[Fred] Chapter 7: Underground Caverns and Tunnels

Started by Throndir, July 10, 2019, 04:11:55 PM

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[info][blockquote]Survival:  1d20+18 : 6 + 18, total 24[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth:  1d20+18 : 5 + 18, total 23[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  1d20+18 : 13 + 18, total 31[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Location - Section 1 - Spirit Tree
Date: Day 8 - Time: 3 PM

Han Tu appeared in front of the group whispering. "A crystalline... man." She said quietly. Lai Fen nodded then turned towards you.

"Probably similar to the first one."

You don't quite see it yet in the darkness.

QuoteHead to the Crystalline Horror thread. I'll just copy paste this above. Then do another set of rolls here.


[info][blockquote]Survival:  1d20+18 : 5 + 18, total 23[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth:  1d20+18 : 7 + 18, total 25[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  1d20+18 : 15 + 18, total 33[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Exploration Log]Explore Section 1, success. Found nothing.
Explore Section 1, success. Found yellow ooze.
Explore Section 1, success, Found grey amoeba.
Explore Section 1, success, Found glowing blue flower.
Explore Section 1, success, Found nothing.
Explore Section 1, success, Found 4 Giant Moths.
Explore Section 1, success, Found crystalling man.
Explore Section 1, success, Found crystalline ooze.[/spoiler]

It was quiet as you moved throughout the area. There was one particular place that had plenty of crystalline structures around. It actually reminded you of places deeper in. You kept your eyes trained on the area, and it was then that you saw it. There was a crystalline structure up ahead that was absolutely still, and looked just like the other structures around it. However, the way that parts of it looked like sharp teeth made you give pause. You realized you recognized what it was. It was the same kind of crystalline ooze as you had encountered before.

QuoteInitiative requested. Target is just at the edge of your vision in low light.


"...Fen. It's one of those crystal oozes again." I pointed toward it, trying my best to show her it though its disguise. "Bethany, be careful around this one. It's sharp and painful if it catches you. And if I remember right, it splits up. Abrielle, I need you to cast a strong spell at that structure. We'll rush in once you hit it."

[info]Having whole party wait until after Abrielle hits it with a big spell.

Afterward, we'll all charge in.

[blockquote]Initiative:  1d20+9 : 13 + 9, total 22[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Attack+Charge:  1d20+18 : 16 + 18, total 34[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Damage:  1d8+5 : 7 + 5, total 12[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


"Flow forth, water! Rend and storm 《Slicing Waves》!" Abrielle chanted at the crystal formation you pointed at, it was just at the edges of your vision, about 65 ft. away. Her spell hit, slicing into the crystals. You noticed that the slicing waves didn't seem to deal as much damage as they should, but the crystalline ooze was still only slightly injured.

As the crystal started to move, realizing it had been seen, you see it about to start to move towards you. Abrielle blinked her eyes a couple times. "My oh my, we have a toughy. I feel like that should have hurt it more."

Han Tu began to focus her breathing.

QuoteFred to take turn.

[spoiler=Combat]Initiative: Han Tu: 26, Abrielle: 24, Fred: 22, Bethany Claw: 19, Lai Fen: 11, Crystal Ooze: 10
Round 1
Han Tu holds action to after Abrielle.
Abrielle standard action casts Slicing Waves, overcharged. Moves back 10 ft.
Han Tu standard action Focus Breathing.[/spoiler]


You charged and attacked the crystal ooze. Though, you didn't seem to deal as much damage as you would have expected. It was still slightly injured.

Bethany behind you began to cast Stone-Skin. Moments after that, you noticed your skin take on an earthy-hue.

Lai Fen unleashed her ki, and started to focus her breathing. After that, she teleported into a flanking position.

Next the crystal ooze took a step closer towards you, and attacked. It expanded, and though you attempted to get away, it was too quick and too wide, and had begun to engulf you. The crystals pierced into your stone skin, it would have been a horrible wound, but Bethany's spell protected you, though it eventually gave out, and you still took some slight damage.

