[Leo] Chapter 2: A Trade Deal

Started by Throndir, August 15, 2018, 10:40:51 PM

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Location: New World
Date: ???

Words flashed in your head.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Summoned Hero』
You have gained『Quick Learner』
You have gained『Mana Sensitivity』
You have gained『Translate All』
You have gained『Personal Status』
You have gained『Summon Food』
You have gained a new title『God of Cooking』
You have gained『Demon Companion』
You have gained a new title『Demon Master』
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 15. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]When the bright light finally died down, you see yourself surrounded by grasses and rolling fields. There were motes of light around you that seemed to be fading, and you also realized there was a circular pattern around you that was slowly fading. The first thing you hear is a voice.

"Alright miss... Now pay up the rest as we agreed on." The voice came from a man dressed in a robe. You noticed he had a staff with himself as well.

"Fine, fiiiiiine~ Don't get your panties in a bunch." Replied another. This one came from a girl with long auburn hair, but there were two wolf-like ears at the top of her head. She wore a cloak around her, and looked confident.

A moment later the girl pulled out what looked to be a bag.

"It's all there, go ahead and count it if you wish." She jingled it a few times.

"Of course I will." The man said as he took the bag from her. He immediately sat down, and began pulling out its contents. They were coins, each one with a silver-sheen to them.

"Just hurry. It's not going to be long until someone from the alliance, or worse, those goons from the Church of the Light." She then turned towards you.

Then she paused.

"Wait. What's that?" She pointed next to you. On the ground next to you was the baby white fox.


The writer sighed with relief, as he began floating between worlds with naught but darkness all around him. Honestly, given the dubious nature of his journey, he was worried he'd be reincarnated into a baby, an animal, or worse, an inanimate object. After all, as an accomplished writer of the old world, Leo was well accustomed to this particular genre and its many tropes. It was a topic as random as a polka-dot hippopotamus with 534 golden stripes and 7 miniature butterfly wings. There was absolutely no telling what would happen next.

Still, as far as could tell, his body was more or less the same, stronger even then how he last remembered. He felt his body brimming with a power that would bring Olympic athletes to shame. But that too was par for the course. Thinking back, Leo felt that there was perhaps some truth, after all. to the original tales in his old world that had told of other worlds and the happenings therein.

Thus, the writer wasn't at all surprised by the sudden shift in his environment nor even of the numerous messages that appeared unbidden onto the surface of his mind. It was true that he still felt a thin sense of incongruity when personally experiencing the very things that were once the sole purview of fiction, however, he knew better than to doubt his circumstances now. After all, what was a little fiction when one has already spent a decade living with the Devil?

Therefore, Leo immediately went down the list of messages in his head, in the exact order they had appeared. As a soldier, he knew how vital it was to make use of all his assets and as a writer, he knew that the key to his future living all depended on the things he discovered now.

First off was the title "『Summoned Hero』. That one was apparent; though he grimaced at how he could have acquired the title of hero, he also understood full well how he could be depicted as one. After all, the blood of thousands was on his hands.

Next was 『Quick Learner』. Its usage seemed apparent - a direct increase in the rate he accrued experience. Perhaps it was even helping him now. However, there was surely more to it than that. For just how would it increase his accumulation rate in the first place? Did it accelerate his thought process? Perhaps it even enhanced the areas of his brain that dealt with the retention of knowledge?  Or maybe it somehow aided his own attempts at analysis? Regardless, the writer felt no different than usual, but there was no telling what changes were now being made to his over-active mental faculties.

Perhaps there was a help menu in this mysterious system that would help resolve the issue, the writer suddenly hoped. Or perhaps there even existed some other feature that could render him another form of aid. And so, Leo spent the next several moments running through various commands in his mind, hoping for a single hit: 『Help』,『Menu』,『Summoned Hero』,『Quick Learner』,『Mana Sensitivity』,『Translate All』,『Personal Status』,『Summon Food』,『God of Cooking』,『Demon Companion』,『Demon Master』,『Clio』,『The Devil』,『BBQ』,『Wings』,『Level』,『Level Up』,『Experience』,『Character』,『Status』,『Inventory』,『Ability』,『Skills』,『Save』,『Load』,『Brightness』,『Zoom』,『Speed』,『Slow』,『FAQ』,『Troubleshoot』,『Refund』... Leo ran through every keyword he could think of that might apply and some that might not, which to the writer was a whole lot of words, more so for a writer as accomplished as he. And perhaps 『Quick Learner』 was already showing results; For even as he continued listing out keyword after keyword in his mind, he already split his mental processes to continue onward down the list.

