[Stereotypical Protagonist] Chapter 1: My New World

Started by Throndir, April 26, 2019, 09:32:20 AM

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QuoteFor historical records. I might format it nicer at a later date.

"Hero!" A pretty young girl said who was most defintely in some sort of cosplay. She was on short, perhaps 5 ft. tall, but wearing clothing that was absolutely too revealing and frilly. Her hair was a pretty weird color too, more than likely, it was a wig. "Please save us from the demons!" I raised an eyebrow. I swear I was just reading something just like this moments ago.

One moment I was reading first volume of Overlord, and the next thing I knew, a truck had swerved off the road crushing poor little me in the process. I was enjoying my day off too! Next thing I know, some girl is asking me to help save them?

"My name is Calanthe Lefevre, once a student of the Idorian Magic academy a decade ago, but now an adventurer."

I would have paid her more attention to whatever she was saying, but notifications kept scrolling in my view.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『Summoned Hero』
You have gained 『Quick Learner』
You have gained 『Mana Sensitivity』
You have gained 『Translate All』
You have gained 『Personal Status』
You have gained 『Legendary Static Level』
You have gained a new title 『Lucky』
You have gained 『Draw』
You have gained a new title 『Artist』[/okay]Yeah. Look at that. Weird girl. Weird things I'm seeing. And if my memory is right, I'm pretty sure I just died. A few metric tons of truck can do that to you. And am I really in another world? This isn't like some sort of screwed up story is it?

"And you are a hero."

Oh, I'm the protagonist?
3poll: 1 = Introduce myself | 2 = Question why I'm here, question who she is, question question! | 3 = Ignore her for a moment and look around

"Wait, wait, wait. One second Ms. Cosplayer." I said as I held up my index finger straight up in a 'hold please' motion.

"W-well... What? Why? What's your name anyways?" She asked. I ignored her. I need to take a look at my surroundings first after all, first rule in any RPG.

Now that I think about it, it was rather dark in here. The ceiling full of stalagmites, and a simple glowing coming from the girl was really where most of the light was coming from. There was a set of glowing runes all around me on the floor, that seemed to be quickly fading.

It looked like a pretty normal cave to me apart from that.
3poll: 1 = Introduce myself | 2 = Question why I'm here, question who she is, question question! 3 = Leave the cave and start looking around

I very well knew that first impressions were perhaps one of the most important things in the social dance, so, without further adieu, I stared back at the cosplayer with the most intense and smoldering look I could manage.

Diplomacy Check
!roll 1d20+8

"First, Ms. Cosplayer, why am I here?" I asked directly.

"C-cosp-layer? What does that even mean? But I told you! You are to save us from the demons! Weren't you paying attention!"

Wow. Talk about rude.

"Even if your world was in danger, who decided you had the right to pull me into it. Have you ever thought that I would be sitting right at home, enjoying my own life... Then wham! I'm suddenly some sort of hero, expected to do all these things I didn't sign up for? Give me a break!" I didn't actually mean to be put her in a hard spot, actually, I was pretty excited. Plus I already died back on Earth. Lastly, I read enough Isekai novels to know where this was going. For that matter, I have some sort of cheat power don't I?

"Well..." The girl's eyes drooped down.

Oh God, this girl's more sensitive than I thought.

"Well... We understand... But the Guild will compensate you well! We'll make sure you have an amazing life here. We'll get you absolutely anything you'd need..!"

"Anything? Alright. How about the next season of Log Horizon? How about the Saber figurine I ordered a week ago? How about the next episode of One Piece? You know I was supposed to be graduating soon, are you going to get me my diploma and the career too?"

The girls face scrunched up in all sorts of confusion. I didn't actually care for most of it. Well, minus the Saber figurine of course. But I always wanted to spout those lines anyways. Most of these other stories I've read, except for a very few are always so happy-go-lucky with their new-found reality.

"... I don't know about any of those things. But... we can get you money, and treasures, and uhh... girls if that's your thing. Maybe... me, too?" She stammered looking down.

"You? Who are you anyways? So far, all I know is that you're a cosplayer."

At this she brightened up.

