[Amelia] Chapter 1: Whisked Away

Started by Throndir, July 28, 2018, 11:24:51 PM

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Location: Germany - Emmerich am Rhine - Emmerich Rhine Bridge
Date: Year 2018 - July 30th - 1:42 AM

You were on vacation. Germany to be specific. Your father apparently had a lead from one of his distant relatives in Germany with some antiques that had been recently discovered. Excited for the prospect of seeing it, along with having the rest of the family take a much needed vacation, the Reinharts were to spend a few weeks in Germany.

It was late in the night. By your estimation it was already past 1 AM. Normally you wouldn't be out in the streets this late at night. But Nyx, your cat, was missing. The rest of your family had been searching as well, splitting up at various directions, and even calling some of the locals to help look around.

You found yourself at the Emmerich Rhine bridge. It wasn't too far from your the small cottage that your father had rented for the vacation. You started to worry that beyond this was too far even for Nyx to just wander around. After all, he would normally stay close on those few times he decides to venture out.

Finally, you saw him. He was a black cat, but with that specific collar you knew it had to be him. There was something wrong however. Nyx was missing fur in various parts of his body. You could see a distinct color of red in the areas where his fur was missing. Nyx was injured.

But what was he doing on the middle of one of the lanes? Thankfully it was late at night so the traffic wasn't as bad on the 4-lane road. But seeing him there was worrying.

It was then that you heard the honking of a semi-trunk. A trumpet-like call of a large vehicle careening down the bridge - on the same lane Nyx was on.

QuoteHe is 40 ft. away.



When Amelia heard the horn her heart jumped into her throat. She had this sinking feeling when she had seen the marks or drying crimson that something had gone wrong before she had even had a chance to see that it was her precious cat. Her palms were sweaty and she felt like she could vomit any second. But what lept to her eyes were not tears of worry they were tears of rage.

There was no way in Hell that she was going to let anyone kill her goddamned cat! No matter how big of an idiot he was to get himself in this situation in the first place. Her body moved on instinct before she even had a chance to make any kind of real plan. There was no way Nyx could move in time to avoid the truck in time she would have to get them and jump out of the way before the truck could take notice of her. If she didn't the driver ran the risk of jack-knifing and there was no way she could dodge it let alone deal with what might happen in the aftermath.

No time to think she would have to move low and fast and hope the truck wouldn't notice her or panic as she ran out in front of them. Remembering he training she forced all her weight into her core and hips. The goal was to cut down her resistance and not lose a single drop of energy in anything that wasn't moving or breathing. While she wasn't a runner she knew how to take and avoid taking and move her body. This was going to put those years of classes to the test.

In those few split seconds that it took her to fill her lounges to the point of bursting as adrenaline smashed through her veins as she shot off like a bullet through the lanes of that bridge taking each step with a purpose to get to her goal and get to the other side. In those few moments, it felt like everything was in slow motion as time crawled around her. She would have to time everything down to the second.

[info]Roll martial arts
Hopefully to get there as fast as possible and get out of the way like a river moving around rocks.
Rolled 1d20+4 : 7 + 4, total 11


[info]mystery will save
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 13 + 2, total 15[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteTreating this attempt as a charge, with a combat maneuver at the end instead of an attack!

The moment you started running into the road, the truck driver noticed you and tapped his horn again. Yet you kept running without heeding the warning.

You sped ahead, pumping your legs as much as you can trying to get to Nyx before the truck did. It was going to be close, but you acted fast. You hoped you would make it in time. The truck started to honk again. This time tapping it in quick succession. But you still pushed forward as you came closer and closer to the cat. The truck honked one one more time as the driver realized you were not slowing. This time holding the note as it blared through your ears. Your adrenaline was high. It felt like everything was in slow motion. The truck was already slamming his brakes, and turning the vehicle away from you.

5 ft. away from Nyx. The headlights of the vehicle was blinding, being so close to the truck.

4 ft. away from Nyx. The truck careened even closer. The truck was about 10 ft. away.

3 ft. away from Nyx. The truck was 8 ft. away. The screeching of the tires.

2 ft. away from Nyx. The truck was 6 ft. away.

1 ft. away from Nyx. You reached out, grabbing hold of your pet.

