[Permanent Character - Owner] Lady Edelia

Started by Ella, December 20, 2014, 12:23:18 AM

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Name: Lady Edelia
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Character Picture:


Physical Description
Edelia is an Elvin woman, pale of skin with golden blonde hair. She is 5'6" and of the usual petite Elvin build. She usually wears the clothing of an Elvin lady, also wearing fancy accessories.

To most visitors, Edelia appears to be a kind Elvin host. To those who cause trouble within the Edge, she is very stern... She is, however, slow to anger and prefers to handle things logically and with kindness before having to take drastic measures. Some people might see her as a guiding parent rather than just a hostess.

Edelia somehow keeps the Edge afloat while running the resort-like hotel. It is currently unknown why or how she does this. just that she does and welcomes visitors from all over. Most of her history is unknown, very few staff and fewer visitors know of her past.

Room #
No room number. Edelia lives in the unlabeled building in the back by herself.