"Like I said..." She started to repeat, this time a bit more carefully. "My name is Calanthe Lefevre, I along with other mages of the Guild were tasked to find summoning circles like these spread throughout the lands, and summon forth heroes like you. They've already destroyed my home, the Idorian Academy... and as the days go by, more and more land and lives are lost. The nations of this world have banded together to fight them, and it's these heroic summoning circles that have kept us going. You're a hero too. If you say 《Status》 you'll know what I mean."
3poll: 1 = Introduce myself | 2 = Say 《Status》 | 3 = Question about the Idorian Academy

"Hold up!" I said again, raising my index finger in a 'wait' gesture. "What you meant to tell me is that there's a magic academy somewhere called the Idorian Academy, and that you used to be from there? Were there lots of girls? Because I'm pretty sure I read this manga already."

The girl continued to give me a perplexed look. "There's an equal amount of boys and girls, both young and old. But it's not like we differentiate or anything."

"But you said it was destroyed, right? So... Are you all adventurers now?"

The girl shook her head. "Most of us, yes. As an Idorian mage, we're taught the summoning ritual where it used to only be known be a select few. Our high mage, the fire saint, Eloise Renaud declared that and had begun driving all mages to study and learn it. In the end though... Since our country was on the borders to the demon country to the south, they eventually made it to the academy, and we were forced to flee."

She sighed sadly.

"I was just started my training when it all happened. After the academy fell, I went with the rest of the survivors to the neighboring country up north, and it was there that we tried to maintain a semblance of a life. Some of the old teachers tried to recreate a smaller academy, though, it's far from how our original one was."

I wasn't really expecting a big a story as this, so in the end all I could do was nod. "Well, go on, tell me more."

"Our old academy... think of a city? Next... think of a giant wall surrounding it, along with a powerful barrier. One that we haven't been able to really replicate at all since. Next think of this city as full of nothing but scholars, books, and mages. Every one of us were capable of using magic. We had magitools, and we were the envy of the world. Now though... the rest of us are simply travelers and adventurers. But thankfully, there is a small community of us left. It's just... well... it's sometimes a tough reminder."

5poll: 1 = Introduce myself | 2 = Say 《Status》 | 3 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 4 = Comfort her | 5 = Ask if you can learn magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)


After a few moments, the girl finally stared back at me.

"So, do you have a name Mr. Hero?"

Normally I would have answered truthfully, after all, I'm an outstanding citizen who would dare not speak lies and slander! But at the same time... I did actually die. I was summoned into a world of magic with girls thinking that wearing gothic lolita is normal everyday mage wear. With demons abound, and being asked to save everyone in this new home-after-death. She called me a hero too. Hell. This feels like the start of a stereotypical Isekai story, with a stereotypical bad guy, and I wouldn't be surprised if I had some sort of stereotypical cheat ability!

I flashed her that suave grin as I looked deeply in her eyes with a smile creeping upon my face.

"My name dear Ms. Cosplayer..." I paused for dramatic effect.

"... is Stereotypical Protagonist."

She gave me the most dumbfounded look I have ever seen. Worth it.


3poll: 1 = Insist it's my name | 2 = Say 《Status》 | 3 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | Shrug = More options

"Seriously? Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Yup. Stereotypical Protagonist."

"No it's not. That's not right."

"Oh, what is this? Ms. Cosplayer. Tell me, do you know the language 'English'?"

"Ing... Glush? No..."


"Well! And how could you impose your own cultural understandings on an otherworlder like me? Does not some of the names in your world have actual meanings?"

"W-well... Fournier means is 'One who works as a Baker'..." She couldn't look at me in the eye at all. I decided to keep pushing.

"Tell me, are there elves in this world?"

"Yes. There are demihumans too. Dwarves as well. Along with all sorts of other creatures."

"Okay, and do those elves have names like 'Windrunner' or 'Westwood'."  I smiled as innocently as I could.

"Yes... Some of them do..."

"I'll have you know the name 'Stereotypical Protagonist' is an honored name, one that speaks of bravery, adventure, and familiarity. There may be those that balk at such a grandiose name such as mine, in that same sense that no doubt demihumans with the name 'Iron claw' would have humans such as you or I think carefully. But I speak the truth! Among all the Stereotypical Protagonists out there in my world and this one, I'm definitely the best one."

