[Charlene] Chapter 2: An Audience with God

Started by Throndir, September 17, 2018, 03:18:38 PM

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《Chapter 2: An Audience with God》

You stirred awake, the first thing you realized was that you weer sitting on something absolutely soft and comfortable. You felt a warm and cozy heat too on your face, and when you finally opened your eyes, you realized that you were in a room lighted by a fireplace that burned nearby. The heat felt warm and comfortable to you, as the flickering flames gave off an orange glow to the rest of the room. You yourself was sitting on a comfortable couch.

On the table in front of you looked to be various types of confectioneries. From cakes, sweet breads, to chocolates of all sorts. The display was spectacular, to yours it seemed like each food there was exquisitely created. Almost as if they were pieces of art themselves. It paled in comparison to the gourmet foods that you had eaten during the last week.


The girl who spoke was rather short. But her breast were huge. She had two ponytails on either side of her head, with blue ribbons that tied them together. She wore a form-fitting white dress, though that looked like it was too small for her, or perhaps was a miniskirt. A blue ribbon tied to her neck accented the entire look.


Charlie pats her waist and wiggles her toes. There's no blood, in fact...she felt fine?

The heat from the fire place was a comfort after...a building falling and the blood.

"What the..."

The greeting nearly knocks her off the chair. Startled, she adjusts and finds her eyes staring straight at boobs.

"Uh, um...hi? Where...where am I?"


"Charlene... Well, actually, it's Charlie isn't it? You don't like Charlene much!" The girl smiled as she scooted closer to you. Her breasts bounced a lot.

"You've actually died... You could think of this as the afterlife. Well... perhaps more like a waiting room from your previous life to the next. Simply put... That accident you found yourself in? That was a mistake on my part... You weren't supposed to die at that moment actually." She studied you carefully.

"How are you feeling so far?" She asked. "I don't always talk to the deceased... but, sometimes, they have trouble accepting..."


"I died because of your mistake?! Are you kidding me?!" Charlie stands and taking a couple steps away. "What the hell happened?!"

Charlie had sort of accepted her death but to told that...she shouldn't have died?

"That's messed up, that's just...there's no way of- no of course not. I'm stuck in limbo now aren't I? Cause of your mistake."

Charlie paces back and forth for a solid ten minutes. At least she assumes time exists. She quickly goes through the stages of death, takes a deep breath and looks back at the...girl? God?

"So...okay, I'm dead. What uh, what happens now? Do I get reborn? Do I pass on? H-how does death work?"

Charlie shoves a couple chocolate pieces into her mouth and crosses her arms and waits.


[info]As you ate the chocolate, it was the most amazing thing you've ever eaten. It was probably the best darn chocolate you've ever had in your life.[/info]
"Whoa! Whoa! Can't be helped! Accidents happen!" The goddess shrugs.

"But... because I messed up, I'll give you a chance for another life. A happy life! One where you're strong, and what-not. Normally, souls just pass through to reach their destination, but this time, I'll be reincarnating you to your next life! And not just recycling your soul either, you'll have full memories of your previous life as well if you'd like."

"The only thing is... it'll be a different world. There are rules and such that I have to follow, ya know? So, it's the best I can do!"


Charlie grabs a couple more chocolate pieces as she mulls it over. Damn these were really good. She starts sampling everything else on the table to give her time to think.

"Why a different world? And what does being strong have to do with that? How is that supposed to lead me to a happier life? These are pretty weird rules."

Charlie's suspicions were ever growing.


"To put it simply... You're already dead in your previous world. As powerful as I am, there are rules that limit what I can do, things I cannot break, and if I do, I would no longer be god!"

"Strong people generally lead happier lives, yeah? I could reincarnate you into something weird... like, a toad! But I don't think you'd very much like that..."

The goddess too began eyeing the chocolates on the table, and she popped on in her mouth.

"What do you think of the chocolate? They're guaranteed to be the best ever."


"Yeah these are pretty amazing. Better than anything else I've ever made in my life."

With a sigh, Charlie sits back down.

"Alright, I give. Things are super weird as it is. Where am I off to now? I feel like there's a catch but seeing as I was accidentally killed, that was already the catch so..."


"Yup! You are off to the world where most of its inhabitants call 'Velothia'. But not really... Kinda... You'll see once you get there, probably!" She gave you a thumbs up.

"Anyways, Char, are you ready?" She went up to you and proceeded to attempt to hold your hands.


"Does this world have chocolate? If not can get a bag that like...makes unlimited chocolate? I feel like if you send me to a world with no chocolate you gotta give me that since you know, you killed me on accident." Charlie laughs.


She reached out for another one of the chocolates on the table and munched on it.

"The world you're going to... Well, no, they actually don't have chocolate! Well, I suppose that's fair... I did get you killed on accident..." She waved her hand, and all of a sudden a velvet white and blue trimmed bag appeared. It had the same style as the clothes that the goddess wore, complete with blue ribbons adorning it.

"The world you're going into, will have something called 'mana'. Well, technically, your original world, Earth, has it too, but most people there can't use it. Simply move your mana to this bag, then reach into it, and you'll have chocolate!" She grinned as she threw the bag over to you.


Charlie catches the bag and opens it purely out of curiosity.

"Wow thanks! That's...really cool. I kinda want to try...would that work here? Wait, how will I use mana? Is that like, magic? Or like chi or something?"

It suddenly occurs to Charlie that she would have absolutely no idea where she was being sent and that was a bit more terrifying than dying.

"Are you going to show me how to use mana? Will I see you again?"


"That's similar! But also different! But don't worry about it, someone on the other side will show you how it works."

"Who knows if we'll meet again in person... But you never know, right? I'll at least keep an eye on you down there."


"Alright, well...I guess, I'm off? Is there anything else I should know or you want to tell me?"

Charlie makes sure the Never Ending Chocolate Bag is tucked securely in her pocket.


"No... Other than good luck down there!" The goddess said cheerily, as the light around you started to get brighter and brighter. For a moment all you saw was a pure whiteness.

[info]Continue to Chapter 3: Dungeon Core 532[/info]