[Jean] Chapter 3: Something Ancient

Started by Throndir, August 24, 2018, 09:20:54 PM

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     Jean despaired as the tentacles fell to the monster.  It had been less than a minute.  He needed more time for Eloise and the slime.  His mind went to his MP.  He knew he had little left and was hoping to save it for a potential escape but he knew that wouldn't be happening anymore.  He looked up to meet the gaze of the spidery monster, defiance in his eyes.  "Summon Tentacle!"  He let the mana surge through him, just to the edge of passing out as he called forth the largest tentacle he could muster to spring forth from behind the monster.  Hopefully you won't just duck out when I die...  He thought to the tentacle before readying himself for the monster's wrath.

[info]Standard Action: Summon Tentacle using 10 MP for a single tentacle behind the spider

Free Action: Command tentacle to attack spider[/info]


[info]《Summon Tentacle》
The tentacle you summoned was twice as long and twice as thick as the previous set. It was 100 ft. long, and it towered over the metallic spider.[/info]Once you summoned the giant tentacle however, you began to feel absolutely tired. It was getting hard to simply keep your eyes open. The giant tentacle attacked then. It had a total of 4 swings, each one had the weight of the entire tentacle behind it. However, only the first one managed to hit and go through the spider's naturally hard shell.

The metallic spider screeched. It aimed one of its legs at you, but the other 3 were aimed towards the tentacle.

You attempted to get out of the way, but it managed to hit you. A large wound spread from your shoulder down to your waist. The blade's edge was extremely sharp, and though you managed to get away from being cleaved, your wound was already starting to bleed.

You giant tentacle faired a bit better than the previous ones... at first. It avoided one completely, while the next seemed to just narrowly deflect on the tentacles hide. However, the last attack from the pink-hued metallic spider seemed to catch the tentacle in just right spot. But the tentacle was sturdy, and overall it looks to have weathered the attack fine.

QuoteInitiative Order: Tentacles, Jean, Pink-Purple Metallic Spider
Rough Status
Jean: Injured, Sleepy, Medium Bleeding
Tentacle 1: Dying, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 2: Dying, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 3: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 4: Dying, Heavy Bleeding
Giant Tentacle: Injured, Medium Bleeding
Metallic Spider: Badly Wounded

[include u=2]MP Jean: -46
Jean: -17, Bleed 4
Tentacle 1: -91, Bleed 6
Tentacle 2: -89, Bleed 8
Tentacle 3: -101, Bleed 7
Tentacle 4: -94, Bleed 7
Giant Tentacle: -28, Bleed 5
Metallic Spider: -63[/include]


     "Hurk!"  Jean gasped as the blade-like appendage sliced through his flesh.  The exhaustion from the drain of power it took to summon the tentacle weighed on his body but the spider's attack surged him full of energy once again.  Jean looked down at the crimson blood spilling from his wound.  It was more blood than he had ever seen in real life.  He began to giggle and then laugh as the wound burned with pain he had never felt before.  Jean couldn't hold back the laughter as he thrust his spear to try and stab back at the monster.  "Come on you pussy, is that the best you've got?"  Screamed from his lungs as he jumped forward to strike.

[info]Standard Attack: Spear Attack[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 6 + 11, total 17[/blockquote]     Damage (Piercing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d12+13 : 1 + 13, total 14
Rolled 4d6 : 3, 2, 5, 1, total 11[/blockquote]     Damage (Cold)[blockquote]Rolled 4d6 : 6, 5, 5, 5, total 21[/blockquote]
Free Action: Command Tentacle to grapple the spider[/info]


The battle continued with the tentacles and the metallic spider unleashing attacks. This time the giant tentacle began attempting to coil and wrap around its target, to attempt to grapple it down. The tentacle went about it quick and methodically, without leaving room for the spider to take a free attack on it. Soon enough the grapple attempt worked, and the spider became trapped in the large tentacles.

You attack as well, but your attempt had less power than before, and was not able to penetrate through the creature's metallic shell.

The metallic spider continued its assault however. Even though attacking was made difficult by the fact it was being grappled by the tentacle, the metallic spider still managed to hit with each of its strikes. One arm was aimed at you, while the other three focused on the giant tentacle.

More blood continued to pour from your wounds, along with the giant tentacle.

QuoteInitiative Order: Tentacles, Jean, Pink-Purple Metallic Spider
Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded, Sleepy, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 1: Dying, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 2: Dying, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 3: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 4: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Giant Tentacle: Injured, Medium Bleeding
Metallic Spider: Badly Wounded

[include u=2]MP Jean: -46
Jean: -36, Bleed 6
Tentacle 1: -97, Bleed 6
Tentacle 2: -98, Bleed 8
Tentacle 3: -101, Bleed 7
Tentacle 4: -101, Bleed 7
Giant Tentacle: -66, Bleed 5
Metallic Spider: -63[/include]


     The slash crossed Jean's chest, completing a bloody X on his torso.  Blood was weeping from his wounds seemingly without end but Jean continued his assault.  His blows were becoming weaker, more desperate, more uncoordinated, and yet he continued to try and strike out against the monster.  He made another adrenaline fueled stab as he felt the blood drain from his wounds.