Bluff Roll
!roll 1d20+8

"You're a big fat liar. No way I can believe a human has that name." She frowned at me. Well, you know, she can think whatever she wants. "Anyways" She let out a long sigh. "Are you willing to save the world?"

4poll: 1 = Yes! Save the world! | 2 = No. Not my problem. | 3 = Say 《Status》 | 4 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)


"Saving the world? Well... First, let me check something, cool?" I didn't give her a chance to response. I already saw her start to glare at me. I immediately spoke that trigger. "Status."

[okay]Stereotypical Protagonist
Summoned Hero
Level 1

Condition: Uninjured, Refreshed

HP: 10/10
MP: 12/12
STR: 14
DEX: 26
CON: 14
INT: 18
WIS: 14
CHA: 18
MAG: 18

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate Languages, Personal Status, Draw, Legendary Static Level[/okay]Hah. Even this menu acknowledges I'm Stereotypical Protagonist. But this looks like a bunch of stats... And blessings? This might just be the cheat ability I was waiting for. Some of it looked self-explanatory, 『Mana Sensitivity』, 『Translate Languages』, and 『Personal Status』. Supposedly 『Quick Learner』 would allow me to learn things faster. And『Draw』? There's at least three things I can think of what that could do. But what intrigued me the most was the very last one.

『Legendary Static Level』

It says it's Legendary, so it must be right? That's just common sense, right? Then Status Screen, why am I level 1? Is this some kind of joke?

6poll: 1 = Yes! Save the world! | 2 = No. Not my problem. | 3 = Explore the Status screen | 4 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 5 =  Ask how to use the blessings | 6 = Attempt to use Blessings | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)


I hope that 'Static' part in 『Legendary Static Level』doesn't mean I'm always level 1, right?  It's okay, I'm the protagonist, I'll be totally just fine. Maybe one of these other 'Blessings' are just absolutely amazing after all. I honed my eyes on 『Draw』.  While ignoring the girl who continued to stare at me, I pretend to keep staring at the menu. Instead I started attempting all sorts of things. The first thing I tried was staring at the girl and thought Draw, and a moment later two notifications appeared one after the other.

[okay]Silent invocation not yet unlocked.[/okay]Now we're getting somewhere! As much as I loved reading those stories where the main character realizes their cheat ability for the first time, experiencing it myself was absolutely as thrilling as I thought it would be. I focused on the girl again, and spoke.


The next thing that happened was a large notebook and a pen appearing in front of me, in between the cosplayer and I. I heard the girl yelp in surprise, but she seemed to be nodding to herself a moment later.

A notebook and a pen? And it's floating right in front of me as if begging me to use it too.

7poll: 1 = Draw a penis | 2 = Draw a simple shape | 3 = Agree to save the world! | 4 = No. Their world's not my problem. | 5 = Explore the Status screen | 6 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 7 = Draw a pokemon | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

I couldn't stifle my grin at all. I was pretty sure that girl had started to look at me funny.

"Mr. Protagonist, so, will you-"

I grabbed the pen then and started to draw. The girl stopped talking, but that was fine. I was busy creating my masterpiece after all. It took a couple minutes, and strangely the girl who was talking on and on didn't say a single word. I didn't really look at her though. This sort of art takes a lot of concentration. What did I draw you might ask? Well, that would be simple.

A Pikachu.

... with a giant penis.

Oh the internet would be proud.

The moment I finished the drawing, my sketch disappeared, and it was then I noticed a solid object, perhaps made out of wood or stone floating in mid-air right above the cosplayer.

"-save the world? Eeek!" She yelped as the Pikachu with the giant dong appeared in front of her, falling into her hands.  "W-what is this! A... creature.... With a..." She started to turn really red.

6poll: 1 = Perception to notice something amiss | 2 = State the obvious of what it is | 3 = Agree to save the world! | 4 = No. Their world's not my problem. | 5 = Explore the Status screen | 6 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"A penis." I finished for her saying the word as casually as I could. The girl, becoming even more red, seemed to balk at me as she threw the wooden Pikachu at me. It hit me. It was hard. I shrugged.

