[Jean] Chapter 2: Something Old

Started by Throndir, August 09, 2018, 03:23:52 PM

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     "Well then, I guess here goes.  Might as well start with fire."  Jean focused and drew on his mana, thinking about summoning a flame like Eloise had done before.  Something was coming to him, it must have been the incantation that Eloise had mentioned earlier.  His mind was adrift, like a raft floating in the ocean, bobbing along until its underside slowly drags onto the shore of knowledge only to be seized in the jaws of a great shark to be dragged backwards into the watery depths.  There, the incantation took form.  "Fire!  I seek you from the burning planes of T'Klet where dwells in flames The Nine-Eyed Sage.  Conjure Flame!"

[info]Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 10 + 9, total 19[/blockquote][/info]


Words popped into your mind.

[okay]You have learned a new spell《Conjure Flames》
You have gained a new title 『Spellcaster』
You have gained +1 MAG[/okay][info]《Conjure Flames》When you spoke the keyword, the gathered mana and red motes of light swirled quickly, and in its place flames were born. The fire was about 1 ft. high.[/info]
"The first time casting spells usually results in something much smaller than that... Doing what you did just now usually takes weeks of practice. Even for a genius like me, it took me a month before I can conjure anything at all. This is really your first time?"


     Jean looked at the flames as they danced overhead.  The sensation he felt trying to find that incantation was... odd.  Maybe it's the summoning.  Trust me, I'd never even seen real magic before I got here.  Where do the incantations come from?  Mine sounded really different from your incantation.  Does that affect the spell?  Jean continued to watch the flame as he thought about which of the elements he should try to test next.  "You said there were 6 elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Light, and Dark?"  Jean decided to just go in the order he remembered them.  He at least knew one other spell from what Eloise had cast earlier.
     Jean once again reached out to try and find the incantation.  This time he felt as if his consciousness was already close to the place where the last incantation had come from.  Guess it gets easier every time.  The incantation flowed into his mind.  Earth!  From the grasping roots of The Tree Which Watches With Insatiable Hunger, fly free!  Stone Shears!

[info]Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 1 + 9, total 10[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteFor this spell, you have to roll a ranged attack roll for it, include one real quick, I'll resolve this once I take care of the other players in the queue. EDIT: Actually, if you have no target, I guess it doesn't matter lol


[info]Not targeting anything in particular, just firing off into the woods.[/info]


[info]《Stone Shears》When you spoke the keyword, the gathered mana and brown motes of light swirled quickly, once they shot off, pieces of the earth beneath you seemed to suddenly become sharp projectiles.[/info]
"There's been some research and study about incantations back in the academy... Though, there really is nothing conclusive. For the most part, the spells themselves are nearly identical, though, at times, there are very minor differences to the actual results themselves between different users. For example... There was a case where a person's Conjure Flames ended up being blue-colored. Another one as well, that only where it had come from was blue. Usually though, the differences are minor enough that nothing much actually changes."

"But yes! There are 6 elements. When we chant our incantation, we invoke the power of one of these 6 elements. There have been some mages who can cast spells without the first invocation of an element... Though, when asked about it, all they really say is that it's how the chant was placed into their minds when they first learned it. There are other applications too, for the elements. It's not just slinging them at one another. Things like... delaying the effects of the spell until a short moment later, or even some more advanced techniques like casting them on an object for specific effects. The sword I created for you works in a similar way, though for that, the spell itself deteriorates after about 30 minutes."

QuoteFeel free to list down the next spells you plan to cast if you don't have anything much to say to Eloise in between.

Also forgot to note, that the sword you had used crumbles in around 30 minutes of when it was first created.


     "I see...  There sure is a lot of stuff to learn about magic I guess.  What about the the academy?  How big is it?  It sounds like it's practically a nation in its own right.  What can you tell me about it?  How is it structured?"  Asked Jean as they continued to walk along.  "Who's in charge?  You said you were sent to summon me but what exactly is my role supposed to be in all of this?  I guess I can learn to fight a little but back in my world I was just a librarian.  I don't know what kind of help I can be."

[info]Spellcraft Attempts made while walking along.  Open status window afterwards.

Wind Blades: Wind based single target attack
     Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 3 + 9, total 12[/blockquote]

Aqua Blast: Water based single target attack
     Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 8 + 9, total 17[/blockquote]

Lance of Light: Light based single target attack
     Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 13 + 9, total 22[/blockquote]

Orb of Darkness: Dark based single target attack
     Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 12 + 9, total 21[/blockquote][/info]


"Academy City is huge!" Eloise said with a grand flourish. "I was told it was our largest city too, even back then. But when the Shifting occured, it only took up the academy and some neighboring towns. Without anyone else to turn to, we turned towards the leadership of the headmaster. Soon after that, we became a new country in our own right. Some of the smaller countries, or villages that had appeared from a Shifting joined us, and soon enough we became what we are now. We don't have the largest lands here in the New World, but we have some of the strongest mages. Unfortunately... most of the capable ones are out on the front lines, fighting the demons to the south and east. But, I am considered a genius... being able to cast four elements, and specializing in fire, which is why I, and a couple of other mages were sent here to use the summoning circle."

You managed to succcessfully cast Wind Blades, and shortly after that, you cast Aqua Blast. However, as you tried to focus on a Light spell or a Darkness spell, nothing happened. Instead you were greeted with a message:

[okay]Light spells cannot be cast. Ability not yet unlocked.[/okay][okay]Darkness spells cannot be cast. Ability not yet unlocked.[/okay]"I really... can't believe this is your first time with magic... Not only can you cast four of the elements, you were able to create them on your first try... Jean, if you still think you can't be of any help, you're going to be amazing! Even a bit better than me maybe..."

