Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => Re:Fund - My Vacation Is Ruined By Getting Sent Into Another World! => Topic started by: Throndir on December 09, 2018, 04:08:37 PM

Title: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on December 09, 2018, 04:08:37 PM
《Chapter 3: Dungeon Core 532 (

《Chapter 4: A New World》

Making your way out of the cavern, you noticed that there was a small path that lead out from it, to a larger main road a distance away. From there, the road itself went into a walled city. It was surprising. A random cavern dungeon, that was right next to a city? Not only that, this was a large city. The architecture wasn't something you've seen before. It looked quaint and stylized. If you had to guess it gave of a German-vibe to it.


From a distance, you see two people on the road, making their way towards you. You were able to pick out what they were wearing. One had leather armor, while the other one was a girl with who held a staff with both of her hands, and wore a pointy hat, which you could only describe as a wizard hat.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on December 14, 2018, 01:07:39 PM
Charlie stops for a moment to gaze at the massive city before her. She knew she was no longer in Europe, much less her own world, but this...really confirmed it.

"Toto...I've a feeling we're definitely not in Kansas anymore." Charlie murmurs. She pats the daggers on her person and takes a deep breath. Does everyone speak English? Is it even called English? What if she stands out and is mistaken as an enemy of some sort.

Charlie self-consciously looks down at the armor she's wearing over her own clothes. She probably looks a little odd given she had a hoodie and jeans and Vans sneakers but she didn't want to spend any extra gems just to fit in.

Shrugging, Charlie keeps walking. She'll worry about encounters when she gets there. Speaking of...

There was a girl just down the road wearing a wizard's hat. Wizard's hat?!

Trying to look as least threatening as possible, Charlie waves her hand in greeting.

"Hello! Could either of chance tell me what city this is?"

That was a safe thing to ask...right?
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on December 14, 2018, 03:16:07 PM
The one wearing leather armor looked to be a boy, he was younger than you at the very least. The girl looked to be of similar age to the boy. Both had been chatting merrily. It almost seemed like some sort of renaissance fair or convention to yours eyes, if not for the fact that you had seen magic-like things, and had even killed a man not too long ago.

"This town? You should know... But you don't seem like you're packed for a long travel?" The boy said hesitantly as he looked at you.

"Oh shush Lenny! I'm sorry ma'am. This is the city of Mendernich. It's the newest country here, so that might explain why you don't know... We're from the adventuring guild!"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on December 15, 2018, 01:14:10 AM
Oh thank god, they spoke the same language.

Charlie sighs in relief. "Mendernich, huh? I'm also pretty new myself. What's the adventuring guild? Would that be a place where someone could learn more about, um, magic?"

Charlie looks at the boy, Lenny with a small smile but then turns her attention to the girl.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on December 15, 2018, 12:35:17 PM
Though they spoke the same language, you couldn't help but notice the words they were speaking didn't seem to quite match correctly with their mouth movements. If you focused enough you could almost hear different words as well, just, that when you were actually listening you understood them perfectly.

"Definitely! There's free instructors for the first week. After that you have to pay them, but it's worth it for the starting lessons. Most people take months to learn how to use it though... I've been studying and practicing for months now! And I'm able to cast my first spell!" The girl announced happily.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on December 16, 2018, 03:18:13 PM
Charlie is mesmerized by the fact she could understand the words the girl was speaking and yet speak correctly in return. That's a sweet perk.

"Great! Could you point me in the direction of the adventure's guild by chance? I'm not sure how good I'll be at magic but I'd like to try at least."
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on December 16, 2018, 06:14:56 PM
"It's at the city, it's a few blocks from that gate over there." The girl said pointed back towards town. "There is a board with all sorts of postings in it. But you can probably figure out its the guild with the amount of people outside it.

Anyways, we're off to clear a dungeon! Wish us luck!"
She exclaimed as she bowed.

QuoteJust mention where in the city you want to go.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on December 16, 2018, 09:09:48 PM
"Dungeon, huh? I would avoid the one right down there. I cleared it out and there's nothing there." Charlie points behind her as she makes her way towards the city. "Thanks for the directions!"

Charlie makes her way to the city but slows down at the gate. She looks around warily and tries to see if there's anyone that's watching her or if it feels like a normal city probably would.

