[Amelia] Chapter 2: The New Queen of Bürsteig

Started by Throndir, August 05, 2018, 10:32:26 PM

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"I would like to get a tour around the castle in general, maybe Kurt and Matilda can show me around? I would also talk about the logistics of the coronation and ruling tomorrow. I don't want to walk into this that blind. Everyone in the castle is going to be sick of me before I even get close to taking the job." She said as she scrunched Nyx's head.

Like before, it didn't take too long to get to the destination. It was another room.

You noticed that the king was very gentle when he began opening the door. Both Matilda and Kurt stood outside, choosing not enter into the room with their father. Much like your own room, this room too was finely furnished. On the bed however was a long haired woman. She seemed to be asleep.

"The mother of my two children." King Richmond explained.

That was when the room that must be their destination came into view. As the king opened the door and she was led inside her breath caught at the site of this women's beauty.

"This is the mother of my two children."

Her awe turned into a frown ever as she approached. She was like a pressed flower idyllic but somehow fragile. She looked to the king waiting for some kind of explanation. This was obviously something more than just a nap, and pushing might be seen as bad form. Though she had a feeling that whatever came next was not going to be good.


"She's been like this for almost a year now, just before we found ourselves in this new world." The king explained. "The first time this happened, she was asleep for an entire week, then briefly woke up and told us that the world will change... A few months later, it did. It's happened multiple times, she would wake up, speak of some new prophecy, then go back into a deep slumber..."

"You're from another world... Have you seen anything like this? Or even have ways to cure it?"


Taking a closer look, all Amelia could do is shake her head. She had read about states like this in books surrounding other religions or mythologies occasionally books talking about different practices would pass through the shop, but they were far from light reading. In modern terms, it looked more like a coma then anything else, but without any kind of skill or equipment whatever work the king's people were better equipped then she was. "I'm sorry my world doesn't have magic like this at least not out in public spaces. I'd be more than happy to do research, perhaps I have a different perspective, but your priests have expertise that I could not hold a candle to them at the moment."


"I... see..." The king replied somberly. "It was worth a try, we have ambassadors sent to the other countries of this new world, both to see if any of those in their worlds can help with anything about her condition and to seek out other heroes, who, by our legends, always had remarkable abilities."

He then proceeded to make his way out of the room.

"In that case, both my son and daughter can show you around the castle grounds, and even town if you would like. I can setup some time to meet with Father Barnabas. You will have to meet my retainers as well. A couple are deciding to retire with me... but there are a few who had told me before that they are willing to serve the new head of our country."


"I'm sorry, I'm sure there is an answer out their somewhere." said Amelia, as they walked out of the room. If the current queen was some kind of Oracle and saw Amelia's arrival as well as some kind of dark future it would be worthwhile to prioritize her awakening. After all, someone who was in tune with that kind of energy would be a possible means of getting home. Plus, she couldn't imagine what she would feel like if her mom was in such a state. Perhaps that would be a way of repaying their kindness for her own safety.

"I would very much like to get a general lay of the land. I would rather hold off any kind of official duties for at least a month until I can get a handle on this whole situation. I have a lot to learn before I can feel even partially prepared. I wouldn't want to open you up to attack from a hungry neighbor by seeming like a weak leader. If you want me to take over the daily work for the transition period it will only help me learn but I need some time to learn where I stand. Anyone that I need to meet with I'm more than happy to do so. " She did her best to swallow her own fear at that moment. She had to seem like a rock until she was alone again. At least Nyx was heard his steady heartbeat giving her a means to stay centered.

Once they reunited with the royal siblings she gave them a kind nod not certain that an apology for what happened to their mother was appropriate. "Your father has offered you up as tour guides I hope you don't mind." She smiled, "I'm in your care. I have nothing else to do today but see the sights. I'm glad I brought my tourist gear."

[info]Before they go Amelia will grab her messenger bag and put on her sneakers.[/info]


"Holding off official duties for a month?" The king frowned. "Well, this is a big responsibility thrown to someone so young..." He nodded as if to confirm to himself that it was a good idea.

