[Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World

Started by Throndir, December 09, 2018, 04:08:37 PM

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With a shrug, Charlie decides to buy it. 99% off anything was a good deal no matter what world she's in.


In that moment when you pressed a button, a large pop up appeared, congratulating you on your first purchase.

Congratulations on your 1st Purchase!
50 gems granted! Buy 4 more items for the next prize!

Immediately after that, a girl's picture appeared in your view, it had information about her, and also had a prompt.

Level: 60
Class; Magical Girl
Race: Human
Weapons: Wand
Armor: Magical Girl Dress
Please Enter Name of Companion: ________________

"Alright... A second..." The receptionist said hesitantly. "So... should we go through the sign up...?"


Charlie squints at the item...person? She just uh, purchased. She decides to go for the name Adi.

Charlie then finally turns back to the receptionist with a small apologetic smile. "Are there any contracts or anything for signing up? Like would I have to stay for a certain amount of time or? I'm pretty new to this wor- place, this place, where I am also from. But not, just not here."

Charlie shuts her mouth from rambling on. She had no idea how common it was for people to be spirited away to new worlds but she didn't want to find out if she was an anomaly or not.


"A contract? Well, not quite, it's more like a membership-"

Before she could continue, she was interrupted as a puff of smoke exploded right next to you. All of a sudden, right beside you as the smoke cleared the girl you had seen in the picture took its place.

"Hi master! I'm Adi and I'm going to be your servant!"

"Wha- Who is she?"


Charlie's eyes widened and she jumped back from the sudden appearance of a... servant? This girl was a servant?! That sounded terribly wrong.

"Uh, well, her name is Adi, as she said...she's my, uh..." Charlie's eyes dart at the receptionist to Adi then back twice more with a helpless look. "I actually don't know really."

QuoteWhat's uh...what's the mood like around the room after suddenly appeared lol. Depending on the reactions, I may bolt or try and figure out if this has ever happened before lol


There were a couple of other people in the room, there were a couple of adventurers behind you as well who had to blink their eyes at the appearance of a girl clad in frilly pink clothing. The majority of the adventurers wore outfits of green, brown, and grey, so Adi really stood out. Of course, you're wearing modern day clothing, but the bright pink is easier for catch people's attention.

"Adi? How... Why did she suddenly appear?"

"I'm a magical girl!" Before you could respond, Adi blurted out cheerily. "And this person right next to me is my master! I'm her servant, you see?"

"A-ah... Slaves aren't illegal here... But keep in on the down low..."

From behind you, you could hear people whispering.

"I swear, she just appeared out of no where! Look at her clothes too... I haven't seen anything like that. Hah.. She's actually rather cute-" One of the men whispered, who got smacked by one of his companions a moment later.


"I'm not entirely sure how she appeared really..." After seeing the skeptical look directed at her Charlie was quick to reassure. "Wait, s-slave? No! No, no she's not a-" Charlie turns to Adi and says in a slightly quieter voice. "You're not a slave are you? Apart from the whole, doing whatever I ask of you, which is something totally morally wrong in any world, you do have your own free will yes?"

Charlie looks over her shoulder at the men whispering and glares at them, feeling oddly protective despite this girl appearing just 30 seconds ago. She spares a glance at Adi, looking at her annoyingly bright outfit.

"If you're a magical girl, could you change your outfit to be a more subdued color? I dunno, like green or something?"


"Well... Actually if you give me an exact order, I'm compelled to do them! So yes, I guess a 'slave' kind of works to describe it!" Adi said cheerily.

When you mentioned changing her clothes to green, her eyes widened.

"But pink is my favorite color! I don't want to be green...!" Her eyes grew wide, with a pleading look, almost as if she were about to cry.


"That feels morally wrong in any sense. In the meantime, just don't get into trouble unless someone picks on you. And uh, don't hurt anyone if you can help it but if anyone tries to harm you, I give you permission to knock them away." Charlie scratches her head looking at Adi's clothes then back at her own jeans and hoodie under the armor. They do stand out terribly.