Seeing you in danger, Han Tu teleported, unleashing a kick, this time however, due to your sensitivity to ki, you noticed her leg glowing much much more brighter than usual. It seemed like Han Tu was putting much more of her ki into the kick, if you had to guess, it seemed she was using almost everything in the single attack. Her kick managed to easily hit as it began to split and crush the crystals her leg came into contact with. The crystal ooze was now injured.

Abrielle cast the same spell she used before as slicing waves hit. It was still only injured.

QuoteFred to physical resist save, DC 22, or be entangled (for the ooze's attack).

Then Fred to roll Physical Resist, DC 22, or be stunned 1 round.

Then Fred to take turn (second phys resist save above is for this turn).

[spoiler=Combat]Initiative: Abrielle: 24, Han Tu: 24, Fred: 22, Bethany Claw: 19, Lai Fen: 11, Crystal Ooze: 10
Round 1
Han Tu holds action to after Abrielle.
Abrielle standard action casts Slicing Waves, overcharged. Moves back 10 ft.
Han Tu standard action Focus Breathing, moves 30 ft. closer.
Fred charges, hits.
Bethany casts Stone Skin on Fred. Moves 30 ft. closer.
Lai Fen standard action focus breathing, swift action ki release. Flash step 60 ft.
Ooze attacks Fred, attempts to entrap. Physical resist requested
Round 2
Abrielle cats Slicing Waves. Moves forward 30 ft.
Han Tu move action to flash step 60 ft., with megaton kick, with 7 stacks of ki strike.[/spoiler]


[info]Phys Resist Rolls

I'll write my actions pending their results

[blockquote]Phys Resist:  1d20+12 : 18 + 12, total 30[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Phys Resist:  1d20+12 : 14 + 12, total 26[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Fred was slowly starting to realize that magic seemed to be less effective, so despite his fear, he made to snap decision to remain in melee combat with the creature instead of retreating to use spells. Whirling his spear while stepping back, Fred delivered two upward vertical slashes across the blob.

[info]Fred 5ft steps back and full attacks.

[blockquote]Attack 1:  1d20+16 : 18 + 16, total 34[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Damage:  1d8+5 : 1 + 5, total 6[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Attack 1:  1d20+11 : 16 + 11, total 27[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Damage:  1d8+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Although you managed to hit twice, none of your blows seemed to be actually damaging it.

Next, Bethany cast the stone skin spell on herself and closed the distance.

At that same moment, Lai Fen started to glow more fiercely in her dark-colored ki that mixed purple and red. Her first strike with her blade glowed brightly to your eyes, her blade struck hard. But she followed up with two more strikes. These weren't brightly glowing. For these attacks she seemed to favor more power rather than accuracy, but the crystalline ooze wasn't doing a lot of dodging, so her blades dug in deep. That said, her two other strikes didn't seem to deal as much damage as they should have. The creature was still badly wounded.

The crystal ooze started to attack Han Tu. Han Tu tried to get away, but the razor sharp edges stabbed into her leaving her badly wounded from uninjured. She wasn't able to resist the entrapment as well, and she found herself entangled with the sharp crystals digging into her flesh. She cried out in pain.

Abrielle cast the same spell as before, and even though it hit, the angle was a bit off and didn't deal as much damage as it should have. Some crystals did get sliced off however.

Seeing the danger she was in, Han Tu attempted to get out of the entangling crystals. She was well-skilled in escape however, and managed to deftly worm her wait out. That said, her wounds looked really bad. One more hit, and she would likely go down.

QuoteFred's turn.

[spoiler=Combat]Initiative: Abrielle: 24, Han Tu: 24, Fred: 22, Bethany Claw: 19, Lai Fen: 11, Crystal Ooze: 10
Round 1
Han Tu holds action to after Abrielle.
Abrielle standard action casts Slicing Waves, overcharged. Moves back 10 ft.
Han Tu standard action Focus Breathing, moves 30 ft. closer.
Fred charges, hits.
Bethany casts Stone Skin on Fred. Moves 30 ft. closer.
Lai Fen standard action focus breathing, swift action ki release. Flash step 60 ft.
Ooze attacks Fred, attempts to entrap. Physical resist requested
Round 2
Abrielle cats Slicing Waves. Moves forward 30 ft.
Han Tu move action to flash step 60 ft., with megaton kick, with 7 stacks of ki strike. 14 KP usage.
Fred fullround attacks, hits.
Bethany casts Stone Skin on self, moves 25 ft. to flank.
Lai Fen regenerates 3 KP. Steps 5 ft. closer. Swift action activate Quick Strike. Free action Power Attack. Free action Ki Strike 5 stacks, 10 KP usage. Fullround attacks.
Crystal ooze attacks and hits Han Tu.
Round 3
Abrielle moves 30 ft. Casts Slicing Waves.
Han Tu regenerates 2 KP. Fullround Escape Artist[/spoiler]