Well, it wasn't the most useful of abilities, but if reading Isekai has taught me one thing, anything can be useful.

7poll: 1 = Perception to notice something amiss | 2 = Try another set of tests with the ability | 3 = Agree to save the world! | 4 = No. Their world's not my problem. | 5 = Explore the Status screen | 6 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 7 = Find something to kill | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Is creating... obscene things your blessing? It's nasty! You had me touch it!" The cosplayer was fuming.

"At least it wasn't actually real! Jeez. You were so patiently quiet too when I was drawing the thing." I retorted.

She gave me a confused look.

"You drew it?"

My eyes widened. Now that I think about it, she was actually being a little too quiet. Her sentence was cut off too.

"Hey cosplayer. Just to make sure... Any reason you just stood there watching me draw, patiently waiting, and even going so far to pause your request until I was done? Not that I mind the peace of course."

She looked even more confused.

"What pause? The notebook and pen appeared, and when you grabbed the pen, both the book and pen disappeared and I had that in my hands."

6poll: 1 = Try another set of tests with the ability | 2 = Agree to save the world! | 3 = No. Their world's not my problem. | 4 = Explore the Status screen | 5 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 6 = Find something to kill | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

Bingo. My grin grew even wider. I spoke the word to activate the ability again.


The familiar notebook and pen appeared again, and this time, I kept my eyes on the cosplayer. She was still looking at me confused, but I needed to test something. "Okay, Ms. Cosplayer, I'm going to make hundreds of these sculptures all around you!" Just when she was about to reply, I started to reach out for the pen.

"Absolutely not!"

With my hand on the pen, she was still as animated as ever, next, while still keeping my eyes on her, I placed the pen on the notebook.

"Why would the hero-"

She froze the moment the pen started to make lines in the book. Oh, very interesting. While I kept one  hand on the pen and the other holding the notebook, I started to make my way around her. Just as I suspected. She continued to look in front of her in that glare of hers. Unmoving, not even breathing. She was completely frozen.

Aw man. If only I had a third arm and a permanent marker.

7poll: 1 = Try as many other tests as I can | 2 = Agree to save the world! | 3 = No. Their world's not my problem. | 4 = Explore the Status screen | 5 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 6 = Find something to kill | 7 = what's in it for me to help you? | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

I could already imagine how great a Time Stop cheat ability would be. True, this was technically 'draw something so quickly that to the outside observer it looks instant!' kind of ability, but I'm sure I could make use of this in many other ways. As long as nothing catches me by surprise, I could probably run away from anything that could kill me in my newfound fantasy world. And if it was a fantasy world, there's no doubt there'll be hundreds of things out there that could be harmful to a laid-back life.

"Can you give me specifics of what you're willing to do for me, or what I can get if I help save the world? I'm no charity you know."

"You can't save people from the goodness of your own heart?" The cosplayer asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Um no?"

"Tch." Her demeanor completely changed. "But like I said, anything you want. I belong to the Guild, and being an Idorian mage, I have a pretty high rank in there too. They can provide a lot of gold, money, land, and whatever else you want. I was going to offer to show you around the world too, because you know party members of heroes get really famous after wards, but you've been a bit creepy." She said as she pulled out what looked to be a gold square plate of some sort. Not like I knew what that was supposed to mean. "By the way, I'm level 53, and a B-class adventurer."

Something new I learned. People in this world actually had levels, and wasn't just the thing my 《Status》 said.
"Creepy? Have you never seen one of these masterpieces?" I asked, picking up the Pikachu that had fallen on the floor. I drew it in 2D, but now that I held it in my hands, it seemed the creation itself managed to fill in little details to make the actual physical piece.

She didn't look so amused. "But the Guild will give you anything you want that they can provide, and if you help out the other countries too, they'd do what they can. Riches upon riches, and a comfortable living! Besides! Your first party member is pretty cute too, how could you say no!"

I looked at her straight in the eye as I held the wooden Pikachu.

"I would describe my first party member as pretty manly. Isn't that right Mr. Dong?" I said, casually patting the Pikachu's head. This only earned me glares.