"Seriously? Pink is your go to color? Sighing, Charlie just shakes her head. "That's fine, I'm not about to make you change. Although if we keep running into trouble, I reserve the right to do that."

Looking at the receptionist, Charlie gives her a smile but knows it probably comes off as awkward more than genuine.

"I really appreciate the information. I think I'll pass for today but I may come back after I get, um, situated. Thanks again."

Charlie nods her head briefly and walks outside.

QuoteDepending on you and whatever is happening, Charlie is going to wander the city some more with Adi in tow looking for just...looking around. She's gonna try and look for some clothes that don't make her stand out as much if possible.


When you were walking around town, a lot of people continued to stare both at you and Adi. Adi was absolutely cute and adorable, and whenever anyone would look at the two of you, she would simply smile widely and wave at them. Which of course, would end up making the people she waved to embarrassed at the situation and run off quicker.

Much like the rest of the town, everyone had different colors of hair. It was just the normal black, brown, and blonde hairs of your world. Here in this city, everyone had colors of hair that spanned the rainbow.

"Master! Look! That looks like a clothes store? Alaric's Garments?"

The store itself looked like it catered towards richer people, at least the clothing displayed looked rather formal and pretty.

QuoteFeel free to go into that one, or specifically tell me a store you're trying to look for


Charlie feels a little baffled with the amount of attention Adi was attracting. On the one hand, she found it amusing but on the other, was it going to bring them trouble?

It's odd though, to see how their clothing could stand out and yet the hair colors of this world be...normal? But who was she to judge.

At Adi's words, Charlie pauses, a shudder sweeps through her at the word Master.

"Adi, you can call me Charlie. I'd rather you not call me Master. I feel like that is looked down upon here and I'd rather not get into any trouble." Charlie gives Adi a small smile and then looks up at the garment store. "Let's take a look shall we?"

Charlie wasn't sure how she was going to pay but maybe if she could get an idea of how much things cost in this world, she can go from there at least.

QuoteThey walk into the store, take a look at how much an outfit costs and try and get a better idea of the style of this world. After figuring that out, Charlie would probably leave and try and look for the...palace? Just to see it.


"B-but you are my master! And I'm your servant!" Adi said loudly. There were a few townsfolk who glanced in your direction.

"B-but... I guess I will... Oh Mas- I mean... Charlie. You can command me too, and I will be forced to do whatever it is... You have to say it in the form of something like... 'I command you to do this or that!'" Adi explained as the two of you went into the garment store.

Once you were in there, you were greeted by a variety of different types of outfits. Most of the clothing ranged from 1 gold piece for the simplest ones, all the way to 150 or even 200 gold pieces. Individual items or accessories were anything from a few silver pieces, to 50 or more.

A well-dressed older gentleman noticed you.

"Ohoh, welcome to Alaric's Garment's. The cashier's not currently around, but I'm sure I can help you with a purchase if you'd-" He paused as he noticed the clothing you and Adi were wearing.

"Oh my. Do tell me, where did you get those clothes? Fascinating... Do you mind if I have a look?"


"We'll, uh work on it." Charlie mutters, "Just don't say 'master' super loud and we'll be okay."

Seeing the gentleman, Charlie gives him a smile but it feels more like a grimace.

"These clothes, um, came with me from...where I am from," Charlie says lamely. She did not think this through. As the gentleman comes closer, Charlie takes half a step back but allows him to  inspect her clothes.


"Okay Charlie!" Adi said cheerily when the two of you were in the shop. "I will try to make it so that you don't have to use the command spell on me!" She declared. "I promise not to call you 'master' super loudly even though you are my master!" She said rather audibly and happily smiling.

The older gentleman raised an eyebrow at the exchange, but he chose not to judge, and simple came closer to look at both your clothing and Adi's.

"The make on this is absolutely pristine and high quality. Hmmm..." The man said thoughtfully. "How about a trade? I will let you two choose an outfit that you like here, and in exchange, I will pay you 20 orichalcum pieces for both your clothes and your companion's."


"Um, how much would it be to exchange just my clothing?" Charlie asks as she looks down at Adi. "You like your clothing right?"