QuoteI want to look around and see what kind of people are around, city guards, the stores, etc and the general atmosphere.

[blockquote]Perception 1d20+10 : 13 + 10, total 23[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on December 16, 2018, 09:20:40 PM
"Oh..." The girl said, while she and Lenny stared at each other. "Well... umm.. alright! Maybe we'll see you at the guild later? I'm Heidi, and this is Lenny! We usually hang out at the tavern next to the guild hall along with a lot other adventurers!"

Heidi called out to you as you headed to the city. Heidi and Lenny themselves changed their course, instead of going to the dungeon, they started making their way towards the forest.

[info]Perception: 23
When you look around, there were some guards who stared at you, but they didn't seem to get in your way, or talk with you. Most of the people in this city seemed to be lively, and talked a lot with each other. The citizens themselves were not what you would call normal people back in your own world. Many of them had hair colors that spanned the rainbow. There were people with blue hair, green, red, white, along with the normal blonde and dark hairs. There were also people who sported animal ears, along with tails. Along with that, a lot of people were dressed up in either robes, or some sort of armor. To your eyes, just like the two you met on the road, it almost looked like some sort of renaissance faire, with people who dyed their hairs.

Once through the gates, you see a large building with a board in front of it. In front of this too were a lot of people looked at postings. Next to the building, looked to be some sort of tavern. You realized that the first building must be the guild that Heidi and Lenny had mentioned earlier.[/info]
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on December 16, 2018, 09:58:38 PM
Charlie peers at the board posting but decides to go into the guild building. As she steps through the threshold, she realizes that she has no money of any sort. Eh, there must be some easy way to make money right?

QuoteAny person that looks like they welcome new comers?
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on December 16, 2018, 10:04:00 PM

It was well-furnished. There were portraits of adventurers and other famous people on the walls, along suites of armors, and weapons. A mission board was at the end as well, though, it had less postings up than the one outside. The moment you came in, you noticed there was some receptionists up front. One of them had just finished processing and talking to one of the people, an armored man with a huge grin on his face. He nodded as he passed by you.

The receptionist was free.

"Hi miss, I don't recognize you... Do you need any help?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on January 10, 2019, 08:16:14 PM
Charlie reflexively smiles back at the armored man and her eyes scans the room to see what kinds of people seem to be around.

"Uh hi, I'm pretty new here and honestly have no idea what I'm doing," Charlie chuckles. Charlie asks about the city, a little about the ruling family (if there is one) and what...does one actually do in this city.

QuoteCharlie is mostly trying to figure out the feel of the room. She also wants to see if she can find someone who looks like they might know magic because she really wants chocolate and wants to learn about mana/magic.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on January 10, 2019, 08:38:59 PM
The room was busy, there were people outside looking at the mission board, but there was also a board posting inside that had a couple of adventurers reading through it. Everyone seemed to be sturdy and hard, and there was a lot laughing and joking that you could hear. It seemed like the adventurers were friendly with each other.

Asking the girl the questions, she begins to answer each of them. She told you that the ruling family are the Engel family. The royal line continuing back many many generations from the founding of the country. She told you the story almost methodically, as if she had told it many times before to many other people. She also mentioned to you that their country has recently summoned a hero, and that the hero would become the new Queen. She also mentioned that the hero is currently injured, and would still perhaps be sometime until she is well enough again.

She then begins to describe the Royal City of Mendernich. From that you learned that the city wasn't always in these lands. One day, around a year ago, a quarter of the city suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by the open seas. Not only that, a large chunk of the kingdom suddenly disappeared, only to be replaced by new countries, and new people. She described it as something called a 'Shifting', and to you, it sounded like they were simply summoned into existence in this New World, much like you were by Dungeon Core 532.

She also tells you that the Guild of the city, which is, the adventuring guild you were in, had many adventurers going to and fro. She tells you about a variety of different jobs, but then finally asks.

"Are you interested in adventuring and becoming a guild member? But yes... we offer-"

Flash Sale! 99% Off on Heroic Mage Companion Gachapon!
Expires in 36 seconds.
Conditions apply.
See Terms and Agreements.
Open Cash Shop for details.

