Favorite Stories - A Survey of Sorts

Started by Ella, May 09, 2015, 01:08:00 PM

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Guys, Ella is plotting something and she needs your help!

Everyone has either read a book/comic, watched a movie/show, or played a game at some point in their life, right? Surely you all have some favorite scenes from various sources. So! This brings on my "survey"! Please feel free to share as many as you like, the more shared, the better. :D It does not have to be a favorite, it could just be something that you'll always remember. It could be good, it could be bad, it could even be really weird.

I'm keeping why I'm collecting this information a secret, but I will say it is something for the forums, so you'll all find out eventually.

I need the following information~
Quote[Name of Book/Comic/Movie/Show/Game.]
[Volume/Season/Number the scene is found in.]
[Chapter, if applicable.]
[Description of the favorite scene or, if applicable, a clip of it.]

Fellow Rabbit

Name of Show: LOST
Season: 1
Episode: 4
That big reveal near the end of the episode where we find out Locke was confined to a wheelchair before the island after having spent all of the previous episodes walking around like normal. That's when it really started to set in that there was definitely something extraordinary about the island and it was easily one of the most important plot twists of the first season.
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I feel like there's a ton of them. But I honestly can't remember! I'll at least post stuff here when I remember them.

Star Trek - In the Pale Moonlight
Season 6, episode 19
What I liked: Captain Sisko's monologue at the end.
Wikipedia synopsis: Sick of the losses the Federation is taking in the war, Sisko enlists Garak's help in getting the Romulans to join the Federation against the Dominion. Sisko soon learns that in order to save the Federation, he must violate the values for which it stands.
Why I like it: For a Star Trek episode, this one of of the darkest. First time a captain condoned murder. Basically they wanted the Romulans to join them in the war, so they faked evidence, and blew up a Romulan ambassador ship.



Dark Elf Trilogy - Book 2: Exile (last scene)
What I liked: Couldn't think of a single scene, but the parting scene between Belwar and Drizzt was memorable (was also the final scene in the book).
Why I like it: Primarily liked the fact Drizzt was making buds everywhere he went!  Even though his race is evil, and his journey on winning their trust as well as going about bigotry is cool.

"We had this argument before, dark elf;' Belwar reminded him.
"That was different!'
"Was it?" retorted the burrow-warden. "Will you survive any better alone in the wilds of the Underdark now than you did before? Have you forgotten the burdens of loneliness?"
"I'll not be in the Underdark;' Drizzt replied.
"Back to your homeland you mean to go?" Belwar cried, leaping to his feet and sending his stool skidding across the stone.
"No, never!" Drizzt laughed. "Never will I return to Menzoberranzan, unless it is at the end of Matron Malice's chains!'
The burrow-warden retrieved his seat and eased back into it, curious.
"Neither will I remain in the Underdark;' Drizzt explained. "This is Malice's world, more fitting to the dark heart of a true drow!'
Belwar began to understand, but he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What are you saying'!" he demanded. "Where do you mean to go?"
"The surface;' Drizzt replied evenly. Belwar leaped up again, sending his stone stool bouncing even farther across the floor.
"I was up there once;' Drizzt continued, undaunted by the reaction. He calmed the svirfneblin with a determined gaze.
"I partook of a drow massacre. Only the actions of my companions bring pain to my memories of that journey. The scents of the wide world and the cool feel of the wind bring no dread to my heart!'
"The surface;' Belwar muttered, his head lowered and his voice almost a groan. "Magga cammara. Never did I plan to travel there-it is not the place of a svirfneblin!' Belwar pounded the table suddenly and looked up, a determined smile on his face. "But if Drizzt will go, then Belwar will go by his side!"
"Drizzt will go alone;' the drow replied. "As you just said, the surface is not the place of a svirfneblin:'
"Nor a drow;' the deep gnome added pointedly.
"I do not fit the usual expectations of drow;' Drizzt retorted. "My heart is not their heart, and their home is not mine. How far must I walk through the endless tunnels to be free of my family's hatred? And if, in fleeing Menzoberranzan, I chance upon another of the great dark elf cities, Ched Nasad or some similar place, will those drow, too, take up the hunt to fulfill the Spider Queen's desires that I be slain? No, Belwar, I will find no peace in the close ceilings of this world. You, I fear, would never be content removed from the stone of the Underdark. Your place is here, a place of deserved honor among your people:'
Belwar sat quietly for a long time, digesting all that Drizzt had said. He would follow Drizzt willingly if Drizzt desired it so, but he truly did not wish to leave the Underdark. Belwar could raise no argument against Drizzt's desires to go. A dark elf would find many trials up on the surface, Belwar knew, but would they outweigh the pains Drizzt would ever experience in the Underdark?
Belwar reached into a deep pocket and took out the light-giving brooch. "Take this, dark elf;' he said softly, flipping it to Drizzt, "and do not forget me:'
"Never for a single day in all the centuries of my future;' Drizzt promised. "Never once:'


Name of Game: Lunar Silver Star Story Complete

[Description of the favorite scene or, if applicable, a clip of it:

This is one of the most surprising moments I had as a child. Not only is this one of the first fully choreographed animated musical sequence in a game. For an 16 bit game to create this fully fledged number really got at my heart strings. This song is called Wind Nocturne and to this day this romantic tune is still on my iTunes to this day. The girl who sings this song is always one of the largest influences for Serena a character that I created some time ago and is even throwing punches on the forum.



Name: The Seven Deadly Sins
Episode: 4
Description: The Seven Deadly Sins is about a group of knights reuniting. This moment is just about the peak of the series before it begins is slow decent from "Great" To "Slightly better then average shounen". Anyway, at this point they were trying to break Ban, their white haired friend, out of prison. After a pretty awesome series of fights they make it inside, where immediately a surviving enemy puts a legendary barrier spell around the fortress, yet the heroes are unaware of this so far. They make it inside only to find out that Ban had broken himself out of prison when he heard they were coming. This scene plays out when Meliodus and Ban see each other for the first time in ten years. Watch before continuing to read.


They completely decimate the barrier and the entire prison without even knowing they had been trapped in the first place! While not my favorite scene from even this anime, I was having trouble thinking of a non-spoilery, low-context scene I could send here. I like it because of the sheer energy you can really feel from it. Its also pretty comedic, surprising in a lot of ways and perfectly conveys the relationships of those involved, the ultimate way to end the first real arc.