[Amelia] Chapter 4: The Royal City of Mendernich

Started by Throndir, August 25, 2018, 10:07:18 PM

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《Chapter 4: The Royal City of Mendernich》

Soon enough, both Matilda and Kurt had come back. Matilda came back carrying a variety of makeup, combs, and other beauty products. While Kurt himself brought a couple of different sets of clothing.

QuoteFeel free to specify what it all looks like.

"I talked to the head butler and the head maid, and they've both agreed that I am to be the primary liason between you and anything else you need! So think of me as your helpful little sister from now on, okay?" Matilda said, her eyes alight with joy at the prospect.

"I think I have everything we need to make this disguise work! So, Amelia, what will it be?"

"And with these sets of clothing, I'm sure we can make it look believable too." Kurt said as he bowed. "You will always be our beautiful queen in my eyes though."



It took a good half an hour getting Amelia fully dressed between using everything they had gathered to create a disguise. Amelia should have known that getting clothes from the castle would mean a certain quality, but she managed to find a pair of worn hunting boots, a sensible hat that they must have grabbed off of one of the guards, a coat that was baggy enough to give her body a boxier shape, and last but not least a brown leather cloak that came together to make something respectable. Using a bit of extra dirt and wrapping she hoped she looked like some eager faced boy looking to make a name for himself in the big city.

She had been trying to go for something a bit more rugged and unremarkable but her hair and what was required to make sure she was covered made her look more like the kind of guy who would try to steal girl's hearts. Not that this was a bad thing in its own right. She would just have to play into the persona that was made and hope that her attempts to be charming would make her disguise even better. An overconfident country boy trying to make a name for himself by healing the queen and maybe hit on the summoned hero was not the worst idea in the least.

Calling Kurt and her cat back into the room, she unveiled Liam Atwell, "What do you think? Do I make a believable boy?" she asked Amelia trying to do her best smooth and cocky Casanova voice of a teenage heartthrob that she used to watch walk the halls of her high school. "I was hoping for something a little simpler but with some extra dirt and mud, I don't think I'll stand out too much with this additional cloak on."

[info]tell me if I need to roll anything though i know the disguise check is already handled.[/info]


"Eeee!" Matilda yelped as she ran over to hug you.

"You're perfect!"

"You look absolutely stunning- Well... actually... handsome!" Kurt said as he examined the outfit.

"Well... Herbalist Liam, shall we proceed with the tour of the city?"


"Lead the way!" she smirked as she patted matilda's head. "Thank you for your help by the way. I don't think I could have done it without you."

Nyx lept into her messenger bag as she slung it over her shoulder. it was then looking down that she saw her wallet, "You know what, while we walk you'll also have to explain what kind of currency you use." That was one factor that had skipped her mind if she wanted to be going out on the town she would need to be aware of what people make and spend.


Matilda's cheeks turned a slight rose color.

"Aww! Well, of course!" Matilda squeezed you tight one more time and then let go. It felt too tight. You noticed that for such a small frame, she was actually pretty strong.

"You're family now, too! I can't wait to show you the docks!"

"Worry not dear Ame-" Kurt cleared his throat. "Liam. Both Matilda and I have enough coin for any purchases you would like. As for the currency... What our kingdom used is slightly different from the Felencorp United Alliance, which seems to be the nation that dictates the market in this world. We had bronze coins, then silver, then electrum, then gold, then platinum, then finally a 'royal crown'. The currency in this New World however, goes from copper coins, to silver, to gold, to platinum, to mithril, and finally, orichalcum. Due to the wide number of differences in currency for all the countries that had appeared, it was a decision made by the current inhabitants of this world to instead go by naturally occurring metals, even if both mithril and orichalcum are a lot more precious and few."

"There's a nice place to eat I know of. Perhaps we can go there for lunch later?" Kurt asked. "Of course... sister can come as well." Kurt then eyed Matilda.

QuoteSpecify any locations you want to visit. Matilda wants to take you to see the split between the city and the seas. While Kurt wants to take you out for lunch (along with his third wheel of a sister).

"I'm not a third wheel okay?" Matilda said noticing Kurt's look. "I'm coming too!"


"Eating does sound good-" she said realizing how long she must have gone without actually eating as if in response her stomach grumbled loud enough for the others to hear. "I guess its true I haven't eaten for a while," she said sheepishly rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Though, I'm also not really looking to sit down either. I've been sleeping for a while after all and I need to stretch my legs. Why don't we get some street food on the way to the docks? That way we can walk and see the sights and get some food at the same time! Besides taking me anywhere fancy will only draw more attention that we don't want and besides I'd be embarrassed to let you pay for anything too expensive."  She left out the fact that the idea of deep fried oil was making her mouth water as she thought of the dozens of small shops and food stalls in Pike's place she would regularly haunt. A normal sit down lunch just wouldn't cover that kind of craving she needed good tacos, a kabab or maybe even falafel if she wanted to scratch that itch. Or whatever the local fast food equivalent was. Besides her bestial instincts reasoned, food was one of the best ways to get to know people.