"-a week's worth of training to any adventurer. After that you have to pay of course."
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on January 10, 2019, 08:55:37 PM
In the middle of the girl's sentence the flash sign appears before Charlie's eyes again. She blinks a few times too many before realizing she's seen something like this before.

"Sorry, sorry I just- something came up could you give me a second? I would most definitely be interested in learning about magic and how to channel it but I need to uh, one sec." Charlie says sheepishly as she turns away and whispers Cash Shop to look at the details.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on January 10, 2019, 08:58:08 PM
The moment you whispered the keyword, the familiar screen appeared in front of you again. Navigating to the flash sale, it would cost 40 gems. Considering the normal price was 4,000 gems, it looked like a good deal. The picture used for it was a bunch of girls using either staves of wands, in pretty outfits. It seriously reminded you of magical girls. You have 85 gems currently.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on January 10, 2019, 09:00:49 PM
With a shrug, Charlie decides to buy it. 99% off anything was a good deal no matter what world she's in.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on January 11, 2019, 10:43:03 AM
In that moment when you pressed a button, a large pop up appeared, congratulating you on your first purchase.

Congratulations on your 1st Purchase!
50 gems granted! Buy 4 more items for the next prize!

Immediately after that, a girl's picture appeared in your view, it had information about her, and also had a prompt.

( 60
Class; Magical Girl
Race: Human
Weapons: Wand
Armor: Magical Girl Dress
Please Enter Name of Companion: ________________

"Alright... A second..." The receptionist said hesitantly. "So... should we go through the sign up...?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on January 24, 2019, 12:28:55 PM
Charlie squints at the item...person? She just uh, purchased. She decides to go for the name Adi.

Charlie then finally turns back to the receptionist with a small apologetic smile. "Are there any contracts or anything for signing up? Like would I have to stay for a certain amount of time or? I'm pretty new to this wor- place, this place, where I am also from. But not, just not here."

Charlie shuts her mouth from rambling on. She had no idea how common it was for people to be spirited away to new worlds but she didn't want to find out if she was an anomaly or not.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on January 24, 2019, 01:14:22 PM
"A contract? Well, not quite, it's more like a membership-"

Before she could continue, she was interrupted as a puff of smoke exploded right next to you. All of a sudden, right beside you as the smoke cleared the girl you had seen in the picture took its place.

"Hi master! I'm Adi and I'm going to be your servant!"

"Wha- Who is she?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on January 30, 2019, 05:22:25 PM
Charlie's eyes widened and she jumped back from the sudden appearance of a... servant? This girl was a servant?! That sounded terribly wrong.

"Uh, well, her name is Adi, as she said...she's my, uh..." Charlie's eyes dart at the receptionist to Adi then back twice more with a helpless look. "I actually don't know really."

QuoteWhat's uh...what's the mood like around the room after suddenly appeared lol. Depending on the reactions, I may bolt or try and figure out if this has ever happened before lol
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on January 30, 2019, 05:31:59 PM
There were a couple of other people in the room, there were a couple of adventurers behind you as well who had to blink their eyes at the appearance of a girl clad in frilly pink clothing. The majority of the adventurers wore outfits of green, brown, and grey, so Adi really stood out. Of course, you're wearing modern day clothing, but the bright pink is easier for catch people's attention.

"Adi? How... Why did she suddenly appear?"

"I'm a magical girl!" Before you could respond, Adi blurted out cheerily. "And this person right next to me is my master! I'm her servant, you see?"

"A-ah... Slaves aren't illegal here... But keep in on the down low..."

From behind you, you could hear people whispering.

"I swear, she just appeared out of no where! Look at her clothes too... I haven't seen anything like that. Hah.. She's actually rather cute-" One of the men whispered, who got smacked by one of his companions a moment later.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on January 30, 2019, 05:42:35 PM
"I'm not entirely sure how she appeared really..." After seeing the skeptical look directed at her Charlie was quick to reassure. "Wait, s-slave? No! No, no she's not a-" Charlie turns to Adi and says in a slightly quieter voice. "You're not a slave are you? Apart from the whole, doing whatever I ask of you, which is something totally morally wrong in any world, you do have your own free will yes?"

Charlie looks over her shoulder at the men whispering and glares at them, feeling oddly protective despite this girl appearing just 30 seconds ago. She spares a glance at Adi, looking at her annoyingly bright outfit.

