New Friends

Started by Throndir, December 29, 2014, 12:15:24 AM

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QuoteClosed roleplay only for Lanelja and CaptainKris.

"Haha! I knew this would work. Pit-traps always work after all. I can't wait to tell our superiors!" A person wearing a Team rocket outfit spoke as he peered over their handiwork; it was a large hole, with a young girl sitting unceremoniously on the ground, her clothing, specifically a uniform from the prestigious Xan Academy, was dirtied up.

"We learn from the best after all." Another one said, this time the voice was feminine. "Though... this makes this our first catch, like, ever! Can't help but be a little bit excited now can we?"

"Hmph. Let's make this quick, let's see if our victim has anything good on her. If she doesn't cooperate let's do what we were told to do, then take her things." The last Team Rocket member grinned, but all three sent out their Pok?mon; Rattatas. Each of the Pok?mon barred their fangs, as they surrounded the hole.

"Give us your Pok?mon, and anything else of value, then we'll let you go. If not, well, our Pok?mon can be quite convincing." He spoke menacingly as he threatened the girl in the pit.

QuoteI'll be using quotes to speak out of character. Feel free to tell me what you want to do, or roleplay it out (I'm okay either way, you don't need to write a lot if you don't want to - just do what you're comfortable with). An easy way to think of forum roleplaying with game rules is that you think of me as the computer, who spits back out what happens when you do a particular action. I'll be doing all dice rolls and calculations behind the scenes.

Since we're all new to this, I'll provide some guidelines on your next posts which might help. You don't need to follow them of course, (basically do anything you think your character would do), but they would certainly help I think!

Your next post could be about...
  • Running in there, saying something to Team Rocket, and sending out one of your Pokemon.
  • Trying to convince Team Rocket to stop.
  • Helping out Team Rocket. D: Wut. Nu.
  • Or maybe it was a bluff all along, so you can get on their goodside just to backstab them! dun dun duun.


Nena Ains

"Y-you're not going to..." Nena started to say, but she stopped short.

What am I going to do? I didn't think I'd run into mean people... What would sister do? Her mind was racing, but she couldn't seem to think straight. She wasn't ever in this sort of position, and she couldn't help but feel water tear up in her eyes.

"U-um.. go away!" Nena yelled then towards those above her, and with that she attempted to climb up the walls.

Using Athletics skill to attempt to climb out of the hole.
Rolled 2d6-2 : 3, 6 - 2, total 7


Try as you might you were not able to climb out of the pit that Team Rocket created. It was too steep, and whenever you attempted to climb, you only fell back down. One of the grunts laughed at your attempt to escape.

"You're not getting away that easily! I'll have you know we trained just for this very moment." He said as he pointed and laughed again. "Give up now, just toss your things up! We'll send down a rope or something."

"Psst! We don't even have a rope or ladder!" The girl next to him whispered into his ear, out of earshot from the girl in their trap.

"But she doesn't know that!" He whispered fiercely backed.

QuoteJust for information.


Tail Whip



"Well, that doesn't look good."

Sev pressed against the tree, poking her head out just enough to get a good look at the trio with giant red Rs plastered on their uniforms. They were talking excitedly about a "victim" and the "job they had to do" while the fourth??distinctly human??voice Sev had been hearing had gone quiet. And just now, they'd sent out their Pok?mon.

"Three people and three Pok?mon," she murmured. "And only two of us. What do you think, Dusty? Should we jump in?"

The Trapinch, hidden by a low-growing bush near his Trainer's feet, let out a small growl and snapped his jaws in the trio's direction. He looked to his Trainer expectantly, little legs tense and ready to charge.

Sev looked at her little partner for a moment, then gave a small chuckle and nodded in agreement. "We don't know what's going on, but I don't trust that pit. We're trying diplomacy first, though, got it?"

Dusty let out a bark of excitement and barreled out of the bushes as fast as his short feet could carry him. Sev walked out after him??not really falling behind much??and called out to the suspicious group, "Hey. What are you guys up to over there?"


QuoteSev's Charm/Diplomacy
Rolled 3d6+2 : 4, 6, 1 + 2, total 13


When Sev came out of the trees, raising her voice so that the the gang could hear her, all three of them turned. The girl was already closing her distance to them, though the one on the far right took up a defensive stance. The other two with him, didn't seem to react very much. The one on the left with the red hair spoke however.

"What Team Rocket does best of course. See that hole! We caught our first-" But he was interrupted as his companion elbowed him hard.

"Nothing! Nothing at all. We just happen to like to dig holes after all. It was a project we were working on you see..." That one that just spoke, started making his way forward, moving in front of the hole, going between Sev and their little 'project'. He beckoned the other two with a quick flick of his fingers. They both missed it however. A moment later, a bit peeved, he turned back around.

