[Shadowrun] Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Request

Started by Oath, January 18, 2016, 01:35:34 AM

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Takumi looked up from the backseat "If nothing else I do in fact have my own vehicle to get around on if nothing else. I just figured it would be easier to consolidate our resources less messy this way if you ask me. Plus I figured it would be easier if I rode with you guys to give directions." Takumi then proceeds to go back to prepping for what was to come.
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     


Zephyr walked outside once his phone call was done. Seeing everyone huddled around a car he assumed that to be their mode of transit. "Sorry about that guys had to tie up some lose ends real quick. He first grabbed his pistol from the gnger who was holding onto it for him and then moved over to them. He leaned down arm resting on the roof of the car. "There is no need for fighting now. Its better for everyone if we keep damage down to a minimum. Your job is to teach these punks a lesson not kill them and not to draw attention to our actions by driving a whole caravan". Looking to Firecracker he said "Taku does have a point about that FC when it comes to driving and escaping hyped up teens I trust you to do it." He gave a smile trying to put everyone at ease it would be better to be in a group to have each other's backs


    "HUUUUGH, fine"  Roland threw his hands up.  "If the puppy pees on the carpet you pay for the detailing."  He turned to grip the steering wheel.  "So you all ready to go then?  As they say: time is money."


"Detailing wont be an issue this "puppy's" house trained. But on a more serious note I am ready to go whenever the rest of the group is." Takumi looks over to Zephyr Dont worry I dont plan on killing anyone unless it comes down to it just being on the safe side. I would rather be prepared then get caught off guard by some junkie."

Takumi then puts away one of his Suppressors and his SMG.  "So whats the plan that way when we get there we are all on the same page?"
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     


"Right, the first part is getting the footwork done as they say its better to start walking before you go running in guns blazing at it were. If we can get some blackmail on these punks and turn it into the cops and get their setup burned to the ground and posted on the matrix for the news to pick up. Then we have a case of local vigilante justice that doesn't get anyone killed and the area gets some good publicity," It was a rather elegant plan if he did say so himself. The Yakuza knew how to handle the spotlight it was groups like these who tended to burn in the sun and the more eyes are on a place the harder it is for the weeds to pop back up, Especially if they watched the fireball that would be the last guy's place of business.

"Our first goal is to get the names of any higher ups in this rag tag operation. Once we do, leave it to Mac and me to find the dirt, and get it delivered. Once the cops have them you to go in torch what's left and make sure you get a vid of it burning, From there my local contact in the news will handle the rest and make sure any more punks don't get the same bright idea. Just avoid getting your faces on camera, and make sure you get in and out fast. If everything goes right then we won't have to waste any bullets on kids."

"What do you think?"


     Roland pulled the car out into the street and began heading for the apartment building.  "Eh, sounds like a lot of work.  could we skip all the weird blackmail shit and just go eviscerate these punks?  Then just leave a survivor and keep an eye on him.  If they are working for someone worth being afraid of then they will either run home to mommy or try to skip town and if they skip town then their boss is either a low level bitch that lets it slide or a big shot that will go after the bait.  If there really is a nefarious kingpin backing these punks then it ain't our job.  Shinji is only paying us for the street dealers so anything above that is outside my fee so unless chopstick here is gunning for a promotion and is going to pay out of pocket for the extra work I'm gonna just do the job I'm being paid for.  I don't want to get a rep for working outside my contract parameters."  Roland contintued to drive towards their destination


"He's paying us to leave a message so that more kids don't make the stupid decision of selling drugs in this neighborhood. Killing kids won't do more then cause more problems for everyone including our employer. I won't just go around shooting drugged teens in the head. Better to let the cops have them then their souls haunting me. Remember ghosts aren't just fairy tales and its hard for me to block out that energy when I feel guilty about it. So, do me this favor and lets hold off shooting kids until we have no further option. But I promise you that when things go to hell. I won't stand in your way of doing what has to be done."