"If you're a magical girl, could you change your outfit to be a more subdued color? I dunno, like green or something?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on January 30, 2019, 08:14:48 PM
"Well... Actually if you give me an exact order, I'm compelled to do them! So yes, I guess a 'slave' kind of works to describe it!" Adi said cheerily.

When you mentioned changing her clothes to green, her eyes widened.

"But pink is my favorite color! I don't want to be green...!" Her eyes grew wide, with a pleading look, almost as if she were about to cry.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on February 01, 2019, 02:24:08 PM
"That feels morally wrong in any sense. In the meantime, just don't get into trouble unless someone picks on you. And uh, don't hurt anyone if you can help it but if anyone tries to harm you, I give you permission to knock them away." Charlie scratches her head looking at Adi's clothes then back at her own jeans and hoodie under the armor. They do stand out terribly.

"Seriously? Pink is your go to color? Sighing, Charlie just shakes her head. "That's fine, I'm not about to make you change. Although if we keep running into trouble, I reserve the right to do that."

Looking at the receptionist, Charlie gives her a smile but knows it probably comes off as awkward more than genuine.

"I really appreciate the information. I think I'll pass for today but I may come back after I get, um, situated. Thanks again."

Charlie nods her head briefly and walks outside.

QuoteDepending on you and whatever is happening, Charlie is going to wander the city some more with Adi in tow looking for just...looking around. She's gonna try and look for some clothes that don't make her stand out as much if possible.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on February 01, 2019, 02:35:18 PM
When you were walking around town, a lot of people continued to stare both at you and Adi. Adi was absolutely cute and adorable, and whenever anyone would look at the two of you, she would simply smile widely and wave at them. Which of course, would end up making the people she waved to embarrassed at the situation and run off quicker.

Much like the rest of the town, everyone had different colors of hair. It was just the normal black, brown, and blonde hairs of your world. Here in this city, everyone had colors of hair that spanned the rainbow.

"Master! Look! That looks like a clothes store? Alaric's Garments?"

The store itself looked like it catered towards richer people, at least the clothing displayed looked rather formal and pretty.

QuoteFeel free to go into that one, or specifically tell me a store you're trying to look for
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on February 28, 2019, 05:40:33 PM
Charlie feels a little baffled with the amount of attention Adi was attracting. On the one hand, she found it amusing but on the other, was it going to bring them trouble?

It's odd though, to see how their clothing could stand out and yet the hair colors of this world be...normal? But who was she to judge.

At Adi's words, Charlie pauses, a shudder sweeps through her at the word Master.

"Adi, you can call me Charlie. I'd rather you not call me Master. I feel like that is looked down upon here and I'd rather not get into any trouble." Charlie gives Adi a small smile and then looks up at the garment store. "Let's take a look shall we?"

Charlie wasn't sure how she was going to pay but maybe if she could get an idea of how much things cost in this world, she can go from there at least.

QuoteThey walk into the store, take a look at how much an outfit costs and try and get a better idea of the style of this world. After figuring that out, Charlie would probably leave and try and look for the...palace? Just to see it.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on March 01, 2019, 02:46:36 PM
"B-but you are my master! And I'm your servant!" Adi said loudly. There were a few townsfolk who glanced in your direction.

"B-but... I guess I will... Oh Mas- I mean... Charlie. You can command me too, and I will be forced to do whatever it is... You have to say it in the form of something like... 'I command you to do this or that!'" Adi explained as the two of you went into the garment store.

Once you were in there, you were greeted by a variety of different types of outfits. Most of the clothing ranged from 1 gold piece for the simplest ones, all the way to 150 or even 200 gold pieces. Individual items or accessories were anything from a few silver pieces, to 50 or more.

A well-dressed older gentleman noticed you.


"Ohoh, welcome to Alaric's Garment's. The cashier's not currently around, but I'm sure I can help you with a purchase if you'd-" He paused as he noticed the clothing you and Adi were wearing.

"Oh my. Do tell me, where did you get those clothes? Fascinating... Do you mind if I have a look?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on March 22, 2019, 10:56:25 AM
"We'll, uh work on it." Charlie mutters, "Just don't say 'master' super loud and we'll be okay."

