Fantasy World Creations

Modern & Sci-Fi Roleplays => Seattle Campaign => Shadowrun => Main Story => Topic started by: Oath on October 31, 2024, 02:32:34 AM

Title: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on October 31, 2024, 02:32:34 AM
You got a short message from Sarah Killinger. "Oy, Got a guy, Freddie Coleman needs a hand with some biz, told him you were good for it don't make me look bad. Meet him at the Neon Reverie near Everett, 9PM."

Your fixer sent a message. "Know you need work, told a guy named Freddie Coleman you'd help him out. He's a friend of a friend, good people. Told him he'd owe me if you do some good work. Good luck."

A message from Major Crimes popped up on your ARO feed. "Guy named Freddie Coleman needs some help, he is paying creds, you need creds, told him you'd do it. Meet him at the Neon Reverie at 9PM."

A lieutenant in your gang, Mako has instructed you to go to the Neon Reverie at 9PM and help Freddie Coleman with whatever he asks. As you drive towards Everett, you just remember him telling you it will be 'good experience' and that it will help you in the long run.

Rain poured from the sky, neon lights flickered, illuminating the alleyway as each of you approached. "Neon Reverie" A meeting was scheduled for 9 PM. You were to meet with Freddie Coleman.

The Neon Reverie is locally known as a place for biz, with a backdrop of dancing and music. A meeting place popular with local fixers who may not have the pull for lucrative clientele, but still have work that needs doing.

A large troll stands at the door, a scowl on his face as rain bounces off his matted hair. He gives each of you a once over when you arrive before ushering you in.

The bar is a bit more crowded than you would expect for the weather and a Tuesday, people dancing, music bumping, the staff behind the bar moving about pouring beers and mixing drinks. Booths line the room many of them filled with patrons. A large corner booth in the back has two figures seated looking out across the club.

You each have arrived at the Neon Reverie at a time of your choosing. If you arrive early what actions are you planning on taking?

Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on October 31, 2024, 07:42:20 PM
    A cold November evening, already pitch black by 7:00 and raining as it so often was. I wake up to my comlink ringing and a pounding hangover. It was Sarah, one of the people with connections in the seedy underworld of Seattle and a useful gal to know in my line of work. Work... there hadn't been a lot of that going around lately. Sure, a cheating husband here, a stolen necklace there, just enough to keep a roof over my head but nothing near enough what I needed to keep the leg breakers off my back. I last told Sarah that I would take anything she could throw at me even if it wasn't really work for a private dick. Hopefully this job paid well. I donned my trench coat, armored of course and with plenty of pockets for my detective gear, stuck my gun in my shoulder holster, put on my fedora, and hopped into an auto cab to the meeting with one Freddie Coleman. I had a funny feeling but I chalked it up to the hangover.

     Hexen gets there an hour early for the meet. He's not that familiar with the club and hits up the far end of the bar for a cup of soycaff for his headache and to wake up a little more before going to the meet. As he drinks his soycaff he tries to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, or worse... his creditors.

Rolled 7d6 : 6, 2, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1, total 23

Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 01, 2024, 05:10:09 PM
Perception: 3 hits
As you arrive an hour early, you find the soycaff doesn't do much to nurse your headache with the skull-pounding beats of the club. You don't hear much of anything. As your eyes scan the club, you take in all of the sights you would expect, people holding drinks and dancing with all the grace you would expect of an exuberant drunk. It seems there are no characters any more unsavory than yourself, the help out front is doing their job.

After around thirty minutes, you see a burly ork enter the club, followed by a well dressed human. They approach the bar and get themselves a drink, the ork multiple, and they travel off into a booth in the far corner. You notice as they get their drinks, the human glances your way and seems to give you a once over.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 02, 2024, 12:04:30 AM
Hexen looks back at the human and raises an eyebrow as he sips on the soycaff. It wasn't doing much for him so he flags down the bartender. "Hey, can I get a bit of hair of the dog for this? Then I'll pay out my tab." He holds up the mug. The bartender obliges with a splash of whiskey which Hexen finishes off before heading back to the room he was supposed to meet Coleman at.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: SleepingSkeleton on November 02, 2024, 04:15:48 PM
Sixes turns his Nodachi, sliding to a stop with a satisfying squish as the wheel collided with the devil rat he had been pursuing. Pulling out his comlink, he tapped out a reply.
"Sure thing Major.  This a job you care about colors on or off for?"
Either way, he had his armored jacket in the storage compartment, so he gunned the engine, a spray of dirt and mud flying into the air as the bike started up, bound northward towards Everett. 

