Re: Divine Interventions (Divine potions and scrolls!)

Started by Lance, December 14, 2013, 01:55:56 PM

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"I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!" A now-familiar voice called out from outside the shop, only moments before a certain elf came barging into the store once more. The raven perched atop the elf's shoulder also let out a greetings of sorts with nothing more than a mellow "well met." Clearly, it still wasn't over the earlier incident.

"I'll be taking two more of those shiny, green things as well as two of those clear blue ones," Lyolf said, pointing to each set of potions in turn. "And last but not least... The elf smiled. "I'll take one of those enlargement potions!"

"Full price," he quickly added, all the while glaring at the raven beside him.


"Also, before I forget," the elf continued while reaching into his pack.

"This one's for you," he finished, holding out:
an innocent-looking present...

[spoiler=If Opened:]
containing an innocent-looking book...

  [spoiler=If Opened:]
filled with indecent images. That moved.


"Feel free to open it right away," he cheerily said with a devilishly bright smile.

"In fact, I'd prefer it if you do."

Lyolf buys two Potions of Cure Light Wounds, two Potions of Sanctuary, and a Potion of Enlarge Person then offers Potion Girl his gift-the Questionable Elf Book.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


Like usual ? the shopkeeper was busily tidying up the shop. Everything was perfect! She had taken the time to decorate for the day of giving. A tiny tree sat at the front desk, while pretty white lights lined the shelves. She herself was dressed like normal, however, her hair was tied back with two pretty red bows rather than her usual yellow ones.

?O-oh gosh...? The sound of a voice, one that seemed familiar, caused the small girl to jump. She whirled around, her eyes locked on the door. Just as expected, the trouble maker elf from before waltzed right in. But, he had apologized before leaving last time, right? Surely there was nothing to worry about?

?O-ok, I'll g-get them for y-you Before she could gather the requested items, the elf caught her completely off guard. A gift? She stared at the present for a long moment, her expression that of a confused and frightened mouse. No, no, this was something to be excited about, right? Gifts were a good thing. She held the present gently in her hands, her eyes momentarily meeting the elf's as he suggested she open it right away. ?W-well...a-alright...? She mumbled.

Carefully pulling at the ribbon, the shopkeeper opened the gift with care, her eyes holding a glint of excitement. Gifts were a rare occasion, she wanted to treasure this moment! The wrapping fell away to reveal a cute little book. She loved books! ?I-I have n-never heard of this b-before...? She stated, her voice nearly inaudible. ?Th-thank you s-.......? was....

As if some sort of switch was flipped, her cheeks immediately turned a bright shade of red.

Flipping passed the first couple pages, her eyes were met with images she couldn't even find the words to describe. The shopkeeper let out a frightened squeak.  The book slipped from her hands, falling to the spotless floor with a thump. She was completely still - her hands still held out in front of her. It was as if she was unable to register what she'd just been exposed to.


"Ah, sorry sorry," the elf let out while vainly struggling to suppress a chuckle. "To be honest, I had picked up the book during that recent invasion by the undead-and I'm glad you got out fine by the way." By now, the elf was slightly in control of his own laughter. Slightly. He let out a minor chuckle and the raven pecked at him in annoyance.

"ANYWAYS," he continued while glaring at the bird beside him, "since then I've been trying to come up with the best way of handling the situation-whether it'd be trying to find the proper owner, leaving it where I found out, or just burning the thing. However, I couldn't just go around showing that to random people and asking 'is this YOURS!?'"

"...well, I could," Lyolf said with a laugh, "but that'd be more trouble than it's worth. So then I considered leaving the thing where I had picked it up, but that had its own share of complications. Imagine if a young impressionable child had picked it up, for example. He or she'd be scarred for life! Worse yet, imagine if someone like you had done so. Only a fiend would allow such cruelty to take place."

The elf sighed, while giving the shopkeeper a slight pat of reassurance.

"That left me with only one viable choice," Lyolf said in a serious tone. "BURNING."

"But I couldn't do that either. The book was too well-made despite its content-though that showed quality too in a sense. It was apparently someone's treasure at one point in time and, as I am no fiend, I couldn't just run around destroying people's treasures."

"So imagine my joy when I remembered the Day of Giving was right around the corner. At first, I was unsure of who to grant such a fine treasure. But the more I thought about it, the more I became convinced. It had to be you."

The elf smiled, his explanations done, and reached into his pack once more. And when his hand reemerged, it was holding onto a well-made flask of some sort with a parchment wrapped around it.

"This is my second gift."

Lyolf hands out his second gift-a Bomb of Doom as well as a detailed set of instructions on how to make them.
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


The elf's overall reasoning was...questionable. But, it was the thought that counted in this season...right? Maybe he really was just trying to be nice.

As he continued to speak, she suddenly realized the book was still wide open on the floor, the scene unfolding on the pages causing her to panic again. She quickly gathered the indecent material up in her arms, glad no other customers had entered at that moment.

"This is my second gift."

