[Hanako] Chapter 3: Herr Klein's 'Properties'

Started by Throndir, December 03, 2018, 09:44:35 PM

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Trudy bit her lip.

"I'm sorry. We knew we had to get rid of the body, so we thought burning was the best option..." She seemed to be genuinely glum about that, her features drooped, and she sighed as well.

"If you can remove them, that would be the best... Some of them have been wearing it for 5 years or more now." She watched intently as you waved the rings and locket near the locks.

The lock didn't seem to react to any of it however.


Hanako place the jewelry back in the bag, having seen they did nothing for her at the moment. "Don't worry about it, there was no way you could have known and burning it was a good way to get rid of the body. Let me see if those collars are trapped as well first. I really don't want anyone to die because I wasn't careful."

She focused her attention to the collars again, trying her best to recall every possible detail about them.

[info]Knowledge, Slavery: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 2 + 10, total 12[/blockquote][/info]

"Do you know what time in the morning the slaver comes?" she asked while looking at the collars.


[info]Knowledge (slavery): 29 - Using previous roll for same item and use case
From what you know of the collars, they weren't trapped. These particular collars were set up with the ability to trigger an electric jolt ranging from painless shock, to actual death. It was triggered by a magical-thought link to the owner, and set at whatever intensity the owner desired. There were other collars with similar properties that you knew of. Some would constrict, cutting off air flow, some would heat up. This particular model was one that used electricity. It wouldn't be impossible to get one to include an ability to explode, and surprisingly if you knew the spell to explode things, you knew the process to apply it yourself.[/info]"They arrive anytime from 8 in the morning to 9. So... about 5 to 6 hours from now. We have a rotating guard on the estate too, we've always had it actually, given the times. One of my companions would let us know whenever someone's at the door. It will at least give you a couple minutes warning before the doorbell rings."


"Okay, I think we are either going to need to find out if he knows how to transfer ownership of the locks how we do that is another problem. We could try tricking him, but I'm not particularly great at telling lies. He probably wouldn't be inclined to help us out of good will either as we killed one of his customers. Lastly we could capture him and beat the info out of him maybe, though that doesn't sound exactly heroic does it?" she said, smirking at the last remark.

It seemed as though it would be safe to take the collars off with her powers, and after expressing that to Trudy she turned to address the people in their cages.

"Okay folks if I could have your attention for a minute." After a pause to make sure all were listening she continued: "This is the situation. I can take these collars off you, but I don't yet have the means to open your cages without the locks exploding and killing everyone inside. I have to do them one by one, and when I'm finished you have to promise me that you won't try to fool with the locks on the cage doors. I swear to you I'm going to get you out, but for the time being all I can do is try to make you more comfortable."

After making her announcement she again looked at Trudy. "After I get them out of the collars, I'm probably going to be exhausted again so be ready for that. Secondarily lets make sure they get some food, water, and if available some better clothes and bedding."

Next she went to the nearest cage with the least amount of people, closest to another cage with few occupants and focused on one of the collars inside trying to use her 'Slavemancy' powers to unlock it.

[info]Provided the collars or locks don't explode and kill everyone in the cage/Hanako, shes going to repeat the process for every collar until its either done or she passes out from exhaustion.[/info]


One by one you unlocked the collars from each of the slaves. Thankfully none of them exploded, or triggered, they simply all clicked then unlocked themselves along with loosening up. Each of the slaves were glad to get rid of it, and they all thanked you for it. Many of them continued to say thanks, and there were a couple who prostrated themselves where they were when you neared them.

You got the impression that they treated you like some sort of saint.

Eventually you managed to unlock every collar. You didn't faint like before, but, you felt drowsy and tired.

Trudy agreed with your suggestions, getting the other two soldiers guarding the guestroom - your room, they began raiding the estate for more bedding, curtains, sheets, and anything they could get their hands on. You noticed that none of them entered the main bedroom of the estate though. They got everyone a fresh supply of woods as well, placing baskets at every few intervals between the 30 cages. Everyone was told to pass them around.

All of them ate readily even though it was in the middle of the night, and some even joked around.

"I've never seen them this happy before..." Trudy said, herself smiling. "We have you to thank, Hanako." Saying your name more surely this time.

QuoteLets say this entire process took an hour to gather everything and give it out. So, 4-5 hours before the arrival of the guest. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. I assume rest, but you can technically do 4 hours of training if you really desired, you technically already slept a lot. See Training rules.

