[Hanako] Chapter 2: Slavery

Started by Throndir, December 01, 2018, 11:56:32 PM

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The moment you focused on the collar, the faint glowing lights on it dissipated, and you heard the satisfying sound of the collar unclicking. The soldier girl beside you heard it as well, and her eyes grew wide in alarm, but she chose not to say anything.


Oh, that was interesting. How about this...

Hanako focused on the collar of the girl marching beside her willing it to deactivate.

Let's just hope this doesn't come back to bite me.


The moment you did so, you noticed a faint glow of light leave your body, moving towards it, once there, the solder's collar too clicked open, with it loosening slightly on her neck. The faint glow of light that you had seen on it was gone as well. You noticed that the glow of light on the collar looked the same as the one that came from your body to it. Once the attempt was done, like your first try, you felt slightly tired.

QuoteRough Status
Hanako: Injured, Slightly Tired
Soldier Girl: Slightly Injured
[include u=2]Hanako Dmg Taken: 6
Hanako MP Used: 2
Soldier Girl Dmg Taken: 2[/include]

The soldier girl's eyes grew wide, you could tell she wanted to say something, but she chose not to. Instead, you saw her worryingly move her eyes to the form of the fat man who was still leading the group.


Ok, so it works from range too... Though it seems like it takes a little out of me to use it. Alright, time to do something stupid and hope it pays off.

Hanako looked at the girl, gestured toward the rest of the soldiers wearing collars, pointed at the sword then at Klein, and then made a running motion with her fingers followed by a thumbs up and a wide grin.

I hope she got all that, and I hope I don't pass out.

She closed her eyes and concentrating hard, harder than she had ever thought about anything ever before. She thought of every collar still active around the necks of the soldiers around her, commanding them to deactivate.

[info]Id like to spend a heroic action point to boost my Slavemancer blessing.[/info]


The moment you started concentrating hard on all the collars on each of the soldiers around you, you felt as if you could feel each of the collars that everyone wore. Like with your previous attempts, it felt like you could see how each of the collars worked in terms of the magic that made them activate. It was than that you attempted to make them all unlock at the same time, however a message appeared in a familiar translucent green window:

[okay]Mass application ability not yet unlocked.[/okay]However a moment later the notification started to shift and change rather than being replaced and scrolled up.

[okay]Your wish is granted.[/okay]And shortly after that another notification appeared. This time the previous messaged scrolled up normally.

[okay]You have gained a new title『The Chosen of a God』[/okay]All around you a satisfying click resounded all at the same time. Each of the collars around each soldier loosened, and you confirmed that the slight glow on each of them was no more.

At that moment, the girl soldier beside you sprung into action, grabbing her sword, she quickly closed the gap to the fat man.

"Huh, what-" But the man was never able to finish. The girl's blade struck into the man's neck, and instead the fat man looked on in shock and confusion as he tried to say something, but no words came out, and a moment after that, he fell from his horse. Dead.

[info]You have gained a Heroic Action Point[/info]Unlocking everyone's collar took more of a toll than you expected. Your body felt heavier, you were drowsy.

The other soldiers were confused, some had begun to draw out their weapons, while some others stared in shock that the fat man had been killed.

"You really are the hero." The soldier who had killed the fat man said, she then proceeded to kneel.

QuoteRough Status
Hanako: Injured, Drowsy
Soldier Girl: Slightly Injured
[include u=2]Hanako Dmg Taken: 6
Hanako MP Used: 25
Soldier Girl Dmg Taken: 2[/include]


Oh good. That worked out.

Hanako was tired. She hadn't tried that hard to do anything since, well, ever. A feeling of accomplishment washed over her along with the fatigue, it was a strange sensation considering she never had felt accomplished in her life.

The girl who had killed Klein kneeled in front of her.

Quote"You really are the hero."

"That's what you tell me." she replied, with a tired smile. She rocked back and forth for a moment, then fell backwards and blacked out.

[info]Continue to Chapter 3: Herr Klein's 'Properties'[/info]