[Jean] Chapter 6: The Wind Temples of Velothia

Started by Throndir, September 23, 2018, 12:33:22 PM

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She furrowed her eyebrows at your words.

"Master..." Ren began, not quite knowing what to say to cheer you up. Even the slimeling was concerned. Ren wanted to say something, but she couldn't really think of anything. Mortality wasn't something she thought about at all. The slimeling too didn't make any noises. It was then that Ren reached out to wrap itself around you, but she seemed to hesitate, not entirely sure if it was okay to do so.

The slimeling on the other hand, the moment Ren neared you, jumped from her head, and plopped on to yours.

"Food giver!" It said.

Gust, taking his own master's commands, went ahead, making chirping noises. You were able to understand him however.

"Fighting lady! She's over here! Here!"

Gust flew around a couple times, then sped in a particular direction, stopping every once in awhile when it was far enough from you, but kept an eye on the three of you.

"You have me..." Ren said behind you, she flicked her hand, and a tentacle appeared in front of you. "And them too."

She paused for a second.

"Do we need them? Do you need them master? We still need to help our other master too..."


     "That...  Will probably be difficult.  But it might coincide with the other goals.  These floating islands supposedly hold great stores of knowledge and there are said to be many lost to time: ancient libraries that might hold the secrets that the master seeks.  If we can help these people recover their lost islands, we might find the knowledge we need.  They seem to be devout followers of their god, so it might be that or their ancestors might possess knowledge of divinity that we need for our quest."  Said Jean as they continued to follow the bird.  "Then there is the lost Academy City.  It sounds like the kind of place that might contain the arcane secrets we seek.  I don't know where Eloise is but they might have got some of the library's secrets out before the fall and she might have access to it if not to the original library itself."  Jean continued the trek towards the nearing structure.  "We still might need these people and many others as well.  There is a theory in some of the works of fiction back in my world that divinity comes from belief itself, that the worship and faith of the masses are what elevate beings to godhood.  It might be silly to take the knowledge of a fantastical book for truth but this is by the standards of my world a fantastical place, so it might have some serious merit."

[info]Continue to Chapter 7: The Martial Arts of the Wind Temple Priests[/info]