Fred looked at Tu as she escaped, seeing the sorry state she was in. "Tu! Retreat!" He shouted as he moved to cover her escape. He quickly whips his spear through the ooze as he stepped toward her, slashing twice horizontally.

[info]Fred does what he can to move toward her with a 5ft step while still being in attack range, then full attacks

[blockquote]Attack:  1d20+16 : 10 + 16, total 26[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Damage:  1d8+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Attack:  1d20+11 : 12 + 11, total 23[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Damage:  1d8+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


You attack with your weapons, but they didn't seem to deal any damage.

Bethany stepped back, then repeated her Stone Skin spell, this time her target was Han Tu who was bleeding all over.

Lai Fen continued her previous actions. Her sword began to glow with her dark purple ki again. Her first two strikes hit, and it was then that the creature was finally defeated.

Above Bethany's and Han Tu's head, was a notification appeared.


At the same time, you got notifications as well.

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained 『Force Field』
You have gained a new title 『The Barrier』
You have gained +4 CON
You have gained +4 MAG
You are now level 35. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]

QuoteHarvest with DEX checks. Then roll the next set of rolls.

[spoiler=Combat]Initiative: Abrielle: 24, Han Tu: 24, Fred: 22, Bethany Claw: 19, Lai Fen: 11, Crystal Ooze: 10
Round 1
Han Tu holds action to after Abrielle.
Abrielle standard action casts Slicing Waves, overcharged. Moves back 10 ft.
Han Tu standard action Focus Breathing, moves 30 ft. closer.
Fred charges, hits.
Bethany casts Stone Skin on Fred. Moves 30 ft. closer.
Lai Fen standard action focus breathing, swift action ki release. Flash step 60 ft.
Ooze attacks Fred, attempts to entrap. Physical resist requested
Round 2
Abrielle cats Slicing Waves. Moves forward 30 ft.
Han Tu move action to flash step 60 ft., with megaton kick, with 7 stacks of ki strike. 14 KP usage.
Fred fullround attacks, hits.
Bethany casts Stone Skin on self, moves 25 ft. to flank.
Lai Fen regenerates 3 KP. Steps 5 ft. closer. Swift action activate Quick Strike. Free action Power Attack. Free action Ki Strike 5 stacks, 10 KP usage. Fullround attacks.
Crystal ooze attacks and hits Han Tu.
Round 3
Abrielle moves 30 ft. Casts Slicing Waves.
Han Tu regenerates 2 KP. Fullround Escape Artist, and escapes.
Fred steps east, fullround attacks, hits, deals no damage.
Bethany casts Stone Skin on Han Tu.
Lai Fen regenerates 3 KP. Swift action activate Quick Strike, for 3 KP, for an additional attack. Free action Power Attack. Free action Ki Strike 5 stacks, +5d6 damage, 10 KP usage. Full round attacks. Crystal creature dies.


Once the blob melted onto the ground, inanimate, Fred immediately ran over to Han Tu. "Ok, ok, ok...I think this is how Ju did it?" Fred began doing what he could to apply first aide for Han Tu. "Now is likely a good time to go back to camp, correct?" He said glancing around at the group.

[info]Fred will be healing on the move as we retreat.

[blockquote]Heal -4:  1d20+11 : 15 + 11, total 26[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Harvest (DEX):  1d20+9 : 18 + 9, total 27[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Survival:  1d20+18 : 8 + 18, total 26[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth:  1d20+18 : 5 + 18, total 23[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  1d20+18 : 3 + 18, total 21[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]