4poll: 1 = Agree to save the world! | 2 = No. Their world's not my problem. | 3 = Leave the cavern and start looking around | 4 = Find something to kill | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)


"Unfortunately Ms. Cosplayer, this whole thing about demons really isn't my problem. I'm a pretty a regular guy you know? This protagonist is destined for the easy life. No way I'm going to get myself killed before then."

"Ugh! You're not supposed to be like this! Okay okay. Whatever. But you're still coming with me to the Guild. It's not often one of these summoning circles are found, you know? I at least want to pick up the reward money..."

4poll: 1 = How much money? | 2 = Fine the guild might be okay | 3 = Nah. Doing my own thing. Leave the cavern and start looking around | 4 = Find something to kill | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Ah well... You know..." She stammered. "The hero of the world, so few in number, with amazing abilities that can change the tide of war..." She shifted her eyes, I tried to stare at her, but she just wouldn't meet my gaze. "Let's just say a lot."

3poll: 1 = Give me half. | 2 = Find something to kill | 3 = Teach me magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Give me half."

"W-what!? No way! That's my money. It's the finder's fee! Besides, given enough time I'm sure they'd give you a lot of gold too... probably. Do you know how much I can do with 30,000 gold pieces?"
5poll: 1 = [Diplomacy] I'll be nice to you. | 2 = [Intimidate] I'm not going to be nice to you. | 3 = [Bluff] If you give me money, I'll get you triple! | 4 = Find something to kill | 5 = Teach me magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"My dear Ms. Cosplayer. Now, I can understand your hesitance, for surely you are an adventurer who does not much think about these sort of things, but you're talking to one who was known as the Protagonist of my world. A true saint! A connoisseur of social wiles! One who understood the very nature of mankind." Actually, I'm pretty much a regular guy, but she doesn't need to know that.

She raised an eyebrow.

"If you were to give me half that 30,000, then wouldn't I be inclined to ensure your investment blooms? You're looking at a bona-fide hero. I have powers beyond your wildest imaginations! 30,000 is absolutely nothing to one such as I. However! As with any business proposition, I'd need starting capital to make it all work."

"It's not everyday you run into a hero that you personally know right? And it's not every day you'd get your hands on 30,000 gold pieces too, am I right? Not, imagine what you can do if you put them together. You'll make double in the end! No triple! Hell, I'm sure we can make it increase tenfold."

Bluff Check
!roll 1d20+8

The girl gulped as she listened to my words. I could tell what she was thinking. If this was a manga, her eyes would be dollar sign symbols.

She shook herself out of the trance.

"Well, if you can make it happen, alright, deal!"

"A wise decision."

Actually no! I can't believe you fell for that! I held that evil grin in check.

2poll: 1 == Find something to kill | 2 = Teach me magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"First things first though. According to my stats, I'm a level 1. If I kill things, I would level up?"

"Yeah, of course you would level up, that's just common sense. But how are you even level 1? Even most 10 year olds are level 3."

I shrugged, didn't really have an answer for her there. If leveling up is common sense in this world, I wonder what else is that differs from my own.

"So, in order to level up, I'd need to klll things. Then in order to kill things... I'd need a weapon. Or you can teach me magic, too. Actually, how about both?"

"Tch." She then bent down to her knee, and pulled out a dagger that was strapped to her leg under her robe. "Take it, it's nothing special, but it's at least something. And don't you have some sort of blessing to help you kill things? That usually goes better, but if not, it's said that heroes can easily pick up magic. So, let's have you try. Imagine a flame being produced from your hands, then pull the mana inside of you while you keep that image of the magic in your mind. The words of the spell would come to you then, simply recite it, and voila! Magic! There's 6 different kinds. Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Light, and Darkness."

Her explanation seemed too simple. It can't really work right? But hey, maybe that's just how magic worked. It took a few tries, but I eventually figured out the mana that was inside me. It was like a large pool that I could draw from. Weird feeling too, since it came much easier than I thought it would, not to mention that I've meditated and sat still before and hadn't felt anything like this inside me. But who am I to argue, I'm the Stereotypical Protagonist! Anything can happen!

The words came to my mind then. Ignoring the questions I had on where these words came from, I recited it.

"Sear forth, Fire! Be a blazing spear: 《Burning Lance》!"