Seeing the gentleman, Charlie gives him a smile but it feels more like a grimace.

"These clothes, um, came with me from...where I am from," Charlie says lamely. She did not think this through. As the gentleman comes closer, Charlie takes half a step back but allows him to  inspect her clothes.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on March 22, 2019, 12:18:29 PM
"Okay Charlie!" Adi said cheerily when the two of you were in the shop. "I will try to make it so that you don't have to use the command spell on me!" She declared. "I promise not to call you 'master' super loudly even though you are my master!" She said rather audibly and happily smiling.

The older gentleman raised an eyebrow at the exchange, but he chose not to judge, and simple came closer to look at both your clothing and Adi's.

"The make on this is absolutely pristine and high quality. Hmmm..." The man said thoughtfully. "How about a trade? I will let you two choose an outfit that you like here, and in exchange, I will pay you 20 orichalcum pieces for both your clothes and your companion's."
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 02, 2019, 01:28:49 PM
"Um, how much would it be to exchange just my clothing?" Charlie asks as she looks down at Adi. "You like your clothing right?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 02, 2019, 01:32:10 PM
"It's okay Charlie!" Adi explained. "Even if you ask me to take all my clothes off, I can always get more clothes!" She said cheerily.

The older gentlemen seemed to raise an eyebrow.

"Well... If it's only your clothing... 10 mithril pieces then? I would have very much like to see how the young lady's clothing is like... How about I raise the price to 22 mithril coins?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 03, 2019, 02:10:32 PM
"How can you get more clothes? Like, can you make it?" Charlie asks Adi with a raised eyebrow.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 03, 2019, 02:13:42 PM
"Well..." Adi thought for a moment. "Yes and no at the same time!" She finally exclaimed.

The older man perked up his ears as Adi continued with her explanation.

"Did you get a chance to read the fine print when buying me? It's not really advertised well in the store... But if I lose my clothing, or anything I have on me, we can pay a small fee to get it all back as good as new, just like how it was before! I just need to lose or drop something, then you can open the store and have it be reset! It's a really nifty feature. It's all the benefits of being your servant!"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 10, 2019, 03:32:44 PM
Charlie crosses her arms and nods as if that makes total sense. She looks at the gentleman instead.

"I would like to exchange my clothes. What do you have that seems of, uh todays fashion?"

QuoteCharlie is basically looking for maybe a hoodied tunic, a shirt, some trousers, and maybe boots that'll let her blend in but be comfortable and warm. And maybe also an jacket of some sort
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 10, 2019, 03:38:55 PM
"Very well then, here's 10 mithril pieces... Go ahead and choose whatever you'd like. There's a changing room at the back."

QuoteThe clothing you get from the store are on the higher end in terms of quality of what you saw most commoners wearing. However, you should be able to find a set that works with what you were aiming for.

I've added 10 mithril coins to your inventory.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 10, 2019, 05:16:49 PM
QuoteShe also tries to find robes or something to fit in as best as she can.

Charlie turns to Adi and gestures to the outfit. ""What do you think?"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 10, 2019, 05:19:43 PM
"It's absolutely beautiful on you Ms. Charlie who owns me!" She said as she admired your clothes even though it was on the plainer side.

"But umm... I saw these too! Do you think he'd let us take both?" Adi said as she presented a purple dress-like outfit. The price tag on it was on the higher end. "I think this will look absolutely cute on you, too! I'd love to see you in it!"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 02:52:05 PM
Charlie sighs and casts a weary glance around them and leans closer towards Adi. "I command you to stop calling me master and ever mentioning that I own you. Please."

Charlie waits to see if Adi understands. She pats Adi's head and leans back. "I think I might pass on the purple dress. One outfit should be okay for me."
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 04:05:53 PM
There was a glow around Adi for a moment, and her eyes glazed over momentarily. After that the glow vanished, and she seemed to be grinning once again.

"Okay Charlie!" She said. Once you patted her head, she let out a pout as her face had a look of abject sadness. "But it's so cute..." Adi said as she unfolded the dress and raised it in front of her, overlaying the dress on top of what she saw of you, as if imagining what it looked like.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 02:31:38 PM
At that very moment, you heard a familiar voice in your head.