Rough Status
Hanako: Slightly Injured, Drowsy
Soldier Girl: Uninjured, Refreshed
Hanako Dmg Taken: 3
Hanako MP Used: 30


Hanako wiped her brow, she was a little tired from the effort but it felt good to do what she could to help these people. "Just doing what seems right really. No thanks required."

Like every other time someone praised her or treated her like she was something special she felt embarrassed. Every time one of the people in the cages thanked her too many times or prostrated themselves she told them that they really didn't need to and she wasn't anything special. To the outsider it might have appeared as humility, but inside she knew it was a product of her own self loathing. She was in a new world with fantastical new abilities and so far had helped free people from a life of cruel servitude but it would never be enough to stamp down the dark feeling that she was worthless. She felt fake, like sooner or later these people would know as she did that she was just a lazy shut in. To her it was inevitable, but she kept up appearances anyway.

"At any rate, we have a few hours to go before that guy shows up and I've already slept enough as is, so lets see about getting a bath and a change of clothes, no dresses though, never did like wearing a dress." she remarked with a smile.


Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Dungeon
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night

"Of course..." Trudy said, but she looked hesitant. "All we have are our uniforms though. There is some bed-wear that we use... Klein kept woman's clothing for the slaves. But..."

She hesitated a bit more.

"They've been thoroughly cleaned mind you, but, I guess I can show you? I can get some bed-wear as well if that's what you prefer. Come with me, I'll show you what we have, then I can show you the bath after."

Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Soldier's Rooms
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night

Trudy first made her way to the top floors of the estate, where the soldiers slept. There were only a couple soldiers who went back to sleep, the majority of them, after being woken up to help the slaves at the bottom-most level of the estate, continued to lounge around and talk amongst themselves, some-what excited with the fact that you, the hero, was amongst them. Like before, many of them still continued to either salute or kneel, when in your presence.

Heading to her own room, shared with a couple of other female soldiers, she showcased one of the bedwear, a plain and simple set of clothes that was basic. Trudy explained that they were actually first required to wear a set that was more akin to a one-piece dress, but since the death of Klein, they've started using the regular pants that the male soldiers wore. Next, she showcased one of the uniforms.

"Ever since our government collapsed, and the demons took over, uniforms like these aren't officially made anymore, but slave owners use them as a way to advertise that a particular slave can be of use in combat. For us soldiers though... it's one of the few things that remain of our old life, so we maintain and keep these. This particular uniform belonged to one of my friends." She looked downcast.

"She was killed, and I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. Klein collected memorabilia from our country's war though, so he was willing to let me keep it, after I..." Her eyes became shallow, but she shook her head. "Nevermind, that's not something I want to talk about."

Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Entrance to Master Bedroom
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night

Trudy looked at the door with emotions running through her eyes. She stopped right before the large double doors that marked the entrance to the master bedroom.

"This was the master bedroom. It's where he kept the other clothing too, including his own wardrobe. None of us have been willing to go in there though. And the men aren't willing to, perhaps out of respect for us. But, I suppose we have to at one point." She said this resolutely and matter-of-factly, but Trudy was shivering.


Hanako followed along behind Trudy, listening intently as she told her about the uniforms and bedwear; the little snippets about demons and government collapse piqued her interest but she figured she could ask about that a little later. The other soldiers were still saluting her, which she responded to with a polite if not awkward nod. She remained silent during Trudy's somber recollection of a lost friend, and when she indicated she was unwilling to tell more of the story Hanako placed a conciliatory hand on her back reassuring her that it was okay that she didn't wish to speak on it further.

Outside the master bedroom they paused. It was obvious that her companion didn't want to enter, and Hanako didn't want to force her over something as trivial as clothes. When Trudy was finished speaking Hanako turned to reply: "If you'd rather not, we don't have to. Its not worth it if we're just looking for a change of clothes. I'm sure there are nothing but unpleasant memories involved."

She then put a hand to her chin in thought before continuing, "I think if there are any unused uniforms that are around my side that might be best for the time being. I am curious about what he has hidden away up here, but I can always come back by myself at another time if that would be easier."


"N-no... It's alright. But thank you though Hanako." She took a deep breath. Then she strode up to the bedroom door, and opened it.

