[Wolfrin] Challenge Ladder

Started by Throndir, May 29, 2016, 10:46:00 PM

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Though you missed, Buddy didn't fail you as he lunged and bit the enemy. A flash of light appeared, telling you that your foe was defeated.

Let me know if you want to go to next round, and also state all your preparations that might be different than what your character sheet marks as default. Eg, abilities for use, healing potions bought, spells prepared and available, manuevers readied and available, active stance, etc. Spells or abilities that have at least a 1+ hour duration can be pre-cast. Feel free to use consumables in this downtime phase of an hour. Please verify the status log below before we start.

Player earns: 83 exp, 530 gp



Audience Attitudes
Player: Friendly

Initiative Order

Damage Taken and Status
Player: 0,

Daily Resources Used

Refreshes Remaining: 6

Wolfrin Fenris

Wolfrin will advance after taking the time to recover his maneuvers. Will return to his default stance and sheath Wolf's Fang as well.


An hour later, the arena opened up again, this time as the dust settled you see 115 ft. away a mound of something green. It looked like some sort of green slime, and you can clearly see the creature pulsating and dripping. It seemed to be agitated as its slime continued to reach forth in successive bursts like spasms.

Roll initiative and perform

Wolfrin Fenris

Initiative Roll
Rolled 1d20+7 : 18 + 7, total 25
Perform Roll
Rolled 1d20+9 : 2 + 9, total 11
Knowledge Nature Roll to glean information about the creature
Rolled 1d20+7 : 14 + 7, total 21


You did not recognize the creature to be any sort of animal, fey, plant, vermin, or monstrous humanoid that you knew of.

Player to take turn

Wolfrin Fenris

Wolfrin eyed the green slimy-goo-creature askance. Whats with these opponents? He sighed.

"Alright," he said to Buddy. "Let's see what surprises this one has."

Wolfrin and Buddy both use double move actions towards the opponent.


Both you and Buddy made your way forward, with your companion going further ahead. At the same time the slime had begun charging as well, and once the slime and Buddy were close enough to attack each other, the slime had pounced on the wolf, scoring a hit.

Round 1 begins
Wolfrin moves 60 ft. closer. Enemy is 55 ft. away.
Buddy moves 100 ft. closer. Enemy is 55 ft away from Wolfrin, 15 ft. away from Buddy.
Slime charges and attacks Buddy and hits, dealing 9 damage. Enemy is 45 ft. away from Wolfrin, 5 ft away from Buddy.

Audience Attitudes
Player: Friendly

Initiative Order

Damage Taken and Status
Player: 0,
Buddy: 9,
Enemy: 0

Daily Resources Used

Refreshes Remaining: 6

Wolfrin Fenris

Anger flared in golden eyes and Wolfrin's jaw clenched when Buddy was struck by the slime thing. Wofrin rushed forward, focusing his mind on the fight, closing the distance somewhat. He came to an abrupt stop, using his momentum in drawing Wolf's Fang; The blade flashed out of the sheath in a horizontal slash, sending forth a wave of force at the creature.

Wolfrin advances 30 feet,spends a point of Ki to activate Murderous Insight, then uses the maneuver Iron Wave
Take better of the two

Attack Roll 1
Rolled 1d20+8 : 13 + 8, total 21

Attack Roll 2
Rolled 1d20+8 : 6 + 8, total 14

Rolled 1d10+7 : 7 + 7, total 14

Bonus damage from Iron Wave
Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6

Wolfrin Fenris

Buddy growled as the slime slammed into him, the acidic nature of the creature burning him. He glanced to Wolfrin, and saw the man striking forth. Buddy stepped to the side of the creature, trying to put it between the two of them. Then he lashed out, sharp canine teeth seeking his opponent.

Buddy 5 ft steps in a direction that helps him toward flanking the creature (havent been awfully specific with positioning so far XD) and then attacks.

Attack (While looking through Buddy's sheet I noticed a +3 miscellanious enhancement modifier to attack but could only find justification for +1. If you can, will you check this and verify which is correct? Will go with the lower for now.)
Rolled 1d20+7 : 8 + 7, total 15
Rolled 1d6+3 : 4 + 3, total 7
Extra cold damage
Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3
Can this creature be tripped? lol Trip
Rolled 1d20+5 : 20 + 5, total 25


Moving forward you struck at the slime creature dealing damage. Buddy however, didn't have the same luck. At that moment the slime attempted to pounce on you, engulfing you in its body.

