[Jean] Chapter 2: Something Old

Started by Throndir, August 09, 2018, 03:23:52 PM

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     Jean ran up to Eloise, spear raised to stab into the slime before he stopped.  Would this even do anything?  He looked at the spear and turned it around to offer the haft to Eloise.  "Grab this and pull."  He said, bracing to try and pull Eloise free of the slime. "Okay guys, on three."  He said, now talking to the tentacles.  "One... Two... Three!"  He pulled with all his might.

[info]Free Action: Command tentacles to aid STR check

Move Action: Move into distance of Eloise

Standard Action: STR check to pull Eloise free[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 11 + 4, total 15[/blockquote][/info]


"C-close your eyes!" Eloise yelled in embarassment. She had an arm covering her chest at that point, and when you offered her the haft of your stick, she grabbed on to it tightly - at least, she tried. Unfortunately the spear's haft was still wet from the substance that covered the poor girl, and her grip kept slipping. Her fingers continually grasped the haft and slid down, only for her to reach back up and repeat the process over and over.

"It's too wet Jean! I can't hold it!" Eloise complained.

The tentacles around her wrapped themselves more tightly against her body as well, and a small moan escaped her lips then, but she immediately bit her tongue and blushed hard.

"T-this is so embarrassing!" She yelled, her face completely red. For once she didn't struggle from the tentacles, simply because she knew they were just trying to get her out of the sticky situation.

Finally, she managed to find purchase on your spear's haft, her fingers, for once, holding tight to it. With the help of the fleshy tentacles that surrounded her, along with your pulling, did she finally release herself.

She came out fast from the slime that covered her, falling right on top of you, panting hard.

QuoteAgility requested to gracefully catch her.


[info]Agility Check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 12 + 8, total 20[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Agility: 20
You manage to catch her gracefully. She could have tripped and fallen herself, but with a gentle step back, and your hands stretched in front of you, did you manage to hold her gently, as if caressing her fall.[/info]
"Jean..." Eloise said at first.

But then she realized she was start naked, caressed in your arms. Yelping, she brought her hand up to slap you. You attempted to avoid it, but she was too close, and her strike was true.

[error]You take 2 non-lethal damage[/error]It stung.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Eloise said apologizing profusely as she brought her arms up to cover her most sensitive areas. She was still beet red, and she couldn't bring herself to look at you in the eye due to her embarrassment.

The tentacles would have joined, but something caught their attention.


The slime was gone, and in its place looked to be a weird-colored girl who looked very similar to the same composition that the slime was made out of. There were two things you immediately noticed.

One, she was completely naked.

Two, you couldn't help but notice her body seemed to be the exact proportions as Eloise. Except for her breasts, for whatever reason they were large.

She made weird plopping sounds with her mouth then, but for whatever reason, you were able to understand her.

"Where more... food...?"


     "Um... Hi?"  Replied Jean, moving Eloise behind him.  "Did you do..."  Jean motioned to the chaotic scene. "All this?"  He let the end of the spear rest on the ground next to him.  "You don't eat people do you?"  The thing seemed harmless enough, it hadn't continued its attack yet at least so Jean was put somewhat at ease.


"Eat... people...?" The slime girl frowned as if trying to process what you had just said. Suddenly her first scrunched up in disgust.


Still blushing furiously, Eloise glanced at you and the slime girl creature, her face completely perplexed.

"Are you... talking to it? All I hear from it are a bunch of random plopping noises from it..."

Meanwhile, the tentacles, seeing no offensive action being taken by you, instead started to 'probe' the slime girl. However, the slime girl didn't seem to mind, and instead just watched the tentacles curiously as she herself copied the form, and created tentacles from her own hair. The tentacles coiled themselves around her, but when they realized they simply went through in her gelatinous body, the tentacles seem to have lost their motivation.

The two tentacles then turned towards you. Specifically, Eloise.

"Jean! Get your tentacles away!" Eloise said loudly, she then murmured something under her breathe a moment later.

QuoteRoll Perception DC 15 if you want to listen.


     "Oh, yeah I'm talking to it...  I think I can at least, It's not totally clear but...  Hey!  Down guys!  Keep it PG...  Okay I know you don't know what that is but you know what I mean."  Replied Jean as the tentacles turned towards Eloise.  "I think that I can communicate with anything that wants to talk to me."  He said before turning back to the slime person.  "So... if you didn't do this then what are you doing here?  And what exactly do you eat?  We don't really have much on us..."  Jean looked down at the swim trunks he was wearing, realizing that they were all he had left on him and then looked back at Eloise in all her naked glory.  "Well we literally have like nothing on us so...  Not sure we can be of help with your hunger...  Do you have a name?  Is that even a thing for...  What exactly are you?"

