[Amelia] Chapter 11: Economy

Started by Mysticsage, March 11, 2019, 12:03:15 PM

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Nyx rushed to the scene, invoking the keyword at the same time.

"Restore!" He called out immediately, focusing on Kurt. Matilda's eyes shot even wider when she heard Nyx talk. At the same time, a light glow surrounded Kurt, and the bleeding stopped. Not only that, the blood had been in a pool around his body and had stained his clothes was gone as well.

Kurt's body heaved a deep breath.

"What just..." Kurt began, then he noticed you kneeling over him, and he immediately started to blush and stammer.

"A-Amelia..." Kurt said. A moment later, his memories flooded back to him. He began to look around for Matilda, finally seeing her standing a short distance away. "I... lost. How did you...?" He paused again.

"I had always felt you were holding back in our sparring, but... you never told me you mastered any of the techniques you just displayed." Kurt then sighed.

Matilda continued to look at Nyx curiously, but she eventually turned towards her brother.

"I'm sorry. You're the older brother, so... I thought you should be the one who was always ahead? Or something like that." Matilda finally said, avoiding Kurt's gaze. A moment later she pointed towards Nyx.

"But nevermind that! He talked?"


When Kurt first let out a gasp of life, Amelia exhaled a breath that she did not realize she was holding. "You are going to be just fine, Kurt." Amelia smiled, giving him a tight squeeze before helping him slowly sit up.

When Mati claimed that Nyx could talk she almost dropped Kurt as her face went as red as her hair. She thought for a moment about playing it off as some kind of trick. But she realized how worried she was about these two as they were fighting. She didn't want to see them injured and now she felt bad about lying to them.

"Yes, Nyx did talk. He was given a number of gifts when we came across. He is like my guardian angel."
Amelia smiled.


With your help, Kurt eventually managed to pick himself up, sitting down on the training grounds as he inspected his body.

"I don't... understand." He said as he checked his wounds. "I wasn't entirely sure what would happen if I went all out against my sister, but... I didn't expect being beaten, or... having my wounds completely healed right after."

"Nyx did that." Matilda said as she hesitantly made her way up to the two of you. She found it hard to look at her brother.

"W-well big bro?" She stammered.

"Well, what?" He replied curtly.

"You're not mad or anything then?" She asked.

"Well, I am a bit peeved that-" Kurt said.

"I saw how hard you worked, I didn't want to lessen that." Matilda said immediately interrupting him.

"-you hid your skills from me. I am your brother, I'm proud of you." Kurt continued without pausing.

For a moment both brother and sister watched each other, their eyes unreadable.


Amelia recognized this look from her own time with her younger brother. They had spent a lot of time together in the antique shop fighting and attempting to help their parents. Though Cameron had just as big a mouth as she did. She remembered going to his sporting events even at twelve he was sprouting like a tree. He got that from the father's side of the family and was well on his way to being massive by the time he was in high school.

It was interesting seeing the ghost of herself in both of her two friends. She could not help but laugh at the tension and the relief that Kurt was not injured. "In this kind of situation, it is best to hug and laugh it out. I think both of you did a splendid job, and there was no permanent harm done." She said. "So no hard feelings or guilt you to that's an order." She laughed glad that this whole scenario did not go horribly wrong.

"And maybe no more using real weapons for sparring like this anymore."


It was Kurt who broke the awkward stare between the siblings first.

"You heard your queen, Matilda." Kurt said sternly as he stood up, then warmed up a bit more as he smiled. "A hug?"

Matilda smiled in response, and wordlessly, she too stepped forward wrapping her arms around her brother. After a few moments, she grinned as her eyes went over to you.

"You're part of this too sis, come join us!" Matilda declared. Kurt immediately stiffened up.


Amelia, swept up in the emotions of imaging her own family joined in the hug without noticing Kurt's reaction. "I really do love you guys! Thank you for making being in this world so much easier." Due to the nature of the hug and the way they were positioned so that he directly brushed against her bust line.

[info]This is a grapple Kurt will not be able to jump away easily lol[/info]

Amelia held the hug for a few moments until she felt mist touch her eyes quickly wiping them away before either of them can notice. "Well, now that everyone is warmed up I say we head out to our destination. I've picked up the bow and arrows that I ordered. Though, this is mostly just training Nyx is going to do most of the fighting. Speaking of Nyx, I know this is a shock but I would prefer to keep the fact Nyx can talk a secret for now."


