[Leela] Chapter 6: Capital of the Xalaster Orthodoxy, Olodeen, City of Saints

Started by Throndir, April 28, 2019, 10:30:00 AM

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Leela Steading

"I am curious to see what sorts of foods your country has to offer, so we are fine with the normal rotation. Though if you have anything like flan or caramel candies, I would be extremely pleased to try them." If they had caramel candies... And if they were the good kind... Oh, Leela would be stocking up on those for sure.

"My companion shall be joining me for dinner. I was told a key would be provided for that door." She indicated the door that connected her room to Efrit's.

She worried about the amount of food they had brought up. Did they think she had a bottomless pit for a stomach? If she did not eat it all, would they be insulted? She decided they would set aside food that would last longer, like the bread, so they could have some on their journey back. Perhaps she would have Abi teleport some out to Zavan and the imps outside, too... But if all of it did end up gone, would it surprise the inn staff? Leela decided to save that decision for after they had eaten and she had talked to Efrit.


"Yes, here's the key provided." The demihuman said as she reached from her pocket and withdrew a key. She then placed it on the table as well. "If your companion will be joining for dinner, then I'll place the rest of the food here too." With that she opened up the bottom part of the cart, and began to withdraw more dishes from it and place them on the table. There was certainly more than enough food.


Leela Steading

"Thank you." Leela picked up the key from the table, but did not move to knock on the door and unlock it so Efrit could come in. Instead, the young woman watched the demihuman as she worked. She seemed to be some sort of bunny girl, with long bunny ears.

"Are you from the new country that appeared or from the world the Orthodoxy came from?" She asked as the girl worked.


The question caught the bunny-eared demihuman by surprise. "Oh? Me... U-umm..." She paused hesitatingly. "Do you mean Lantosia? I'm from there y-yes... A-anyways miss..." She looked uncomfortable.


Leela Steading

"I hope you can forgive my curiosity. Demihumans only exist in the world I come from as a fictional race in people's stories. You are the first one I have had the opportunity to speak to." Leela noticed the bunny girl looking uncomfortable. She was not sure if that was due to being asked questions about herself from a guest of the inn or something else, but she hoped her words would help make her more comfortable and willing to chat.

"What is Lantosia like?" She asked. "If you don't mind my asking, why did you come to the Orthodoxy? Do you like it here?"


Her eyes continued to dart around like she was uncomfortable. However, she eventually spoke hesitatingly.

"Lantosia is... Umm... Well... It's a wonderful place... It's my home... Anyone would think their home is a wonderful place right? I didn't want to leave my home..." She said again, looking away.

QuoteDiplomacy check requested, or any other social skill.


Leela Steading

Leela frowned. She had not expected such vague answers. What she had expected was a story of having to flee due to an attack on her home and coming to the Orthodoxy as a refugee. Or being curious about the new world she had found herself in and chosen to stay in the Orthodoxy. Or at worst, that she had been forced to come work here as a slave or something. Instead, she seemed to have a frightened rabbit that looked ready to dart away the moment she got a chance.

"Were you forced to come here?" Leela decided to be direct. Leading into it to get the girl to open up on her own obviously was not working.

[spoiler=Social Skills](If her frown and abrupt/direct questioning can be considered intimidating.)
Intimidate: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+16 : 9 + 16, total 25[/blockquote]

(If Intimidate is not applicable.)
Diplomacy: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 19 + 7, total 26[/blockquote][/spoiler]


She looked downwards and spoke softly. "Yes... As part of the Lantosia Xalaster Accords... A lot of us are, in exchange for protection from the demons."


Leela Steading

Leela's eyes narrowed at the bunny girl's words. This was important information. It would help Leela in her meeting with the country's leaders. They might try to pull a fast one on her and try to force her into an agreement similar to the Lantosians. Not that she even had anyone to send as workers, but they did not know that at all.

If Leela remembered the map Bishop Mateo had shown her correctly, the Lantosia Empire was south of the Orthodoxy... That did not seem too far from Roshandan. Maybe she could persuade Lantosians to join her. If she got enough people, she could even consider expanding territory - either into the southern demon domains or into Xalaster Orthodoxy. Currently, she did not care which one she took land from. But her opinion would be changing soon, she was sure.

"Are you and your people treated like slaves, then?" She asked the bunny girl after some thought, keeping her voice low enough to make it difficult for anyone eavesdropping to hear. "I am a princess of a country newly shifted to this world as well, you see. It is important for me to learn of the Orthodoxy's history in dealing with other new countries to best serve my people. I swear that they will never know if you tell me anything they would not like."


"Well... umm..." She hesitated again, but due to your words earlier, she forced herself to continue speaking. "We're not treated as badly as the human slaves our country used to keep... But... we're not free either. And please, please, don't tell Aidia I spoke to you about this. She told me before never to talk about 'things of this nature' to our guests, much less important guests such as yourself. Please.... She's not a bad person, but if she found out, I don't want her to have me replaced. Those who disobey the words of the saints are sent into harder labor and work... Far from the city, and at times closer to the war with the demons."


