[Hanako] Chapter 2: Slavery

Started by Throndir, December 01, 2018, 11:56:32 PM

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《Chapter 2: Slavery》

Hanako wakes up in another world. She is enslaved by a fat man named Klein. On the journey to the city, Hanako uses her new fond power to free herself and the slaves with them. One of the soldiers kill Klein. The attempt makes Hanako faint.

Characters Met
Unnamed Wizard
Soldier Girl

Returning Characters

How Slavemancer works.

Klein dies, and Hanako faints, leaving her in the care of the freed soldiers.
[/info]Location: New World
Date: Day 1

"There we go..." There was a snapping noise, followed by clicking.

"That's look good. Oh! A girl too? Even better. She's asleep?" There was a laugh. "Wake up!" There was a slapping noise, and all of a sudden you stirred awake.

Leering above you looked to be a large fat man, the slapping noise you had heard earlier was him slapping your face.

Around you, you noticed wisps of light vanishing. They were coming from a variety of runes that were circled around you. As time went on, the light continued to dissipate.

Along with the man who had slapped you, there were others there. There were some armed men wearing swords, but they wore an outfit that reminded you of something old German soldiers used during WWII. However, not everyone was dressed in that way, there was even a man wearing a robe and wizard hat, who had a staff on him as he peered at you. The large and fat man who had slapped you, on the other hand, was one who looked like he was dressed better than the rest of the people there, sporting an old-style suit.

A rush of notifications appearing in a translucent green window appeared in front of you at that moment. Each message scrolling upwards.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Summoned Hero』
You have gained『Quick Learner』
You have gained『Mana Sensitivity』
You have gained『Translate All』
You have gained『Personal Status』
You have gained『Slavemancer』
You have gained a new title『Slavemancer』
You have gained『Item Speaker』
You have gained a new title『Item Speaker』
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 15. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]"A hero for a slave, hah, you are going to be my prized possession missy." The fat man laughed.

When you finally got your bearings, you realized what that first click was.

There was a collar on your neck.


Hanako stared ahead flatly, the practiced look of someone who had spent years burning out their retinas with the light from computer monitors in a dark room.

The collar around her neck clinked.

Mmmmm... that's not great.

Her gaze panned slowly around the room, looking at each figure before her.

Who's this fatty?

Ignoring the weird green "window" that floated in her vision she slipped a finger into the collar and gave it a light tug to test how much give there was.

Quite a pickle you've put me in Erato, I can't say I'm pleased.

[info]Hanako will call upon her knowledge of slavery to see if she can remember seeing a collar with a similar design in her fetish research. Knowledge, Slavery: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 19 + 10, total 29[/blockquote][/info]

[info]She will also see if her knowledge of nobility can tell her if anyone in the tent is "Royal" or some kind of nobility.
Knowledge, Nobility: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 13 + 7, total 20[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Requested roll
Perception: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 13 + 4, total 17[/blockquote][/info]


The moment you began thinking about the collar and rummaging through your memories and knowledge of it, you realized that you knew way more than what you ever remember recalling. In fact, you somehow knew things about collars that you didn't even know were possible. Mechanized collars that can trigger themselves upon conditions. The best design to collars that tied a person's arms and legs too. Collars that caused pain with any slight movement. You even seemed to know how to apply basic magical ones.


You realized it wasn't just collars as well. You knew everything there was to know about manacles, binding ropes, knots and ties, iron masks, balls and chain, and even a myriad of torture devices.

Staring at the manacle, you also noticed that there were particular sections of it that had a slight glow to them. You couldn't quite pinpoint what the glow was all about however. However, for some reason, you knew this particular collar was a magical-based one. Unfortunately, it seems like your knowledge of magic itself was completely missing, even though you seemed to know all about magical collars, how to make them, how to apply them, and even how to use them.

As for the large fat man however, given by his clothing, along with what the other people had been wearing, if you were to guess, it was some sort of rich noble, potentially high-ranking.

"Why so quiet? Goblin got your tongue or something?" The man smiled sickly, and all of a sudden you felt a sharp pain as electricity surged through the collar.

QuoteRough Status
Hanako: Injured, Refreshed


The improbably vast flood of knowledge took her aback, surely she couldn't have done THAT much research on the topic something weird was afoot, though that much was painfully obvious considering the situation she was in. Plus, what was up with all those memories of how magic bindings worked? The sharp jolt brought her back into focus.

Ow shit! Stupid fatty, what the hell was that!? Go die already! she thought.

However out loud, conjuring up as demure a tone as possible, she said:"My apologies, I was to understand that a slave should only speak when spoken to."