"Emergency! Emerrrrrgencyyyyyy!~ ☆" It was Dungeon Core 532's voice.

"Master! Master! Two really strong people, an animal, and one normie entered the dungeon!" The voice on the other side was panicking. "I don't know what to do! I'm going to summon defenders! Okay? Okay!" Her voice then became slightly tinged with bloodlust.

"I want to kill them all!~ ☆"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: akicheeto on April 23, 2019, 12:20:35 PM
Charlie rubs her head and frowns at the voice shouting. Well that was unexpected.

"I'll take this outfit. How much?" Charlie asks, looking at the gentleman.

QuoteCharlie tries to quickly pay, without being too rude she hopes and leaves, heading back to the cave. She also tries to contact Core 532 and see what else she can help with.

Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 23, 2019, 10:51:54 PM
"For free." The gentleman said as he examined the clothing you provided him. "Now... if you happen to come across any other fascinating clothes such as this, please do stop by... And if you ever decide to sell your companion's clothing... I'd very much like to buy it as well."

You begin your journey back towards the dungeon. You took off at a sprint, but you knew it would take perhaps another 10 minutes until you were back. You hear Dungeon Core 532 in your head.

"Master master! The animal is kinda strong too! And this weird thing happened, and my goblin just fell down unconscious... They're still in the first room though!"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 11:00:34 AM
You started rushing through the streets, Adi followed behind you, she was able to catch up easily, and you noticed she wasn't getting out of breath either.

"Master! I got one of them good! ☆ The crystal spear went woooooosh! I hope they all get impaled!" Dungeon Core 532 said vibrantly, which was strange considering the words coming out of her mouth.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 04:43:01 PM
You continued to sprint, you were outside the city now, making your way full throttle back towards your dungeon. The guards at the gate looked at you strangely, but chose to pay no mind. One of them did call out 'safe travels!'. You could hear Dungeon Core 532 describing things as you ran, with Adi following closely behind.

"Oh no! They killed all the goblins in the next room too... I thought I had them when I put more behind them. Master, when you're here, I'd really like you to kill them for me? Pretty please? ☆ They're looked around the second room a bit, but they're headed towards the last one... Hehe... I hope this gets them."

A few moments later and Dungeon Core 532 cheered.

"They saw the trap! But they failed to disable it... Oh, they're stuck in that hallway now with it filling up with the crystal gas!"
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 26, 2019, 06:41:43 PM
"Master!" You could hear Dungeon Core 532 sighing. "One of the super strong ones lifted the crystal door up. And I thought the goblins I put up front could kill them! Are you almost here?"

Up ahead you see the bend in the road that would soon lead you to your dungeon. Soon enough, you made it to the entrance of your dungeon.
Title: Re: [Charlene] Chapter 4: A New World
Post by: Throndir on April 27, 2019, 12:44:48 AM
"I made back!" Charlie near shouts. She jogs down the entrance. "532! Let me into the core! I have a, uh, person to help!"

Charlie looks at Adi with a shrug and smile.
JoYesterday at 9:14 PM

"Wait, wait, wait!" Dungeon Core 532 called out in your head. A moment later she appeared at the entrance as well. "First of... Welcome home master! ☆" She said as she placed her hands together, tilted her head, and spoke in the cutest way possible. But a moment later, she glared at Adi who was following you.

"What is that following you? It's a human! She's kinda cute... but still a human!"

"I am Charlie's friend!" Adi replied back. You noticed she didn't use 'servant', or called you 'master' either. Dungeon Core 532 looked towards you waiting for an explanation.
akicheetoYesterday at 9:20 PM
"Are you okay? You said there were people attacking you?" Charlie sees the glare and looks at Adi then back at Dungeon Core 532.

"She's, honestly I don't even know. She used to call me master because I summoned her but she's been with me for...a couple of hours."
JoYesterday at 9:20 PM

"Master? Hmmm... Well... Menu!" Dungeon Core 532 triggered the command as the menu's appeared for her. You saw her move and twiddle her fingers around as if she was going through the menu you yourself were slightly familiar with. "Well... Have you used the Map function of the menu yet, master? It tells us who are intruders and who aren't. Red dots are intruders, and green dots are our allies. Strangely... Adi is green too. So... I guess that makes her okay." Dungeon Core 532 strode up to Adi. "I am your Dungeon Core! And master is your master!"

