Playable Races - Human

Started by Kirhart, December 22, 2014, 02:41:25 PM

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Description: Humans are among the youngest races on Azeroth, but they make up for it by being the most populous. With Life spans generally shorter than the other races, humans strive all the harder to achieve great heights in empire building, exploration and mechanical study. This aggressive and inquisitive nature leads the human nations to become active and influential in the world.
Such was the case prior to the orcs' original invasion through the Dark Portal. Human kingdoms suffered greatly in the three wars against the orcs and demonic hordes. Many, many humans fell in the Third War, leaving behind battered yet unbowed survivors of the Alliance Expedition under the command of sorceress Jaina Proudmore. This group settled on the wild continent of Kalimdor.
The humans on the eastern continents were not so fortunate. Lorderon is decimated, a wasteland now little more than a battlefield for forest troops, the Scourge, Forsaken, ogres and other creatures. The few humans who remain in Lordaeron are ragged and weary, struggling consistently to keep their small settlements free of the villainy that boils around them. Storm wind, the first to feel the orc's rage, fares better and is the most powerful human nation remaining. Still, Stormwind is far from safe, and enemies advance on all sides.
Humans value virtue, honor and courage, though like all races they also pursue power and wealth. Humans have spent generations battling dark forces and have lost some of their greatest kingdoms to them. This loss embitters humans, and they have a warlike view of diplomacy - swing first, ask questions later. Aided by belief in the Holy Light, humans have fought the hardest and endured the most during the wars against the Horde and Burning Legion.
Despite all their tragedies, humans remain hardy and brave - thoroughly committed to building strong societies, reinforcing their kingdoms and reclaiming their nations. Years of war have tempered human resolve, and they are more hardened and determined than ever before.

Appearance: Humans come from many backgrounds and show the greatest physical variety among all the races. Humans' skin ranges from dark to light and may have tones of other colors. Their eyes are blue, brown, green, gray or hazel. Human hair is brown, black, blond, or red. Men often grow short beards and women wear their hair long. Humans average 6 feet in height and weigh about 180 lbs, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women.

Region: After the end of the Third War, Alliance forces under Jaina Proudmore sailed to southern Kalimdor. They founded a stronghold called Therefore, a small, walled city on a rocky isle east of Dustwallow Marsh. Therefore Isle and the nearby mainland fall under human control and border Durotar, the orcs' new homeland, to the north. Humans and orcs maintain a tentative peace along their borders, but clashes are common. Since most of the mighty human warriors and mages lost their lives during the war against the Burning Legion, only a handful of veteran mages and paladins remain in Therefore. While Ironforge dwarves and some high elves also occupy the small island city, humans hold the seats of the greatest power. Goblin vendors and traders are a common sight in and around the rocky isle.
In the east, Lorderon still boasts several human settlements, but it is nowhere near the towering symbol of humanity's might that it once was. Hills brad and Kul Tiras are still mostly under human control, and a few settlements hold out in Silverpine Forest and the Alterac Mountains. Storm wind, in the southern continent of Azeroth, suffered in the First and Second Wars but remained relatively untouched in the Third. Much of the land regrows from the ashes of the past, and the city of storm wind is rebuilt and stands grander than before. Though the Scourge did not make itself felt in Stormwind, the small kingdom faces its own enemies, both from without and within. Nevertheless, Stormwind is humanity's strongest nation and a symbol of reclamation and renewal.

Affiliation: Alliance. Humans began the Alliance and it could not exist without them. Humans and orcs joined forces to face the Burning Legion four years ago, but old habits returned once they dispatched the demonic threat. Although the Alliance and Horde leaders bear a healthy respect for each other, old racial hatreds stir within the hearts of their troops.
Humans also look upon the tauren with suspicion, due to the ties tauren have established with orcs.
Humans and dwarves have long enjoyed a good relationship, a bond only strengthened since the dwarves latest discoveries have energized their archaeological efforts.
Elves are a source of mystery and frustration - especially the exotic night elves. Humans dislike and distrust jungle trolls and to an even greater extent, Forsaken.

Faith: They follow the Holy Light. This faith galvanizes them and gives them purpose and focus. Cathedrals and churches stand in their cities, and their priests preside over followers, heal the wounded, sooth the weary and smite the evil. Humans have an order of holy warriors, paladins, who follow the Holy Light and crush evil and chaotic beings in its name. Paladins are wholly committed to defending the human nations.

Names: Human parents grant a child its given name at birth, while its family name has a long history and usually speaks something of its bearer's ancestry. Some humans change their family names to emphasize their own accomplishments.

Example Male Name: Merander, Gyram, Derrick, Hebry
Example Female Name: Lilla, Merian, Richelle, Ammi
Example Family Names: Renn, Townguard, Silversmith, Runetouch

Racial Traits:
> Medium: as medium creatures humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
> Base land speed: 30 ft
> 1 extra feat at 1st level. Humans are quick to master specialized tasks.
> 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. Humans are versatile and capable.
> +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Humans are known for their courage, no matter what the cirumstances.
> +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy, Gather Information and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks. These skills are class skills for all human characters. Humans are a gregarious bunch.
> +2 racial bonus on all Craft checks involving mithril items. Humans have a long history of forging mithril arms and armor and are skilled in working it.
> +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs. Humans and orcs have a long history of enmity and are skilled at hurting each other.
> Automatic Language: Common
> Bonus Languages: Any unrestricted. Humans deal with many different creatures.
> Favored Class: Any. A multiples human's highest level class does not count when determining wether he suffers an experience point penalty for multiclassing