[info]Perception check to hear whispering[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 4 + 4, total 8[/blockquote][/info]


The tentacles who looked excited at first, seemed to droop their ends down, as if signifying their sadness at yet another missed opportunity.

Eloise saw their movements, and as thanks she snuggled with you closer, she was still red in the face though.

"Jean... I actually have so many questions about how your translation works... but umm... H-hey! Stop staring!" She couldn't bring herself to look into your eye at all, even though you still continued to hold her.

"My clothes! That's right! I should have an extra set on my horse!"

"Name? Can eat name? I eat..." The slime girl pointed at your swim trunks, having thrown your shirt off earlier. She seemed to lick her lips.

Her eyes seemed to shine in hunger.

QuoteReroll initiative since we got out of combat order!


[info]Initiative[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 8 + 4, total 12[/blockquote][/info]


"Tell it to stop!" Eloise exclaimed, as she released herself from your grasp. She had both of her hands covering her most sensitive areas, but she proceeded to grab your hand, and attempt to run away.

"There's spare clothing with the horses! M-maybe that will stop her! And don't stare at me!" Eloise said blushing furiously still. She had her legs tightly against each other, while one arm covered her breast, while her other hand reached out for yours.

QuoteTurn Order: Eloise, Tentacles, Jean, Slime Girl
Rough Status
Eloise: Uninjured, Drowsy
Jean: Uninjured, Drowsy
Slime Girl: Uninjured
[include u=2]MP Jean: -35[/include]


     Jean put up his free hand.  "Woah, hey, wait!  We can get you food just wait!"  Jean needed space, he needed to slow down the slime person.  Maybe...  Jean summoned up his magic and spoke the keyword.  "Weight Control!"  He pointed his spear at the slime and then turned to stab it into the ground, using it to vault away.  He commanded the tentacles to trip the slime, though he doubted it would do much.

[info]Free Action: Command tentacles to trip slime

Standard Action: Use Weight Control on the slime to increase weight by 4 steps

Move Action: Acrobatics to avoid AOO and move back away from the slime maximum distance


[info]《Weight Control》
The moment you cast weight control, you felt your body become more heavy, and tired. Motes of light sped towards the slime. The moment you did so however, the slime slowed down its movements. When it was first quick and fluid in its movements, it now moved extremely sluggish. If you were to guess, it was moving a third of its normal speed.[/info]
"Heavy... just want... food..."

At that moment, the two tentacles attempted to trip the slime, however, the tentacles only slipped through it.

QuoteTurn Order: Eloise, Tentacles, Jean, Slime Girl
Rough Status
Eloise: Uninjured, Drowsy
Jean: Uninjured, Sleepy
Slime Girl: Uninjured, Affected by Weight Control (Increase weight 4 steps)
[include u=2]MP Jean: -43[/include]


     "Look, we have food.  You just need to wait!"  Jean looked around, trying to see if there were any clothes around that he could use to distract the slime girl. 

[info]Perception check to look for clothes.[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 8 + 4, total 12[/blockquote]

If successful, Jean picks them up and throws them at the slime girl, If not, Jean keeps his distance.[/info]


[info]Perception: 12
There were some clothing still on the various bodies of both mages and guards strewn about the field. Though, you noticed that some of the dead people's clothing have been melted away, leaving primarily only metal and harder pieces of leather in its place.

Looking towards the various trees that had all the dead horses tied to them, you saw what looked to be a couple of saddlebags, along with larger bags placed beside the now-dead horses.[/info]The slime continued its movements towards you, however, its weight was too much, and it was having a hard time trying to keep up.

"Just... hurry Jean." Eloise said blushing, as she continued to cover her breast.

You moved your way towards the bags, immediately finding some with some spare shirts and pants. Picking them up, you threw them towards the slowed slime.

"Yummy!" With that the slime was appeased and simply began absorbing the fabric.

QuoteTurn Order: Eloise, Tentacles, Jean, Slime Girl
Rough Status
Eloise: Uninjured, Drowsy
Jean: Uninjured, Sleepy
Slime Girl: Uninjured, Affected by Weight Control (Increase weight 4 steps)
[include u=2]MP Jean: -43[/include]


     "There, is that enough?"  Yells Jean from his position at range.  He dug through the saddlebags for more clothes to appease the slime girl.  "Eloise, I don't know how long this will last it.  Any idea what exactly it is and if there is something that we can do to keep it sated?"  Finding more clothes, he tosses them at the slime girl.