[Shadowrun] Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Request

Started by Oath, January 18, 2016, 01:35:34 AM

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Kn1ghtwing, I can assure you that there has not been enough time for Verrill & Wynn Inc. to craft a prototype, so you will not have to worry about destroying something in that regards. However, if the plans have been scanned or copied, I cannot say for sure. Of course you will be expected to destroy any copies. As it stands at this moment, I am willing to pay you 15,000 nuyen for the job being completed. If it is done particularly well, without any evidence of your intrusion, or a pile of corpses, there is a bonus in store. It might not be the kind of pay you're expecting from dealing with a corp, but this is small time compared to trying to go up against the big guys. No extraterritoriality, no private police force. Likely just a small contracted security company that doesn't pack the rapid response fire power of something like the Red Samurai. Of course if you make a mistake Lonestar could be breathing down your neck, but that is a risk runners take with almost any job.


"A certain level of risk is natural for this kind of thing." Zeyphr said as he rolled over onto his stomach. "As to payment for this risk I offer a bit of alternative payment method. I have connections with an intermediary group who deals with the selling of various types of products including the types that you have created. I would be willing to take less money around 5,000 nuyen up front total for the ability to hand your deal off to my associates and a cut of the end profit. Lets say a 6% finder's fee of the end selling price once all is said and done paid by my business upon completion of sale? I assure you she can get you more money then you could on your own and insure your personal security against any possible complications.

Give me that and the ability for me and my friends to call in on the occasional favor well within your skill set and we have ourselves a deal. I think you get a far more secure and more profitable deal from all this and I get a bit of good will. I will of course get a contract to you by the end of day with more clear specifics."
Zephyr was barely holding his breath. He could feel  that he had this guy on the line he just needed the green light then everything would fall into place.

[blockquote]Rolled 11d6 : 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 4, 3, 5, 1, 1, 4, total 38[/blockquote]


1 edge reroll
[blockquote]Rolled 8d6 : 5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 4, 2, 1, total 20[/blockquote]


I'm not comfortable with that. Not a fan of making deals with people that I don't know. However, in the case that you are successful, I would be willing to meet with your associate and decide for myself if I'd like them to represent me. Perhaps you could consider that part of a bonus for a job well done. As for money up front, I can consider it. You do seem more capable than the others that have contacted me regarding this matter.


Zephyr cursed his luck he was so close to the deal, but there was still hope. "Agreed, I'll have my boss get in touch with you using this number for future details. You can look over the paper work while we begin work on your job and you forward the money for us into her account. It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

He waited for the pleasantries to be finished before he hung up got out of the pod and began making his way downtown rowards the paper lantern. Grabbing his real commlink out of his pocket he quickly began typing dialing a number. "Maccy boy we have ourselves a job I'll send you the specifics in a second, it doesn't pay the most but it has money up front and the chance to do substantially more for use if we play things smart and smooth. You think Spark and the others are available?" He quickly typed out the details on an AR screen then pinged it over careful to neither over or understate his negotiations. "I need to get my contact on the same page to get the best out of things. So I can't talk long you think you can set up a meeting place to plan its time sensitive."


Takumi cracks a small smile at Roland's advice. "Yeah sounds like a bad time all around if you ask me. Would rather not be the one crossing party lines down the road."

Takumi the turns to Shinji and bows slightly. "If thats what i have to do then it will be done. Just a few questions. before I get ready to leave.Which one of our brothers am I looking out for? How long will I need to guard him for? Who else is in this security detail? I assume its me and whoever I can get? And lastly where is he now?

After Shinji responds Takumi walks over to the barkeep and buys Roland and himself a drink. Takumi looks over at Roland This ones on me.
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     



Mister Barrel exchanged goodbyes and the line went silent. He agreed to forward 5,000 nuyen after looking at the contract. Machiavelli answered your call quickly.

"Hey there Zephyr. Can't say that I know what they're up to but I can go ahead and give Roland a call. We can likely meet up at Shinji's bar, those private rooms always treat me right. I'll let you know what he says.


"Well, we have a few guys on the ground with him already. But the guy you gotta look out for is named Tora Ishikawa. He's a pretty fierce fighter in his own right, but you never know what's gonna happen when numbers get involved. I personally don't keep track of the guy so you'll have to contact him for yourself. I'll give you his number. Not sure how long he will want the security detail for, but you can work that out with him yourself. I'm just the messenger here."


Takumi sits down next to you and buys you a drink (of your choice) During your conversation with him, you get a call from Machiavelli, detailing the job that Zephyr has found.


    "On you eh?  Good move.  Sempai notices you."  Roland looked over the bar's stock.  "Top shelf tequila!"  Roland proceeded to pour salt into his hand but before he could the message from Machiavelli came in on his comlink.  "Hmm looks like a job just showed up." He said as he looked at his comlink.  He finished pouring salt into his hand and then proceeded to down it followed by the recently arrived shot of tequila.  He tapped out a response to Machiavelli.  Alright, I'm in.  At Shinji's right now buying some merchandise.  I can grab us a room if you need. He sucked on the lime slice that came with the shot.  Roland took the rind of the lime out of his mouth and dropped it into the empty shot glass.  "Hey Shinji, any of the private rooms free?"