Second gift? The shopkeeper wasn't so sure she could handle another one of these ?gifts?. This time, he held a flask of some sort. She held the book with one hand, accepting the flask and paper with another. ?B-bomb...of d-doom?? She read the title on the instructions aloud. The second gift was about as questionable as the first, however, she thought it would be rude to deny any of it. ? you s-sir. I m-mean, you r-really didn't have t-to...? She felt awkward receiving gifts, especially since she hadn't prepared anything in return. She would read up on the bomb thingy later, as for the book...Maybe she could ?study? the contents at a later point as well.

She had calmed down a little at this point, although it looked as if the pink of her cheeks had become permanent. Despite the oddness of his gift choices, the shopkeeper still felt grateful. The fact that anyone had been thinking about her made the shopkeeper happy.

? want some healing p-potions c-correct? P-please take one for free, as a g-gift from m-me.? After carefully setting his gifts on the counter, the shopkeeper gathered up the items he had requested earlier.

Free Cure light wounds potion for Lyolf!


?B-bomb...of d-doom??

"Boooom!" the raven pantomimed an explosion with its wingspan in sudden response, leading Lyolf to raise a thumb upwards in the standard expression of "good job." But after some time, the girl gathered everything he had asked for plus extra.

"Wow thanks," Lyolf responded, receiving the free potion graciously. He had never expected to be given a present here, in this shop. As a result, he was genuinely glad that the shopkeeper had seen fit to grant him such a gift. But he wasn't about to stop now. He took out and promptly handed the girl a pouch pre-prepared with the necessary payment before reaching into his pack once more.

"This is my final gift," he stated, "incomparable to what came before."

"Our utmost effort was placed into this craft," Lyolf said, causing the raven to swell in pride, in eager anticipation of the girl's reaction. "Working tirelessly for several nights and for several days," For they had sacrificed a great deal of time in the item's creation.

"Repairing any mistake, fixing any error in the process," the elf continued.

"Creating an object more invaluable than that previous treasure, more practical than that latest bomb."

"It consumed our most precious of resources in its creation,"

"All to bring you this most perfect work."

"So, as I present,"

[spoiler=Open/Close for Music]"Unlimited Something Works!" Lyolf exclaimed, while dramatically bringing out something in front of the shopkeeper.


"...It's a necklace by the way," he stated after dangling the object in front of the shopkeeper for several long moments, in all its glory. And it was-albeit remarkable so. The necklace was masterfully made, mostly in silver, the emblem of Galas'nor proudly depicted onto its center, and adorned with a gem so rare that some would even question its existence-a black star sapphire.

As everyone knew, out of a thousand sapphires, only one would ever depict that iconic six-point-star. And even among the asteriated gems, rarer still were those of a naturally black hue, which added not only more beauty but also more power. Black star sapphires have been known to greatly enhance one's connection with the weave after all, particularly when it came to necromancy and similar magics that altered the domains of life and death. As a result, such gems have always been highly prized and have thus been sought after by almost every kind of spellcaster.

It was utter blasphemy for an individual to waste such a precious gem on mere ornaments such as jewelry-more so if that individual was a spellcaster himself. But Lyolf hardly cared about such things and proceeded to offer the gift in much the same way as the others.

[spoiler=OOC]W00t! Free Potion![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Actions]Lyolf hands his final gift-the necklace. Composed of silver with several golden inlays, the necklace has an Arcane Mark on top of the black star sapphire centerpiece, which depicts the emblem of Galas'nor strongly glowing.[/spoiler]
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


The shopkeeper watched with a wary gaze as the raven spread its wings, remembering their previous encounter. ?A-another...?? She could hardly believe there was more. Would the last ?gift?, be some form of prank? Would he cast another scary illusion before dashing off? Worry was written all over her features...then again, it was rare she didn't look worried.

She flinched as he brought the object forward, her eyes closing. Slowly, they opened up again one by one, widening as the realization of what he was holding washed over her.

?I-is th-that...? No, she didn't have to ask, the shopkeeper knew exactly what she was looking at. But, believing he would waste a gem as precious as that, on a gift for someone like her...she teared up almost immediately. ?'s r-really f-for...? She couldn't quite find the words to express her gratitude, all of her sentences coming out as broken stuttering. She quickly wiped away the tears from under her glasses, feeling a little embarrassed by her own reaction. Surely he knew of the gems rarity, though. ?Th-thank you.? She finally managed to push the words out.


"Unfortunately it doesn't blow up like the last gift," the elf replied cheerily. "But hey, you can't have everything."

"Anyways, I'm glad you like it... ugh..." Lyolf scratched his head in semi-embarrassment. "Come to think of it, I've never gotten your name." For even though so many things had happened between the two, they never had the chance to even properly introduce themselves. The elf was genuinely surprised, wondering what could have made him so forgetful.

"I'm Lyolf by the way," he began at length, with an overtly-elaborate bow. "And, as you might have remembered from last time, this thing on my shoulder is Uli," he ended, even as the thing began pecking at his unprotected face in retaliation.

The elf spent the next moment grappling with the thing, and many more moments settling it down, before finally extending his hand in greetings towards the shopkeeper. Though the thing still actively glared at him throughout his action.

"And your name is..?"

How I wish Lyolf had prepared the spell Shocking Grasp for this moment xD
"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."