[Hanako] Chapter 1: Wait, What Do You Mean Another World?

Started by Throndir, November 30, 2018, 04:11:32 PM

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Hanako let her self be drawn in, for the first time in a very long time someone was providing physical comfort and it reminded her of what it was like when she was a child; not yet a bitter disappointment to her parents.

"What other choice do I have really?" she breathed, barely above a whisper. "I'm not ready to simply stop existing, so lets see where this goes."

She pulled away and sat up. "What comes next? Also, I've waited too long to ask but do you have a name?"


"My name? I've gone by many of them through the millennia that your people have given me... Names for us aren't really things that we need. I simply who I am, while you are simply who you are. But if I had to give a name, I like 'Erato' the most."

"As for what comes next... well... how about we snuggle and watch?" The being, Erato, suggested with a slight grin. "The perks of being in a place like I am, time is somewhat meaningless... The next world over doesn't really have much in terms of entertainment... Besides, I have every episode of every... 'anime' you can think of! Even ones that haven't been made yet!"

"Just for one day? I don't actually get visitors very often up here you see... Tell me sweetie, which of this 'anime' do you like the most? I admit I know of the genre, and everything else associated with it, but... it would be the first time for me actually watching one with someone, too."



"You want to know my favorite? That's kind of a loaded question really, I mean with such a vast amount produced over several decades of animation in Japan alone it's so hard to narrow it down to just one. Going further there are so many genera to get into, each with their own distinct charms and tropes that bring something to the table that you can enjoy you know? One can assume that a favorite is also considered a personal 'best' but that in itself is a trap, what qualities does one use to determine what anime is 'best' when there are so many..."

Hanako continued to ramble on and on about the nature of the various shows and their merits and inferiorities, what qualities she and others agree universally make up a good show, and her personal opinions which others may or may not share. Her predilection for shows with lots of cute girls and her dismay that there weren't more harem shows with female leads that eschewed the "reverse harem". There was a ten minute diatribe about the popularity of "shounen garbage" in the west, and a lament for the death of quality key-frame animation as badly done CG started to show up more and more. All in all it was a very boring half hour once she got started.

Eventually she said: "I guess considering my current situation we should watch KonoSuba, also Megumin is cute."


"Hmm, alright! Great choice too considering the circumstance. It's amazing how close the stories of humans are to how it actually works." She grinned.

"KonoSuba it is! And this will be a treat, since we'll go through every episode! In your world they're still only on the second season right?" Her eyes glinted as she clutched onto your arm all over again.

"And I agree, Megumin is absolutely adorable! Oh sweetie, but the goddess isn't so bad too though, the only problem is that we're not really that useless, you know?" With that she flicked her hand to the canopy above you, and all of a sudden you heard the opening song of the first season of KonoSuba.

QuoteFeel free to describe the next scene, and/or use the goddess a bit (if she brings snacks, etc), but note that you do still get tired as the marathon goes on. Try to end your post near when you fall asleep, I'll wrap it up, then we can move to Chapter 2!


"Oh good, they got more episodes! I hope they got more money too, the quality took a little nosedive in season two." she commented joyfully, choosing to ignore that Erato had all but confirmed there were multiple realities wherein Earth was a place that didn't get obliterated by inter-dimensional monsters AND they kept making more KonoSuba.

Hanako laid back and got comfortable, eager to watch more of Kazuma and the gang bungle their way through life. From nowhere the goddess (if that was what she was) produced a variety of familiar salted snacks, as well as candy and drinks. Again, she chose to ignore something miraculous had occurred. There was too much to process, and quite a few more questions she wanted to ask, but there would be time later. For now she would just enjoy what she was slowly starting to rationalize as a very peculiar and detailed dream.

It was hours later that her consciousness began to fade. Slowly the comfort of the bed, the irrational excitement and improbability of the day lulled her closer and closer to sleep. From what felt like miles away she thought she could hear Erato speaking to her again, soft and reassuring but she couldn't make it out. The last thing she heard before finally succumbing to exhaustion was Megumin.



[info]Heroic Action Point earned[/info]Erato smiled wistfully when you finally fell asleep. The marathon had been going on for hours, in truth the body that Hanako had wouldn't tire, or get injured, at least in this place. Such was the the reality when one was in the domain of a being like Erato after all. But Erato knew the dangers of having a mortal soul here in the divine realms.

At first the goddess wasn't actually planning on having Hanako stay for the marathon, but it was an experience worth having, it wasn't every day that she had the opportunity after all. Up here, the rules were more lax after all. But she knew she shouldn't prolong it. Instead, Erato made it so that Hanako's body would naturally tire, much like her normal body back on Earth. She had fun though, she knew of anime, of course, there was some links to it with her own domain, but far enough that she actually haven't ever bothered sitting down to watch it. She couldn't remember the last time she sat in bed in her human form with someone.

She had fun.

"Besides, the snuggles were worth it!" She exclaimed softly and sighed as she gently played with your hair.

The light around you started to glow brightly then, but of course you weren't able to see it as you were unconscious, and when the light was finally at its peak, Erato placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.

"Good night hun."

With that, you were gone, and all that was left on the bed was Erato. Slowly she sat back up as she flicked her hand turning off the images and audio of the playing ending theme song.

"Goddess Aqua, you have no idea how lucky you are."

QuoteContinue to Chapter 2: Slavery