[Leela] Chapter 4.1: Moving Forest

Started by Throndir, March 17, 2019, 09:37:23 PM

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Leela Steading

Realizing she had fallen for a trap, Leela immediately teleported back away from the monsters.


The plant mound attacked the nightmare Zavan was headed towards. One of its strike hit, and immediately attempted to wrap itself around it, but it failed.

You teleported just when the the mound of plants attacked. They hit empty air, and it was then that the nightmares attempted to attack back. A plume of smoke came from both of the nightmare's nostrils, filling the entire area in front of them, covering one of the shambling mounds in smoke. Both the mounds stepped back and first in alarm, but they managed to shake off the effects. Both the nightmares attacked with their hooves as well, and managed to land a light hit.

Efrit came up, and unleashed a fireball. It hit the target.

Zavan continued his attack, his three claw strikes hitting. The mound was Badly Wounded

QuoteRough Status
Efrit: Injured
Leela: Slightly Injured
Nightmare 1: Uninjured
Nightmare 2: Injured
Shambling Mound 1: Injured
Shambling Mound 2: Uninjured
Shambling Mound 3: Uninjured
Shambling Mound 4: Uninjured

[include u=2]Efrit Dmg Taken: 64
Leela Dmg Taken: 11
Leela MP Used: 2
Nightmare 1 Dmg Taken: 34
Shambling Mound 1: 22
Shambling Mound 2: 0
Shambling Mound 3: 0
Shambling Mound 4: 0[/include]


Leela Steading

Deciding that more trouble had already been brought down on them and Efrit was still shooting out fire, Leela began to cast her lightning spell. She intended to have it split and strike all the enemies she was aware of and hopefully it would affect these plant-like monsters in the same way lightning could affect trees.

"Air and fire, sudden and hot, strike through the hearts my enemies. Lightning Strike!" She called out, holding her hand out flat before her and her fingers spread, imagining her mana gathering in her fingertips and the lightning shooting forth from them to each of the monsters she knew of.


[spoiler=Damage for Lightning Strike][blockquote]Rolled 3d6 : 1, 4, 3, total 8[/blockquote][/spoiler]


Your lightning arced against the creature, but instead of damaging it, the creature's thick limbs seemed to grow even thicker. The lightning had an opposite effect on the creature that you thought would happen. The vines and leaf-like protrusions from it started become more lively along with the increase in girth. Electricity seemed to spark back and forth between it's body, but it didn't look as if it was injured by them at all.

The creatures then turned towards their attacks. Two of them aimed for Efrit, while the other two aimed for Zavan. Both missed Zavan, but Efrit took a hit, the vines from the creature attempted to grapple him, but he managed to slip out.

The nightmares attacked back, both hitting with a bite, and one of them hit with its hooves.

Efrit blasted forth a note fireball. Lastly, Zavan followed up with another set of his strikes. All of his strikes hit.

QuoteTurn order: Zavan 30, Leela: 19, Creatures: 12, Nightmares: 11, Efrit: 8, Abi & Imps: 4

Rough Status
Efrit: Injured
Leela: Slightly Injured
Nightmare 1: Uninjured
Nightmare 2: Injured
Shambling Mound 1: Near Death
Shambling Mound 2: Uninjured
Shambling Mound 3: Near Death
Shambling Mound 4: Uninjured

[include u=2]Efrit Dmg Taken: 74
Leela Dmg Taken: 11
Leela MP Used: 2
Nightmare 1 Dmg Taken: 34
Shambling Mound 1: 57
Shambling Mound 2: 0
Shambling Mound 3: 54
Shambling Mound 4: 0[/include]


Leela Steading

Leela frowned at the way her lightning spell had affected the strange plant creatures. In her world, lightning going through any living thing had a high chance of killing it, especially a tree. She was also disappointed that she was not doing so well in combat. Both Zavan and Efrit seemed to be doing much better than her, even with Efrit mentioning that they seemed to be resisting his fire. All she had managed to do so far was finish off the first monster before after the others had already damaged it pretty good.

With Efrit tossing fireballs at the mounds that were where Leela had just been, the young woman decided to join Zavan. She really did not want to be accidentally hit by fire, especially if she needed to teleport around.

Teleporting in behind one of the creatures that was attacking Zavan, Leela slashed at it with her own dagger claws. She once again prepared to teleport away again the moment one of them turned to attack her.

[spoiler=Dagger Claw attack.][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 13 + 9, total 22[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d4+11 : 4 + 11, total 15[/blockquote][/spoiler]


You attack and kill one of them, it was dead. Next, the remaining plant creature next to the one you had downed, attacked you, but you teleported away just in time. The creatures attempted to keep pressuring Zavan and Efrit, but they weren't having any luck.

The imps started to appear at that very moment, all 15 of them. Abi was the one commanding them, and then she shouted out.