Adi looked confused, but she nodded a moment later, and smiled in her usualy happy self. "Okay! As long as I'm by Charlie's side."

Dungeon Core 532 turned back towards you. "Anyways, master! ☆ The four intruders are actually still in there. They're in the final room! But they haven't found the core yet... Oh...! I spent all our DP too, but I still couldn't kill them!"
akicheetoYesterday at 9:27 PM
"Do they look like the guys that attacked the first time? What do we have left?" Charlie asks until she remembers, "Oh wait, Menu!"

She pokes through the map to take a look at the intruders and checks the stats of the Dungeon.

"Eh, I'm definitely not strong enough to kill them, I nearly died last time."
JoYesterday at 9:32 PM
The moment you opened up the menu you quickly saw the Map option. You swear it wasn't there the last time you had opened up the menu. Was the menu adding more options? After focusing on the Map option, it then took you to a layout of your entire dungeon. Like what Dungeon Core 532 described, there was indeed 4 red dots inside. There was also a green dot to the hallway attached to the room on its eastern wall. Likewise, there were 3 green dots where you were standing at the entrance. There were numbers above each of the red dots as well.  One dot had a '1' on it. The second dot had a '2 on it as well. The third dot had a '6' on it., whil the last red dot had a '3' on it.

"Are you looking at the map? Do you see those numbers above them? That tells you how much DP they give us when they sit here! It's just been about 15 minutes at most though... So it'll be another 45 minutes til we get the points. My dungeon isn't big enough usually to let people stay in it for too long."
akicheetoYesterday at 9:37 PM
"Hm, what do you think they want? We don't have treasure here do we? Wait, why do people even go into dungeons? To fight?"
(Also Charlie has no idea what those dots mean XD)
(Oh wait you explained it lol my bad)
JoYesterday at 9:40 PM

"Well... To fight and to get treasure I suppose. The others told me I should put treasure every now and then, along with my precious goblins, so that's what I do! And we have some treasure, like... I put this sword and a few coins in a crystal in one of the rooms. We also have another crystal containing soem other things in one of the hidden rooms."
akicheetoYesterday at 9:45 PM
"What can I do to help? I'm kind of useless right now." Charlie scratches her head and looks at Adi. "You know, I don't remember if I asked but can you fight? Do you have magic, Adi?"
JoYesterday at 9:46 PM

"Oh... I keep forgetting you're nto the type of Dungeon Master who can kill things so easily!" Dungeon Core 532 said before waving her hand, and all of a sudden the view changed. You realized you were back in the Master Room. This time, Adi was in there with you. Adi's eyes widened at the sudden change in environment, and she even readied  her wand.

It took a few seconds for her to adjust, and finally she replied to your questions. "Yes! I happen to be one of the more expensive items in the Cash Shop, of course I can fight! And yes, I specialize in magic!"
akicheetoYesterday at 9:56 PM
"Heh, yeah sorry, I'm a little useless. You got the worse DM possible." Charlie grins crookedly with a shrug. She looks at Adi for a moment in contemplation. "I wonder...Adi, do you have a menu I can see?"
JoYesterday at 9:57 PM

"A menu? Do you mean the things I can do? Well... There's a description in the cash shop. You must have lookedat it before buying me, right? Or was I from one of those gachas?"
akicheetoYesterday at 9:59 PM
"You were from a gacha. I don't think I would've been able to get you otherwise," Charlie says, "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that. Cash shop!"

(OOC: Charlie looks for Adi's stats and abilities)
MEE6BOTYesterday at 9:59 PM
GG @akicheeto, you just advanced to level 2 !
akicheetoYesterday at 9:59 PM
(Heck yeah XD)
JoYesterday at 10:08 PM
You opened up the Cash Shop, the menus in there were familiar as you've been through them before. Though, these menus had a lot more flashy ads that seemed to appear in the screen. It took you a few moments, but you eventually managed to find where they were selling other 'Heroic Companions'. From there, there was a section for Heroic Mage Companions, and finally from there you scrolled down until you saw one of a 'Magical Girl'. She cost 4,000 Gems normally. Much more than the 95 Gems you currently had. From there you focused on that item in the cash shop, and soon enough a list of statistics appeared.

