[Gill] Chapter 1: Explosion

Started by Throndir, July 30, 2018, 02:12:34 PM

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Location: United States - Georgia - Atlanta - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International
Date: Year 2016 - May 19th - 6:02 PM

Armed and ready you had your team fan out, to attempt to cover any exits that the bomber might take. There were other teams sweeping the airport currently, as evacuation was still in progress.

You had rushed here as soon as your radio called for summons. It took only a few minutes to debrief you on the situation as other squad members were quickly assigned to your group. Picked up and dropped by helicopter as well, the response team was timely.

The suspected bomber held in his hands what looked to be a handgun.

"Sergeant Bates? That you? I recognize that ugly mug anywhere. I can't believe you'd still be workin' with the government after what they've done! You don't even know do ya? Blindly acceptin' everythin', and believin' the government's lies." The bomber spoke. You knew him to be a John Wiley, a war veteran of the Iraq War much like you were. The man was roughly your same age, though you didn't quite recall what exactly.

"Don't you think about comin' closer either, you hear? And just because we have some history, I'm warnin' you now Bates. You better get the 'ell away!"


Gill looked the veteran straight in the eye. Bates was rather conscious about his spectacular mug- it was certainly Wiley alright. He'd recognize those snide comments anywhere. Gill still thought Wiley would look better with one eye; perhaps he should help. That's what friends were for.

"What ugly mug! Whats that even mean! There's no cups here, doofus!" Bates attempted to correct Wiley. He only wanted Wiley to understand that he was wrong and that Gill was right.

"If anything you're uh, a..." Bates paused, trying to search his vast knowledge about society and its social mores. What could Ugly Mug possibly mean? And it dawned on him! Perhaps it was a compliment! After all, it's been many a time since the two have last met. Gill grinned, nodding his head in affirmation. He smiled brightly towards his longtime comrade and pal:

"You have an ugly mug too!"


"Oh shaddup! An ugly mug is what you call an ugly face. Ya know, those things they take at 'em police stations? Mug- Actually what am I even sayin'? You drop those guns, I'm warnin' ya!"

He breathed heavily, his face was red.

"The US government don't care about  you, or me, or anyone but their own selfish interests for those on the top! You don't think I realized that after servin' in the army? They discovered somethin' I tell you! Government found something, they did. And them sand niggers discovered somethin' too I reckon. Somethin' that our glorious nation found that they be wantin'. They told the media that it was all about weapons o' mass destruction and peace in the Middle East. A load o' bull if you ask me!

I tell you what they want. Whatever thing them sand niggers found in their dunes. That's what The Man wants.

The war was a scapegoat. They thought they could use it as an excuse to do anything they wanted. But I know! I can see! And all the lot of you are too stupid to see what's been in front of you the past 15 years!

You know them hooligans at the top orchestrated the war? Ever heard of the Project for the New American Century? I'll tell ya what they are. Warmongers. One of the fronts of the government tryin' ta' talkin' about 'stability'. But years before the trade centers blew up, they wanted to be in Iraq. You really think that's a coincidence? What if I told you some people in the government knew that the trade center was going to be blown up? Some employees and government officials even cancelled their flight plans on the day before! September 10. And we all know what happened on September 11 don't we? That so-called catalyst for war. Oh but the darn lot of ye' fell for it; hook, line and sinker.

And off the USA and its people go to war! Some people found out. Some people knew the TRUTH then. If only I had known, I wouldn't have so gladly signed up for this farce back then. And what did our government do? The Patriot Act wasn't for 'terrorists', it was an excuse to find out who among us citizens knew the truth!"

"And I was close to the truth you hear? They got on my tail, made it hard for me to find work, trying to push me to the fringes of society... And look at you! Still waving your guns for them. Despicable."



Gill paused, his face contorted with confounded confusion. Was this really English? Strange and incomprehensible words left Wiley's lips- Gill could not understand. His old squad-mate who helped Gill get the job at the airport stood by to give his concern.

"Don't buy into anything of what he says Gill- were here to save lives, not cause havoc. It's regrettable that old Wiley's lost his way, but we've got to put a stop to that bomb Gill. Many people are going to die if we don't stop...that." Gill remained looking deadpan at Wiley, pondering his friend's advice. His team would likely have to subdue Wiley-

But Gill only knew that he wanted to help Wiley.
He was still his comrade after all.
Therefore he must save him.

Perhaps from himself, for his own good. Gill didn't think this last part however, not this dumb log.

The demolition expert tapped Gill on the shoulder. "Boooooooooomb!" he slowly pantomimed, waving his arms left to right in wide strides to form viciously repeated x's each pass. The experts face kept twisted as 'understanding' dawned on Gill's face.

Gill stared at Wiley indignantly.

"Wiley, you should put that down-" He began, a rare expression upon his rough countenance, a piercing glance that attracted unwarranted gravity. He raised his fingertip with great effort, rising carefully to point against the bomb.

