[Lyolf] Challenge Ladder

Started by Throndir, May 28, 2016, 10:47:42 AM

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As the arena opened up, you see some sort of kitty 115 ft. away.

Roll for initiative! (And perform)


"D'aww, what a friendly-looking critter."


Rolled 1d20+6 : 14 + 6, total 20
Rolled 1d20+20 : 18 + 20, total 38
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


The cat starts running towards you, ending about 65 ft. away.

Round 1 begins.
Cat moves up 65 ft. away from Lyolf.

Audience Attitudes
Lyolf: Indifferent

Initiative Order
Cat creature

Damage Taken and Status
Cat creature

Lyolf to take their turn.


"Oh, you want to play? Come here, kitty; go on, go on."



Swift Action: Using Arcane Pool to grant a +2 enhancement to Lyolf's sword
Free Action: 5-ft-step forward, Choosing a negative bonus for the round via Obsidian Reflection
Standard Action: Casting Cat's Grace

Move Action: Flying 15 ft skyward, then 65 ft forward, such that Mr. Kitty is directly below the bird
Standard Action: Initiating Shadow Feather Strike against Mr. Kitty via Channel of Woe

Obsidian Reflection

Obsidian Reflection Stance
Shattered Mirror (Stance)
Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: 20 ft.
Area: 20 ft. emanation centered on you
Duration: Stance

You emanate an aura that either enhances the perceptions of those within it or makes them warped and twisted; at the beginning of each round, choose one: creatures (including you) within your aura gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls, or creatures (including you) within your aura suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls. The effects of this stance increase by 1 per four initiator levels (so +/- 2 at 4th level, +/- 3 at 8th level, and so on).
Channel of Woe

Channel of Woe (Su): At 3rd level, the Ravenlord's Dark Messenger gains the ability to initiate counters and strikes that the Ravenlord has readied. The Dark Messenger's initiator level is equal to the Ravenlord's; its initiation modifier is Intelligence. Only either the Ravenlord or the Dark Messenger may initiate a strike in the same round (that is, if the Dark Messenger initiates a strike, the Ravenlord may not initiate a strike in the same round, and vice versa). When either the Ravenlord or his Dark Messenger initiates a strike, the other being generates a 10 ft. radius sphere known as a Gloom around themselves (the Gloom is generated after the strike is resolved); this Gloom is stationary, lasts for 1 round, and grants partial concealment to the creature that generated it so long as that creature is within its area.
At 3rd level, hostile creatures within the Gloom are cursed and suffer a -2 penalty on skill checks and Reflex saves.
At 9th level, hostile creatures within the Gloom also suffer a -4 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls.
At 15th level, hostile creatures within the Gloom also suffer a -2 penalty to Fortitude and Will saves, and may not make attacks of opportunity while within the Gloom.
These are energy drain effects (which means, among other things, that undead and constructs are not subject to them).
This ability replaces Grim News.
Shadow Feather Strike

Discipline: Black Seraph (Strike) [evil]; Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30-ft
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant


By concentrating dark, spiritual energy within his hand shaping it into a rough feather-like shape, the disciple may hurl his wrath at a target with a blade of a cutting hate. When initiating this strike, the disciple makes a ranged touch attack against a target that inflicts 4d6 + initiation modifier in profane damage.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Attack vs. Touch (Shadowfeather Strike):
Rolled 1d20+9 : 4 + 9, total 13
Damage (Shadowfeather Strike):
Rolled 4d6+5 : 2, 5, 2, 1 + 5, total 15
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


The cat screeches, but it continues forward and attacks Lyolf. It attacked with its claws, and an attempted bite, though it only managed to hit with one of its claws.

Round 1 begins.
Cat moves up 65 ft. away from Lyolf.
Lyolf does stuff, Uli attacks and misses.
Round 1 ends, round 2 begins
Cat dashes ahead and attacks Lyolf dealing 4 damage.

Audience Attitudes
Lyolf: Friendly

Initiative Order
Cat creature

Damage Taken and Status
Cat creature
Lyolf: 4

Lyolf to take their turn.


Uli Activates Spilled Salt against the offending attack

Spilled Salt

Cursed Razor (Counter)
Level: 1
Prerequisites:  None
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100 feet plus 10 feet per level)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 round or special (see text)

This unsubtle counter disrupts an opponent with a blatant curse, whelming them with misfortune. The victim of this counter suffers a -4 penalty to their next attack roll or skill check this round.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


"Bad Kitty! BAD!"


Free Action: Positive bonus for Obsidian Reflection, and if the cat is adjacent to Lyolf, he 5-ft-steps back AFTER the two all-out attacks
Swift Action: Dark Claim on Mr. Kitty to recover Spilled Salt
Full-Round Action: Spell Combat to cast Shocking Grasp (Delivering it as a melee attack via Spellstrike), then make an attack against Mr. Kitty

Free Action: Changing to Medium-size via Sorrow's Shadow
Full-Round Action: Charging at Mr. Kitty from above and applying Frenzy Strike as part of the charge. This should activate Death from Above.