"Very well then, perhaps instead the crowning ceremony tomorrow will be for your station as provisionary queen? At the same time we can have Matilda and Kurt ease you into the role. I believe my two children know my duties well enough. Of course I would be willing to help, and you can always come to me for advice. In truth... It was my wife who gave the prophecy that the throne should be abdicated to the hero. Though for what purpose, I do not know."

"Ever since she became like this... I've been wanting to stop my royal duties as well, and take care of her."

The two of you shortly met up with Matilda and Kurt who waited patiently and respectfully outside.

"We'll head back to your room then!" Matilda suggested.

"Perhaps we'll see you tonight father?" Kurt asked.

"If you are heading into town, and find somewhere there to eat, that is fine as well. I'll be in my office though... The Felencorp United Alliance are still figuring out all of our potential exports, likewise, the Guild of this world is looking to merge with the one from our own world..." He laughed warmly.

"A lot of work."

Soon enough the three of you made their way back to the room from earlier this morning.

"Girls only beyond this door!" Matilda teased as she pushed you into the room.

"I wasn't planning on looking..." Kurt said with a slight blush on his features.

QuoteFeel free to respond to any of these separate threads, we can merge it all back later, or actually split them if I see the need.


"Provisional Queen sounds ideal for the moment." Amelia sighed for the moment before turning to Kurt and listening to them talk. It was then that she realized she probably had not eaten in some time. The idea of street food or food from a cafe sounded perfect. Who knew if what passed for fancy food here would even sit well with her. The idea of the guild caught her attention. "Your Majesty, I would be more than happy to help you with your work with your artisan guild as well come tomorrow along with your other work. I'm a quick study, but I don't think I'll be much help until I get a good night's rest."

With that, she was quickly pulled away by Matilda as they headed towards her room. "I would love to try some of the local food. As long as its nothing over the top." She said to both of the siblings, "Where should we start the tour? What's worth seeing in the city?"

Once at the room from this morning.

Amelia could not help but blush slightly at Matilda's comment, "I won't be long, promise. I'm just going to change my shoes and grab my bag and then we can go. Shouldn't the two of you change though? Surely you two are recognizable as nobles. Something plainer might be in order if we can to avoid drawing unwanted attention." She said looking them up and down.


"An artisan's guild? I admit, we had many of those in our trading city... Our capital itself wasn't as lively in trade as some other cities in my country. Unfortunately, it was only our capital Mendernich that made it here safely, along with some nearby towns and villages. The Felencorp United Alliance, one of our neighboring countries here in the New World specializes in trade though... They were in fact the ones who negotiated the terms to initiate our own summoning ritual... But..."

The king couldn't make eye contact with you.

"I did not tell my children this, and thankfully the doors to our rooms are thick enough that none should be easily able to hear. But there is a last reason why I decided to follow my queen's wishes to abdicate the throne to our summoned hero. The Kingdom of Bürsteig were more than just pressured into agreeing to the terms set forth by the Felencorp United Alliance... We have no allies in this new world, and we were pretty much forced by the alliance to agree to the terms that were set forth. Our kingdom still gains benefit... Acceptance into their trade network, communication lines to the other countries and groups of power here in this world, but they required us to hand down our hero to them! A travesty, and a disrespect to our nation as well. Forgive me for saying, Amelia, though you yourself are from a different world, the Kingdom of Bürsteig greatly honors the summoned heroes that we've in the past summoned over the last hundreds of years. We will not treat you as a mere commodity. It was a decision that both the nobility council and my own advisors have agreed on."

"We believe, ascending you to the throne would dissuade the Felencorp United Alliance, and I also believe the move can potentially foster relations with some of our neighbors. The Isikawa Sovereignty and the Antwarch Dragon Knight Kingdom, and will also foster potentially goodwill from the smaller countries who had their own summoned heroes snatched away from them."

"We used to be a land-bound city back in Erdesin. When we found ourselves here, a quarter of the city wasn't brought along with it, and instead, we found ourselves next to the ocean! Or at least a bay. I'd love to show you the work our cities down to set it up since... Docks, ships, and we've even started sea-routes!" Matilda said enthusiastically.

