[Rosalie] Chapter 3: The Antwarch Dragon Knights

Started by Throndir, August 19, 2018, 12:15:45 PM

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Hertha grinned.

"Well, Valeriya, what sayeth thee?" Hertha asked, bringing her attention to the dragon girl.

"Exactly what Rosalie said! I mean... well... only if Rosalie actually has feelings for others too... I mean, I do live for a long time, and heroes are supposed to live for a long time too because of the goddess' blessing."

"As long as I'm around and if he or she meets my approval... I can understand that you'd want companionship too Rosalie... I am a girl, so..." Valeriya said with some sadness in her voice.


Rosalie panicked, trying to figure out a way out of the situation. "Well I think that should be something to think about later. This hero stuff seems to be pretty urgent so I should focus on being strong enough to defend the people that summoned me." Rosalie wasn't sure if it would work, but hopefully it would at least diffuse the situation for now. "It was nice to spar with you Hertha, we'll have to battle again sometime.


"Y-yeah..." Valeriya said, agreeing with you. Hertha seemed to understand the situation and only smiled and nodded.

"Then lady hero and Valeriya, I shalt see thee at thy ceremony." Hertha said as she grabbed a nearby cloak to cover herself.

Soon enough, Valeriya and you had left. You felt Valeriya grab your hand when you started to walk, though she wasn't making eye contact with you. There was a slight blush on her features however.

QuoteFeel free to avoid the hand holding though

"W-well... At least right now it's just you and me, I suppose I should enjoy this..." Valeriya commented.

QuoteLet me know when you're ready for the next scene/chapter!


Rosalie chuckled. "Sorry Valeriya, I guess people are just too excited to meet a hero in the flesh. Ever since we got down here it has been one thing after another. I'm sure there will be plenty of times where nobody is around so don't worry too much.[/color] Rosalie made no effort to resist Valeriya's affection, she seemed to be a bit down after all of the events of the day.

[info] Ready for the ceremony whenever you are!

Continue to Chapter 4: The Dragonknight Ceremony[/info]