Sixes takes his time, enjoying the ride, and scaring a couple of corpo stiffs as he rides past, almost near enough to knock them over.  Chuckling at the expression on the man's face, he pulls his bike into a spot about a block away form the Neon Reverie at about 5 minutes before 9, checking to see if he had received a reply before sauntering towards the bar.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 02, 2024, 05:36:18 PM
Tombstone gets into Everett a little early. He is excited that Mako gave him a job too do. He rolls up to The Neon Reverie around 7:30pm. Tombstone enjoys the rain and "fresh" air before heading inside. Mako told he to meet Freddy around 9pm so why not grab a drink to cool the nerves.
Rolled 7d6 : 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, total 22
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Lithe on November 02, 2024, 08:04:29 PM
Oktavia looks at the message on her commlink and replies "Thank you, Nerissa. I really needed this, I'm heading there now." after sending the message Oktavia prepares her gear and hops on her Horizon Revolution. She'll reach the "Neon Reverie" at 8:55PM, before entering inside she'll take a moment to put on her Faceless that mimics a bracelet around her wrist. After she's ushered inside she'll heads towards where she was supposed to meet with Freddie Coleman.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 03, 2024, 01:13:57 AM
A message from Major Crimes: Your call, Sixes. Not official business.
Perception: 2 hits
You look around the room and don't notice anything out of the ordinary, seems like normal folk having a normal night out. You grab your drink from the bar, and watch as man in a trench-coat gets up from the table and goes to a secluded table in the back corner where a couple were already waiting. It seems like the spot, so you follow.

Hexen gets up from his spot at the bar and makes his way over towards the back table. And the Ork looks you up and down as you approach. "You one of the potential runners, chummer?" Before you can answer, another man approaches the table with a drink as well, and the human holds out a hand towards the Ork and turns to you with a wide grin.
Gentleman, please join us, have a seat. It seems you value being on time. I like that. He extends a hand across the table. "I'm Freddie Coleman. This here is Ziggy, he's already on the job, done a few jobs for me." he thumbs towards the ork, and the ork grins wide with a hand held up in greeting.

"There should be two more arriving shortly, assuming they didn't get cold feet, but their contacts assured me they would be here."

A few more drinks appear at the table, the four of you making small talk for a short time as 9PM comes closer, the last two arrive. One, looking like a ganger of sorts seems like the type you would expect to be doing this type of work, and shuffling in behind him a petite woman, both sliding up and taking seats at the table. Everyone on time, more or less.

"I'm glad you could all make it, let's get into biz. Have a shipment that got intercepted by some of the 'locals' call themselves the 'Golden Eagles'. Need some muscle to get it back. Pretty straight forward if you ask me. He pauses and takes a sip from his whiskey. "You in?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 03, 2024, 11:12:27 AM
Mako told me to help so I'm in. Name is Tombstone. I take a sip of my drink. I nod sup to Ziggy to show some respect.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 03, 2024, 12:55:34 PM
Well I guess it's better than watching a c-suite suite fucking his mistress... Hexen leaned forward and steepled his fingers. "Sure thing I'm in, but I think we'll need a little information on these Eagle boys. What do you know about them? And of course then we have to talk payment. How much are we getting for the job?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 03, 2024, 04:04:53 PM
Freddie nods before weaving his fingers together and placing his hands on the table.
"5000 Nuyen each. As for these Golden Eagles, honestly don't know much about them, seems like a pretty small time gang. Have heard in the street less than 30 members and generally stick to small time crime. but they geeked my driver; small arms fire. Stole the van and the goods, big mistake on their part. We have tracked the van and have figured out where they are keeping the goods. If you are to take the job, the information will be provided."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 03, 2024, 06:07:57 PM
"Sounds like it's guaranteed to be a hot job. I don't suppose we can get some hazard pay?"