"A-Amelia?! Y-you're..." Kurt began to say, but he wasn't able to finish his sentence. Instead the man was simply turning more and more red.

Matilda seemed to catch what was going on, and instead only decided to pull everyone closer into the hug.

"Ehehe." She giggled, her eyes with a hint of mischief when she saw Kurt's distress.

Eventually Kurt had calmed down enough for the hug to proceed normally, and soon enough the the two siblings found themselves staring at Nyx curiously.

"We can keep that secret for you." Matilda said. "Nyx is something called a 'cat' right? Can they all talk, or is it just him? I want one too..."


"Nyx is special, to me." Amelia smiled. "I'm just glad that he had the power to help. That is why we are going out today. To give him more chances to train and grow, I'm also going to be practicing a new power as well. So really this is going to be a boring day for you guys just keeping things away from me."

"So, Mati, if you would rather stay here and prep for the party tonight I completely understand."


"Well... I don't like to fight, if I can help it, and the idea of setting up the party is a lot more appealing to me personally... I would love to accompany you, but I'd like to prepare all sorts of food and dishes for the party tonight! I can also invite people. Who did you plan on inviting?"

[include u=2]
"But anyways, you can count on me!"


"It's meant to be a stargazing party, so I was hoping we could eat out in the gardens tonight."

"As for who I'm inviting the whole royal staff, of course, assuming they are not busy. Akari and Takeru, Father Barnabus, Father Blumenthal, Engberg, and Hathway, Thyra the Valkyrie, and Conrad."

"We can set up several blankets in the garden and have food and drinks."
She smiles. "Why don't you see if you can get Akari, and Goddard to help you with everything as well?"


"That would be a great idea!" Matilda said. Kurt also brightened up when you mentioned the gardens. You recall the castle gardens being one of his favorite places to be on his own spare time.

Matilda repeated the names to ensure she got them all down.

"Alright! I'll be sure to get them too, and then send invites to everyone else you mentioned." Matilda said as she turned to head out of the courtyard.

When she was a few steps away, she turned her head towards her brother slightly and glanced towards him.

"Keep my big sister company! Don't leave her side!" She stated once before continuing her movement. As for Kurt he seemed to only blush more, and hesitantly look towards you.

"W-well... Where to my queen?"


"We're headed off to the beginner dungeon to train," she whispered conspitorall, directly into Kurt's ear before steeping back again.

"I was hoping you could show me the way since the guild hall said i needed to take a mission this month. And I wanted to train with Nyx; hopefully before the day ends we can see the dungeon core."



Your teasing actions only caused Kurt to brighten up more.

"Y-yes! Immediately!" Kurt responded as he forced a salute towards you. His face was completely red.

QuoteWe can paraphrase the next part, confirm who you want to bring for this, and what other preparations you will do. Weapons equipped, armor, supplies bought, etc.


[info]Who I am bringing
Kurt, Thyra, and Nyx

What I am Equipped with:

My bag (empty)
Bow and arrows
Leather armor

Goals for Nyx

clears dungeon with little to no help
Begins learning Flash step from Kurt
Attempts to cast magic, in particular, some kind of shapeshift into a tiger or plant growth

Goals for Amelia
Train with Thyra to continue learning spirit blast
Examine and try to use friend's list on the dungeon core
collect gold
search for secrets



Soon enough you had gathered Kurt and Thyra with you. The valkyrie herself had already prepared her gear and was already asking Kurt about the details of the dungeon delve you were about to go in. Kurt had mentioned that the dungeon itself was only 3 rooms, and only spawns goblins so it was nothing major to worry about.

Thyra eventually nodded and agreed to come, mentioning that she would have loved to see Amelia fight, but she mentions that she regrets not being able to teach you more of handling the Spirit within you.

Kurt told you that the dungeon entrance was about half an hour walk at a quick pace eastwards from the city. There's a giant hill, and inside that hill is the entrance to the guild-protected dungeon for beginners. Kurt also mentioned to you that through the nearby forests are wolves and other woodland creatures.

Location: Outside Mendernich East Gates
Date: Day 12 - 8 AM

The group started to make their way towards the dungeon.

"Hero Am-" Thyra paused. "Liam the herbalist... Mayhaps thou would like to... practice long and hard tonight again?" She glanced at you, with a knowing smile.

"A fine man such as thyself wouldst like my company, true?"