[info]Standard Action: Spear Attack[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 14 + 11, total 25[/blockquote]     Damage (Piercing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d12+13 : 2 + 13, total 15
Rolled 4d6 : 6, 6, 5, 2, total 19[/blockquote]     Damage (Cold)[blockquote]Rolled 4d6 : 2, 4, 4, 3, total 13[/blockquote]

Free Action: Command tentacle to continue grappling the spider[/info]


The tentacle continued to grapple it, and it succeeded as it began coiling around the creature much more tightly. Soon enough, even the metallic spider's legs were bound and shut tight. It collapsed in a heap, and was not able to move.

At that point you rushed forward as well, and this time, due to the fact that the spider was bound, and was not resisting as much, you were able to pierce through its thick armor. Like before you noticed that the piercing damage you dealt didn't injure the creature as much as it should have, but the frost from your spear continued to spread. The spider screeched in its crystal-like sound again.

The bleeding continued to affect you and the tentacle.

The metallic spider then squirmed and struggled more, and eventually managed to make its way out of the grapple.

QuoteInitiative Order: Tentacles, Jean, Pink-Purple Metallic Spider
Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded, Sleepy, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 1: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 2: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 3: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 4: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Giant Tentacle: Badly Wounded, Medium Bleeding
Metallic Spider: Badly Wounded

[include u=2]MP Jean: -46
Jean: -42, Bleed 6
Tentacle 1: -103, Bleed 6
Tentacle 2: -106, Bleed 8
Tentacle 3: -101, Bleed 7
Tentacle 4: -101, Bleed 7
Giant Tentacle: -71, Bleed 5
Metallic Spider: -94[/include]


     His successful attacks had emboldened him but Jean was beginning to tire.  The surge of energy that coursed through him with the spider's attack was beginning to wane and his breath was becoming more ragged as the fight wore on.  I guess I needed all that blood...  Thought Jean as he huffed with fatigue.  He mustered his strength and thrust with the spear once again, hoping that the continued combined assault of him and the tentacle's slippery grasp will tip the balance of the fight.

[info]Standard Action: Spear Attack[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 1 + 11, total 12[/blockquote]     Damage (Piercing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d12+13 : 9 + 13, total 22
Rolled 4d6 : 4, 2, 1, 5, total 12[/blockquote]     Damage (Cold)[blockquote]Rolled 4d6 : 2, 6, 1, 5, total 14[/blockquote]
Free Action: Command tentacle to grapple spider[/info]


The tentacle moved to attempt regrapple the spider that had released itself, and was able to bind it.

You rushed forward to attack, but your attempt was poorly done, and the spear just skidded on the creature's frame.

The bleeding continued to affect you and the tentacle.

The metallic spider, though grappled, attempted to attack. Three legs were sent towards the tentacle, while the last one aimed towards you. All of its attacks hit.

QuoteInitiative Order: Tentacles, Jean, Pink-Purple Metallic Spider
Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded, Sleepy, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 1: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 2: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 3: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 4: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Giant Tentacle: Badly Wounded, Heavy Bleeding
Metallic Spider: Badly Wounded

[include u=2]MP Jean: -46
Jean: -57, Bleed 6
Tentacle 1: -103, Bleed 6
Tentacle 2: -106, Bleed 8
Tentacle 3: -101, Bleed 7
Tentacle 4: -101, Bleed 7
Giant Tentacle: -108, Bleed 6
Metallic Spider: -94[/include]


     Jean's wounds were mounting and another gash opened up across his stomach this time.  He hissed at the strike, the surge of his survival instincts in response to the wound less than the previous ones.  His body was beginning to reach its absolute limit as he tried to continue the fight.  Jean had hoped to buy at least five minutes for Eloise and the slime girl but that felt like a eternity from now.  He continued to muster strength for another attack and struck out.

[info]Standard Action: Spear Attack[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 14 + 11, total 25[/blockquote]     Damage (Piercing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d12+13 : 4 + 13, total 17
Rolled 4d6 : 5, 5, 4, 2, total 16[/blockquote]     Damage (Cold)[blockquote]Rolled 4d6 : 4, 2, 2, 2, total 10[/blockquote]
Free Action: Command Tentacle to grapple the spider[/info]


Gripping the spider harder, the tentacle managed to move the creature down and pinned to it.

You struck then at the same time, and you managed to score a hit. The creature was starting to look very battered.

Your wounds continued to bleed out. You didn't think you had much longer. Already, the amount of blood less was starting to make you feel light-headed. Your clothing was soaked with blood and you were covered with the deep gashes from the spider's attacks.

The spider began attempting to get out of its bindings, and it managed to release itself from the tentacles hold.

