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Messages - frogman210

Age of Ashes / Re: Chapter 2.1 - A Request for Aid
February 03, 2021, 02:28:23 PM
Quote from: pringerbeam on February 03, 2021, 11:38:28 AM
[info] Perception: judge intentions
     The halfling appears to be completely genuine in their intentions. [/info]

While Jo'Davan has had a fairly difficult life to this point in time he sees no reason not to trust this group, and especially Melody. He has decided that he will go along with and help this group, if for nothing more than to learn more about this enchanting halfling called Melody... As he suspects fate to have brought them all together for what purposes he hopes to learn one day soon...
Age of Ashes / Re: Chapter 2.1 - A Request for Aid
February 03, 2021, 07:36:56 AM
"It's good to meet you all. There is still quite a few hours of daylight left if you would like to get on our way."

Jo'Davan checks to quickly make sure he had everything. Looking at Melody again he said, "seems I have everything in order, after you." As he motioned towards the door.

Rolling Insight check to see if this cheery excitement appears honest or if it is an act.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 8 + 6, total 14[/blockquote]
Age of Ashes / Re: Chapter 2.1 - A Request for Aid
February 01, 2021, 08:59:56 AM
Jo'Daven takes a step closer to the halfling that appears to be in charge and says quietly "Do you have a map or could you show me the general location that you need to get to?"

He looks out the window and determines that it is... (What time?)

Note to DM Asking what time of day or evening it is?

Looking back to the halfling he asks "What are you called fair halfling?"  Reaching out to shake her hand he says "they call me Jo'Daven."

Note - Trying to mess with the formatting to make it look more similar to the other posts. I just tried the wrong quote tags.

Age of Ashes / Re: Chapter 2.1 - A Request for Aid
January 29, 2021, 08:33:58 AM
After looking over the group Jo'Daven asks "Are you well enough armed for such a venture? It seems that you are not properly geared for this kind of venture. I may not know much about your group, but I like the determination and confidence that you exude." As he points at Melody.

"If you believe that you are prepared then I see no reason why I couldn't offer you my assistance."

turning to the rest of the party he asks "When would you all like to head out?"
Age of Ashes / Re: Chapter 2.1 - A Request for Aid
January 27, 2021, 04:39:09 PM
Jo'Daven considers the offer for a moment before agreeing, "That price sounds reasonable." He then shifts his attention to the group of adventurers in the room. After looking them up and down for a few moments he says. "My name is Jo'Daven, was there something I can help you with?"

Roling perception to see what I notice about the party that is standing before me. Just want to see if I noticed anything of particular interest or not.
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+6 : 14 + 6, total 20
Age of Ashes / Re: Chapter 2.1 - A Request for Aid
January 27, 2021, 10:42:07 AM
As Jo'Daven walks into the room he looks around and notices that the Quarters and Bits seem much busier than it was the previous day. Looking around slowly he makes his way cautiously to the counter. Looking the owner directly in their eyes he slaps down a few hides to the counter and asks "How much can you give me for these 3 hides?"
Sylvir looks to the party members then turns his horse a bit to the side to face the people talking. "What is it that you need help with? Are you in danger? We are on a bit of a time crunch at the moment, but if there is something pressing we may be able to spare a small bit of time. "

What do you two say?  Sylvir quietly says over his shoulder.. "If they are in dire need we should at least make sure that they can make it to the next closest destination they can get some help, but if its something larger they need we may be able to help them on the way back through, what do you think?

Make a general roll to see if I notice anything suspicious as if this seems like a trap or some kind of suspicious business or if it seems as this group is genuinely on the up and up with calling out to us.  [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]

Sylvir rode up next to Elys and looked her direction as he said: "I agree, we also don't want to draw any un wanted attention our way and if we go storming through the city that could be exactly what we do.."

EDIT: Spelled my name wrong doh...
I am good to go Sylvir states. I feel like I am about as ready as I can be. I will be able to take what I learn on this outing and better prepare for the next.

Westward (or whatever direction we are heading as Sylvir is not too keen on directions and that is why he bought a compass before departing) HO!

Sylvir steps up to the map and carefully studies it for a time...

I think that this should prove the best choice in these circumstances. Turning to Elys he asks "Have you seen much combat in your time here?

truth be told I have seen very little in my days, and as much as I hate to admit it this is partially why I am here to learn to grow and to become strong enough to one day act on the information I hope to find.

