[IC] Treasure in the sands 2.0

Started by Mysticsage, March 24, 2015, 08:37:41 AM

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[info][blockquote]Perception:  1d20+14 : 4 + 14, total 18[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


The inn is actually rather small due to the nature of the city topography and how squished everything was together. This main room took up almost the entire first floor. Tables and chairs clutter the space and even kin had to be careful where he stepped in order to get to the stair well. You can see however that passed the bar their seemed to be a stairwell leading down to a basement where Mora occasionally went bringing up plates of steaming food. There is a open hall just to the left of the stairs that open out to what seemed to be a covered garden space with a small well in the center.

Most of the people in the tavern space were travelers like yourselves kin takes notice of a variety of different conversations mostly about business or lack there of. Many complained as if it was a daily issue about the strict nature of shadar's goods the watchful eye of the royal palace and so on. One thing that every group seems to be talking about is how on edge the palace has been the last few months. Until a few weeks the entire city felt like it was on the edge of exploding the city guard often whisking people off the streets for days at a time with no explanation. Everything seems to be coming back to normal however since people are so openly gossiping about it.



As you continue to yell for your blade you take notice that the air in the dungeon seems alive pregnant with anxiety and adrenaline as you here the jingle of keys and padded footsteps of the colorful royal guard. The man in his early to mid twenties has his yellow silk scarf over his mouth and nose as he enters with a large basin of water, a half clean rag, a set of silk robes similar to his own, and your sword chained in his hand.

"Make yourself descent swordsman, you are to be granted an audience with the emperor." He said placing the suds filled water basin on the dirt floor along with the rag clothes with your blade. The mental contact is still possible however you can tell from his eyes that the guard seems totally disinterested with your ranting.

Ever since you have been locked up in the royal palace dungeon for a few days after attempting to help a seemingly ailing old lady with a rather large box despite your blade's protest to the otherwise that she seemed strange and should be left alone. Instead of accepting your help and you going home after your heroic mission  this supposed old lady pushed you away and made quite a scene that resulted in the city guard was involved. What was worse the lady in question claimed that she had never seen the box before in her life and claimed you were the one carrying it before she stumbled upon you.

Despite a few memory probes from a rough handed mage they have treated you well considering making sure you have what you need. Otherwise tthey have not said anything until now, The man moves over to your shackle that has no lock and waves his hand over it allowing it to snap open on its own. "Get a move on, he will not be left waiting" he said in a flat almost matter of fact tone like one might talk about the weather.


Ryine looked at the outfit laid before him and the soapy water and scoffed.  "Odd. I thought that an Emperor would know how to treat a knight. You say to make myself decent, but a knight in a dress is hardly decent at all. If I am to meet a man of such high status, even one as dim as myself would like to look their best. Can you fetch my armor? I need not be armed, but I'd at least like to be wearing something fit for the occasion."

The knight had no reason to think that his request would be heard, but it was at least worth trying.


The guard stood there for a moment staring at Ryine in his dust and dirt covered self unchained within your cell and he simply turns around without saying a word locking the door behind him. Minutes pass and just when you think that he has left you alone once again he return not with your armor but  a metal chest plate of thin elegant metal meant to be worn just under andsecured by the layering of the colorful silks. "Your equipment is still being held. This will have to do".

Without waiting for a response he closes the door again and goes around the corner out of sight signaling the end of the dissussion


Get Shadar Royal Guard breastplate

Agile breast plate stats


Ryine grunted and cleaned himself up the best he could given the circumstances. He put on the clothes in disgust, looking nothing like a knight. 
After a few moments he shouted. "Oi, guard! I'm ready to meet this so-called emperor."[/b] The knight didn't know what to expect, but surely anything was better than wasting away in a cell. If all went well, this misunderstanding could be sorted out and within the day he could be on his way to Galas'nor, and ready for a cold drink.


As the guard led you from the depths of the castle you were forced to s   quint as you were faced with your first bit of sunlight in days. The floor beneath your feet shifted from the large cobbled stone of this lower floor into intricate marble as the guard led you into the palace proper. The sheer amount of natural light in the space as it fractured into rainbows of color from the various windows as you move down several hallways was astounding. The entire space was lavish and ornate with gold inlays and white shards of crystal like stones that glowed with a soft light that filled the area.

However one thing that was worse up in the open air then down in the dark underbelly was the heat. You could feel gusts of air but they did little to help with the sheer amount of windows that allowed the desert heat into the area. Within minutes due to the armor you were wearing you already were beginning to sweat. However every one you passed seemed completely unaffected as they went about their daily activity.

About thirty or so minutes after leaving the dungeon you finally could tell you got to a more populated area as servants ran in all directions dressed in white silk rushed passed you in all directions as you continued forward and things opened up into a large hall with a bright mosaic of a sun burst the apex of which led to a large set of double doors guarded by two men decked out in full metal plates with swords at their side. They stared Ryine and his ward up and down before they gave a small nod.

"Now keep your head Ryine you are going to be speaking to royalty and you don't want to make things worse." Said your blade from inside your mind.

As the large doors opened wide you were ushered into the large throne room an almost completely empty hall without side walls leading into a small walled off garden surrounding the whole place and a circular ceiling made of entirely stained glass that allowed shafts of bright lights that were like rain fall in a detailed pattern of a desert rose.

Siting at the far end of this room lounging back a man no more then twenty five or thirty sat shirtless silks barely draped enough for modesty over his bronze well built body, his chest nut hair hanging loosely in a pony tail to keep it away from his neck. His various bangles jingled happily as he raised a hand in greeting. "So this is our jewel thief. Welcome, Welcome I've been wanting to chat with you!" His smile was large and his voice seemed to fill the room and yet his eyes were also clear and shop despite the goblet in his hand. "I apologize if you have found my hospitality lacking I was in a rough position as of late. I am Emperor Serif a Valdarion of the Shadarian Empire. I welcome you to my court!"


The heat bothered him a bit, but not quite as much as being detained for no reason. He saw the emperor, and made no move to be courteous.

"Ah, your majesty. Your hospitality has been great. A knight of my standing has no greater desires in life than to be chained to a wall and shat in a hole." Ryine had a large grin spreading across his face. "However, I am most curious as to why I've been detained when I would never be involved with bandits and their ilk, so I've been looking forward to a conversation with you as well."

He patiently awaited an explanation from the emperor, hoping that his jest did not make too many waves.


Callista Fae

Callista wondered why Kin was looking for a tavern that dealt with business. Perhaps he was seeking to purchase something. Now that she thought about it, hadn't the guy who had given Kin the papers wanted them to do something for him? She had thought they were there for desserts. Perhaps Kin was looking for a tavern that had good connections in which to purchase large amounts of the desserts to take back to the man. Ah, well. She would let Kin worry about that. The faerie still had to figure out what she was going to do about getting into that palace. She just could not get it out of her head. Not only were they hiding away desserts in there, there was also an Empress! And besides that, she had said she would return later.

As the day went on and Kin continued looking for the Four Winds tavern, Callista had continued to perch on Ana's head. When night fell, the faerie grew tired and had decided to curl up on the girl's shoulder, tucking herself between Ana's neck and the collar of her blouse.

Wakefulness came back to the faerie when the loud sounds of rowdy customers of the tavern harassed her little ears. A large yawn escaped her and she rubbed her eyes before peering out at the world around her. It seemed Kin had found a place to stay the night at least. She was not sure what time it was now, but both of her companions looked like they could use some rest and yet the halfling seemed to want to confer with them about what to do next. She sat up as Ana followed Kin up the stairs to their room, deciding to let Kin talk first since she was not quite sure what was going on in the first place.