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Runners / Tombstone
Last post by jammermoore - November 02, 2024, 07:36:18 PM
heres tombstone's pdf
Main Story / Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the ...
Last post by jammermoore - November 02, 2024, 05:36:18 PM
Tombstone gets into Everett a little early. He is excited that Mako gave him a job too do. He rolls up to The Neon Reverie around 7:30pm. Tombstone enjoys the rain and "fresh" air before heading inside. Mako told he to meet Freddy around 9pm so why not grab a drink to cool the nerves.
Rolled 7d6 : 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, total 22
Main Story / Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the ...
Last post by SleepingSkeleton - November 02, 2024, 04:15:48 PM
Sixes turns his Nodachi, sliding to a stop with a satisfying squish as the wheel collided with the devil rat he had been pursuing. Pulling out his comlink, he tapped out a reply.
"Sure thing Major.  This a job you care about colors on or off for?"
Either way, he had his armored jacket in the storage compartment, so he gunned the engine, a spray of dirt and mud flying into the air as the bike started up, bound northward towards Everett. 

Sixes takes his time, enjoying the ride, and scaring a couple of corpo stiffs as he rides past, almost near enough to knock them over.  Chuckling at the expression on the man's face, he pulls his bike into a spot about a block away form the Neon Reverie at about 5 minutes before 9, checking to see if he had received a reply before sauntering towards the bar.
Main Story / Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the ...
Last post by pringerbeam - November 02, 2024, 12:04:30 AM
Hexen looks back at the human and raises an eyebrow as he sips on the soycaff. It wasn't doing much for him so he flags down the bartender. "Hey, can I get a bit of hair of the dog for this? Then I'll pay out my tab." He holds up the mug. The bartender obliges with a splash of whiskey which Hexen finishes off before heading back to the room he was supposed to meet Coleman at.
Main Story / Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the ...
Last post by Oath - November 01, 2024, 05:10:09 PM
Perception: 3 hits
As you arrive an hour early, you find the soycaff doesn't do much to nurse your headache with the skull-pounding beats of the club. You don't hear much of anything. As your eyes scan the club, you take in all of the sights you would expect, people holding drinks and dancing with all the grace you would expect of an exuberant drunk. It seems there are no characters any more unsavory than yourself, the help out front is doing their job.

After around thirty minutes, you see a burly ork enter the club, followed by a well dressed human. They approach the bar and get themselves a drink, the ork multiple, and they travel off into a booth in the far corner. You notice as they get their drinks, the human glances your way and seems to give you a once over.
Main Story / Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the ...
Last post by pringerbeam - October 31, 2024, 07:42:20 PM
    A cold November evening, already pitch black by 7:00 and raining as it so often was. I wake up to my comlink ringing and a pounding hangover. It was Sarah, one of the people with connections in the seedy underworld of Seattle and a useful gal to know in my line of work. Work... there hadn't been a lot of that going around lately. Sure, a cheating husband here, a stolen necklace there, just enough to keep a roof over my head but nothing near enough what I needed to keep the leg breakers off my back. I last told Sarah that I would take anything she could throw at me even if it wasn't really work for a private dick. Hopefully this job paid well. I donned my trench coat, armored of course and with plenty of pockets for my detective gear, stuck my gun in my shoulder holster, put on my fedora, and hopped into an auto cab to the meeting with one Freddie Coleman. I had a funny feeling but I chalked it up to the hangover.

     Hexen gets there an hour early for the meet. He's not that familiar with the club and hits up the far end of the bar for a cup of soycaff for his headache and to wake up a little more before going to the meet. As he drinks his soycaff he tries to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, or worse... his creditors.

Rolled 7d6 : 6, 2, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1, total 23

Main Story / Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shad...
Last post by Oath - October 31, 2024, 02:32:34 AM
You got a short message from Sarah Killinger. "Oy, Got a guy, Freddie Coleman needs a hand with some biz, told him you were good for it don't make me look bad. Meet him at the Neon Reverie near Everett, 9PM."

Your fixer sent a message. "Know you need work, told a guy named Freddie Coleman you'd help him out. He's a friend of a friend, good people. Told him he'd owe me if you do some good work. Good luck."

A message from Major Crimes popped up on your ARO feed. "Guy named Freddie Coleman needs some help, he is paying creds, you need creds, told him you'd do it. Meet him at the Neon Reverie at 9PM."

A lieutenant in your gang, Mako has instructed you to go to the Neon Reverie at 9PM and help Freddie Coleman with whatever he asks. As you drive towards Everett, you just remember him telling you it will be 'good experience' and that it will help you in the long run.

Rain poured from the sky, neon lights flickered, illuminating the alleyway as each of you approached. "Neon Reverie" A meeting was scheduled for 9 PM. You were to meet with Freddie Coleman.

The Neon Reverie is locally known as a place for biz, with a backdrop of dancing and music. A meeting place popular with local fixers who may not have the pull for lucrative clientele, but still have work that needs doing.

A large troll stands at the door, a scowl on his face as rain bounces off his matted hair. He gives each of you a once over when you arrive before ushering you in.

The bar is a bit more crowded than you would expect for the weather and a Tuesday, people dancing, music bumping, the staff behind the bar moving about pouring beers and mixing drinks. Booths line the room many of them filled with patrons. A large corner booth in the back has two figures seated looking out across the club.

You each have arrived at the Neon Reverie at a time of your choosing. If you arrive early what actions are you planning on taking?

Runners / Hexen
Last post by pringerbeam - October 30, 2024, 12:18:30 PM
Hexen the washed out mage detective.

Karl had his life all set up. Picked up by Saeder-Krupp for his magical ability, he was on the track to be one of those AAA corpo magi with a penthouse suite and a fat expense account. Too bad his master got caught trying to set up a blood ritual. Even though Karl was eventually cleared of direct involvement, he was now more radioactive than a toxic mage in the Chicago blast zone so he got booted from the corp and had to cut it on the streets. He's been trying to cut it as a private investigator but unfortunately he sucks at is and currently owes a lot of money to some scary people and is willing to do just about anything for cash right now.
Runners / Ziggy
Last post by Oath - October 30, 2024, 01:58:42 AM
Ziggy the street sam.
Dreams of Paradise / Re: CH1: Falling in the Deep E...
Last post by Mysticsage - July 18, 2023, 04:35:15 PM
It seems like your attempt to raise the spirits of the two boys, especially with Veritas, had little affect to change their moods, but at least it didn't seem like it made anything actively worse. As you slam into the pair's back however the sting seems to get them both out of their stupors.

"Armand is right-"
Veritas sighed, "We can't just sit here forever. We'll get ourselves ready and meet you outside."

Within a few short minutes the three of you had gathered outside in the island sun in what remained of your adventuring gear, and what few rags were required to hold the rest together. You lack weapons, defenses, shelter, food, safety, and prospects. But at least you have your lives, warm sun at your backs and a chance to write your own destiny. You three have made it this far, there is no turning back now.

"Well it seems like the three of you are in good spirits. I'm glad to see you three up and about!" Mira said as she had come to check on you.

"It's rare that people end up surviving the barrier storm together, so its good to see every now and again when it happens. So what's next for you three?"