Rolled 7d6 : 5, 5, 1, 6, 3, 3, 2, total 25
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 03, 2024, 06:51:36 PM
Freddie shakes his head. "That's the fee. However, if I like your work there could be plenty more coming your way in the future."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Lithe on November 03, 2024, 08:20:17 PM
Oktavia ponders for a moment, then slightly nods her head "Alright, seems fair enough." Oktavia pulls out her commlink and looks to Freddie Coleman "I'm in, shall we exchange contact info and you can send over what you got on the whereabouts of the goods."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: SleepingSkeleton on November 03, 2024, 09:44:34 PM
Sixes casts his mind about, trying to think if he's heard anything about the Golden Eagles.
Knowledge: Gangs (Seattle)
Rolled 7d6 : 2, 4, 1, 2, 5, 3, 3, total 20
"Yeah, sounds fun, I'm in.  So, job's just get the stuff back, or are you looking to really send a message?" Sixes asks, leaning forward, a slight glint in his eyes at the hint of excitement and danger.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 04, 2024, 03:15:37 AM
Knowledge: Gangs (Seattle) - 1 hit
You don't know too much more about them than Freddie, but you have heard on the streets that they are a gang full of your typical mundane ganger, from human to troll. Your own experience in the streets would tell you that if they do have a few dozen members, they would not all be giving this shipment their attention.

"Can't say I terribly care much what happens to them. Whatever you deem necessary to receive the cargo. You're the professional. He gave you a wink after he said this, and then placed a datachip on the table along with his contact information. "Everything you need is on here. I am looking forward to good news from the five of you." He took a long pull from his drink, setting the empty glass down on the table. "Any further questions?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 04, 2024, 12:12:53 PM
"Just one more thing." Hexen takes the datachip. "What exactly are we getting back for you? Because I think we should know at least how big it is in case we need to transport something like... I don't know... half a dozen crates of assault rifles or something equally large."

Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 04, 2024, 09:13:00 PM
"It's a vanload. Assuming the van is still drivable, you could just bring the whole thing back."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 05, 2024, 12:29:46 AM
"Got it. Then I think we're settled. Fellow mercs? Let's get to business." Hexen motions for the others to follow him outside. When they get outside he holds up the datachip and his comlink. "I guess we should get everyone's deets. Also... Any of you guys handy with a deck? I'm not great with the tech if someone else could take a look at this."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 05, 2024, 12:41:40 PM
"Tech is outside my area. My area of expertise is long range combat. I have a van he could all fit in. I put my contact info into the comlink." Tombstone points over to his van.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Lithe on November 05, 2024, 08:28:50 PM
Oktavia takes the datachip from Hexen's hands "You don't need a cyberdeck for unencrypted datachips, you just need a commlink to access it." She slots the datachip into her commlink "However since I've grabbed it already, I'll take care of sharing the data that's stored with all of you." After getting everyone's contact info and sharing the data stored on the datachip "Well with that all sorted, I need to head back home and prepare some things for the job. You all have my info now, feel free to send a message if anything comes up" she'll then enter her Horizon Revolution and drive home.