I should prove useful in watching for traps, and in a pinch sneaking around for a chance at a critical sneak attack, but when it comes to experience, before we head off on this journey I wanted to be upfront with you about the fact that I have little to none in this part of the world.

I am decided that this should be the path we take.

Sylvir looks towards the other two members of the party and asks what they think?
"Hello Miriana, nice to meet you, I am Sylvir."

"As I am new to this place I will let you take the lead Elyas unless Miriana is a more senior member and would be more comfortable with that role?"

It appears that we have a decision to make on how to travel. If we were to travel on horseback could we expect any trouble along the path? [blockquote]Roll 1 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote] a (discover if there could be chance of non friendly encounters if traveling).

I am all ways for saving a bit of coin if it means just taking a bit longer rout, but with the circumstances being what they may haste maybe our best ally.

What do you know of this petitioner for our help? Would they generally use something so valuble to contact us unless there were dire need? Maybe this person just has the coin to spare and didn't mind contacting us that way?

[blockquote]Roll 1 1d20 : 5, total 5[/blockquote] - to see if there was any publicly known info about this person I may allready know in regaurds to his character and common behaviors.

Other then the decision on how to travel, I am ready to embark when the decision is made.

Sylvir walks over to a chair leaned up against the wall and sits down and looks to the other three as if waiting to hear what the plan was.
Sylvir appeared to look less apprehensive at hearing the response from Arelia.

"ya, that uh sounds good. Thanks."

Sylvir looked a bit nervous as he noticed Arelias eyes sparkling.. "maybe the stories ARE true.. " He mumbles under his breath barly audible, just loud enough for Elys to over hear.

Arelia seems to have cast some kind of spell over Sylvir his body language seems to betray both nervousnesses yet a very strong curiosity/interest. Maybe too much of one...

"I suppose I will be meeting many new people and seeing many new places now that I have finally arrived with the Guild. This should be interesting."

He seems to ponder for a moment before turning again toward Elys.. " They used a... sending stone..? I seem to recall something about them.. [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote] (to see what I remember or knew)

"We may be a bit more pressed for time then I anticipated, I have pretty much everything I own on me now. Do you need to make any stops before your ready to go Elys?

"What about you Arelia?!" Sylvir questions a bit too excitedly. He quickly realized that and stammered a bit, took a step back and said.. *Ahem*.. "I mean.. will you be traveling with us, or is it just the two of us on this one?"
Sylvir is not very tall but a little stocky for his height. He could be mistaken for someone living on the streets if one did not know any better. With hair a bit shaggy and unkempt appearing as if he should be on the lookout for a good sharp pair of sheers rather then an adventure...   

He looks Arelia up and down very cautiously as he listens to the situation at hand. With a strange look he attempts to notice anything else about Arelia that might explain the strange feeling that he has when listening to her speaking.. This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9

"I am new to these parts and have not met a Tiefling before, are they all as.. exotic as you?"

Shifting his weight to look over at Elys he seems to relax a bit and exhale. Evidently, when speaking with and listening to Arelia he had forgotten to breathe.  "I am new to these parts Elys, and to the guild. How long have you been with them?"

"Trgolodytes are not something that I have been around either.. All I know is what I have read... " [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
The Roster (OOC) / Sylvir Nilren
January 07, 2018, 03:56:37 PM
This is where I will introduce my character and backstory. ** in progress. Placeholder.

Check back soon will have it posted shortly.

Sylvir Nilren is a 20 year old human male born and raised in Neverwinter until the age of between 8 and 9 seasons old. Most of those years were spent scrounging on the street corners of Neverwinter and the outlying districts attempting to make what coin he could for the odd often shady things that one might offer a bit of coin to a child such of that age. One evening when returning from his evenings work working the streets and attempting to find enough food to last him and his beloved twin sister Lezel When Sylvir was out one evening tragedy struck his beloved twin sister Lezel.  Sylvir returned home to find patches of blood splattered all around the small shelter that they shared and no sign of Lezel anywhere. The only thing left to give Sylvir any idea what had gone on while he was out was her special amber pendent that she loved more than life itself. Sylvir keeps the pendant on him at all times and has ever since that day. He is fueled by the desire to find out what happened to Lezel that night, and to become as strong as possible so that once he finds out the information he seeks he will be able exact revenge in a way he sees fit not limited by his size skill fame or abilitys. .. (lots more coming..)