"Everything is worth seeing, milady." Kurt said. "Mendernich was never a busy trading town, it was instead where many of our nobles lives, along with the nobility. We prized the aesthetics of the city, though... once we came here to the New World, we found ourselves rather lacking."

"It's quite alright! Everyone knows me in my maid uniform though. I always go out into town on errands here and there, to get things for our actual maids!"

"We've already given up telling her she shouldn't do such things... But its her own way of helping the country after all. Even as the sole princess of a nation."

"Hah... I'd like to be able to serve the people."

"You are already a better swordsman than I am, sister... If you put in your effort into other things, I'm sure you'll do great things." Kurt then returned his attention to you.

"I am unsure how it is like for your world Amelia, but here in Mendernich it isn't a rare sight to see nobility out in the open. Personally, I think the people should start getting used to your presence."


As Amelia listened to the two siblings argue back and forth she couldn't help but be lost in what the king had said earlier. She had guessed at the very beginning that this whole affair was hiding something else. Especially when they had decided to name her to the throne before even meeting her. She was a rare commodity after all even without any kind of context she was able to surmise that. For them to risk so much on her she had realized quickly the kind of pressure they must be under. However, the idea of being sold off into servitude while far from unexpected did not fill her with a warm feeling. The fewer people that knew about her existence for the time being the better. She was going to have to build this nation from scratch after all.

That last thought made Amelia taste bile in her mouth. That was when Kurt's statement cut in, "I am unsure how it is like for your world Amelia, but here in Mendernich it isn't a rare sight to see nobility out in the open. Personally, I think the people should start getting used to your presence."

"No!" She said suddenly shaking her head hard to prove her point before calming. She had said it to forcefully and had to rush for a reason why. "No, people don't need to see me as any kind of nobility at the moment especially if I want to see how things really work here. If people see their future ruler people will try to curry favor rather than being honest. I want to be free to make my own judgments and move freely without people trying to whisper in my ear." She didn't add the part that if this federation found out about her they would most likely try to kidnap her if not directly declare war.

Thinking about that she would need a cover story that explained why she was asking so many questions and why she was moving in and out of the castle. "It's a bit cliche but, until we figure out otherwise even around the castle everyone who doesn't need to know should think I'm a new up and coming healer in training. You both just took an interest in me because I'm around your age and I had to leave my village to come here to work. That should explain why you are showing me around and let me do what I need to without too many sideways glances." Nodding to herself that kind of cover story usually worked in these kinds of stories.

"Oh and Matilda, can you take me to the busiest shops where the castle servants send you for errands?" If there was any chance for survival it would be an economic force not a military one at least for the moment. "I'd also love to see all the major landmarks. All the major churches the docks everything."Amelia said looking between the two before looking to go change and gather her things Nyx troating behind her.


"Hmm... that would be a problem. Let's see... First we have the court mage who initiated the actual casting of you. Then there's Father Barnabas, who oversaw the ritual. Then we have the surgeon and bonesetter who rushed you into our room. Oh! The few guards we had stationed with us during your summoning, and trip to your room. Then there's the maids and nurses who continued to check up on your health while you were unconscious..." Matilda said hesitantly.

"If we tell the castle staff to keep quiet on the fact that the summoning was a success... it might work, but... It's been at least a day, and this sort of news doesn't really stay quiet for very long... I'm sorry my queen, please understand that the royal family have always been open to the public." Kurt said bashfully.

"I'm not sure if the king has mentioned this to you yet, but a neighboring country was the one who initiated the deal with us to summon you as the hero. It is also a fact that we made it a public announcement perhaps just a week ago about the summoning ritual, at the very least, the nobility know that we have attempted the ritual itself..."

"You were in mother's room for awhile... was this what you talked about with father? Is the crowning ceremony still to be held tomorrow?" Kurt asked.


