[Hanako] Chapter 5: Slave Owner's Assets

Started by Throndir, December 17, 2018, 04:43:16 PM

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Wendy perked up when you mentioned your ability.

"That was what you were doing the first time I met you, wasn't it? When you were silent staring at the lock..."

"So none of the others can hear it then, yah? So.. just in your head? Well, if Klein's dead... have we checked his room for keys?"

"There were some who went up to Klein's room and looked around... but it was mainly to grab the clothing in there. I'm not sure if anyone has actually gone through it meticulously."


"Ah yeah, and no it doesn't seem like anyone else hears it. Lemme have a little chat with the lock, and then I can run upstairs and search his room. I know most of you are uncomfortable with going in there."

Hanako crouched down next to the chest and directed her thoughts at the lock. "Err, hello can you hear me?"


"Oh... I can hear you... How are you...?" The lock's voice in your head sounded sleepy.


"Oh I'm good, I guess? Say, you wouldn't happen to know what the key that opens you looks like would you?"

Hanako was acutely aware of everyone in the room watching her stare at a lock having a conversation that they couldn't hear. It was an uncomfortable feeling.


"Oh... Yes... One giant key on a keyring. It opens up the other locks too. But it's not the master key.... No, no, no. Those locks are used more often... Locks like me are the ones that are only opened rarely..."


Is that so? You say this key opens up other locks, like the ones on the other chests around here? Also, while I've got you here, do you know whats inside the box that you keep locked?"


"Yes... for me, and the other two locks on the chests. The key that opens me opens up three others too, but I'm not sure where those other locks are..."

"A whole bunch of coins is what I remember seeing...." The lock seemed to yawn "Mithril ones... The owner took some out sometime ago though... But there's still a lot..."


Hanako raised an eyebrow, "That sounds expensive. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me."

After waiting for the lock's reply she turned to everyone else in the room and pointed to the lock in a sort of nonchalant manner. "The lock says we're looking for a single large key on a key-ring, it will open up the other two chests down here too. Also this chest is filled with mithril coins."


"Mithril? That's a bit rare... but its the currency this world uses at least. That would line up with the story that this was old-world... or... Original New World coins."

Amarille nodded.

"We kept a lot of mithril coins in our treasury." Amarille said confirming.

"It's strange really... Just for you to know Hanako, our currency goes from copper coins, to silver coins, to gold coins, then finally to platinum coins. Though, in perhaps the last... maybe 100 years, we've started relying more on bank notes for transactions. Trudy might not know this as well, but Minette should... But since I've been working at the front shops where we talk with customers, there's been some effort in trying to consolidate the our currency that we use, to the currency the rest of the world uses. This stash of mithril coins Klein has was probably for in preparation for when he opened up his international trading, provided he can get the rights from our corrupt government..."

"There's been a lockdown on the ports, with many times foreign ships being fired upon. But from what I know, Klein's been a loyal dog though, so it may take a large amount of bribing, but I suspect he would have been one of the first in the country to have government-sanctioned trades after the demons took over."

"Hanako, if you're with us, I think we can help you search the room... It brings up bad memories for most of us, except for perhaps Wendy since she didn't visit the estate often. But... I think I've been letting this eat me up inside."

Minette looked impassive, though, she seemed to look more paler than usual, she seemed to have shivered, but you can tell she kept that on the down low. Amarille on the other hand put a comforting hand on Trudy's shoulder.

"I'll come with you to search through it."


Hanako scratched her chin pensively, "Interesting..."

She gave a concerned look to Trudy and Minette, not wanting to cause them undue stress but their help in looking for the key would be to everyone's benefit. "If you think you'll be okay I would appreciate the help, but don't push yourselves too hard."

[info]When everyone has resolved themselves to do so, Hanako and crew will head up to Klein's room to take a look around for the key.[/info]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 3 + 6, total 9[/blockquote][/info]


Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Klein's Room
Date: Day 5 - 6:10 PM

Among the four of them, Wendy was the most driven. She seemed to have the most curiosity about the box. Next was Trudy, who set herself to be there for you. After that it was Amarille, who didn't seem to be as bothered as Trudy, but chose to follow through. Surprisingly, it was Minette who seemed to hesitate the most. Given the fact she went around missing her pants, and the fact she was a lot more 'affectionate' than Trudy, it seemed surprising.

"I'm... sorry Hanako. I'll... wait here." Minette said , her eyes a bit downcast.

Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Klein's Room
Date: Day 5 - 6:40 PM

It took about half an hour, but you eventually searched the room fully. At the end of it you managed to find the following a bit suspicious:

[info]-Large key on a key ring
-Smaller key on a key ring
-Small locked chest under a floorboard beneath his bed
-Locked box in one of the wardrobes tucked into a corner
-A few gold bars hidden in the bed's mattress underside


Hanako gave Minette a reassuring pat on the back and smiled. "Don't worry about it, I know it must be hard. This won't take long."

After the search proved fruitful Hanako wiped her brow and let out a long sigh. "Whew. Well, we found what we were looking for, but I wonder whats in these other two boxes... Let's take a look shall we?"

[info]Hanako will try the small key on both boxes.[/info]

[info]For good measure, shes also going to appraise those two gold bars to find their value in a usable currency (If she can)
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 20 + 9, total 29[/blockquote][/info]


Trying the small key on both boxes did not work. You noticed however, that the locks looked similar to the ones in the cellar.

There were 5 gold bars. Each one was worth 400 gold pieces. At least, that was your guess. Wendy had looked at them too, and again you noticed her eyes glow slightly, but she nodded her head and agreed with your assessment.


"Huh. I wonder what this goes to then..." Hanako said, stuffing the small key into her pocket and pulling out the large one to try on the boxes.

While she was eyeballing the gold bars, Wendy's look of gold-lust didn't escape her notice. She's got a real thing for money that one...


"If it's in his room it's probably important..." Amarille said commenting on the small key. Trying the large key on the locks worked. You managed to open both the locked chest under the floorboard, along with the locked metallic box.

[info]Inside where the following:

Locked box
-Large map of the city, along with surrounding areas. There was a red 'X' marked on the map in a location some distance away from the city. Though, there were no other markings that you could find.
-Various books, some were in different languages, though, none you recognized. Your ability had you understand it. They seemed to be books about heroes. There was one book that seemed a lot older than the rest, this one spoke about an ancient civilization that originated from the New World. There was also a more recent book that looked like it talked about the 'Shifting', and it seems to have been written by someone from a 'Idorian Magic Academy', one by the name of 'Eloise Renaud'.

Small chest under the floorboard
-Had random mementos. There were more pictures of the girl in Klein's locket. There was a picture however, of what looked to be a much younger Klein, that same woman, and a small child. There was also a letter. It was written in the same language of the people of Refedoria, but you were able to understand it, much like the other languages.

Dearest Alisha,

I'm sorry that you felt I betrayed our country... No doubt you probably would have heard that now. But I did this for you, and for your mother, if she were still here. Please understand.

I found something that could change everything... But for the time being I need to pay lip-service to the demons. I have lost my way, I understand that. But believe me, everything will be better.

Whenever you are ready to come back my estate, my home will be here for you.

-Helmut Klein