Dark Claim

The Harbinger reaches out with her sorcerous malice, marking foes as her own. As a swift action, the Harbinger may Claim an enemy that she can see (including with special senses such as blindsense or tremorsense) within close range (25 feet plus 5 feet per 2 levels) for a number of rounds equal to  ½ her class level (minimum 1). The Harbinger automatically knows the position of creatures she has Claimed. Any opponent the Harbinger cannot see has total concealment (50% miss chance) against her, and the Harbinger still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. The Harbinger is still denied her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks from Claimed creatures she cannot see. Additionally, Claimed creatures using the Withdraw action to leave a square threatened by the Harbinger provoke attacks of opportunity from her. The Harbinger may only have a number of Claimed creatures equal to or less than her Intelligence modifier at any given time, and may not Claim creatures with less than 1 HD.

At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of "touch" from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon's critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier.
Frenzy Strike

By emulating the ferocious assault of a raging great cat, the disciple's knowledge of the natural world and the way its predators operate assists him in combat with a furious set of attacks. The initiator makes one attack with each weapon he has wielded (or with both heads of a double weapon; this includes natural attacks and armor or shield spikes) at his full base attack bonus. Upon a each successful attack, the initiator inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage.
Death From Above

You allow gravity to add extra force to your charges.

Benefit: Whenever you charge an opponent from higher ground, or from above while flying, you gain a +5 bonus on attack rolls in place of the bonuses from charging and being on higher ground.
Sorrow's Shadow

At 4th level, the Dark Messenger's type changes to magical beast and it gains Toughness as a bonus feat. Do not recalculate its base attack bonus, hit points (except those granted by Toughness), saving throws, or skills. Once per turn, as a free action, the Dark Messenger may increase its size to Medium or revert to its natural size. This increases to Large at 10th level, and Huge at 16th level.
This ability replaces Massacre.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Quote from: Lyolf

Rolled 1d20+18 : 10 + 18, total 28
Damage (Weapon) [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +3 Accursed Will]:
Rolled 1d4+11 : 1 + 11, total 12
Damage (Elemental Assault: Fire) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6

Attack [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +3 Accursed Will]:
Rolled 1d20+18 : 5 + 18, total 23
Damage (Weapon) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d4+11 : 3 + 11, total 14
Damage (Elemental Assault: Fire):
Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1

And if either attack connected..
Damage (Shocking Grasp):
Rolled 5d6 : 5, 1, 2, 5, 6, total 19

Quote from: Uli

Attack (Beak) [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +5 Death From Above, +2 Flanking]:
Rolled 1d20+19 : 5 + 19, total 24
Damage (Beak) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d6+6 : 3 + 6, total 9
Damage (Frenzy Strike):
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 6, total 9

Attack (Talon) [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +5 Death From Above, +2 Flanking]:
Rolled 1d20+19 : 13 + 19, total 32
Damage (Talon) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d6+4 : 5 + 4, total 9
Damage (Frenzy Strike):
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 5, total 6

Attack (Talon) [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +5 Death From Above, +2 Flanking]:
Rolled 1d20+19 : 11 + 19, total 30
Damage (Talon) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d6+4 : 6 + 4, total 10
Damage (Frenzy Strike):
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8

Attack (Wing) [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +5 Death From Above, +2 Flanking]:
Rolled 1d20+19 : 19 + 19, total 38
Damage (Wing) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d4+4 : 1 + 4, total 5
Damage (Frenzy Strike):
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8

Attack (Wing) [+2 Obsidian Reflection, +5 Death From Above, +2 Flanking]:
Rolled 1d20+19 : 4 + 19, total 23
Damage (Wing) [+2 Obsidian Reflection]:
Rolled 1d4+4 : 1 + 4, total 5
Damage (Frenzy Strike):
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 3, total 9
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."



Slight mistake.

Add +2 to Lyolf's attack and damage via Arcane Pool, but attack increase is neutralized due to the negative penalty of using Spell Combat. However, there's still the +1 bonus to attack and damage due to a Friendly Crowd.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Dead, let me know if you want to go to Tier 2.

Lyolf earns: 64 gold, 93 exp.


On to T2! This counts as a new encounter, right? And all active durations (Except really looooooooong ones) are gone?
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Yeah. Lets assume each round takes an hour after the first one. To prepare the monsters, cleanup, etc. To make it easier mention which spells are still active and their duration.

As the next round was prepared, you see in the distance what looked to be a robed figure, covered from brownish-black clothing. Apart from that, it was still too far to get any more details.

Roll some sort of thing to get the crowd going, and roll initiative.


"Kin, is that you?"

Them rolls

Nothing active should've lasted an hour however, I'll keep a note of spent resources.

Arcane Pool: 6/8 (Used an additional point to restore Shocking Grasp)

Rolled 1d20+20 : 12 + 20, total 32
Rolled 1d20+6 : 6 + 6, total 12
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


The person, if it was one, didn't say anything, though it gurgled a response. It dashed forward, and suddenly the light around him seemed to diminish, as if he surrounded by a shadowy light. By your estimation the globe around him seemed to stretch around 20 ft. around him.

Unknown combatant is 85 ft. away.