Oktavia once she arrives home spends 4 hours to compile a Lv.4 machine sprite and register it.
Lv.4 Machine Sprite successfully registered with 4 tasks. Resisted 4 Fade DV and took 8 stun damage after registering.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 06, 2024, 06:27:22 PM
"Okay, so we have a tech head. Off doing... Whatever they're doing. I don't have anything I need to do to prep but I do need a ride to the job. Anyone else have something they need to do before we do this?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: SleepingSkeleton on November 07, 2024, 03:07:47 AM
"Probably ought to swing back to my place, grab the drones I need to do a little recon while we wait for our tech wiz to get back from... whatever it is she's doing." Sixes says, turning to walk back towards his bike.  "If someone needs a ride, I got room for one more, but that's all I got space for."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 07, 2024, 02:00:37 PM
After inserting the datachip, the party obtains several photographs of the GMC Bulldog in question being parked at a warehouse, and an address.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 07, 2024, 08:34:33 PM
"I've got my supplies in my van and nothing else to do right now. So I'll help with recon from a distance." Tombstone loads the address into his comlink. He heads towards his van.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 09, 2024, 04:28:10 PM
"Okay, then I think me and Tombstone here can go and wait for the rest of you guys there."  Hexen looks to Tombstone.  "Lead the way."  Hexen follows Tombstone to the van and settles in for the ride.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 09, 2024, 06:35:34 PM
Tombstone and Hexen jumps into the van, Tombstone starts to drive to the location. On the way, Tombstone starts a conversation "I'm going to look for a building that overlooks the job so we can have better eyes on the area." Tombstone is a little nervous and excited to work with people outside of the clan. "If you see a good spot let me know."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 09, 2024, 08:25:09 PM
     "Course, finding inconspicuous places to peep on people is my specialty... Uh... Not like that. Well I mean I guess I have had to do a lot of jobs that involve watching people have sex but they were all purely professional. I'm a private detective." Hexen leaned his seat back and glanced in the back of the van to see what's in there. "So what's your deal?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 10, 2024, 01:58:02 AM
"Oh I'm just a low man sniper in the Yakuza. This will be my first major job." Tombstone points to the small arsenal in the back of the van.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 10, 2024, 11:19:56 PM
     "A hitter for the Yakuza huh? Who's your boss?" Asks Hexen as he turns from the boxes of ammo in the back to look out the window.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 13, 2024, 06:18:19 PM
"Mako is my lieutenant." Tombstone continues to drive
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 14, 2024, 08:13:45 PM
"Cool cool..." Hexen replied nonchalantly even though he had no idea who that was. He'd never had to cross paths with the yakuza before and didn't know much about them other than a vague reputation.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 14, 2024, 08:45:58 PM
As Tombstone and Hexen gets near the address, Tombstone pulls over to the side of the road.
Perception ( This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 7d6 : 3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 4, total 23
Sneaking ( This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 10d6 : 2, 2, 2, 3, 6, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3, total 34
Tombstone looks for a good vantage point to over look and to surveille the job van.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 14, 2024, 08:52:14 PM
A few blocks from the address, Tombstone rolls his van into a stripmall on the outskirts of the industrial district. Looking around he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, a bunch of smaller buildings, 1-2 story industrial buildings, or small little convenience stores or a spot to grab a quick meal.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 14, 2024, 09:08:49 PM
Tombstone points out a industrial building to Hexen, "I'm going to use that roof as a lookout for now." Tombstone changes into his gear in the van. "If I see anything important ill contact you."
Gymnastics to get on the roof from the emergency ladder.
Rolled 9d6 : 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 5, total 33
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 15, 2024, 06:41:35 AM
As tombstone walks around the outside of the building he had chosen, he does not see any ladders or any way to access the roof from the outside.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 15, 2024, 04:00:01 PM
While Tombstone works on finding a higher vantage point, Hexen pulls out his binoculars, turns them on, and lowers himself down behind the dashboard to scope out the front of the building the cargo had been taken to.
Rolled 9d6 : 1, 6, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, total 29
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 16, 2024, 05:33:52 PM
Hexen - Perception 3 hits:
From where the car is parked, you cannot get a good view of the front of the building. However along the side of the road you can see that it is clearly fenced in with chain link, and gates block the driveway. Also chain link. It doesn't look particularly busy, watching for a little bit you notice that the neighboring warehouses seem to be getting trucks and vans going in and out. There doesn't seem to be a good parking spot directly across from the target as far as you can tell.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 16, 2024, 06:39:00 PM
As Tombstone walks back to the van mumbling to himself " no roof access from the outside, that sucks." He hops into the van, Hey Hexen I need to make a quick shopping trip to Walmart for gecko gloves. Do you want to stay here or ride along?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 16, 2024, 08:40:26 PM
"I'm good. I'll keep an eye on things here." As Tombstone leaves, Hexen walks a down the street to get a little closer to the warehouse and hopefully a better view until he finds dumpster. He looks around for some cardboard to sit down on next to the dumpster and then waits for the others to come back.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on November 16, 2024, 08:45:54 PM
Hexen will also take a minute to astrally perceive in case there's anything magical visible from the street.

Assensing (if needed)
Rolled 7d6 : 3, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 6, total 21
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on November 16, 2024, 11:05:12 PM
Tombstone makes his trip to his local super store, located about 10 minutes away and makes the purchases he needs without trouble, though the cashier did eye you with suspicion when you came running in out of breath late at night and bought a pair of gecko gloves. You can get there and back to the job site in about 30 minutes including shopping time.