But your hand slipped.


The blare of the horns rung in your ears. You scooped down with your other free arm, latching on to the injured cat. Nyx stared at you, his eyes seemed sorrowful. You didn't stop your movement though. You had no idea how close the truck was, but if anything, you had to make sure Nyx was safe. The headlights of the truck filled your vision.

You were almost there.

[error]You take 15 damage. You are now dying. 3 hitpoints remaining til death.[/error]You twisted enough that the truck only just grazed you. But the impact sent you flying. Sharp pain jammed into your left side and shoulder. You could almost hear your bones breaking from the impact. You felt unconsciousness take you, but you resisted the urge.

[okay]Mental Resist check succeeded.[/okay]You held fiercely onto Nyx, who by now had his eyes closed, shivering in your grasp. Yet when you expected to hit the ground after being thrown in the air, you found instead that you kept falling. You saw the night sky above you. But you also saw a bridge. The Emmerich Rhine Bridge in fact. Above you. But that wasn't the most interesting thing you saw. Something else was much more fascinating.

[spoiler]Glowing fissures appeared in the night sky. It didn't look like any sort of celestial body. In fact, it looked as if there was a large pane of glass stretched out and laid out on the sky.

The sky was cracking.

Location: New World
Date: ???

[okay]You have gained a new title『Hero's Servant』
You have gained『Translate All』
You have gained『Personal Status』
You have gained『Pet Cat』
You have gained a new title『His Human』[/okay]"Welcome esteemed hero-" A gasp. "By the goddess of light. Someone! Grab a-"

But you heard nothing more.

QuoteI want you to roll a Physical Resist check. Then follow it up with 5 Constitution checks.


[info]Phyiscal save
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 8 + 1, total 9[/blockquote]

5 con checks
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]


Location: New World
Date: Morning

You heard the sound of birds. Chirping. Sweet and innocent. It was the call of a new peaceful morning. Your eyes slowly opened to the rays of the open window. The first thing that you noticed was that this wasn't your room. It was well furnished, though, in a style that reminded you of something that could have been the medieval ages. In fact, some of the ornaments they had in display looked very much like the antiques that you and your parents sold in your store.

You tried to move, but noticed that you had bandages all around your body. Especially your left side. There was a dull pain all throughout your arm. At the foot of your bed was the only familiar sight. Your cat, Nyxolis. He was asleep. Sleeping gently as the rays of the sun hit his lying form.

You realized you were wearing different clothes than what you last remembered. Someone had changed your clothing.

QuoteRoll Perception if you want more information with the surrounding.


Amelia still in a daze could only assume that this was some kind of fancy German hospital. It was strange the pain was almost comforting as she ran her right hand as lightly as possible. It meant that she had managed to not die and kept all her pieces where they were meant to be. The incident was hazy after a certain point and she was sure the shock, and her mind trying to block it made it even harder to remember clearly. After all, she was pretty sure she dreamed that the sky cracked open after she hit the ground. Most likely what she saw some kind of trick that her brain played on her from being treated like a baseball.

she lay still trying her best to focus on continuing to breathe, as long as she kept breathing she could handle when her parents were going to bust through that door and try to kill her in front of the staff. Any moment now someone would come in and realize she was awake and alive then reality would come to slap her in the face. For a few seconds longer, she could enjoy the solitude and pretend this was all a dream.

[info]Perception to look around the room
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 13 + 1, total 14[/blockquote][/info]


But the more you looked around the room the more you realized something was off. There were no clocks in the room at all. A table on the corner had what looked to be a lantern. It was placed in such a way that it didn't seem like it would be decoration - it took up a large chunk of the table after all, rather than just being placed on a shelf. It was just at the right height to be able to pick it up easily if one wanted to.

The bedding of the sheet you were using looked absolutely exquisite. It was one of the softest blankets you've ever held before, not to mention that the bed you had been sleeping on was comfortable, too comfortable. The bed itself too was large. It was like one of those king-sized beds, and even had its own canopy with a privacy curtain. You swear the golden-colored trims on the bed was actual gold.

QuoteAppraise requested

Soon enough the door to your room did open, but instead of your parents, it was a girl's head that popped out. She smiled wide.