[info]Assuming you'll want a bluff check for that.
Bluff: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote][/info]


The fat man frowned, then roughly grabbed your hair and pulled you closer. His breath stank.

"Look here missy, I see that fire in your eyes, you better know your place got that?" With a thrust, he attempted to push you back down.

QuoteYou could attempt reflex to prevent the push if you'd like, or just take it. The rough push was enough that you'll take nonlethal damage.

At that moment, the other man wearing the wizard hat and robe spoke.

"As we agreed... now the payment?" He asked the fat man, his hand in front of him, palm out.

"Yes, yes, you'll get it." The fat man snapped his fingers, and one of the soldiers brought forth a wooden chest. Opening it, the chest revealed coins. "It should all be there."

The robed man took the chest nodded and began to leave. The rest of the soldiers began forming up, while the fat man hopped on a horse. With that, he motioned to one of the soldiers. The fat man pointed towards you. "Tie her up."

She had what looked to a pair of manacles, with a chain attached to it. Her eyes were full of pity as she came closer to you. You noticed that she too had a collar on her neck. The soldier nodded.

"At once Herr Klein"


Hanako tried to shift her weight and prevent the fat man's shove, or at least stop herself from getting injured from it.

[info]Reflex: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 15 + 6, total 21[/blockquote][/info]

She watched as money changed hands between her new "owner" and the guy dressed like a wizard. For the time being, it would probably be better to avoid making waves, she needed to get some more information about her situation before thinking about escape (if that was even possible).

A moment later a female soldier was standing before her, manacles in hand responding to an order from the now mounted blob.

Quote"At once Herr Klein."

Klein, I'll remember that you fat shit.

Hanako was rapidly tapping her thumb to each of the fingers on her left hand, oozing annoyance. She looked up at the woman in front of her, saw the pity in her eyes and remained silent; instead offering her hands up to be bound.

[info]Checking out those manacles to see if they look like the kind that are "magic".
Knowledge, Slavery: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 19 + 10, total 29[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Reflex: 21
You manage to quickly recover from the push. You even made it seem as if the man had done damage to you, though if he was watching closely, he would have realized that you avoided being hurt.[/info]The soldier girl was impassive as she placed the manacles on you. Though, you noticed that her eyes were somber. You noticed her flash her eyes angrily at the fat man when he was turned away, but she chose not to say anything at all.

Finally, she snapped the manacles in place, she whispered quietly so only you could hear.

"I'm sorry hero..."

Quote[blockquote]Soldier Girl Stealth Whisper 1d20+4 : 9 + 4, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Fat Man Perception 1d20+6 : 3 + 6, total 9[/blockquote]

[info]Knowledge (slavery): 29
Just like with the collars, you knew everything there was to know about manacles. These particular ones had no glow to them at all. You didn't see any special runes or engravings on the manacles as well. The way the girl unlocked the device, then placed it on your hands, made you think it was more of the mundane variety.[/info]


Hmmm, those look normal enough that I can probably squeeze out if I wanted too. Its a good think I read that that Mikipedia article about getting out of bindings...

The manacles should be no issue, when the time came, the collar on the other hand was a different story. She knew nothing about magic, despite being able to recognize it was a thing so when and if the opportunity arose she would need to ask about it. As the soldier snapped them on her wrists she didn't fail to notice the glare the woman shot at Klein before she whispered in her ear. That was interesting.

Quote"I'm sorry hero..."

Hanako flashed a wan smile and whispered back, "Doesn't like you have much choice anyway, we should talk if the chance presents itself..."

[info]For whispering
Stealth: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 6 + 9, total 15[/blockquote][/info]


At that moment, the collar activated again, as electricity surged through it, as well as shocking and slightly burning you. The collar on the soldier triggered at the same time, the soldier girl flinched in pain, and had to fall to the ground.

QuoteRough Status
Hanako: Injured, Refreshed
Soldier Girl: Injured
[include u=2]Hanako Dmg Taken: 6[/include]

The other soldiers around them gazed on, some with anger, but no one spoke out of turn.

"Silence! We're going to get the missy hero here back to the estate. There's one more meeting I want to get to, and after that, 'hero', I'll be telling you what I plan to do with you..." He smirked as he grabbed the chain from the soldier girl, then began leading you by the chain behind his horse.

You were in some old ruins, on a wide field. The ruins themselves looked similar to the pictures of the Stonehenge you've seen back on Earth. Apart from that and the engraved stones that created a circular pattern where you were first appeared, there was nothing much else in the area. Further ahead looked to be a road, and beyond that even farther was a city in the distance. It had high walls, and to your eyes, looked almost like a fortress.