QuoteInitiative Order: Tentacles, Jean, Pink-Purple Metallic Spider
Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded, Sleepy, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 1: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 2: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 3: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Tentacle 4: Dead, Heavy Bleeding
Giant Tentacle: Badly Wounded, Heavy Bleeding
Metallic Spider: Near Death

[include u=2]MP Jean: -46
Jean: -63, Bleed 6
Tentacle 1: -103, Bleed 6
Tentacle 2: -106, Bleed 8
Tentacle 3: -101, Bleed 7
Tentacle 4: -101, Bleed 7
Giant Tentacle: -114, Bleed 6
Metallic Spider: -121[/include]


     Jean was glad for the relief from the spider's attacks as he stood huffing harder and harder.  The spider was starting to look as close to death as Jean himself but Jean was unsure he could finish it off.  He urged on the tentacle with a confidence he lacked in himself and launched another desperate stab at the spider.

[info]Standard Action: Spear attack[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 15 + 11, total 26[/blockquote]
   Damage (Piercing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d12+13 : 6 + 13, total 19
Rolled 4d6 : 2, 2, 1, 5, total 10[/blockquote]     Damage (Cold)[blockquote]Rolled 4d6 : 1, 6, 6, 3, total 16[/blockquote]

Free Action: Command Tentacle to grapple the spider[/info]


[info]Rolls per GM request
[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 62, total 62[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 35, total 35[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 40, total 40[/blockquote][/info]



Your life blood kept flowing out. The blood poured freely, each of the deep gashes on your torso causing a torrent to come out. You arms were getting tired, your vision was getting hazy and clouded, but still, you urged your giant tentacle companion to keep fighting.

As if sensing, your pain, the tentacle seemed to surge with power at your command. Though the spider had just climbed out of its grasp, the tentacle reached out again, attempting to wrap its long appendages around the pink-hued metallic creature.

However, its grasp wasn't strong enough, and you see the spider managing to get away from the powerful appendages. The metallic spider was on its last legs. Large chunks of it had been pierced open from your spear, not to mention that various frosts that covered parts of the body.

It was at that moment you decided to act, before the spider could respond with its lethal arms. You knew you couldn't take a single hit anymore, your Giant Tentacle too, was nearing its limit.

As you launched your final desperate stab at the creature, the tentacle's struggle with the spider had its head dip lower, and it was at that moment that your spear struck. Right into the creature's hard metallic body, your spear pierced right into the glowing red gem that stood in the center of its head. It let out its crystal-like screech again.

As the giant metallic spider crumpled to the ground, the giant tentacle began to smack at it again, each of its strike hitting hard, ensuring that the spider was truly dead.

Messages appeared in front of you then.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Metallum Slayer』
You have gained +1 INT
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have gained a new title『The Efficient Tentacle』
You have gained +2 WIS
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have gained a new title 『The Morphing Tentacle』
You have gained +2 DEX
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have gained a new titled 『The Hardened Tentacle』
You have gained +2 CON
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!
You are now level 38. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
QuoteWe're still in Initiative order due to your Bleed. Level ups are based on percentage of HP/MP rather than flat gain, so 90% dead/tired is still 90% dead/tired.

QuoteInitiative Order: Tentacles, Jean, Pink-Purple Metallic Spider
Rough Status
Jean: Near Death, Sleepy, Heavy Bleeding
Giant Tentacle: Badly Wounded, Heavy Bleeding
Metallic Spider: Dead

[include u=2]MP Jean: -75
Jean: -110, Bleed 6
Tentacle 1: -103, Bleed 6
Tentacle 2: -106, Bleed 8
Tentacle 3: -101, Bleed 7
Tentacle 4: -101, Bleed 7
Giant Tentacle: -120, Bleed 6
Metallic Spider: -121 + coup de grace from tentacle

Jean:  3 unallocated points[/include]


     Jean's failing heart soared as the arachnid menace finally fell.  "Yeah! That's what you get!  THAT'S!  WHAT!  YOU!  GET!  ASS!  HOLE!" He shouted, punctuating each bellowed word with a slash into one of the joints of the spider until the blade-like claw and its accompanying arm was able to be torn free from the carcass.  Cackling and roaring with primal joy, Jean hefted the limb overhead and looked at it with the glittering backdrop of that unfamiliar sky as the demon's blood dripped onto his face and into his mouth.  The blood was sour but Jean did not care, it seemed to slake a thirst he had never felt before despite being but a few errant drops.  He held the severed arm aloft in one hand and tore the saddlebag from around his shoulder to brandish it in the other letting out another defiant cry.  "You haven't killed me yet universe!"  Then, as if to remind him who's the boss, the power within him that had fueled him despite the grievous wounds gave out and he collapsed, falling face first onto the corpse of the demon: shirtless, breathless, and with his blood pouring forth to mingle with that of his fallen enemy, his hands gripping his gristly prize and Eloise's saddlebag with the strength of a true death-grip.


As your vision started to blur and fade, you could barely make out the giant tentacle reaching out towards you, gently and hesitantly. Finally, as the strength left you, you notice that the tentacle started to surround you, almost protectively, though, without the power to do anything to save you.

Your vision darkened, you felt numb all over, and soon enough the cold embrace of death took you.

QuoteContinue to Chapter 4: Jean's First Death