『Mana Sensitivity』 was next, making Leo giddy with excitement. Clio had always tried to prevent him in the past from ever touching the subject, most likely to prevent him from some unseen danger or restriction had he begun learning the subject too early. However, it seemed all such restrictions were now lifted and he was free to pursue the subject at his leisure, a fact he was thankful for to no end.

Then there was 『Translate All』, arguably the most powerful ability to be granted to him now and forevermore. Most people when seeing such an ability would merely use it to communicate using any known or unknown language. At best, they might use it to read ancient texts or even aid in the use of their own magic, however that was a thoroughly elementary use of the ability. Such actions would fall under the purview of a simple 『Translate』 ability, however this was 『Translate All』. If the ability truly worked as advertised, then it should theoretically allow him to read the wind, read his opponents to check their future moves and even read their 『Status』. He'd even be able to communicate with rocks and any other object, animate or inanimate, by translating their intent and furthermore, such an ability would allow him to read 『Fate』 itself, long before it has a chance to unfold. There was plenty to be done with an ability with the audacity to go by the name of 『Translate All』and naturally, Leo tried them all.

『Personal Status』 was up next. As stated, it should allow him to see his personal status and therefore not the status of others. However, this was a near worthless ability given the apparent glory of 『Translate All』, which would not only allow him to see his own status, but the status of others as well.

After that was the massive can of worms otherwise known as 『Summon Food』. Was there a limit to the amount of food he can summon? Even then, how much can he summon at once and at what range? Could he summon food past obstacles and therefore fill jars with water without ever having to open them? Did the food he summon come with an appropriate package and utensils or were they strictly just food, leaving him to find cups and platters on his own? Could he perhaps fire out summoned food as a weapon or even use those same cups and platters in such a manner? If so, what was the current maximum velocity and could he increase it by using mana or some other means? Even then, just what kind of foods can he summon? Can he summon anything food-like he can imagine? Then, does he personally have to perceive something as food before he can summon it or can he only summon from a fixed list? Also, can he summon anything he has read about as being a food or must he have eaten everything himself before he can summon it? Furthermore, can he only summon human food or can he summon food meant for other beings in which case, would the rules change to accommodate the new eater?

Finally, was he able to use 『Summon Food』 to perform 『Mana Cooking』? If so, then would all of his mana-dishes made become a guaranteed success, a feat unheard of in any recorded world or iteration found in Clio's library? However, as it was a legendary craft whose only drawback was the unnaturally high degree of difficulty not found even in the crafting of the greatest of mythical swords, then what manner of effects could he apply and would they be limited until he furthered his own strength? After all, there were even recorded instances of flawed mana-dishes bringing back the dead, albeit temporarily, for only a completed mana-dish could permanently overcome death. Then, there were mana-dishes that exploded entire countries, mana-dishes that summoned vast armies, mana-dishes that turned a poor beggar into the greatest swordmaster his world had ever known, mana-dishes that granted eternal life, mana-dishes that could transmute lead into gold, and far, far more. If 『Summon Food』 could really perform 『Mana Cooking』, then even the demonic horde of his old world would have stood no chance against him. Thus, there were simply too many experiments Leo had to run in that brief time between worlds and this single ability alone consumed most of that time.

With that ordeal now past him, Leo moved on to the prestigious title known only as the 『God of Cooking』. The name was shocking and at first Leo thought he misread it. For due to all his time spent reading and writing about fantasy literature, he knew that any skill or ability with "God" in its name was no joke. Though it was about cooking, this skill was no doubt a full tier above the rest and by virtue of having this skill alone he was likely given a means of ascension himself. Could his extended stay in Clio's domain been the cause? Had staying long in that divine library imparted some form of divinity to himself? Perhaps Clio herself had personally intervened to grant him the title or had even shared a portion of her own divinity at no small expense. Leo simply had no way of knowing. Either way, the writer had to suppress his conditioned instinct to find and talk to her about it, for that was impossible now. He smiled bitterly before stopping himself once more. No need to give her more things to worry about. But if he really did ascend to godhood then he really could see her again. Wouldn't that give her a surprise. Leo thought with a grin. Her expression alone might make the goal worth aiming for.