Hanako did her best not to show the pain from receiving another shock. Keeeeeee~! You bloated bastard! You tubby piece of trash! Die! Die! DIE! Her thumb was tapping faster than ever now, a small but furious motion beating a soft staccato of rage.

She cast a sidelong glance at the girl as she was lead away trying to apologize with her eyes. It would be prudent to just go along with this for now, doubtless Klein wouldn't kill her (right away at least) since he seemed to have paid a great sum for her but the same couldn't be said for anyone that might look as if they were providing aide.

As she trundled along behind the horse she looked out over the landscape. Ruins, fields, some kind of fortress in the distance. She wondered what kind of world she'd been brought to exactly. Klein sounded like a German name but as far as she knew she was in some world far removed from Earth so it seemed odd that there would be "Germans".

At any rate the walk was going to give her time to think. She couldn't make a break for it, but she could plan. Also, now that she had the chance she tried to see if she could pull up that weird green "window" again, hoping to take a closer look at what it had said.

[info]If the city in the distance is close enough to distinguish any kind of architecture Hanako will see if it resembles anything she might be familiar with from Earth history. If she's still too far out, she can wait to try and recognize anything then.
Knowledge, History: This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+7 : 7 + 7, total 14[/info]

[info]Hanako is probably not going to do anything weird or risky while she goes along in an effort to not get zapped again.[/info]


You remembered the fast-scrolling text and notification windows earlier when you first appeared. You were presently occupied and busy with all the new sights and sounds that first occurred that forgetting it was a potential risk. However, to your surprise, you were able to remember what the notifications were rather easily. It wasn't quite like photographic memory, but you were able to recall the notifications rather easily.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Summoned Hero』
You have gained『Quick Learner』
You have gained『Mana Sensitivity』
You have gained『Translate All』
You have gained『Personal Status』
You have gained『Slavemancer』
You have gained a new title『Slavemancer』
You have gained『Item Speaker』
You have gained a new title『Item Speaker』
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 15. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay][info]Knowledge, History: 14
Staring at the architecture style of the fortress beyond you, and trying to remember if it looked familiar in anything historic that you had ever seen or read, nothing immediately comes to mind. The walls were made out of metal, at least, that's what it looked like as they seem to reflect some of the light from the sun. The architecture looked rigid, and at the very least, it wasn't the medieval walls that you might have expected given the fact that the soldiers had swords on them. Even though they dressed up like German soldiers, or some akin to it, you couldn't see anything that resembled firearms on them.[/info]
QuoteLet me know when you're ready to move on to the next scene, for the time being assume your character is simply walking by-foot, you'll soon notice that you don't seem to get as tired as much as you once did back on Earth. No real other events, so you can feel free to attempt to figure out your abilities, or try other actions.

Only the fat-man was on a horse, though, the rest of the soldiers had collars on them. Apart from the girl, there was about 23 other soldiers. Most of them were men, though, you noticed that there were other girls in the group. The ages varied as well, some of the men looked young, perhaps your age, and there was at least one man who was middle age or older.

The girl who had placed the manacles on you was marching right beside you. She kept her eyes forward, but every now and then she would stare at you.


Points and titles huh... that sounds like something from an RPG. "Item Speaker" and... "Slavemancer". Are those ability names or something? They did keep calling me a hero. I wonder...

Hanako took a moment to try and she had any information on those topics hidden away in the back of her brain, the way she had somehow known that magic was a real thing and not some imaginary concept.

She also noticed the female soldier kept staring at her on occasion. In response, she smiled and held a finger to her lips.

Let's talk later. she thought.


The moment you thought and focused on 'Item Speaker' and 'Slavemancer'. A translucent green notification window appeared in your vision again. It was strange, it almost seemed as if you were wearing one of those AR goggles that had been coming out the last few years back in your world. You were fairly certain that no one else but you saw it. For whatever reason two sets of notifications appeared for similar things. But you recall there were two entries for both 'Item Speaker' and 'Slavemancer' each. One was a title of some sort, while the other was just something you gained.

[okay]Focus on『Slavemancer』
You have the Slavemancer blessing.

Focus on『Slavemancer』
Ability to have all knowledge related with slavery. Ability to know the creation, use, and application of all tools related with slavery. Control over slavery items.

Focus on『Item Speaker』
You have the Item Speaker blessing.

Focus on『Item Speaker』


Hmm not a lot about Item Speaker, but control over items related to slavery is definitely interesting.

The fortress town they were headed to was still some ways off, which meant there was time for careful experimentation. Lets see about this collar...

She focused on the collar, trying to imagine turning it off (if that was even a thing it did) without actually removing the object from her neck.

C'mon switch off or whatever...