Wolfrin and Buddy to take AoO. Wolfrin to take turn.

Round 1 begins
Wolfrin moves 60 ft. closer. Enemy is 55 ft. away.
Buddy moves 100 ft. closer. Enemy is 55 ft away from Wolfrin, 15 ft. away from Buddy.
Slime charges and attacks Buddy and hits, dealing 9 damage. Enemy is 45 ft. away from Wolfrin, 5 ft away from Buddy.
Round 1 ends, round 2 beguns.
Wolfrin moves 30 ft and attacks.
Buddy attacks and misses.
Slime attempts to grapple Wolfrin and succeeds.

Audience Attitudes
Player: Friendly

Initiative Order

Damage Taken and Status
Player: 0,
Buddy: 9,
Enemy: 20

Daily Resources Used

Refreshes Remaining: 6

Wolfrin Fenris

Oooooooooook. So alot going on here to my understanding. Gonna try to cover it all.
Wolrin's AoO - Murderous Insight is still in effect, take better roll.
Rolled 1d20+8 : 8 + 8, total 16

Rolled 1d20+8 : 3 + 8, total 11

Rolled 1d10+7 : 5 + 7, total 12

Will then sheath the blade at the end of the attack, as per Improved Quick Draw.
Sheathing Wolf's Fang recover's Iron Wave.

Buddy's AoO
Rolled 1d20+7 : 9 + 7, total 16

Rolled 1d6+3 : 2 + 3, total 5

Extra Ice Damage
Rolled 1d6 : 5, total 5

Trip Attempt
Rolled 1d20+5 : 13 + 5, total 18

Trying to trip the ooze onto an oozy side that doesnt support the ooze.....Or something lmao.

As the slime-ooze-thing is attempting to Grapple Wolfrin, Wolf will use an immediate action to use the Calm The Storm Counter Maneuver


Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous

By perfectly timing your counterattacks, you can force your opponent into a position where they are unable to further attack you. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding. If your attack roll is higher than your opponent's, their attack is negated and they must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or be you with any other attacks this turn.

Rolled 1d20+8 : 18 + 8, total 26

Will add roleplay bits after the numbers are crunched lol.


Let me know if you want to go to next round, and also state all your preparations that might be different than what your character sheet marks as default. Eg, abilities for use, healing potions bought, spells prepared and available, manuevers readied and available, active stance, etc. Spells or abilities that have at least a 1+ hour duration can be pre-cast. Feel free to use consumables in this downtime phase of an hour. Please verify the status log below before we start.

Player earns: 424 exp, 742 gp



Audience Attitudes
Player: Friendly

Initiative Order

Damage Taken and Status
Player: 0,

Daily Resources Used

Refreshes Remaining: 6

Wolfrin Fenris

All preparations are as current Character Sheet. I'd like to advance.

As the rolling ball of goo advanced at him, Wolfrin brought his sword up in a flurry of motion. Wolf's Fang slashed and sliced the air between the two, stopping the advance of the gooey mess and scoring a hit, even as Buddy's fang's once again sank into the creature from behind. With a loud pop, the slimy creature exploded, splattering the two combatants.


An hour later the arena was cleared and the new challengers placed into combat. You didn't know what to expect, though you knew the fight was to be harder. Soon enough the next opponent was unveiled and before you stood a serpentine creature, like a wingless dragon, but had five heads attached to the body. It towered to maybe 24 ft. in height. Though even that was an estimation as the way the heads moved around and the necks coiled, that it made it difficult to get a good measure. Unlike the other previous rounds however, there was a sizeable crowd to this one. Most of the would-be adventurers had to stop at the fight before, and from here on out were perhaps the toughest the event organizers could get together.

Roll perform and initiative! Also since we jumped right in, feel free to state any preparations beforehand. Remember you can cast any spell on yourself with a duration of atleast 1 hour before the match starts.

Wolfrin Fenris

Going to say that for perform, Wolfrin is practicing maneuvers between matches. A sort of 'dance'. Only thing that makes sense in my head XD.
Rolled 1d20+6 : 7 + 6, total 13
Rolled 1d20+10 : 4 + 10, total 14