Inside was a large room. It was furnished and styled much like the guest-room, however, this one went far beyond in the decorations. There were multiple bear-like rugs, along with many heads of beasts and animals displayed. The bed itself was huge, it was big enough to fit a couple of people comfortably. There were various wardrobes and armoires placed against the wall, and it was to these that Trudy went up to. You noticed that she kept her eyes focused on the wardrobes, ignoring the rest of the room.

Opening them all up, it displayed a variety of clothing. From simple dresses, to more exotic ones, it even included many gaudy ones with bright colors. Most of them revealed too much skin, though there were some that were more decent. One of the armoires was filled with nothing but fancy and lacy undergarments, to yours eyes they looked like lingerie of sorts. There seemed to be other things in there too. There were whips, manacles, chains, ropes, scissors, and even knives.

QuoteExpect to find any kind of fancy clothing, lingerie, sexy clothes, along with the usual BDSM stuff that might fit for the time period.

You felt Trudy clutch on to your shirt, her eyes were downcast, but she didn't say anything.


Hanako took a brief glimpse around the room as she followed to the wardrobes. Hmmm, unsavory. she thought, not that she was prudish in the least given the type of material she drew for money. However, the difference here was clearly none of this was used with consent.

The contents of the wardrobes proved to be the exact opposite of what she was looking for, not really to her surprise. She had never taken to dresses, and most of these were outrageously impractical for what was shaping up to be an active lifestyle. After a moment she spoke: "Yeah I don't think we really need any of this nonsense. We should toss it or sell it and distribute the money to your fellow soldiers and the people in the basement. Let's go ahead and leave."


Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Master Bedroom
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night/Early Morning

Trudy nodded, not complaining.

"There are a couple of bathrooms too... There is one part of the master bedroom, then there are two reserved for guests. We have one for the soldiers at the top floor, lastly, we have an alcove in the cellar that is used to clean any of the slaves whenever any of them is requested... I'll show you to the guest ones, they're nearby."

With that, she lead the way out, glad to be out of the room.

Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Guestroom Bathroom #1
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night/Early Morning

"Alright, here it is. It should be fully furnished."

The bathroom had the same style as the rest of the room, though, thankfully, this didn't have as many hunter-like decorations. You noted that the bath tub looked to be a giant wooden tub. There was a contraption that looked to be some sort of toilet. It wasn't like any kind of toilet you've ever seen however. Compared to the ones you had back home with all the electronics, this one seemed to be very basic.

Trudy waited at the door, waiting to see if you were satisfied.

"I heard... other countries of this world don't have plumbing, so if you need help figuring out how to use anything, let me know? Some of our soldiers already cast a spell to warm the water, so it should be fine."


Upon seeing the tub already hot and steaming Hanako was nearly brought to tears. Oh god its only been like a day and I'm already dying to do something moderately relaxing...

Quote"I heard... other countries of this world don't have plumbing, so if you need help figuring out how to use anything, let me know? Some of our soldiers already cast a spell to warm the water, so it should be fine."

Trudy's comment brought a little smile to her face. "No worries, where I'm from we've got plumbing. You say the water was heated with magic? That's gotta save on the heating bill..."


Trudy nodded, not complaining.

"Heating bill?" Trudy asked curiously. "But yes, when we need a fire, we start one through magic, but it's different in your world? Anyways, I'll let you take your bath."

"And... I know you've heard this more than a couple times now... But thank you Hanako. Everyone's in better spirits. It's like there's hope again... But I'm sorry too. I'm not sure how your own world was like, but suddenly pulling you from it and bringing you here isn't very fair either."


Quote"Heating bill?"

"Uhh, nevermind." Hanako said, waving the question away.

Quote"...I'm not sure how your own world was like, but suddenly pulling you from it and bringing you here isn't very fair either."

"It was challenging in its own way, and honestly, without going into details its probably better I'm here anyway. I'll tell you about it some time if you'd like." It had been a busy day and she had put aside everything that she had witnessed after her death on Earth, Trudy's innocent comment had brought the surrealness of the situation flooding back, but she didn't let it show on her face.

"At any rate, after I'm done maybe you can tell me a bit more about magic, we don't actually have it in my world so I'm a interested in learning about it, also, since I wouldn't be surprised if harder days are to come I was going to ask you if you could show me how to handle a sword some time."


Trudy brightened up.

"I would be glad to show you. Both magic and the sword." Trudy said promising. With that she saluted, then proceeded to head out.