"Attack!" In that moment, each imp fired off a spell. 15 ice shards appeared from each of their hands. They managed to kill one.

Lastly, Zavan moved to the last one, and attacked once.

QuoteTurn order: Zavan 30, Leela: 19, Creatures: 12, Nightmares: 11, Efrit: 8, Abi & Imps: 4

Rough Status
Efrit: Injured
Leela: Slightly Injured
Nightmare 1: Uninjured
Nightmare 2: Injured
Shambling Mound 1: Dead
Shambling Mound 2: Badly Wounded
Shambling Mound 3: Dead
Shambling Mound 4: Slightly Injured

[include u=2]Efrit Dmg Taken: 74
Leela Dmg Taken: 11
Leela MP Used: 2
Nightmare 1 Dmg Taken: 34
Shambling Mound 1: 57
Shambling Mound 2: 35
Shambling Mound 3: 54
Shambling Mound 4: 0[/include]


Leela Steading

If nothing else, Leela supposed making use of teleporting to pursue a hit and run tactic would work best. It kept her from actually getting more injured than she already was at least. Assuming it continued to work as intended.

Leela once again moved in to attack, striking at the last remaining plant creature with her claws and preparing to teleport away the moment it tried to attack her. She really needed to have Zavan teach her more about how to fight with these... Maybe she could learn how to properly attack with both hands, too.

[spoiler=Dagger Claw Attack] This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+10 : 9 + 10, total 19

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d4+13 : 3 + 13, total 16[/spoiler]


You injured the last remaining one. Combined with another hail of ice, Efrit's fireball, and Zavan's claws, the last one was killed.

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title 『The Strengthened Proximity Mirror』
You have gained +2 CHA
You are now level 30. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]


Leela Steading

More level ups? If she was not already worried that there might be a time limit to saving Ashaki, Leela would have decided to farm for experience. It seemed relatively easy to kill these things and they must give a surprising amount of experience for her to level up so much so quickly. Unless she just got a level per a kill, but if that were the case, then it would be too easy to just go around killing bugs and small animals for levels.

It seemed she also gained a new title and had more unallocated points. After looking around to make sure there were not more enemies, she decided to take care of that now.



A slow of notifications continued to appear along with the Status screen.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『The Lengthened Mirror』
You have gained +2 CON
You have gained a new title 『The Strengthened Mirror』
You have gained+2 STR
You have gained a new title 『The Body Mirror』
You have gained+2 CHA[/okay][okay]Leela Steading
Level 30

Condition: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired

HP: 77/88
MP: 108/112
STR: 26 +
DEX: 29 +
CON: 31 +
INT: 14 +
WIS: 18 +
CHA: 23 +
MAG: 38 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate Languages, Personal Status, Summoned as a Demon Hero, Mimicry

You have 1 unspent ability point.[/okay]


Leela Steading

Lengthened Mirror again? She thought she already had that title. Concentrating on it showed her that she could use copied abilities for up to one week after seeing them. Well, that was certainly useful. Strengthened Mirror did not provide an explanation, but she assumed it meant she could power up abilities she copied somehow. Perhaps she could do more damage with one of Efrit's fire abilities or something. She would have to test that in the future.

When she read The Body Mirror, she smiled. Surely, this was what she had needed when she tried to make herself look like Abi before and she had gotten a notification that she had not yet unlocked that ability. 'Yes. This would most certainly come in handy.' She thought as she grinned momentarily.

Her status was definitely accurate. She was 'slightly injured' and the battle had definitely used up enough energy to make her feel 'slightly tired'. Leela wondered if she would feel more than just slightly tired once the adrenaline rush wore off.

Moving on to the rest of her stats, Leela frowned. Everything looked so high except for her intelligence. In her world, she used to believe she was really smart and wise compared to other people. But somehow, being summoned here and all the titles she had earned had made her feel like she would be considered some buff magic user. Like Efrit. All strength and power, but no brains. Definitely not what she wanted to be. Upon seeing that she now had an unspent ability point, she promptly put it into intelligence.

That finished, Leela closed the window. "Hey, Zephyrus?" She called out, a smile returning to her face once more. When the wind spirit materialized before her, she concentrated on his image. Her intent was to see if this "Body Mirror" title let her appear as another individual like she hoped it did. And this way, she could show the others what Zephyrus looked like.


"Hey, Princess Leela Steading?"

Zephyrus echoed back as he appeared in front of you with a bright smile on his face. Once you concentrated on his image, you felt like you had suddenly grown taller. Zephyrus eyes widened. Zavan, Efrit, Abi, and the rest of the imps stared at you as well.

"Who's that? The Princess? Why are you..." He paused as he took in your form.


Leela Steading

"Well? How do I look?" She asked. Efrit's confusion confirmed to her that she had indeed changed in appearance.


Zavan nodded in approval. Abi called out your name and cooed in admiration. As for Efrit, he had one phrase.

"Still flat."