[Lia] Challenge Ladder

Started by Throndir, May 28, 2016, 01:43:58 PM

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Both fortitude checks succeed
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."

Lia Starweaver

"Hey announcer!" Lia said as the huge beast closed nearer.

"You reek!" It was at that moment the large maw-like mouth snapped towards Lia, holding her in its mouth. The elf only shrieked as she attempted to pull herself out.

Escape artist to get out of grapple
Rolled 1d20+10 : 11 + 10, total 21


Escape Artist success! Will you escape or take charge of the grapple? Either way, Lia still has a move action remaining (only a standard action was used to take over/escape)
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."

Lia Starweaver

There was little she could do. All she could manage was crawling out of the flesh creature's maw, but without fail, the creature would continue to follow and crush her.

"You really, really, really reek!" Lia continued muttering to herself.

Each turn will be stabbing with my rapier over and over til she's out. Let me know if you really want rolls, but it should be immune to piercing. Forfeiting this round. Will take a day to replenish, then retry with Lia's new level/equipment she bought earlier.

Requesting DM, or will be self DMing by 9/23/16



But the maw continued to hold on to the elf. Try as she might, Lia could not let herself get free, nor was her weapon strikes doing anything to the blob-like creature. Each crunch of the maw's jaw sent pain to the elf, and just when Lia could not take it anymore, there was a bright flash of light and the combatant was teleported out.

QuoteRefresh used!



Audience Attitudes
Player: Indifferent

Initiative Order

Damage Taken and Status
Player: 0
Enemy: 0

Daily Resources Used

Refreshes Remaining: 5

Lia Starweaver

Lia awoke with a start.

"Damn it!" The first words she said leaving her mouth the moment she gained consciousness. In her final moments with what seemed like moments ago before she drifted into unconsciousness, she knew she would end up losing the fight. She looked around. It was already night.

The proud elf sighed. She wanted to beat the entire thing on the first day, but as luck would have it, a large overgrown snot ball got the best of her. She looked around and saw her gear just a reach away. Out of comfort she reached out for the bow, grabbed it, and pulled it close to her. When tomorrow morning arrives and the arenas opened again, she decided she'll try again.


An hour later as the arena was cleared up and you ushered back in, on the other side of the arena was a large creature of some sort. From your point of view, it looked like some sort of pile of flesh and blubber. It looked rotting, though you couldn't quite decide if it was undead or not. The most prominent feature of this rotting blob of flesh was a large and gaping maw filled with sharp teeth. There was a much larger crowd than even last match, and though it wasn't quite as full as during the time the Tournaments ran, it was getting there.

Roll initiative!

Lia Starweaver

Initiative 1d20+12 : 8 + 12, total 20


Monster Initiative 1d20-5 : 8 - 5, total 3

Lia Starweaver

First, knowledge to potentially identify it with Monster Lore.

Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1d20+4 : 1 + 4, total 5


You don't know what it is. It's stinky and large. With a maw that hurt.

Lia Starweaver

Stance already set to Stance of the Piercing Rays

Free: None
Swift: Steady Hand Boost
Fullround: Rapid Shot

Attack 1:
+6 (BAB) +6 (dex) +1 (enhancement) -2 (Rapid Shot) = +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 4 + 11, total 15
2d6 (piercing, base) +1d6 (fire, flaming) +1d6 (fire, augment crystal) +1d6 (fire, burning bow) +1d6 (fire, stance of the piercing rays) +2 (fire, solar wind style) +2 (piercing, discipline focus (solar wind))
Piercing, base 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7
fire 4d6 : 4, 6, 6, 3, total 19

Attack 2:
+6 (BAB) +6 (dex) +1 (enhancement) -2 (Rapid Shot) = +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 10 + 11, total 21
2d6 (piercing, base) +1d6 (fire, flaming) +1d6 (fire, augment crystal) +1d6 (fire, burning bow) +1d6 (fire, stance of the piercing rays) +2 (fire, solar wind style) +2 (piercing, discipline focus (solar wind))
Piercing, base 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8
fire 4d6 : 4, 6, 1, 6, total 17

Attack 3:
+1 (BAB) +6 (dex) +1 (enhancement) -2 (Rapid Shot) = +6
Rolled 1d20+11 : 17 + 11, total 28
2d6 (piercing, base) +1d6 (fire, flaming) +1d6 (fire, augment crystal) +1d6 (fire, burning bow) +1d6 (fire, stance of the piercing rays) +2 (fire, solar wind style) +2 (piercing, discipline focus (solar wind))
Piercing, base 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11
fire 4d6 : 2, 3, 5, 5, total 15

Vs target's Flat-foot AC due to target not having moved yet. No range penalties due to Steady Hand.

Steady Hand
Discipline: Solar Wind (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
The disciple's limbs and muscles are strong and
wise with the knowledge of weapons in flight. As a swift action, the initiator may increase the range of
his ranged attacks by an additional 30-ft. for the first
range increment (first increment only) for one round.

Stance of the Piercing Rays
Discipline: Solar Wind (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
A Solar Wind disciple learns to cause his
ammunition to pierce like the burning rays of the
sun itself. While in this stance, the initiator's ranged
attacks inflict an additional 1d6 points of fire damage.
This bonus damage increases by an additional 1d6
points of fire damage every eight initiator levels. This
is a supernatural ability.

Rapid Shot
Benefit: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round at your highest bonus. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.

Solar Wind Style
Your arrows glow as bright as the sun.
Prerequisites: Perception 3 ranks, one Solar Wind
stance known.
Benefit: Your ranged attacks deal 1 point of additional
fire damage. At character level 5th and at every five
levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1. In addition,
whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack, you
can choose to have your target become outlined as if by
a faerie fire spell, with a caster level equal to the your
initiator level. Successive uses of this ability against the
same creature do not stack; instead, they extend the
duration. You can suppress or resume the light on an
affected creature you can see as a free action. This is a
supernatural ability.

Discipline Focus
Discipline Focus [General]
You've trained extensively in the arts of a single
martial discipline.
Prerequisites: Ability to initiate three maneuvers
of a single discipline.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throw DCs
when using maneuvers of the selected discipline. You
also inflict an additional +2 points of damage when
wielding associated weapons of the chosen discipline.
Special: If the character ever has fewer than three
maneuvers known from the specialized discipline, then
he loses the benefits of this feat until such a time that he
does. This feat may be selected multiple times, each time
selecting a new discipline to receive the benefits of this feat.


Round 1 starts
Lia does stuff and attacks dealing 36 fire damage.
Globster runs 80 ft. closer. Stench. Lia to roll fortitude.

Initiative Order

Damage Taken and Status
Player: 0
Enemy: 36

Daily Resources Used

Refreshes Remaining: 5

Lia Starweaver