"As expected of our hero! You're already awake!" She quipped happily. The voice sounded familiar. You thought you heard it before you passed out before.


[info]rolling appraise before responding
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 16 + 5, total 21[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Appraise: 21
The sheets were expensive. The material used was akin to the Vicuna fabrics, a scarf for one of those could cost up to $4000. As you looked from item to item that was on display, it started to dawn on you that no expense was spared for the room. The lantern you had seen earlier had a light sheen to it, but that definitely was gold.

As for the gold trim on the frame of the bed?




Seeing an unknown girl with pink hair walk in that couldn't be older than her; was the first sign something was wrong. What sealed the deal was that no hospital in its right mind would have sheets this fancy at least not one her parents could ever afford.

The sound of this girl's voice however, triggered a memory of that dream where the sky cracked open. Something was going on here beyond the fact that she was injuried, and if she had any hope of figuring out what it was she would have to remain calm. "Who are you?" her voice was weaker then she expected barely more then a whisper. Stranging herself to make sure she could be heard she continued. "Where am I? Am I still in europe?" There was an off chance that they had moved her to some kind of foriegn rehabilitation center as to why a girl like this would be allowed to move freely.


"My name is Matilda von Engel! You-Rohp? I have never heard of that... Is that the world you came from? Our world, before we were all sent here, was called Erdesin. But from what our diplomats and representatives have been telling us, we're in the 'New World'." She hopped on the bed, sitting beside at the foot of your bed, near Nyxolis. The kitty himself had already woken up the moment the girl dressed in a french maid outfit had come in.

"What is he by the way? You were holding tight to him when you first appeared." She asked, pointing to your cat, as she began petting it. "He's so furry, and cute! Also, now that you're awake, what do we call our new queen? What's your name?"


She didn't know how to respond to a question like what Europe was, or if it was the name of the world she came from. Surely this was some kind of joke that they were playing on her. A questionable joke to be sure to make at the expense of a girl who could have a concussion. However, her brain took a hard left turn at the second set of questions. "I'm Amelia, nice to meet you, Matilda. What do you mean what is he? Surely, you've seen a cat before?" she said running her hand across his back as if she was racking black sand. The sheer idea that this girl couldn't identify one of the most common creatures the world over cemented the nagging voice screaming in the back of her head,

"I'm not on earth anymore, am I?"
She felt ridiculous asking it out loud. She would have asked if she was dead but she doubted she would be in so much pain if that was the case. "Is that what you meant by us being in the New World? How did I get here?"


"Well no your majesty! A cat? It is true there are many new and unknown creatures that have appeared here in the New World, but I haven't seen a cat before. In Erdesin, we didn't have those either."

"Erth? You-rohp? Are these where you came from?" Matilda asked curiously. "And yes and no... We are technically on the land and soil of my world, Erdesin. But if you take the world as it is now, it's called the 'New World'. Don't worry! It was a shock for most of us as well. Apparently we're the newest inhabitants of where-ever we are. Our country, or what's left of it, is called the Kingdom of Bürsteig." Matilda explained. She changed subjects a moment later.

"Father wants to meet with you too, though! I was just checking up on you this morning, you see..."   


Amelia's head swam as she tried her best to take in everything that Matilda was telling her with varying success. If she allowed herself to take everything at face value or better yet let this whole thing go down as some kind of comatose dream then she could understand what was going on. After all, this felt like something straight out of one of her favorite stories, not something that happened in real life. But arguing the metaphysical nature of reality with a young girl in a maid outfit was most likely just a waste of everyone's time.

If she wanted more answers she would have to get them herself, and if she had truly fallen into some kind of fantasy world she needed to get her footing. There may even be a way for her to get home or at least contact her parents if a whole chunk of this girl's homeland came with her then her own parents might be equally disoriented somewhere. For the moment she could only afford to worry about herself, however, if she wanted to figure out what was going on she would have to focus on recovering. "Just Amelia is fine Matilda. I'm no one's majesty, there is no need to be overly formal. Especially since you've been the one to look after me. Though if you could help me up I would very much like to meet your father as well and say thank you."

Amelia did her best to sit up further figuring that an adult would at least be able to explain things better if not give her a sense of direction.