Zephyr sighed quietly to himself but sent a quick thumbs up before changing direction mid walk. A call to kyoko would have to do for now as he headed to Shinji's. Using what daylight was left to plan was key for this kind of time sensitive job. Dailing into the private employee line at the paper lantern he waited for someone to pick up and find her. He planned to do the usual banter quickly before getting to the meat of the issue. Espically since it sounded like they had gotten her from her personal room in the bowels of the place. "Kyoko I found a client online he's an inventor and lost access to his designs. If I can get them I think he'd be willing to have a meeting with the house for sales and mediation."

He was talking faster then he'd like but he needed her ready if he called. " I realize he's not been vetted and I'm supposed to be laying off  the jobs till I'm fully back to optimum power. But doing this will at least help take the edge off. Plus, the prize is a new security design which I know in your hands could turn into gold. And we can start planning on ways to break the next age of security. What do you say? Let me do this job hook the prize and you see what alchemy to do to turn it into nuyen. I won't get caught or cause to much noise I swear."


Takumi looks over to Shinji. "I gotcha I will contact him here in the a moment to meet up with him."

Takumi downs his drink and calls up Tora Ishikawa to schedule a meet up and discuss details of the job.

Takumi looks back at over at Roland. Got some work myself to take care of so if you guys need me for anything just let me know.
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     



Zephyr, this is not a matter for the phone. It sounds interesting, and I'll think about what we can do with it, but if you want to discuss it further, make an appearance in person. Kyoko hung up the phone somewhat coldly. In the meantime, you also received word from Machiavelli that the room had been obtained and that you could swing by whenever.

A gruff voice answers your call. "And who the hell is this?"


Sure thing, Roland. Still early enough in the day so the rush hasn't started. couple of hours good enough?"
Machivelli sends you a message to let you know that he's on his way to the establishment and that Zephyr may be as well.   


     "Thanks Shinji, I guess I'll move myself in there instead of taking up space at the bar.  Take it easy Chopstick."  Roland stood up from the bar-stool just in time for one of Shinji's men to show up with a plastic case which they promptly put on the counter next to him before hurrying off to their next errand.  He opened up the case and looked over the merchandise.  Gonna want to clean these.  Don't want a jam at the wrong time.  Roland went and put the case down in the private room before heading out to his car and grabbing his maintenance kit out from one of the bins under the backseats.  He returned to the private room and set about disassembling and inspecting the specials as well as his sporter, checking up on assorted sports feeds to see who was doing well and who the bookies were thinking had the long odds.  He got to work cleaning and oiling the parts spread out across the table, enjoying the fragrance of the oil as he waited for the others to arrive.


Zephyr cursed under his breath more loudly then he would otherwise. He had known that meeting in person would have worked better and he would have preferred it as well. better now to give her space for an hour or two until her usual smile came back with tea and alcohol. She did always enjoy playing with his feelings like that and while it at sometimes made her a delicate matter to deal with. He could not say he did not enjoy her jabs and biting commitments for the honesty and clarity that it brought with them.

For now it was better to get Mac and Sparky rolling, he needed them to be onboard or it was not worth going to Kyoko anyway. They could start doing the basic legwork without him and he could deal with his lady. Why Owl liked to bring him with difficult people he was not really sure. He thought he was always affable enough but everyone in his life had some variation of difficult traits who wanted to push him away or required his effort to know. Well he supposed he could not expect much else from a mentor who demanded that he dig through secrets. As Negi's came into view he took a deep breath reading himself for what he was sure to come.

He was wearing synthetic jeans that were a stormy shade of grey a bright colored band t shirt and a mesh shirt over that. If he had a few more piercings and eyeliner he would look like a well dressed punk going to the night club. As it was he looked like a man who had enough sense to turn the style into something more then a statement against The man. His long lime green was tied back in its usual pony tail. He wore a short jacket that was meant to keep out the wind and acid rain that was the usual state of the Seattle metro-plex. He waved his way through to the back where he knew the V.I.P rooms to be.

He moved fast so he would not have to second guess his asking for sparky in this job. He was still nursing some dark feelings about the man but a driver was something that he could not turn away from. So he entered the room without giving it a second thought, "Sorry to be pushing  for a meeting. I still have background work to do in regards to this job. No Takumi?" He looked around the room looking to see who exactly was there and if Mac had beat him there.

Seeing Sparky there alone he took a seat in one of the sofa's opposite. As he collected his thoughts for a moment not quite sure how to continue


     Roland had just finished reassembling the first special and was taking a look down the sights of the unloaded gun at the door to check for flaws when Zephyr walked in.  Roland looked down the barrel of the gun right into the middle of Zephyr's chest.  Taking a moment to process Zephyr's question with his quick entrance.  Hmmm... If wishes were fishes...  Why him first?  "No... Chopstick is indisposed at the moment.  Clan biznass you know?" He pressed the magazine release on the gun and caught the falling clip while placing the gun down on the table.  He then set about fitting the bullets into the clip. 


Zephyr gave a small sigh of relief, he thought for sure that he would have jumped on it and this job is really best for as small a group as possible. He was also all to happy to ignore the gun being pointed at his center of mass,"Makes sense family matters come first and all that." He said shrugging of his jacket and throwing it over the back of the sofa. He contemplated summoning a spirit to hang around just in case but he imagined his display from earlier was enough to leave the idea that there was already one present in his new teammates heads.

"Nice gun it new? I don't remember you using it last time." He said nodding at the gun in Sparky's hands he very much doubted that shooting off in a backroom of his friend's bar would end well. Using his confidence of Sparky's ties to the yakuza as a shield while he sat back and crossed his legs. "I'll get to the job once we here from Mac, so I would guess we have some time."