『Demon Companion』 was next and that surprised him. It seemed the system thought merely having a demonic ally by your side was on-par with the many cheat-like abilities he was given or perhaps there really was something special about this particular fox after all. Leo was suddenly excited to think about how the fox would be like all grown-up. Just remembering its awe-inspiring visage on his final battlefield left the soldier with the desire to do whatever it took to help promote its growth. Therefore, despite not being a very religious man himself, Leo prayed nonetheless. "O Lord, bless this Thy Demon Fox that, with it, Thou mayest rip Thine enemies into tiny pieces... in Thy mercy."

His prayer accomplished, Leo moved on to the last primary entry on the list - the title and honor of 『Demon Master』. The soldier within him smiled at the irony. After fighting tooth-and-nail against demon-kind for the better part of his life and slaughtering thousands of the fiends, he was now being given sovereignty over them? Still, because of all that fighting, Leo knew just how fearsome a demonic horde could be. If this title would then later allow him to build his own demon hordes with which to extend his will then it would prove an invaluable asset should the rifts later appear in this world as well. For his old world was caught off-guard and had little to no time to prepare for the threat, ultimately leading to its defeat.

This time, however, Leo won't be making the same mistake.

Then came the levels, the sweet sound of multiple level-ups happening concurrently with one another in perfect, joyous harmony. And though 'fun' isn't something one considers when one brings balance to one's own inner universe but this... did put a smile on his face. However, by virtue of having a system capable of 'level-ups,' then 'experience' had to exist as well. The question then came, did any experience, even those from common mundane tasks, contribute to his overall 'experience,' or did the blood-thirsty system only care about the experience of murder and bloodshed?

The system had also mentioned something about 'unallocated points.' Therefore, if the system was anything like those commonly found in his old world, then he should be able to allocate his points in a status screen of some kind, a feature he had only recently explored. However, no sooner had the writer finished his task then a surge of bright light engulfed him, changing his environment once again.

When his vision cleared, Leo found himself in a vast plain, filled with rolling fields and grass enveloping the land as far as the eye could see. Slightly cloudy skies lay with nimble grace overhead, while the brilliant sun shone down its glorious rays below unto the breathtakingly beautiful landscape.

Leo yawned, and that's when he saw her.

A head overflowing with long auburn hair, with ears that wouldn't look out of place on a wolf, and a mouth that wouldn't look out of place near an apple; there stood a girl with a confidant demeanor that would only be further augmented by the presence of apples. Leo really got the feeling she'd enjoy apples. Perhaps I should gift her one, the man thought idly. It'd be good test for 『Summon Food』 as well so it'd be killing two birds with one apple.

Leo grinned. For that part, perhaps it'd be a good idea to try his other skills as well. First, he tried using 『Translate All』 to read as much data as possible on both the Wolf girl and the robed staff man conversing with her - their 『Status』, their history, their everything. Next, he tried putting his 『Mana Sensitivity』 to use as their conversation continued. Having two live test subjects was certainly great! Leo, himself, was beginning to see why certain people actually enjoyed being a scientist.

He had many questions that needed answering and more experiments that needed to be run, but it seemed the current situation denied him the time for that luxury. For the wolf-eared girl had a question of her own and Leo, being the kind and thankful man that he was, was glad to answer the girl's question.

"That appears to be a summoning defect of some kind," the so-called 'summoned hero' innocently explained with unperturbed glee, as he picked up the offending fox into his arms. "No doubt the results from a faulty summons made at discount price."

With an innocent gleam in his eye, Leo used 『Summon Food』 to place a vibrant red apple on the girl's head, all the while staring meaningfully at the apparent magi who was busily counting the coins in the bag. "Yo, summoner guy, can you really take all that guilt-free? Don't you see how a mistake has occurred here and yet you still demand full payment for a flawed service?"

"At the very least, don't you think she deserves a discount for the trouble, or -dare I say it?- a refund?"
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


As you were going through the things in your head one by one, attempting to activate it, some of them popped up messages, while others did not.

[okay]Focus on『Summoned Hero』
You are a summoned hero.

Focus on『Quick Learner』

Focus on『Mana Sensitivity』
Ability to see magical glows, runes, and movement of mana.

Focus on『Translate All』
Ability to understand all spoken languages.

Focus on『Personal Status』

Focus on『Summon Food』

Focus on『God of Cooking』
You can make all sorts of food.

Focus on『Demon Companion』
You brought along a white fluffy demon.

Focus on『Demon Master』
You control a demon.

Focus on『Level』
Numerical value to roughly represent how strong your are.

Focus on『Level Up』
You've gotten stronger.
[/okay]Attempting to use『Translate All』all on the wind did not produce any results, neither did using it on the people around you, nor did it allow you to get a sense of anything from the inanimate objects around you.