Amelia clicked her tongue in annoyance they were right of course there was no way that a random servant wouldn't have mentioned something in public for three days if not sworn to secrecy ahead of time. She had hoped given the circumstances with the federation they would have kept things more under wraps. As to why Matilda had been tending to her in the first place. Responding to Kurt's question "the king and I agreed that it was best for me to hold off on me becoming queen directly. I asked for a month to learn about the people, your way of life, your allies. Even if they know i was brought here by magic. I don't cut the most imposing figure. If your neighbors see me as an easy target it will be your subjects who pay for it in coin or blood. As I am now I'm blind if you were to ask me where we should spend money or move troops. I want to be a responsible ruler not someone who is seen as a mistake or worse, shepherded in the end of your entire people. That is one nightmare I don't need. I understand if you think i'm being selfish but I've learned that if you want something to break the fastest way is to have to much pride and be reckless about one's own limits."

"That's why I want to go out without being recognized if I make mistakes right now I don't want it to reflect badly on you or your people. Looking at at Kurt trying her best to get her attention across as she studied his face in detail as if looking for something a light bulb went off in her head. A small smirk spread across her face. "Matilda you like different outfits right? You wouldn't mind helping me put together something I imagine? I've never had a little sister help me get dressed before."

"As for the disguise it self," she looked kurt up and down a few times. " I need your most worn travel outfit, a basic cloak, and several long strips of clean linen. If everyone is expecting the hero to be a thoughtful maiden. Then the person going out on the town will have to be a mysterious if shy man for the time being."

She flicked her hair, "after all you are right that rumors with something like this are impossible to stop. I also appreciate you being open to the public. Though I would like it known around the castle at least publicly that I am still in bed rest recovering and cannot make to many appearances as to why things are stalling. I can still be named as provisional queen and explains why you all are helping me so much."

"That way the new herbalist Liam can move about with more freedom getting a better lay of the land. I'll need both your help to make this work though."

"What do you both say? I'm not going to avoid my work but to do a good job I need to learn things with my own eyes."

[info] if need be I can roll diplomacy to convince them.

The plan is:
Cross dress as a man using what I have on me and Kurtz clothes to act as a good diguise for +2

Ask for Matilda's help since she is good with costumes for +2

Changing gender inflicts a -2

Will pretend to be a new herbalist in training named Liam. Theoretically any checks to pass as a boy is easier due to her build

Get rumor spread that I as Amelia am still recovering from the summoning ritual which helps explain why Amelia is not taking full leadership right away. [/info]


"I'd love to be your little sister who dresses you up in pretty clothing!" Matilda exclaimed. "I feel like that needs to be the other way around though..."

"I can also tell the rest of the staff that I'll be the only one in charge of checking up on you. As far as I know, I don't think we ran into anyone on our way to father... As far as anyone else is concerned, you're still unconscious!"

"Since mother is still the way she is... The public won't even think too much of the fact that the hero is still recovering either. It might just work." Kurt grinned, then he bowed low as he attempted to take your hand.

"Well, my queen, I shall get the clothing you requested." Kurt said as he turned to leave.

"I'll grab some make up, and what-not. I'll also tell the head maid and butler that I'll be in charge of taking care of you from now on if that's okay big sis Amie?" Matilda asked.

QuoteSure, we'll go with +2 total.

+4 from Aid Another from both Matilda and Kurt, with your reasoning provided, then -2 from Gender switch. As per Pathfinder rules on it, I'll be making the rolls for this along with opposed Perception in private anytime its required.



"I'd be more than happy to agree with that Matilda. Though I warn you I've been known to be a real handful so you may need help once I no longer keep things a secret." Amelia smiled trying to be honest about the fact that she could be a bit of a handful.

She watched the two siblings leave in a rush as she scratched Nyx's furry ear before letting out a small sigh it was stressful keeping up a smiling face like this. "You are lucky buddy, you don't have to worry about anything but where your next meal is coming from huh. Though I think by the end of this you'll be turning into a real mouser if we end up sticking to this caste. But you'll protect me won't you?" she said before heading back into her room to wait for the others to help her change.

we can do a changing scene or tranition to leaving up to you

Head to: Chapter 3: The True Summoned Hero of Bürsteig