"Don't you know that bombs-

actually blow up?"

His chest puffed up in pride, warning his dear comrade about this rare, most unheard of fact.

"It's dangerous, friend! Here- lemme take that dangerous bomb off you! I'll save you!" his team was lucky that Gill had not taken a step forward and only brought his open hand out- for now. They worried that Gill might inflame the situation- of course he would, the bomb expert thought. On the other hand the rest of the team lay bare their faith for Gill by not voicing dissent. They figured Gill had come up with some stratagem and were waiting to see it happen. Gill wouldn't fail this time or the next, they thought. Let us put faith in his actions.

Already, the repeat process of the earlier event came from the expert once again; "Boooooooooomb!" he pantomimed, probably lost on Gill's resolve or his rather exorbitant wisdom.

"Forget about all that government stuff or whatever: you're in danger right now Wiley-" then Gill made a beeline towards the bomb. Straight, forward, no hesitation, no pause- and he came fast.

He only wanted to save him.

The rest of his team stood aghast- it's happening, they thought, the captain's mind games were ingenious. He's done it again, that captain of ours! I'm so proud to be a member of this team! they thought. Of course the bomb expert knew better and could only facepalm.

"Looks like I didn't get through to him with my hand actions at all!" they lamented.
"Don't incite the target and wait for reinforcements to show up, just what did he understand from me raising an x..." the bomb expert would never know.

"I'll save you!"


You started to run towards Wiley, pumping your legs as fast as you can go. It was the fastest you've ever sprinted in your life. The action caught everyone by surprise; the bomber too had no idea you would just charge towards him. Your eyes seemed to flash, and like a speeding bullet did you aim straight towards the bomber. You were planning to disable him. To stop him. To save the lives of your team.

"Sir!" Someone called in your team. His words barely registered.

"Gill!" Another called out. But your target was already in sight. Your hand was already placed forward, you were going to grab him, and put him down.

But the man snarled as he yelled at the top of his lungs.


His eyes were a mix of shock, surprise, and anger. He never expected you to close the distance so fast. You were going to make it. You were fast.

But the bomber was just slightly faster.

Wiley pressed something in his hand then, and a moment after that everything exploded into light.

Location: ???
Date: ???

Everywhere around you was a soft glow of white. From as far as you can see there was nothing but a pure whiteness. For whatever reason, it did not sting your eyes however. It looked like you were standing in air, though you could not actually see what you were standing on.

In front of you was a woman dressed in armor.

"Gill Bates. Welcometh to the afterlife."


The White.

Around Gill, white light encompassed all his sight-.

No airport. No bomb.

Just the White-

-And a rather ugly mug infront of Gill.

Not that Gill took much note of said ugly mug- the explosion had done nothing to Gill's sprinting gale and only blinded Gill. Gill was still running, his legs still bee-lining towards where Wiley would still have been. The ugly mug had it coming-

-running straight forward, a composed swallow gracefully catching it's prey; as composed as a cornered rat, as graceful as a dancing hippopotamus.

Several incoherent thoughts arouse from Gill's vibrant wisdom as he bull-rushed the Valkyrie looking girl.

Wait, what ugly mug, there's only one ugly mug that I know-
-And it's not mine
, stroking his beard, or lack of rather, even while running.

That's it! That ugly mug could only be one person!-

"Gill Bates. Welcometh to the afterlife."



Gill tackled the Valkyrie full force, grasping and groping, all around her in a most manly and rough, gruff manner, searching for the bomb that could cause great harm.

"Wiley!" Gill continued,
"Wiley, do you know where we are Wiley?" Gill shaked "Wiley",
"Wiley look, the bomb's no where to be found, did you eat it!?" Gill exclaimed, his friend was not very bright.
"Wiley those are bad for you, Wiley! WILEEY!" Gill kept groping Wiley for the bomb, noting a suspicious lump around the chest that wasn't there before,
"Wiley you changed!" He knew that war changed people, but not this much...


The moment you tackled her, the woman was in shock that anyone would try such a thing. However, as you began to attempt to grasp and grope her she didn't seem to fight back much at all. Instead the woman seemed to relax herself.

"Oh Gill, if I knew you were like this I would have-"

Then she heard you yell out Wiley's name again.


You yelled it again.


What was first a rather lewd smile on the goddess' face, soon become one of shock, and then anger. A bolt of lightning struck Gill at that moment, pushing him back, and searing him at the same time.

"How DARE you mistake me, The Goddess of Light, as Wiley!" Her features were creased with anger. "You, like, probably broke a ton of rules!" She paused, her face betraying the fact that she was thrown off balance.

"That is... I meant... Thou, mortal, hath broken the tenants set forth by humanity in thy interactions with me! Praytell, how doth thou plead?"