizing his business, to at least start the rumor of less involvement from the Klein company with the affairs of the rest of the country.

QuoteYou still have the rest of afternoon and evening. You could attempt more training, just include CON checks with each one.


In an attempt to ensure that she could wear some measure of protective gear on her expedition to the mine, Hanako went ahead and pushed herself in training for the day.

[info]Forced Training, Light Armor Proficiency:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 15 + 8, total 23[/blockquote][/info]

[info]Required CON roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 14 + 6, total 20[/blockquote][/info]

Once finished, she sought out Kari to ask if there was a convenient time tomorrow to meet up and discuss learning about magic from her.


Location: Klein's Estate
Date: Day 13 - 6:00 PM

You spent another 4 hours training. Once you were finished, you began to look for Kari. You eventually managed to spot her sitting in the common room, enjoying some tea. Amarille was also there sitting with her.

"Oh my Kari, did you like the tea that much? The Elven Las tea... That's your 9th pot today... Not to mention yesterday..."

"Truly, a marvelous concoction... Indeed, I hath not stopped drinking it since thou has granted me this marvel of treasures."

"W-well... Yes..." Amarille said. You caught the hesitance in her voice. "It's definitely the favorite of many other people here..."

"Thou speaketh the truth. Tis very much fine." Kari said, pouring herself another cup. The action only made Amarille smile, though, it seemed forced.

"I agree... but we used to have a pound of it... It's quite rare, more so being here in Refedoria..."

"Tis a treasure indeed." Kari nodded sagely.

"No... I mean... won't it be better to... enjoy it for longer? Perhaps a week from now, or even a month from now...?"

Kari looked at her strangely as if she had said the strangest thing. "Nay, lady Amarille. When thou liveth in trying times, thou must strive to take what peace that thou can. The Elven Las tea... tis a much needed treasure for mine tired soul."

"I... see..." Amarille said. It was then that they noticed you. "Ah, frau hero."

"Hero Hanako, wilst thou join me for tea?" Kari said formally inviting you. "Thou must try this Elven Las tea, a treasure that I only hath heard about and hadn't been able to try. Mine belief tells me that this mayhaps be one of the last few times this tea can be seeped this strongly... Thou must surely join me."

You couldn't help but see Amarille frown. Her eyes went towards you pleading for help.


Geh. This feels like a route choice...

"Well, if you've already got a pot made... I won't turn it down." Hanako said with some hesitation due to Amarille's look. "Though I feel like I need to agree with Amarille on this one. I get your perspective on the matter, but it's more considerate to others if we can extend the longevity of our stores. Alternatively, exercising moderation ensures that you can enjoy it longer. There's something to be said about making pleasant things more enjoyable by having them less frequently. A treat is precisely that because it's not something you have everyday."

She shot Amarille an apologetic look that said: "It's not like I can stop her."


Location: Klein's Estate
Date: Day 13 - 6:00 PM

A notification appeared in your view.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Well-Appreciated』
You have gained +1 CHA[/okay]
"Thank you so much!" Amarille attempted to whisper to you. Though Kari easily overheard it.

"Thou art thanking the hero, praytell, for what?" Kari asked as she took one of the unused cups on the tray next to the pot, then started to fill it with the tea.

"Oh... Well, for joining us here of course." Amarille replied back pleasantly, there was a look of guilt on her face though, but she continued a moment later. "For other things as well." Amarille finally said. "Saving us all... Giving us hope... among other things."

Kari only responded with a nod. "Tis true hero, thou art an existence that bringeth hope to the masses!" As she finished pouring the cup, she started to pour more tea in her own. Then after she was done with that, she began to pour a third cup. "For thee, lady Amarille." Amarille nodded as she too took the cup in her hands. "Then we shalt saveth the rest of this fine tea until the day after! T'would be moderation!" Kari declared, her voice full of surety and strength. "For now, drink, enjoyeth the taste of the tea, and the company that each of us giveth here."

Amarille nodded again, staring at her tea cup longingly. She brought the cup to her lips, and sipped at it, her face a mixture of both happiness and sadness.


It was indeed rather good tea. It reminded Hanako of a high quality black she had at her uncle's home once, flavorful and aromatic. She took a moment to savor the taste and then caught the look on Amarille's face.

"I'll get you home. I promised, didn't I? Once we get to Isikawa I imagine it will be much easier to make the trip back to your homeland."


Amarille smiled softly again. "I will make sure the kingdom reward you well." Amarille said.

"I've been through the elven forest just once... When I was captured. T'was a time of misfortune and betrayal... Though... Tis mine fault and weakness of mine heart that I hath gotten into such a problem in the first place... Anyways hero, what brings thee  to give us thy company?"