Leela Steading

The was a few moments of silence once again as Leela thought about the bunny girl's words. Her country 'used' to keep human slaves that they treated badly or did they still? This gave Leela a different impression of the demihuman country. And they were apparently even being treated better than the human slaves they had kept. The young woman wondered if this bunny girl had any slaves before coming here. But such knowledge would most likely make Leela biased, so she decided not to ask.

"I will not tell her, you have my word. If anyone asks, I was just asking you about places you would recommend around the city. I am sorry to hear of your people's current situation, but I do thank you for your information." She wondered if the girl would get in trouble if she took too long delivering the food, so decided she should end the conversation for now. "We would like to enjoy our meal before it gets cold, so you may go now. Before I forget, when do the plates get retrieved and what happens with the leftover food?"


Once the bunny girl had left the room and Leela's door had been closed to the hallway, she moved to the door between her room and Efrit's. "Do not eat anything yet, Abi." She reminded the imp as she walked.

Leela knocked on the door three times, then unlocked the door and knocked again without opening it. She was not sure if Efrit had planned to change or not and did not feel like walking in on him without warning. Since Abi had not understood a word Aidia had said, she assumed Efrit had not, either, so she needed to explain to him what was going on so far and also where the bath rooms were if he wanted to go take one after dinner.


"We come by an hour after we deliver food to clean things up. But if you want it done sooner, you can let any of the staff know." The bunny girl responded, going back into her professional speech. "Leftover food will be brought to the servants, there are some that make its way to the orphanages around the city as well."

Abi never took her eyes off the mouth-watering food, she looked completely entranced. "Okay Leelasama... Leelasama! What if the food flies in my mouth and I can't help but eat them...!" She gulped as she drooled once again.

Efrit opened the door as he peered inside your room. "The rooms aren't half bad." He commented. He saw the food on the table. "Hmph... Is that bread?"


Leela Steading

"An hour should be fine." Knowing that they gave the leftover food to the inn staff, Leela decided that she would only stash away the bread and cheese.


"They won't fly into your mouth if you keep it closed, and that way you won't get in trouble."

"They're better than the one I was originally provided with at the castle." Leela replied to Efrit's comment about the rooms, cringing a little at the memory of that room. She was definitely thankful that there was another room that was more simple... She would have to do some major redecoration when they returned.

The young woman moved back over to the chair she had chosen and sat down. "We are going to save the bread and cheese in case we need to leave in a hurry, but you may eat some now." She told them, pointing at the food items she was talking about, then grabbed most of it and wrapped it up in the cloth napkins to put in her backpack. That way, it would already be packed up in case she lost track of time and they came before they were done eating. She was not entirely sure what everything was, but she could guess, and so pointed out the various food items that she thought she knew and explained them to her companions.

As they started eating their meal, Leela decided to fill her companions in on what had been said at Bishop Mateo's office, what Aidia had told her, an what she had learned from the bunny girl. She also explained to Efrit the human name she had given him for the duration of their stay.

"Zephyrus is out exploring the city right now. I hope he will return with good news before they call for us. Bishop Mateo did say they might still see us tonight, although it is getting late."

[info]Leela packages up most of the bread and cheese, using cloth napkins to wrap them in before putting them in her backpack.

Leela explains what she can of the food items provided to her companions while they eat.

Leela explains all of the conversations she had since entering the city to Efrit, including the name she gave him for the duration of their stay.[/info]


Compared to the food you had in the domain of Roshandan. This food was absolutely amazing. It was like a home-cooked meal, large and warm.

Once you had given them permission. Abi had immediately begun to dig into the food with abandon. Efrit too continued to look at the food, and the moment he bit into one, his face immediately melted into satisfaction.

"Hmph... This bread isn't that bad." Efrit said, even though the morsel of food he stuck into his mouth was actually a slice of something chicken-like. You had corrected him, but Efrit tried to play it cool by only nodding. "I don't see..." He placed more good in his mouth. "... the appeal of..."  He put more food in his mouth and continued to chew and swallow. "... human food. I mean it's alright." The man continued as he continually ate the food almost as fast as Abi. "Hah! I was right to skip out on the bread the first time..." He wiped his mouth with one of the napkins, then began to chug one of the cups full of juice. His eyes widened, and he only started to gulp it down faster.

"Nothing special at all about human food." He said as his mouth was stuffed a moment later after drinking the juice.


Leela Steading

"Please chew with your mouths closed!" Leela scolded them both, horrified at the way they were both eating. Sure, the food was good, but if they insisted on eating like this, she was going to lose her appetite.

She wondered if there was going to be any food left at the rate that they were eating. Could imp stomachs explode from eating too much? Did they ever feel full at all?

Leela ate much slower than her two companions, considering she spent more time talking about the stuff that had been said throughout the day so Efrit would know what was going on. She decided to try a little of everything, that way she could tell the servants what she liked or disliked if they stayed in the city for a few days. The young woman was surprised she was even able to eat as much as she had with how disgusting the two were about eating.

"Hey, Erik." She tried to call Efrit's attention with the name she had given him when she had finished explaining things to him. It was best he get used to it. It was also best she call him by it while they are in the city in case people were listening in. "Do you know a lot about ethereal magic?"