As you get closer to the warehouse, you see a fairly simple building that has a loading bay out front, with two large receiving doors, a couple of man doors along the side of the building and parking inside of the gate for workers. Assensing did not reveal any magical presence. You did however, notice two cameras near the front of the building, one directly above the receiving area, and the other along the south side of the building near the man door. They seem to be pointed to see only within the fence line, watching the movement of people and goods in and out of the warehouse.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 19, 2024, 12:29:49 PM
After Tombstone's shop stop, he comes back and parks near where he was. He climbs the building using the gloves.
Rolled 10d6 : 1, 1, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 1, total 35
Then he sets up a spot to overlook the site. He watches the site to observe.
Rolled 8d6 : 5, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 6, total 32
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: SleepingSkeleton on November 22, 2024, 01:41:31 AM
With a low rumble, Sixes pulls his Nodachi up to a corner nearby, and pulls out his comlink, shooting a message asking where exactly the others had set up shop for the time being.  He then opens one of the storage compartments and pulls out his RCC, along with an MTC Flyspy.  After making sure that both the drone and the RCC were running silent, Sixes tosses it into the air, and begins to pilot the drone from the AR screen of the RCC, approaching the target building.
Pilot Aircraft
Rolled 12d6 : 2, 5, 3, 3, 6, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 2, total 46
Sneaking with the drone
Rolled 6d6 : 3, 3, 6, 1, 1, 4, total 18
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on November 30, 2024, 10:24:07 PM
He climbs the building using the gloves.

Tombstone [9!]: **7** hits (6, 6, 2, 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2)
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on December 03, 2024, 12:44:53 AM
From the roof, Tombstone has a view of the street and the warehouse, there doesn't seem to be any activity outside currently, but you can tell that the warehouse is definitely occupied. It doesn't look like they're in a hurry to move the goods.

Sixes' drone flies over the building and spots a few more cameras and entrances on the sides of the building that had yet to be looked at. The roof has a couple of HVAC units on top, and what looks to be a service entrance for them.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on December 06, 2024, 09:02:52 PM
     Hexen gets up when Sixes arrives on site and head over to their car. "Well guess we just need to wait for our fourth now. Doesn't look like there's anything magical that I can see from here."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on December 07, 2024, 04:49:26 PM
Tombstone calls Hexen and Sixes " Hey there's no activity outside but the warehouse is occupied. It just seems like they are not in a hurry. Is our fourth here yet?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Lithe on December 15, 2024, 09:07:57 PM
Oktavia spends 2 hours recovering from registering the machine sprite, then sends a message to the group "I'm on my way, see you soon."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on December 21, 2024, 04:23:42 PM
     Hexen checks his comlink for the heads up from Oktavia and sits up in the car seat instead of leaning back with an eye on the warehouse. "Okay, guess our fourth is on the way. How do we want this to play out?"
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on December 23, 2024, 10:43:35 PM
     After Octavia gets to everyone else Hexen gets into the back of the van. "Okay, I'm going to do a little more recon but I need to leave my body behind to do it. Just uh... please don't draw a dick on my face..." He says before sitting on the floor of the van and astrally projecting.

Astral projecting and going through the building to get general layout and a head count of living beings.

Assensing test
Rolled 6d6 : 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 5, total 20

Sneaking test if needed
'' is not a valid dice string!
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: Oath on December 29, 2024, 02:37:01 AM
You find 10 individuals inside that seem to be moving product like warehouse workers would. You find that the overall warehouse area is broken down into a few different areas, a bathroom with several stalls, a small office with a handful of desks, a locker/break room and a room for additional storage that seems to be a little more secure than the rest of the warehouse.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: pringerbeam on December 30, 2024, 08:40:47 PM
     Hexen returned to his body and jolted back to the material. "Okay, looks like ten guys in the warehouse. No magic users or super borged out guys."
Title: Re: Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.
Post by: jammermoore on January 20, 2025, 07:35:30 AM
"Ok cool, so ten guys, four of us. Do we walk through the front door or try to draw them outside?"