From the tips of my hand, a long spear-like jet of flame shot out, and immediately shot into the cavern wall, impacting with a small explosion. Oh that was satisfying.

Notifications appeared in my view as well.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『Spellcaster』
You have gained +1 MAG
You have gained a new title 『Tier 1 Elementalist』
You have gained +1 MAG[/okay]Out of curiosity, I called out 《Status》.

[okay]Stereotypical Protagonist
Summoned Hero
Level 1

Condition: Uninjured, Tired

HP: 10/10
MP: 10/13
STR: 14
DEX: 26
CON: 14
INT: 19
WIS: 14
CHA: 18
MAG: 20

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate Languages, Personal Status, Draw, Legendary Static Level[/okay]MP went down a little bit, but that was too be expected. One spell and two activations of 《Draw》 was 3 MP. So, logically, 1 MP each. Maybe higher level spells used more MP. But more than that, the fact I cast magic was pretty cool. I couldn't help but grin. I'm a mage. What else could I do?

4poll: 1 == Find something to kill | 2 = Skirt-Flipping Air Magic | 3 = Chair-Making Earth Magic | 4 = Bra-Showing Water Magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Blow forth, O Wind! Be a lifting force: 《Rising Wind》!"

Instead of a fire lance appearing from the tips of my fingers, instead a strong gust of wind seemed to form locally on the cosplayer. It blew up fiercely, and though the girl was already wearing a mini-skirt, it lifted it even further.

"Kyaaa!" She yelped as she vainly attempted to push down the skirt. She was blushing red, but the gust of wind didn't relent at all. In fact, she had begun to even start to almost hover, as both of her feet lifted off the ground, with only a single toe keeping her on the floor.

3poll: 1 == Find something to kill | 2 = Chair-Making Earth Magic | 3 = Bra-Showing Water Magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

As the wind continued to assault her, I cast my next spell.

"Rain forth, Water! Flooding downpour: 《Waterfall》!"

A gush of water appeared out of nowhere, pouring itself on the pour girl. She was soaked thoroughly. With one hand still trying to put down her skirt, her other moved in embarassment over to her chest.

2poll: 1 == Find something to kill | 2 = Chair-Making Earth Magic | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

Leaving the cosplayer dripping wet, I started to look around for anything to test the new magic on. At least the Burning Lance one, not sure I'd like to see up the skirts of goblins after all. I shivered at the thought.

"So, is there anything to kill around here?"

The cosplayer glared at me. "Yeah, your rude self! Jeez!"

I shrugged as I glanced around. The cave went in two directions. One direction there was evident light that could be seen, while the other direction it looked darker. If it wasn't for the cosplayer's staff that glowed, it would be pretty dark.

The cosplayer sighed.

"Well, before I summoned you, there were slimes all over here. I killed them all since they're pretty weak. There should be more deeper in the caverns though."

2poll: 1 == Go deeper into the cavern | 2 = Go outside the cavern and look for something else to kill | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

Without waiting for her to finish, I headed deeper into the caverns.

"H-hey! W-wait up!" The cosplayer called out as she caught up to me. "If you wander by yourself like that, you're going to get yourself killed, you know?"

She was probably right, but the fact I can use magic had me at a pretty good mood. I was itching to blast away some slimes. I had to wonder if these were the kinds of slimes that were actually scary, or if they were the small cute kinds.

"So Ms. Cosplayer, these slimes... are they weak or strong? Actually, how are they generally?"

"If it's between weak or strong... Generally slimes are weak. There are some exceptions though. You said you were level 1, maybe even killing one of them would give you a level. And you have that handy 'Status' thing too. Normal people like us have to go to the guild after a dungeon delve or adventure, just to check up on our levels. Oh, I see one."

Like what the girl said, over in the distance looked to be a slime.

QuoteOODM: First time fights with any creature will follow standard D&D/Pathfinder. Subsequent fights can be auto resolved with slight input from the voters. Important fights will always be turn-by-turn.

Aww. Look at that! So cute and adorable.

I can't wait to kill it.

4poll: 1 == Cast 《Burning Lance》. | 2 = Attack with dagger | 3 = Cast 《Rising Wind》  | 4 = Cast 《Waterfall》 | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

My first target. A slime. How absolutely fitting. I tried to imagine the strongest and most powerful fiery lance as I could, and once I did, I invoked the spell.