Zephyr somehow doubted his own personal feelings would have much affect on Sparky though as he read the expression in his eyes so he had to do a different tactic. "I promise that if we handle things with a scapulae rather then a jackhammer we can make more money. You can have run of whatever is in their hold if we can clear it out without destroying things there should be more then enough product, weapons, and equipment to make some money on the side. The more in control we are the more money we can make end of story, so its in your best interest to at least try my plan in case it works."


   "It's not the money. It's the principle.  I trust you know that down here a man is only worth as much as his reputation and my reputation is to do the job I'm paid for, no more no less.  If Shinji wants a message sent, then I will send that message in as fine a style as he would himself.  Just because he works in a nice clean hostess club and does more management then action these days doesn't mean he doesn't know the life."  Roland looked into the rear-view mirror and looked at Takumi.  "How's about we try and get this from the horse's mouth?  Chopstick, let me see if i can remember the standard fee for non-yakuza affiliated punks edging in on clan turf.  Was it just the hand or does it go all the way to the elbow?  Now I know I have seen Shinji take it off at the elbow but the guy also spat on him so I assume he was being a little vindictive."


Takumi was unsure which plan sounded like the right one to go with so he sat and listened to the other two while trying to think of a compromise. A few minutes roll by and Takumi thinks he might have come up with a compromise, "Alright I can see that we are not going to agree on killing or not killing but maybe we can just rough up some of these people no one dies. Then do whatever else we need to do to finish the job. What do you guys think of that that way we still get to act a bit aggressively but no one dies and message gets sent?" Takumi then directs his attention to the driver. "As for edging on our turf its usually a lost hand but then again I would imagine it would have to depend on how froggy those punks are. If someone had the balls to spit on Shinji I can definitely see him taking half an arm if they are lucky enough to not be killed on the spot.
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     


Zephyr sat back from his position in the passenger set next to firecracker. He could sense a losing battle and it was better to not be without a plan if they were going to be in a drug den breaking faces. He halfheartedly smirked. "A compromise is better then nothing for both of us I suppose right Sparky?" He had decided on Firecracker's nickname after this conversation.

"But if we're going to do this the hard way and I'm outside of my territory, so you'll have to come up with the basic plan at least here kid. Sparky and I can help flesh out the details but If the message is breaking fingers and making sure that the other gutter punks notice. The one who would know what to do at least at a base level is you." He gave the other man  driving a small wink. "So what do you want to do my lord?" This was his chance to see Shinji's thought process and tempo. If he was going to go into battle with this kid he wanted to know how he worked. He figured Sparky would feel the same.


Takumi was surprised on being put in the spotlight to come up with a plan. Takumi hastily thought until something came to mind "Uh how about we go after arms and legs instead? Its harder to make and peddle their wares without the use of those limbs. How we go about this I am not sure yet but we can hash those details out since we are in route. Takumi hoped that is would be at least acceptable on a base level until more could be figured out.
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     


[info]Request for Roland to roll composure test, to avoid deciding to just speed towards the target as part of thrill seeking. Difficulty higher than normal because you want to show Takumi what its like to be an actual runner. [/info]


Composure test

[blockquote]Rolled 6d6 : 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 1, total 19[/blockquote]


     "Well shit I can see why it is that Shinji wants a babysitter for you...  Well guess its time to take those training wheels off."  Roland gunned the engine and picked up speed.  "Don't you worry once I'm through with you Shinji will be proud, also a little bit peeved because I'm charging him for the babysitting."  Roland punded on the car horn as he whipped around a cab into the oncoming lane before returning to the normal lane.  "Fucking gridguide am I right?"  Roland pressed down even further on the pedal and the engine roared.  "Oh hey there is the stripclub.  Guess we are here... Oh chopstick let me show you something that you need to take to heart.  I learned it from one of your buddies in the clan."

Driving test to drift into the parking lot (Threshold should be 2 i think)
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 11d6 : 3, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 1, 2, 5, total 38


     Roland braked hard after making it into the parking lot and let the car slow down to a halt diagonally across two parking spaces.  He pulled his ballistic mask down over his face before turning around in his seat.  "OK Chopstick, which apartment are these fuckers in and what floor are they on.  It's time to make sure you earned those tats.  Hellif you are a good boy maybe I will buy you a lapdance at the stripclub afterwards."