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Messages - dragoonia

Carmilla walks carefully into the center of the next room uneasy about the lack of mobility from the trogs.
"It might just be me, but I'm really not comfortable with the absence of our enemies... It seems almost too quiet..."
She scouts the room carefully looking to see if there are any signs of the trogs at all other than their horrible stench. She also keeps her focus into hearing anything out of the ordinary.
Listen:  1d20+2 : 13 + 2, total 15
Spot:  1d20+0 : 2, total 2
Carmilla moves up to be on Kin's right side just in case anything does decide to rear it's ugly head. She can't help but be distracted by the opening to the yet to be discovered darkness ahead. She keeps glaring in that direction to see if anything can be made apparent.

"Seeing as how i have better sight than MOST of you.... creatures...." She sends a quick glance at the halfling, "I'LL scout ahead. I might be an un-welcomed race compared to you all, but at least I have patience...."

She walks up to the new archway to peer through and see if anything can be heard over the halfling's ridiculous rambling.

Spot:  1d20+2 : 5 + 2, total 7

Listen:  1d20-2 : 2 - 2, total 0
Carmilla, who had kept her distance from the group since the meeting with Markus, slowly crept out of the shadowed corner of the room that they had all just entered. a small sigh of disgust escaped her lips as she glares with intense annoyance at the all too excited halfling.
"If you don't calm his excitement we might be in for a very interesting turn of events in our near future. A turn of events that i... I mean we wouldn't have a lot of control over. The nature of me not have a certain control level in what happens makes me feel the slightest bit.... of anger...."
With the extra emphasis on the last few words she spoke she deathly continued to glare at the halfling.
She takes out her spiked chain and prepares herself for her prediction of the upcoming trog trash.

Moves 1 space to the right