"Sear forth, Fire! Be a blazing spear: 《Burning Lance》!" The lance was bigger, much bigger than the first time I created it. If I were to guess, perhaps roughly 6 times bigger. It shot forth and the slime simply burnt up and vanished. Poor guy. At the same time though, I felt absolutely sleepy. But there was one other thing however, when it disappeared, it exploded into a various items. I glanced at the cosplayer, but she had a confused look as well.

Making my way to the pile, I realized that there were was a pile of carrots, if I had to count, perhaps 20 or 25 of them. They were all pristine, and dirt-free. In fact, it wouldn't be too far to say these probably looked like the tastiest carrots I've ever laid my eyes on.

"So, do things like these randomly drop from things I kill?" I asked offhandedly.

"No... That would be weird."

"Huh. I thought you would say it would be common sense if they did, or something like that."

"No, this is definetely weird."

I shrugged as I sifted through the carrots, right next to the pile of carrots, was a small black and sparkling orb. It was the only unique thing, so I reached out for it, and the moment I touched it a notification appeared.

[okay]Consume Skill Point Orb?
[Yes][No][/okay]My eyes widened.

6poll: 1 == Hit [Yes] | 2 = Hit [No] | 3 = Store everything  | 4 = Eat a carrot | 5 = Find more slimes | 6 = Let the cosplayer consume it | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

The moment I hit the [Yes] button, the black orb disappeared in a flash of light as an audible ding sound was heard. Next another notification appeared.

[okay]+1 Sense Motive[/okay]Stat boosting items. I could very well see how to make use of this.

3poll: 1 = Store the carrots | 2 = Eat a carrot | 3 = Find more slimes | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"What was that? Some sort of sparkly black thing, and it disappeared?" The cosplayer asked as I proceeded to pick up one of the carrots. It did indeed look tasty.

I shrugged then took a bite from the carrot. Immediately an explosion of carroty-goodness filled my mouth. Now, vegetables are good and all, but I really wasn't in to them. These carrots on the other hand? They were absolutely heavenly. I couldn't help but finish the carrot quickly. They were fresh, crisp, but most importantly tasted like the best carrots I've ever eaten in my life.

3poll: 1 = Have cosplayer eat a carrot | 2 = Eat all the carrots | 3 = Find more slimes | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Are you done eating the carrots? You've kinda been stuffing yourself..." The cosplayer said. But I saw that look in her eyes. She thinks she could eat my hard earned drops? I think not! I'm the protagonist after all.

Before she could even complain, I quickly went through all 25 carrots. Maybe it was a bit too much to eat. But oh man was that worth it. I stood back up again, my stomach completely full. Combined with feeling sleepy before, along with the food coma that was sure to hit, I felt absolutely tired. The cosplayer gave me the most displeased look yet.

"Hey if you keep glaring at me like that, you're going to permanently have wrinkles on your face, you know?"

"Hmph. Glutton. You didn't even share. I don't understand where those carrots came from. I swear it looked like it came from the slime you killed. I killed a lot of them earlier clearing out the area around the summoning runes, but nothing like that ever appeared."

3poll: 1 = Find more slimes | 2 = Ignore slimes and find something else bigger | 3 = Sleep. I'm tired | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Well, you know, this just proves I'm the protagonist." I explained as casually as I could.

"Hmph. Anyways, are we just going to keep killing slimes or something? If you're actually level 1, I'm surprised you managed to cast a spell in the first place. That part was actually... Well, nevermind. You're a hero, and our high mage recorded too about the hero she had met. It'll be obvious you can cast spells as easily as if you've been practicing it for years... Not that I'm jealous, but it did take me years to get to my level. A lot of work, studying, and practice. And you just casting a spell like that..."

"Sounds like you're jealous."

She shot me more glares after that of course, but I shrugged it off and continued my search.

"Hey I need your glowy stick, can't see much without it."

"Jeez, so needy."

"Tenfold increase Ms. Cosplayer. Tenfold."