"Though I do have a list I wrote up while you were getting things for my outfit of places I want to go. The docks is a major one, along with where people do the most shopping in general, and the main church district. Add that to any other unique place that you two know of and we'll have a full day! Food is important to keep us going."


"Ah... I see, Well, in that case we can save the trip to the restaurant perhaps some other time..." Kurt replied.

"The docks are great! A lot of it is still being built, but its functional the way it is. We've ever started a shipyard in our city because of it! We've begun trading with two other countries already... The shopping district too naturally has gone closer to the docks, so there's a lot of things to see and do there!"

QuoteLet me know when you're ready to move scenes, or if there's anything else you want to do in the castle.


"I'm looking forward to it Liam," Amelia said with a smile as she pat his shoulder "I really do enjoy a good meal with friends."

Gathering everything she would need for the trip she waved forward, "lead the way you two! I'm ready for a little adventure!"

[info]I'm good to move on![/info]


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Castle
Date: Day 3 - Morning

With both Kurt and Matilda leading, a couple of the castle staff raised a curious eye as both the royal children seemed to be accompanied by a new individual. Most of them were confused, but none of them bothered asking either Kurt or Matilda who you were.

At least until the group made their way to the hallway leading out of the castle.

"My lord, my lady... Who is th-" He paused as his eyes pierced into you.

"You look familiar." The man stated simply. "I had heard our hero was still in bed-"

"Shhhh!" Matilda said fiercly.

"It's a disguise, Conrad..."

"Yes! Everyone knows the hero is still in bed!" Matilda said rather loudly and obviously in case some of the other castle staff was listening. Kurt picked up on it.

"Why yes! This is our friend from the provinces. A herbalist by the name of Liam!" Kurt wrapped an arm around you in a friendly manner as some of the castle staff looked curiously at the commotion.


[info]Sense motive
the goal
get a better description of Clemens and see what kind of things Amelia can learn/ what she assumes about him and his position from his appearance. What kind of vibes does she get off him etc. What appears to be his mindset at the moment? This is meant to be just from first glances before she decides how to respond on the fly if that affects the CR

sense motive
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 19 + 1, total 20[/blockquote]

perception to get a better description if needed
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 15 + 1, total 16[/blockquote]


[info]Sense Motive: 20, Perception: 16
The man before you seems to have a sense of dignity about him. His movements, his mannerisms when he spoke, along with the fact that his clothing seemed to be very clean and straight. He was well-to-do and gave off an aura of someone who thought themselves as important. He had long dark hair with hints of cyan. But most striking were his red eyes and a strange symbol on his forehead. He carried a staff on him, strapped to his back, and his dark robes looked well-maintained with golden trimmings.

His eyes were inquisitive, and when you examined his face, his eyes had met yours as well. The red orbs held you within its grasp.[/info]"Hmm?" He said, his gaze intense.


Amelia did her best to shake herself out of this man's gaze. From his appearance and the way that he was holding himself no doubt this man was some kind of court official. Perhaps the court wizard which would explain the otherworldly aura. She would have to hope that if she explained well enough he would agree to go along with the story. "Greetings sir, Since I'm foreign to the big city, and unfamiliar with how things work here. Kurt agreed to show me how life here works since I'm going to be spending so much time here at the castle in the future. I figured it was better to get a sense of how things worked for the first hand rather than just making assumptions that could lead to trouble in the future. I have important duties to perform in the future, after all, looking after the hero and the ailing queen."

She flung an arm in a brotherly fashion across Kurt's shoulders bringing them perhaps to close together as she ended up being able to smell the soap and cologne that clung to his neck. She ignored it without much thought, to onlookers, it would just look like this Liam had a big personality. No doubt, this Clemens could see through her disguise with ease, but hopefully, he could see the logic in the subtext and the reason for the disguise and would go along with it in the long run. She watched those red orbs carefully then depending on how he responded now she would know how she would have to deal with him in the future.

[info]Diplomacy to convince him to go along with the story if needed. I don't know if Matilda or Kurt are technically taking the help action.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 16 + 5, total 21[/blockquote]


[info]Quick perception to take note of Kurt's build since she was running on instinct before in the throne room.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 3 + 1, total 4[/blockquote]


"Hmph. Foreigner indeed." But then he looked towards Kurt.

"My lord, I do hope you understand that... Herbalist Liam is an important asset to our country... For the remedies to our hero, of course." Conrad said.

"Oh don't worry about it Conrad! Also, stop calling me 'lord' all the time, we've been friends since we were kids."

"Protocol, my lord." Conrad said shrugging as he began making his way around the three of you. Without looking back at you, he spoke a few last words.

"You're a little friendly with Liam, aren't you?"

Matilda giggled.


Quickly letting go of Kurt, Amelia smiled, that went better then she had expected it to go. Completely oblivious of Kurt's blushing she pulled her hat slightly further down before speaking. She would need to practice her disguises if this was going to be a regular thing she realized. To wrapped up in her own concerns to worry about the world around her at that moment. "Well, shall we keep going? We don't want to waste any unneeded daylight."