When you got to attempting to activate 『Personal Status』and『Summon Food』, a message popped up the green translucent screen.

[okay]Silent invocation not yet unlocked.[/okay]
QuoteLemme know if your characters plans to say out loud Summon Food instead, and we can still have the apple, if not, I'll proceed without the apple summoning.


QuoteLeo's opting to speak aloud in dazzling chuunibyou glory. Treat the following as stuff that happened while in transit between worlds.

『Mana Sensitivity』 seemed very useful, while 『Quick Learner』 seemed suspicious. 『Translate All』, however, did not live up to its name at all. Perhaps, then, it can later be upgraded to actually translate all? The rest were more or less as he expected. Still...

"『Personal Status』," Leo spoke aloud. For there were things he needed to know and points he needed to spend.

That accomplished, the writer immediately focused on the new terms that had come up 『Silent Invocation』 and 『Unlock』. Perhaps he could spend these so-called points there? Alternatively, perhaps those points could be spent to upgrade his status, enhance basic attributes like 『Strength』, power-up existing abilities like 『Translate All』, or even add new abilities altogether? Everything depended on what was displayed next.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Words, or more like, notifications, flashes again.
[okay]You have gained a title 『He Who Knows of Status』
You have gained +1 INT[/okay][okay]Focus on『Silent Invocation』
Ability to trigger heroic blessing keywords through thought.

Focus on 『Unlock』
New blessings or extended use of an existing blessing can be unlocked through more levels.[/okay]The moment you said《Personal Status》, a green translucent window appeared in your view.

[okay]Leo Grancea
Summoned Hero
Level 15

Condition: Healthy

HP: 34/34
MP: 33/34
STR: 18 +
DEX: 26 +
CON: 22 +
INT: 8+
WIS: 8 +
CHA: 14 +
MAG: 22 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Summon Food, Demon Companion

You have 3 unspent ability points.[/okay]


The unnatural high stats surprised him. Although it was true that he felt stronger than usual, Leo still felt amazed seeing that growth quantified into visibly numerical stats. Looking at the sudden list of options displayed before him, the writer instinctively thought to raise his WIS, but immediately realized that right after raising his WIS, he'll only find out that he should have spent those points elsewhere. The next viable option was CON; by steadily raising that, he'll be able to survive virtually any scenario. However... he was now living in a fictional world that had become his reality.

If the writer knew anything about fiction, it was that certain spells and abilities were outright ludicrous. It didn't matter how high your CON or resistance was, certain conceptual attacks would still kill him as long as they hit. Therefore, he merely had to avoid being hit.

[okay]Spent 3 ability points on DEX.[/okay]
Thus, DEX would be his primary focus from now on. The writer decided to dump practically every point earned in the future in this one particular stat. It was a ridiculous gamble, simply because without raising his CON as normal, every attack he would face in the near future would become lethal against him. Still, he could not afford to go with a normal route, for if the rifts open in this world, and he knew they would, then normalcy alone won't cut it. Only with ridiculous means did he hope to stand a chance at making a difference. And though he failed at saving his world before, he vowed not to fail again. Leo smiled, remembering a certain promise he made with the Devil herself.

At the very least, it would make for good watching.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


[info]Bluff roll as requested: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13[/blockquote][/info]
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


[info]Perception roll as requested: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20-1 : 15 - 1, total 14[/blockquote][/info]
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


[info]Sense Motive as requested: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20-1 : 12 - 1, total 11[/blockquote][/info]
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


When the apple first appeared on top of her head, the wolf-eared girl yelped.

"Whoa!" She said as she grabbed the apple that was spawned on top of her head. "Did you...?" She looked curiously at you.

"Anyways, yes, a refund!" The wolf-eared girl grinned. "Because that adorable white thing came with it!" The girl then knelt down as if to pet the small white creature.

However, the fox-demon snipped at her hand.

"For such a small cute thing, you're a bit mean!"

[info]Bluff: 13
The mage raised an eyebrow.[/info]"My client already knows I don't do refunds." He said haughtily.


"But do your clients know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!? 『Personal Status』" Leo boisterously countered, his chest brimming with pride even as he muttered an almost indiscernible keyword beneath his breath. "Also, I'm sure certain people might not look too favorably on those who accept trade deals made behind their back. This 'Church of Light' seems especially terrifying. 『Summon Food』"

"Plus, I'll even throw in this apple," the writer continued his earnest persuasion, as yet another vibrant red apple appeared in his hands, only this time Leo tried willing any kind of diuretic and laxative effect onto this otherwise most pristine of fruits. "Just look at its dazzling display, a fruit of perfect proportions, with no blemish in sight! Imagine a taste so out-of-this-world that with only one bite, the consumer would catch a glimpse of heaven itself! Behold, this impeccable combination of sweet and sour, filled with a noble promise of juicy bliss and hidden beneath a layer of glorious red."

