[Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation

Started by Throndir, April 13, 2019, 11:54:16 AM

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《Chapter 12: Rescue Operation》

Quote"Where I'm from 200 people isn't many, but here it is an entire village that rely on each other to live. We can't just leave them to die."

"Great! See, we should have done that in the beginning!" Amie said victoriously. A moment later in a quieter voice she continued. "Thank you, though."

QuoteJean knelt down to the level of the girl that offered to carry him.  "If I can be carried into battle then I will take it.  Thank you."

When you knelt down and looked at the young girl, she seemed to blush a bit.

"I umm... umm... You're umm... welcome." The young dragon girl said. Valeriya, the dragon girl in red spoke to Jean next.

"Alyona's still a bit too young for the ceremony, she shouldn't even be near the demons... But..." Valeriya stared hard at Jean. "Don't let her get hurt." Her visage softened a moment later.

"She's still an annoying brat, but she's still my closest sister."

Quote"How defensible is the village?  I'm sorry to say this but if it can't be easily defended then we will probably need to evacuate it.  If we must evacuate then we should bring empty wagons to save as many villagers and their possessions as possible.  If it can reasonably be fortified then we need to bring supplies.  We can't do both. I know this is a hard decision but you need to make this choice for your people.  If they need to be evacuated, there might be room for them on the island.  I cannot make any promises.  The wind temple plans on returning to the skies so it would be up to the dragon knights to guarantee your safety.  I do not know if that is possible."

Amie thought about it for a few moments.

"The village is surrounded by trees, with a road from its north to southern end. There isn't much in terms of defense... We were never close to the demons, and there were forts filled with soldiers." Amie then glanced towards the flying temple, her eyes had a bit of wonder.

"Can we... Can we really go up there with them?"

"Our camp can handle another 200 refugees, but not for too long... We'll have to get supplies from the city, or even have them evacuate there. We're no stranger to refugees if we our country has to take them in..." He shrugged as he followed Amie's gaze. "It would be pretty sweet to see the temple up close though. Amie, you interested in seeing what's up there?"

"W-well... I mean it's pretty cool. I'm not sure though... I'd go where-ever the rest of my family is though."


Rosalie looked at everyone making their preparations. "Amie does your village have any other warriors? You seem to know how to fight so if there is anyone else it would be good to know before hand." "She paused and looked to the captain, "Charles, will you be joining our assault?"


Amie nodded.

"My family mainly... My father used to be an alchemist, it's how I learned how to use the spells I do." Amie said. "Father preferred to live out in the countryside than the city, thinking it would be better for us... The rest of the villagers are just farmers and ranchers."

The captain shook his head.

"Unfortunately... I no longer have a dragon to fly with the rest. I'll instead be preparing our horsemen and wagons for the journey to Amie's village. As I take it, it should be directly north? But we should be able to see the dragons from the ground."


"You say family but how many warriors does that mean? It sounds like we will need to evacuate most of the village  so we need to plan accordingly." 

"You're likely the most respected man in the camp Charles, so you'll be the perfect person to have in charge of the evacuation effort. Everyone will listen to you."


"There isn't many. It was just my father and I." Amie explained.


     "Then we should prepare for the worst  Unless your people are quite capable the village is likely overrun by now.  Is there somewhere they might gather to try and hold out against the demons?  A keep, or perhaps a walled house?  I assume you will not be flying with the dragons so we will need to know what to look for if you are not there with us."


Amie bit her lip.

"Don't say that! They could still be okay..." Amie retorted back, her eyes telling you that she wasn't willing to see it any other way. "My home! It's... It's a mansion, but my father created a locked down area at the bottom of it that served as his lab, and where I trained... Our family was always on good terms with everyone else, I'm sure... I'm sure my father would have let them in there if it came to it. It's large enough to fit a lot of people!"


     "Then that is what we will need to keep an eye out for.  Is there any other preparing we need to do before the vanguard sets out?"


The captain grinned at Rosalie.

"Well, I'm sure I lost a bit of that respect when I was in a stretcher throughout the ceremony." Captain Charles then turned towards Jean. "I'll need to head down to the camp and get them ready. 15 minutes we should be ready to head out." He said as he mounted up on his horse.


     "Then we should head out."  Said Jean, looking to the other hero.  "Time is of the essence.  We will see the rest of you at the village."  Jean looked again at the young dragon that had offered to carry him.  "If you are ready m'lady."


"If we are going to be doing this, then it would be in our best interest to do so swiftly." Rosalie looked over towards Valeriya. "Are you ready to go, Valeriya?

Rosalie removed her flaming sword from her hilt, and took one of the newly enchanted demonbane swords, placing it in the hilt in its place.


Valeriya nodded as she transformed into her dragon form.

Inside your head you heard her talk.

Lets pass these swords to the other dragonknights. Valeriya suggested as she herself picked up a handful with her claws.

Captain Charles seeing the motion, trotted over.

"These swords for the rest of the knights?" He asked to confirm.

"Umm... ummm..." The young dragon girl said as she started to blush. "You can call me Alyona..." And with that she turned into a dragon. Unlike Valeriya who was red, she turned into a blue one.

"Master... How about us?" Ren asked as she watched the dragon girl transform.

Both Dalina and Anja had been quiet. Marina had since gone up the ladder and started to talk with the other elders of the island.


     "While I know Gust is capable of carrying at least one of you to the battle, I don't believe Viridio is mature enough yet.  So whoever can't be carried by Gust will need to come on horseback with the relief force."  Jean approached the transformed girl in her true form.  "Anja, I'm sorry but you will need to stay behind.  Ren might be able to help you get around but doing so could put the both of you in danger.  We can't risk that for now."


Rosalie nodded at Charles. "Do you have room to deliver some of these blades to the other dragon knights?" Rosalie grabbed a few herself, and hopped onto the dragon's back "I'll let the knights down below know what is going on and bring the first wave of weapons." She gave the other hero an awkward thumbs up before speaking to her companion. "Valeriya, let's ride!"


"I know..." Anja replied putting on a determined face, though you saw a hint of sadness behind her eyes as well. "I'll stay back here, I don't want to be a burden to anyone."

"It's okay little human Anja." Ren said as she patted her head. It was at that moment that Ren seemed to focus on the ground, and a tentacle appeared, it was 10 ft. tall. It started to morph into a short and low chair, after which Ren gently placed her in.

You didn't feel the pull of mana when Ren summoned the tentacle.[/info]
Captain Charles picked up one of the weapons himself, and took a few with him as well. Soon enough, between the three of you, you were able to gather the 30 swords that were created.

"We have a tent we use as an armory where we keep all the weapons, but I'll hand these out when I get there. Feel free to give them to the rest." Captain Charles said as you took off into the air.

Alyona took off as well, though hovered above Jean.

QuoteYou can assume you can latch on just fine, I'll have you roll a skill whenever Alyona has to do maneuvers in the air.

Gust, the small bird hovering around Dalina, suddenly enlarged itself. The armor on the creature grew in size along with the creature as well. It took only a moment for Dalina took hop on the bird.

"Ren, you can join me up here, it'll be a bit hard for Gust to maneuver with the extra weight... But we can still make it there."