[Charlene] Chapter 3: Dungeon Core 532

Started by Throndir, September 21, 2018, 01:31:09 PM

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"Is it possible to teleport back to you at random or do I have to be in the dungeon to actually see you again?"

Charlie looks down at her outfit and isn't quite sure she would fit in.

"Have you seen the outside or have you been here all your life? Actually, how old are you?"


"How old I am? I'm not sure... Umm... maybe a year? And you have to come back here normally, unless you have some sort of teleportation ability?" Dungeon Core 532 said.

"I've never actually been outside before! Humans keep invading my dungeon you see? And they kill everything, so I have to work up each and every time... But since you're now, I'm sure it'll be different this time!"

She paused for a moment.

"Oh but don't worry about me, you know I can run the dungeon by myself too, you know?"


"Oh, you're pretty young." Charlie scratches her head and looks around the room. She feels this really odd sense of protectiveness that overtakes her. Sure DC is weird as heck and she sounds like a trigger happy child but she is the first person Charlie's seen in this strange place.

"Do you think I'll be able to see you again if I leave? Maybe once I'm stronger I'll come back and kill a bunch of things for you so you can upgrade." Charlie laughs softly at the absurdity. When in Rome...

If she was going to travel outside, Charlie should probably see if she can stock up on anything.

"How many dungeon points does it cost to make a healing potion? Also, do you have such a thing as...kitchen knives? Maybe daggers? I guess I can see my menu too."

Charlie brings up the cash shop and looks through for some daggers.


"Why? How old are you?" Dungeon Core 532 asked frowning.

"And yes! I'll be okay. I'll have you know, I've been here for a long time! I'll be okay, I just need to make a lot of goblins! I can use all the Dungeon Points right? Right? ☆"

"But umm... how long will you actually be gone? It can't be too long, right? I've never heard of a Dungeon Master leaving the dungeon before, but you're a weird one! Besides... you're like... part of me. Or something! Like... I did summon you here!"

Dungeon Core 532 looked at her own Dungeon Menu, scrolling through it.

"Healing potions aren't on my list? It's those vials you made out of no where before? You used gems or something? I never heard of that, but I don't have an option for healing potions! I usually let my goblins heal themselves with bandages. Sometimes they get sick and die anyways, but sometimes they get better."

You remember that you saw Potions in the Cash Shop. When you went through the Dungeon Master menu, you don't recall seeing potions either on that list, though it included a lot of other items. Searching up daggers, you got a couple of matches.

Gems: 85
[okay]Dagger: 1
Dagger, Punching: 1
Dagger, Dueling: 1
Dagger, Swordbreaker: 1[/okay]


"I'm 25 at least according to the world I'm from." Charlie says absently as she scrolls through the menu. She purchases two regular daggers. "If you're okay on your own for a bit, then I'll leave and explore the world a little. I feel kind of useless here and I have no idea how to get more gems."

Charlie tucks the daggers on her person securely and adjusts her armor a bit. She still feels odd and weirdly dressed but she really doesn't want to spend any more gems without knowing what's out there first.

"Don't worry DC, I won't forget about you. I'll come back and kill all the things you'll want." Charlie gives her the most reassuring smile she can muster. "I'll see you later."

What that, Charlie waves goodbye to DC and then leaves the cave.


"25! You're old Dungeon Master!" Dungeon Core 532 exclaimed, her eyes widening at you proclamation.

"And okay! I'll be alright! 300 DP is a lot of points to work with... Anyways, be back soon!"

[info]Continue to Chapter 4: A New World[/info]