[Zurlane] Chapter 4: The Fires of Hiedelswatch

Started by Licel, August 19, 2018, 02:25:48 PM

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Attempt To Catch Alvilda
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 7 + 5, total 12[/blockquote]

"You did perfect Alvilda, you did simply perfect." He gently hugs her. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you, I'm sorry I had to pull back. But here..." He hands her a torch. "...You earned this."

Zurlane surveys the extent of the fires that are burning.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 1 + 3, total 4[/blockquote]

Zurlane does his best to inspect Alvilda's health

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 15 + 4, total 19[/blockquote]
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


[info]Dexterity: 12
You managed to catch her.

Perception: 4
The fires were progressing, but you couldn't tell how much of it was burning already. At the very least it seemed like most of the piles were burning, but you weren't quite sure either.

Heal: 19
Alvilda looked like she was about to collapse. She was losing a lot of blood as well, and though there were an attempt to quickly wrap bandages around her, you knew they could be infected. You were surprised that she managed to continue standing.[/info]Alvilda took the torch from you, but instead of helping the others, the princess of the Valkyrie simply continued to let herself be hugged.

In the distance you see the demons coming in full.



[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 11 + 4, total 15[/blockquote]

Zurlane attempts to pick up Alvilda and walk her away from the fire in the direction the rest of the Valkyre are retreating. The only thing in the world that mattered to him at this time was this moment.

As he was walking sometimes he looked into her eyes as he hummed a song he had known from a long time ago. A song he couldn't even name. He didn't say any words. He felt like for a moment he had a place here in this world.
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


Alvilda blushed slightly as she let herself be carried. But she didn't seem to fight at all, and only accepted the fact that she was being carried. She let herself close her eyes as well. You could barely hear her, but she spoke in a hushed tone.

"Thank you Zurlane..." Alvilda said softly and quietly.

QuoteIf there are other orders you plan to do, let the Valkyrie know. For now they are completing setting up the fires, then those with bows will be firing into the demons as they near, while everyone attempts to retreat once the fires are stoked enough.


QuoteI'm content with how the plan is progressing.

Zurlane looks back at the fighting and the fire to see how things seem to be going he also looks to see if he can see where Iona and Winona have made their way too and how Audhild is as well as the valkyre on horses.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 19 + 3, total 22[/blockquote]

He doesn't stop humming and after he checks, his attention returns to Alvilda.

He gently kisses her forehead and continues humming to her all while maintaining a safer distance from the fighting.

"Alvilda..." He whispers "Just rest... I'm here now."

Zurlane continues humming, looks over Alvilda again to see if he can surmise if she is stabilized enough from her previous bandages that she will not bleed to death.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 2 + 3, total 5[/blockquote]
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


[info]Perception: 22
It seems like a couple of the horses were used to tie wagons to them. Some of the most grievously injured Valkyrie were placed on them, including Iona, which Winona personally steered. Some archers had already begun firing into the oncoming demons in volleys, the rest of the fires were being completed as well, and many of the Valkyrie had begun moving out.

Heal: 5
You could not tell how she is doing, though you realized that Alvilda dipped into unconsciousness. Her breathing was shallow though weak.[/info]

Eydis had come to you then. Being the last of the high commanders which were still conscious. She placed her hand over her chest in a salute. Behind her was a horse that she lead over to you.

"H-hero Zurlane!" She started. "We art ready for the retreat, the last of Valkyrie hath just finished setting fires to the rest... Already the fire is spreading through the rest of the town... If we are to retreat, we must make haste now."

She proceeded to give you the reigns of the horse.

"Art thou familiar with horses, hero?"


Zurlane nodded to Eydis as a return to her salute. He was still hold Alvilda.

He looked over at the horse and gave a low whistle his face a mixture of thought, concentration and concern.

"When I was a boy I rode a horse once, but it's been so long I can try but." He gave a little hesitated laugh. "Here, I'll get on and you help me get a hold of Princess Alvilda, I'll get her out of here."

He gently brings Alvilda over onto Eydis' should so she can support the weight and gets on the horse, then he puts his arms out holding on with his legs in the stirrups and reaches down to get Alvilda.

"Ok, here we go." He attempts with Eydis' help to get Alvilda up and in between his arms holding the reins.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 11 + 4, total 15[/blockquote]

Once Alvilda is secure enough that he can hold onto her he asks Eydis. "Which way should I ride?"

After receiving an answer he nods to Eydis. "I would like to share a drink with you after we can make camp. Your skills as a commander were very impressive. You should be proud of yourself." He says with a smile.

Then he turns and off he rides in the direction Eydis indicated. After he is a few paces away he whispers. "Hold on Alvilda. We're almost out of this."

Handle Animal

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 5 + 1, total 6[/blockquote]
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


"I-I give my thanks to thee hero Zurlane." Eydis said blushing, though her smile was sincere given the current situation.

"General Iona and even Princess Alvilda are fine commanders too... Though I am considered one of the High Commanders, mine strength is more in magic, than it is to lead..."

"Towards the south we ride. Tis where our queen is coming from."


"Nonsense, you did well Eydis. I didn't get the opportunity to see much of your magical prowess in battle, but perhaps you can show me some of your techniques later." Zurlane says before looking back at the retreating Valkyre.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 4 + 3, total 7[/blockquote]

Holding tight onto Alvilda, so that she does not fall, Zurlane rides off towards the south.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 10 + 6, total 16[/blockquote]
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.