"Behold, perfection."

"I know that already you cannot resist, but I do not blame you! 『Personal Status』" The man exclaimed, as he passed the magi a sympathetic glance. But as surely as night passes over onto day, and with as much brilliance as the sun that breaks with the dawn, Leo's face brightened and he gave the fallen magi some hope-filled words. "Therefore, merely hand me over 99% of those coins you have there and this fruit is yours!" The writer then grimaced, his face warped with an over-exaggerated pain and sacrifice now that he offered his parting with this most sacred of objects, this holiest of divine artifacts. In time, however, Leo recovered from the stress marring his facial features and finally sighed in resignation.

"Truly, you will not find a man half as generous, nor as kind as I."
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Personal Status before Summon Food
[okay]Leo Grancea
Summoned Hero
Level 15

Condition: Healthy

HP: 34/34
MP: 33/34
STR: 18
DEX: 29
CON: 22
INT: 8
WIS: 8
CHA: 14
MAG: 22

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Summon Food, Demon Companion[/okay]Personal Status After Apple with Bad Effects
[okay]Leo Grancea
Summoned Hero
Level 15

Condition: Healthy

HP: 34/34
MP: 31/34
STR: 18
DEX: 29
CON: 22
INT: 8
WIS: 8
CHA: 14
MAG: 22

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Summon Food, Demon Companion[/okay]If the mage's eyebrows could raise any further, it would have probably looked like some sort of animation, with disproportionate facial features, unfortunately, this was the real world, so all the mage could do was look at you in disbelief.

"Cinnamon toast crunch? I can't see what you're talking about. Is something wrong with him? If you work here in the United Alliance long enough, you start realizing there's always deals behind people's backs." The mage replied, but then proceeded to face the wolf-eared girl.

"Liza, right? Well, I think this one here is a bit loose in the head, if you know what I mean. It's really no matter though. Anyways, the platinum coins look like they're in order. I was kind of surprised knowing how practically last minute this was." With that the man moved to his horse, then mounted it in one swift movement.

"Either the Felencorp goons, or the Church will be here anytime soon... I do have to admit, you were pretty fast securing this one. But I guess this was why this was last minute? Probably the only time you could have gotten here first too."

Liza grinned.

"You're talking to Liza! I probably have more connections than the pope has little boys!" She said snarkily.

"Don't have them hearing you say that..." The mage rolled his eyes as he spurred his mount to start galloping.

Liza then turned towards you.

"So you're the Summoned Hero! I really like that neat trick with the apples... I actually really like them. Anyways, my name is Liza. What's yours?" She stuck out her hand then in a handshaking gesture.


"Some people just don't appreciate beauty." Leo sadly shook his head at the now receding figure, before promptly throwing the "most sacred of objects" away and crushing it underfoot. There goes experimental subject #1, the writer thought dismally. However, the man grinned after turning to the wolf-eared apple-girl beside him. Still, there's always experimental subject #2.

"Liza as in Lizard? A beautiful name. It's a pleasure to meet you, oh beautiful reptile. I'm Leo Grancea," the writer accepted the experiment's hand-shake in a friendly manner whilst he went over his findings. It seemed that summoning something like an apple consumed 1 MP. while summoning an altered apple cost 2. But how much would a completed dish cost, especially one made as deliciously as can be?

"We can talk as we move," Leo offered. "For the Pope might be on his way! Now, neither of us may be tiny, little boys, but you never know with the Pope..." The writer shivered at the thought.

"Anyways, if you don't mind my asking, what's your favorite food - preferably one that can be eaten on the go? I've heard that lizards like insects... so perhaps you'd like some of those?"
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


[info]Requested Initiative: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 14 + 9, total 23[/blockquote]
Requested Agility: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+13 : 7 + 13, total 20[/blockquote][/info]
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


QuoteSince this can potentially decide a rather large thing about your RP, I'll be posting rolls public.
[info]Liza Initiative:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 5 + 7, total 12[/blockquote]

Liza Attack Roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+17 : 14 + 17, total 31[/blockquote]

Manacles, opposed AGI check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+14 : 7 + 14, total 21[/blockquote][/info]