The cosplayer sighed, but she eventually began to follow, and soon enough we found our next slime. This time there was 5 of them just sliming around. They must have noticed us due to the fact we had light, but they weren't aggressive at all.

3poll: 1 = Cast a spell | 2 = Use my dagger | 3 = Have cosplayer kill it | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

4poll: 1 = Cast a spell | 2 = Use my dagger | 3 = Have cosplayer kill it | 4 = Act ---> Flirt | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

"Umm... What are you doing?"

Who knows!

"Hey! I just had to, alright?"

The slime were still jiggling around. I actually think we're communicating!

4poll: 1 = Cast a spell | 2 = Use my dagger | 3 = Have cosplayer kill it | 4 = Try to be friends with them | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

I approached the slime as non-threateningly as I could. The slime didn't seem to mind though, at they very least, they didn't all start pouncing at me. I got to being adjacent to them and they continued to do their own thing.

"Slimes aren't normally aggressive... I only cleared them out before just in case they didn't like the hero, or if by chance they attacked me while I was initiating the summoning ritual."

5poll: 1 = Cast a spell | 2 = Use my dagger | 3 = Have cosplayer kill it | 4 = Find something else to kill | 5 = Leave cave | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)
7poll: 1 = Cast a spell | 2 = Use my dagger | 3 = Have cosplayer kill it | 4 = Find something else to kill | 5 = Leave cave | 6 = Ask about the summoning ritual | 7 = Find shelter and make camp | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

The slimes didn't seem to want to attack me. And to be honest, our wiggling gave us an unbreakable bond. So instead I decided to sit with them. The slimes noticed, though they seemed to simply slime about around me. Hah. Cute.

"So this summoning thing you did... Can anyone do it?" I asked.

"No... It's a ritual that takes a couple of hours to prepare. Plus you need a lot of training, and memorizing the entire process. Some rituals can take days even, but I've practiced it well enough to get it down to a few hours. Why do you ask?"

"Well, can you say... just summon more heroes?"

"If it was that easy, I would have summoned a newer and better one." She rolled her eyes. "No... I'm stuck with you, and you're stuck with me. Each of these runes 'charge' up. It could take decades or hundreds of years until the one I just used now is ready again. Heroes are kinda rare... But that said, we've been seeing more of them in the last decade for some reason, ever since the first one, Eloise, our high mage, had summoned a decade ago."

"Why does it take so long?"

She paused for a moment. "Umm... It's just how it is? It takes a lot of mana too, right now, I'm nearly out of it, which is why I haven't really been casting spells or anything. The light on my staff is actually due to a mana crystal embedded at the top, which supplies the light. But one more spell, I'd probably end up mana blanking out."

I poked the slimes as the cosplayer explained. The slimes poked back. Yes, we're definitely communicating.

6poll: 1 = Attack the slimes anyways | 2 = Find something else to kill | 3 = Leave cave | 4 = Ask about the high mage, Eloise | 5 = Ask about other heroes | 6 = Ask about Mana Blanking | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)

Aww. Look at this slime, sliming around and being cute. As the cosplayer talked I couldn't help but admire the cute little buggers. Here's a haiku.

The fate of a slime.
Staple of all RPGs:
A source of XP

"Sear forth, Fire! Be a blazing spear: 《Burning Lance》!" Just as the fiery explosion started to engulf the slime, my vision started to fade. My eyelids started to become extremely heavy. I was unconscious before I even hit the ground.

QuoteA few hours later...

I felt the heat of something warm hitting my face. When I finally opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a campfire. The crackling of wood continued to pop, as the flames would slowly and surely eat away at the wood. The cosplayer was there too, sitting at the otherside of the fire, reaching her hands out to it for warmth. I noticed she didn't looked as soaked anymore either. I stirred a bit, and she caught the movement.

"Rise and shine Mr. Mana Blanked. What's hilarious was that I was just talking to you about it. You don't even listen to me do you? Use up too much of your mana, and this is what happens. Anyways... The slimes dropped a bunch of potatoes this time. And also one of those sparkling things."

4poll: 1 = Ask for a potato | 2 = Ask for the sparkling thing | 3 = Ask what happened to the slimes | 4 = Go back to sleep | Shrug = More options (optional: message me suggestions)