[Jean] Chapter 11: Mount Velothia

Started by Throndir, March 13, 2019, 04:01:42 PM

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"Demons were found at the outskirts of our village. Some of the men had started to form up a defense, but I chose to go out to get help... I found out soon enough that the roads were all different, like... they just ended abruptly. A demon had found me, and I was trying to escape when I met Rosalie and her friends." Amie explained quickly.

"I wanted to go out to my village then, but it was getting late..."


     "I see...  Well my companions need to see the enemy we are up against.  How far is your village?  Do you have horses we could take?  For that matter, how many can be spared?  If possible, we need to bring some of the villagers from the island as well."


"Bass, as in the lowest sound. My world was simple. I lived in a place called the United States and traveled around playing music for crowds with my friends." Rosalie paused a moment to think. "Yes, the mountain and the camp below are among the most beautiful landscapes I've ever laid my eyes on, and in my world my home was in a fairly picturesque location."

You notice Rosalie whispering back to the Elder.

Soon enough you noticed Rosalie glance towards the swords beneath her.

"Where should I put all of these swords? If i'm going on a tour of the mountain I should try to get them in order."


     "I think we can put the tour on hold for now to help this young girl.  Perhaps the stable?  Unless we plan on walking."  Jean looked up the stairs and yelled out to Vitaliya.  "Vitaliya!  Bring your strongest students, there is a village in need and it is time you saw the enemy you will eventually need to battle!"


The Elder answered Rosalie.

"Rosalie... Perhaps we distribute these swords to the rest of the dragonknights, or even our allies here." She said looking towards you.

"My village is a day's journey northwards... But with these dragons we could get there much faster!" The child who had spoken up said.

The red-clothed women spoke next.

"I don't mind Rosalie riding me, but I'm not going to let any others do so, and I doubt any of the other dragons here would be so willing either..."

"B-but... It's the only way!" The girl shot back. "People got to ride dragons all the time back at the capital..!" Her eyes moved to the Elder pleadingly.

"Human child... Letting a human ride on our backs, is akin to... perhaps kissing for you humans. Do you understand this?" Vasillisa explained carefully. "It is not my place to command my children to do so, it's something you'd have to be willing to ask of them."

The other lone man in the group near the rest of you then spoke up. He wore a uniform much similar to the rest of the other man who were with the young girls, but this one seemed to have more medals and marks on his outfit.

"We have enough horses for each of the trainees back in camp, plus a good number of extras in our stables. Wagons too... But the journey would take another day... I did send one of our dragonknights to scout up north, and he should be back in another hour."

When you called out to Vitaliya, her booming voice called back down.

"Strongest students? Vell, some of zem are no longer my students and teach their own classes!"  Vitaliya roared back. "How many do you need?"


     "I don't know.  How many do you think we could take without slowing us down?  10 or 15?  Do we have enough horses for that?  If the village was under attack yesterday then we have little time to act.  Time is of the essence.  It is too bad that others can't ride the dragons."  Said Jean, his hand on his chin in a pondering gesture.  "Can you at least send an advance force of dragons to soften the demonic forces and begin the engagement? The rest of us can catch up on horseback and reinforce as soon as we arrive"


Rosalie picked up one of the swords and gestured towards you.

"Can you use a blade? These are enchanted to be more effective against demons. If we are gonna fight some demons in Amie's village they'll be handy. As far as an advance force is concerned, if we are doing this I can easily travel ahead with Valeriya. Other than us, Captain Charles is likely the best fighter among the dragon knights in camp and he also has been provided with enchanted weapons."

"If ve're fighting demons, zen I'll pick out 15 of us to help." Vitaliya called out again from the island, then disappeared as she went to look for the others.

"I umm... I can carry the other hero... But umm..." She looked down and avoided your gaze. "Not ride my back... Like... carry him with my feet..."

"Most of the uncontracted dragons here are too young to be sent to battle... Even most of the dragons our trainee dragonknights are using are rather... young. But we have 25 dragonknights with their dragons here at our camp. If the heroes could guide us..."

He eventually shook his head.

"How many are in your village Amie?" Captain Charles asked the little girl.

"There's not too many... ours is a small village... Umm... Maybe 200?"

"200 villagers..." Captain Charles echoed, his voice full of concern. The captain then turned towards you and Rosalie.

"Hero Jean, Hero Rosalie, what will it be?"


     Jean walked up to the swords and reached out but stopped.  The weapons seemed to be enchanted with something that made him uncomfortable, something he felt was dangerous to him.  He withdrew his hand.  "I am actually partial to my own weapon of choice, not much of a swordsman myself.  Vitaliya perhaps you and the others are better skilled with something like a sword?  I have a weapon I can create with magic.  I believe it is more powerful than these, if temporary."
     He knelt down to the level of the girl that offered to carry him.  "If I can be carried into battle then I will take it.  Thank you."  He stood back up.  "How defensible is the village?  I'm sorry to say this but if it can't be easily defended then we will probably need to evacuate it.  If we must evacuate then we should bring empty wagons to save as many villagers and their possessions as possible.  If it can reasonably be fortified then we need to bring supplies.  We can't do both."  He looked to the girl that had requested the help.  "I know this is a hard decision but you need to make this choice for your people.  If they need to be evacuated, there might be room for them on the island.  I cannot make any promises.  The wind temple plans on returning to the skies so it would be up to the dragon knights to guarantee your safety.  I do not know if that is possible."


"As long as we have the people, and in helping we do not put Velothia in danger, I will gladly lend my aid to this cause. Where I'm from 200 people isn't many, but here it is an entire village that rely on each other to live. We can't just leave them to die."

[info]Continue to Chapter 12: Operation: Rescue[/info]