[okay]Jean Valois
Demon Slayer
Level 23

Condition: Healthy

HP: 67/67
MP: 15/43
STR: 18 +
DEX: 18 +
CON: 30 +
INT: 17 +
WIS: 10 +
CHA: 8 +
MAG: 21 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Weight Control, Summon Tentacle

You have 2 unspent ability points.[/okay]
QuoteLet me know if there are still things you want to do. Or if I should move on.


     "Academy City eh?  Sounds like an interesting place.  How far away is it?  Oh and can I have that book back?  I'd like to keep it on hand."  Asked Jean as he explored his magical ability.  There was one last thing he needed to try.  The summoned sword was useful but it felt off.  Jean needed something else, something more suiting him.  He decided to try and see if the incantation's ability to bring forth something from the ether could be used for something else.  He reached out with his mind and sought out the incantation to summon a weapon, any weapon.  It came to him faster than he thought it would, like a lightening bolt striking his forehead.  He saw the weapon: a spear, with a haft of gleaming azure and a brilliant blade edged in the blue-white of a lightning bolt.  The incantation came to him and he let it loose.  "Wind and Water!  From the deepest vault of the Hurricane Lord, give form to the lashing tongue of his terrifying steed!  Typhoon Spear!"

[info]Attempt to summon a spear using wind and water elements
     Spellcraft[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 15 + 9, total 24[/blockquote]

Feel free to advance the scene.[/info]


[okay]You have learned a new spell 《Typhoon Spear》[/okay][info]《Typhoon Spear》When you spoke the keyword, in your hands was a spear that looked like it was made out of ice. It seemed to drip with water, though the ice itself wasn't melting.[/info]
Eloise handed you back the book.

"Maybe someone back in the city can translate it for you..." Eloise commented, misunderstanding why you gave it to her in the first place.

"Academy city is a few days ride to the south." Eloise said, explaining. She then paused as something up a head caught her attention.

"Oh no... I was afraid of this."

In the distance you see what looked to have been the remnants of a fierce fight. There were scorched ground everywhere, and there were people, both robed and fully armored that were still - likely dead. At the same time you see dead horses too. But these ones had evident wounds.

Eloise began running towards the carnage.

You thought you saw something move on one of the bodies.

QuotePerception requested.
Heal requested if you're checking out the bodies, just one roll for all of them.

Also note, your spear will crumble/dissipate in 30 minutes.
[include u=2]MP Jean: -31[/include]


     Jean saw the remnants of the battle and dashed after Eloise.  "Wait!  Be careful, we don't know if there are other demons around!"  He took a quick look around and saw one of the bodies possibly moving.  "Shit..."  He cursed under his breath and ran over to them potential survivor.  He stabbed the spear into the ground next to the wounded and put down the book.  "Eloise over here!  They might still be alive!"  He looked the body up and down.  He had no idea what he was doing but tried his best to help anyways.  He took off his t-shirt to try and put pressure on the first wound he saw.


Heal[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote][/roll][/info]


[info]Sorry, guess I messed up the syntax for perception[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 2 + 4, total 6[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Heal: 19
You realized that the man was still breathing. He was a guard and was fully armored. The man had a large gash on his chest. To your amazement, his armor was pierced through completely with something large and sharp, the metal itself was digging into the man's flesh. It was a miracle that the man was still alive.

Perception: 6
You didn't notice anything interesting near Eloise, other than the dead bodies.[/info]"S-sir..." The guard said softly. "... something... metallic-" The man stopped moving.

He was dead.

At that same moment you hear Eloise yelp.

"Jean! Help-" Eloise cries were muffled, and when you looked over her way, you saw what looked to be a blue and green-colored blob covering her entire body.


     "Damn it!"  Hissed Jean , tossing his bloodied shirt to the side with the dying breath of the guard.  he turned to look to see what Eloise was doing as she called for help.  Jean pulled the summoned spear out of the ground and took it up in both hands.  He yelled out the keyword "Summon Tentacle!" as he flicked the dirt from the blade of the spear, trying to bring forth two tentacles with which to try and pull Eloise from the slime.  Do your stuff guys...  He thought to himself as he rushed towards Eloise, spear raised.

[info]Summon 2  double strength tentacles

Initiative in case we are in combat[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 12 + 4, total 16[/blockquote][/info]


[info]《Summon Tentacle》
Two tentacles appeared then, each was 20 ft. long.[/info]When the two tentacles were summoned, they quickly bobbed their heads and pointed in each direction as if looking for their favorite red-clothed prey. Finally they saw her. As if in a jealous fit, the tentacles zoomed forward attempting to take her. Both the tentacles managed to wrap themselves around Eloise and the slime at that point.

Eloise only increased her struggles as the tentacles began what they loved doing the most.

As you neared them, you realized that most of Eloise's clothes had begun burning off, in fact, most of her outer coat was gone, her skirt was in tatters, and already both her grey undershirt and red panties was starting to slowly melt away. For whatever reason though, her skin remained unblemished and untouched. The tentacles as well, even though they were in contact with the slime, and even in it to wrap around Eloise, there doesn't seem to be any damage to them.

The slime itself ignored the tentacles, and simply continued to stick on Eloise making weird motions as if it was sucking on her body.

"D-don't look Jean!" She yelled in embarassment, realizing most of her clothing was melting away.

QuoteAnother move action will have you adjacent to Eloise. Your summoned tentacles are 15 ft. away from her, with 5 ft. of their tentacles wrapped around her and the slime.
[include u=2]MP Jean: -35[/include]