"Flicking my fingers means you come here! I thought I told you already!" He exclaimed. He had an annoyed look on his face as he turned back towards Sev.

"Oh? Oh, hahaha..." The girl started to laugh forcefully as she made her way up. The one with the red hair made his way up too, his facial expression and body movements suggesting he too was getting annoyed. You guessed his ire was probably aimed with their supposed leader. It didn't take long for the three to situate themselves in front of Sev. Not too close, but enough to get a clear look on her.

Before the leader could speak again, the one with the red hair spoke.

"Y-you're umm.. you're pretty." He said fumbling with his words.

He was still a distance away, though you can easily see the blush on his features. The girl beside him didn't look so amused however, as she puffed up her mouth and simply glared at her companion.


Mya stood staring at all the people around the hole.  Clearly none of them could see her because of the tree.

"Hmm, that girl looks lie she might need help.  But those guys in the strange clothes look scary." 

Suddenly something ran past her out of the forest.  It was Blaze her little Torchic.  She gasped and ran out after him.

"Blaze come back!"


"Two girls now!" The rocket girl had placed her hands on her hips. "This isn't some sort of psychological attack is it! This isn't fair!"

"Don't worry my eyes are only on one girl." His eyes continued to stare at the first girl who had appeared, so it was easy to tell who he was talking about.

This of course angered his female companion right beside him, and before he knew it, was slapped in the face.

QuoteTeam Rocket Grunt (red) takes 6 damage.

Damage Taken
Team Rocket Grunt (red): 6


Sev was relieved to see that this girl was not in the same uniforms these others were wearing. She was not so glad that the ones who were in uniform (and still actually paying attention) had redirected their focus and were eyeing the Torchic greedily.

And the new girl was heading right for the face-off.

"Hoo, boy," she muttered, eyes darting from Trainer to Trainer to Pok?mon to Pok?mon, "what've we gotten ourselves into?"


Nena Ains

Try as she might every time Nena attempted to climb up, she would fall down, bruising herself in the process, and scraping her knee. At that moment she wished she was more like her sister, who could have easily gotten out of the pit. All she was good for was learning books and studying. Improving the other areas of her life was one of her main reasons of joining the Xan Academy after all. The Academy was known for practical assignments, and she figured that she would have the opportunity to do more than study books.

Here she was, on her first assignment from the prestigious Academy, only to fall into a trap! She shook her head as she heard sounds above her.

Voices? There are others up there? Nena couldn't see them, but she called out.

"Someone help!" Her tone of voice was stressed and insistent.


Blaze did a little cry to show Team Rocket he wanted to battle.  Mya finially came but when she did she tripped and face planted into the ground.


Blaze looked back and saw his trainer down and ran over to help.  Mya sat up and rubbed the back of her head and laughed when seeing the look of concern on Blaze's face.

"I'm OK."

She then heard Nena yell for help.  She stood up and frowned and pointed at Team Rocket.

"Hey creeps!  Whats going on here?!  Why is there a big hole there?"


"Like I said, there is nothing at all! We were just digging a hole." He paused then continued.

"And that what you just heard was just a ventriloquism act." He finished,

QuoteRolling Intuition checks to determine if Team Rocket is lying.

Rolled 2d6+2 : 6, 3 + 2, total 11

Rolled 3d6+5 : 5, 2, 4 + 5, total 16


It was easy to tell that the green-haired team rocket grunt was lying, or at least wasn't being truthful in what he was saying.


Mya blinked in confusion.

"Vena-what?  I don't know what that big word is but it doesn't sound nice."

"Walks over to the hole and sees Nena in it and gasps.

"There's a girl down-"

Trips over some dirt left over from Team Rocket digging and falls into the hole with Nena with a *thud*.


"Ah, look out?!" Sev's hand shot out, trying to catch the girl on her way down, but to no avail. She heard the thud and two surprised yelps from the bottom of the pit. "Oookay," she thought, turning to the trio with the most placating smile she could manage. "New plan. You guys seem like charming, intelligent folk, and I'm not really one for violence. And I think we can all agree that trapping a poor girl in the bottom of a pit is a little unnecessary. So, how about this?"

Pulling out Dusty's Pok?ball again, she aimed it toward the Trapinch, ready to withdraw it. "You guys call back your Pok?mon, and I'll call back mine. No fighting, no one in any danger." When the trio stared back at her but didn't protest, she took that as a sign that she could continue. "Then, you guys move along, leave this pit and these girls behind, and we all part ways as friends." She turned to the red-haired stranger specifically. "Please?" she asked gently. "I don't like fighting."