I'm gonna have to circle back to that later. Hanako thought, making a mental note.

"I was actually wondering if you had some free time tomorrow that you might be able to show me some of your magic Kari. I think I had mentioned before that I had an interest in learning some of what you can do."


"Mine magic... Tis not the one a hero such as thyself should learn... Nay, mine kin have banished me for learning these darker arts. However... Thou willingness to seek out power... If thou won't let it corrupt thee, then mine goddess shalt look favorably."

She raised her hand, and an arcane circle appeared. Again, there was no incantation. It was a dazzling sight as mist started to appear within it. Even Amarille stared wonderingly at it, though, she narrowed her eyes as if recognizing what it was. There was a strange look of horror on her face as she stared at the purple swirling mist. After that, a grotesque seemingly rotted pulsating mound of meat appeared from within the purple mists. It took you a moment to realize it was a beating heart, though, looked warped and sickly.

"Praytell hero... Why dost thou want to learn this kind of magic?"


Hanako watched the display with a keen interest, wondering what exactly that spell did besides create a decaying organ from seemingly nothing. She also saw Amarille's reaction, which didn't look to be one of approval.

"The way I see it, magic is a tool. More potent than a sword or a carpenter's hammer perhaps, but a tool none the less. And while the sword's purpose is to kill, the application of that purpose is an important distinction to make. I'm not naive or idealistic enough to think that the goals we have can't be accomplished without the use of things that others might disapprove of. I'm a pragmatist, if there is a tool to be used to accomplish a task, you use a tool. You seem to own some powerful tools" Hanako said, then shifted back in her seat and took another drink from her mug. "Not to mention I seem to have some sort of affinity for that kind of thing. Earlier this week there were quite a number of people locked in the cages downstairs, in order to free them I had to do something that I can really only describe as necromancy to get them free. Needless to say I'm not above using methods that might be unorthodox."

She turned slightly in her chair to look at Amarille. "You seem... uncomfortable with what you're seeing. Am I right?"


"Tis what you think. This power is necromancy." She glanced at the pulsating mass of flesh. "Tis the power to bend life and death to thy will. This particular spell... tis one of the 4th tier. But if thou is a novice... well, we'd have to start from the basics."

Amarille nodded. "That power... So you really are that witch... Oh! No offense intended." Amarille said. Kari waved her hand dismissively, not particular offended from the title. "Yes Frau Hero, this kind of magic has very few practitioners. It is a kind of magic that isn't sanctioned by the 6 goddesses. It's a magic considered to be equal or perhaps worst than wielders of the Darkness attribute."

"Darkness, tis an attribute I have as well." Kari said. To this Amarille raised her eyebrow.

"It's an unnatural type of magic. One that is rightly forbidden by elven laws. Kari here... is... well... perhaps a legend might be a way to put it?" Amarille said, as Kari eventually made the pulsating flesh vanish, then sup back her tea. "Valkyrie live longer than humans. Perhaps to around 150 years of age in a normal average lifespan. However, the Watch of Jorundarfell has transcended those limits. Humans and perhaps even other Valkyrie might claim her to be a tale to keep children away from forests, but the elves have known of her existence of course. We too are long lived, and do not forget so easily."


"I see. Do you think there's a problem with me learning these magics? To use the same metaphor, I'd like as many 'tools' in my 'toolbox' as possible. Eventually I was going to ask anyone else that seemed magically proficient to show me the ropes, so to speak."

Hanako had become keenly aware that if she wasn't careful, her interest in Kari's dark magics might negatively impact her standing with the others in her group.


"Well..." Amarille hesitated, you can tell she was trying to consider her words carefully. "Knowledge itself isn't a bad thing, but the chance of having it... well... affect you, that's more of a concern... As much as I accept Kari for who she is, I know there are some of my people who would never accept her." Amarille turned towards Kari, then hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder. Kari herself furrowed her eyebrows with a face that was questioning what that was for. "You understand right?"

Kari nodded slowly.

"The ignorance of the masses. Tis something I'm familiar with. Even my own kin are blinded by their own values of what is wrong or right."

At this response Amarille's eyes simply softened as she had a long drawn out sigh. You could tell that Kari's response wasn't what she was expecting at all. Amarille let go of Kari's shoulder then turned back towards you. "I think... as the hero... you have more room between the lines than most others. Don't forget, that due to you being a hero, you're considered a savior to many people and cultures in this world. Both in our world of Velothia, and all the new lands and countries that have come here since the last hundred years. If you are to pursue this knowledge, especially in a time of war, even if people were to complain, no one would truly get in your way."