Magical Girl
Level 60

HP: 100/100
MP: 184/184
STR: 10
DEX: 20
CON: 18
INT: 26
WIS: 10
CHA: 18
MAG: 32

Proficiencies: All Simple Weapons, Wands
Spells: <List of Spells - haven't had time to generate, mix of defensive and offensive, all with 'Magical Girl' like names. Eg, Shooting Star Beam>
    Shooting Star Beam
    Crescent Shot
    Starry Ray Spiral
    Sparkle Light Sphere
    Moonlight Aegis Burst
    Fate Revolution
    Aurora Arc
    Shining Chant
    Rainbow Barrier
    Translate Languages
    Knowledge of the Master
    Magical Girl Transformation
    Mascot Fairy
    Sense Mana
    Use Mana
    Shape Mana
    Apply Mana
    Elemental Magicka
    Elemental Forms
    Elemental Fusion Expert
    Astrological Magicka
    Divination Magicka
    Prolonged Casting
    Mana Bulwark I
    Mana Bulwark II
    Magicka Stabilization I
    Magicka Circles
    Mana Magicka Circles
    Liturgical Reduction
    Spell Disruption
    Item Manifestation
    Prepared Mana Magicka Circles
    Silent Invocation
    Agility: 3
    Phys. Resist.: 12
    Mental Resist.: 8
    Magical Girl Dress
    Magical Girl Wand
akicheetoYesterday at 10:28 PM
"Holy, you're level 60?!" Charlie exclaims as she scans the menu. "Oh hey, would you be able to teach me how to use magic? I've been dying for some chocolate. seem crazy strong."

(Charlie nearly forgets about the intruders lol until she see DC 532)

"Oh, sorry, we have people to worry about, right? Do we need to get rid of them? Or do we want them to stay?"
JoYesterday at 10:28 PM

"Magic? Of course I can Charlie! Anything for you! :hearts:"
OODM It wasn't supposed to turn into an emote
"And... Chocolate? Well... what do you mean? If you mean if I can make chocolate from this air, I can't quite do that..."

"Is that an option? Having them stay? I mean you are the Dungeon Master... I never really thought about that. But... shouldn't we just kill them?"
"I want to kill them all!~ ☆"
akicheetoYesterday at 10:40 PM
"We'll get to the magic in a bit," Charlie grins before turning back to DC 532. "Okay so, killing is still what you want to do."

Charlie pulls up the dungeon menu to see what they can do.
JoYesterday at 10:41 PM

The moment you pulled out the dungeon menu, Dungeon Core 532 came over to you and seemed to wave her hands in front of you.  "Of course! I was born to kill humans! It's my job, you see, master? Its yours too!" She smiled ansolutely joyful and cheerily at you, that it was almost hard to fault her. She looked like she genuinely believed it to be her calling and seemed to be proud of it. "Looking at the menu again? We're at 2 DP left... We can get more, if we reabsorb the falling goblins. I can show you actually... Focus on each of the dead bodies on the map, those greyed out dots, and then just... withdraw them as if you were pulling something into the Master Room. But instead of the dead body, it'll turn back into DP!" The moment she mentioned the greyed out dots, only now you were able to see it. You also noticed that the grey dots had a slight greenish tinge to them, perhaps signifying that they were downed allied creatures. This was further proof that the menu continued to change depending on things you learned.
akicheetoYesterday at 10:54 PM
"Ooh, okay so...lets see if we can get some DP back."

(Charlie attempts to get more DP)

"Wait, do you see the green tint dots on the menu too? What does that mean?" Charlie looks to DC.
JoYesterday at 10:54 PM

"The dots that are still grey but kinda green? Those are our monsters that were killed. Just their bodies at least. When we kill an intruder, they become grey dots too, though slightly red." Whil she was explaining you began to attempt to withdraw all the dead bodies. Soon enough, the greyish-green dots disappeared, and your DP count went back up to 28.
You notice the four red dots of the intruders had been moving. They were currently in the hallway, making their way to the exit.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:01 PM
"Oh, hey it looks like they're leaving. Is that, um, a good thing? No right? Cause you want DP to make this place better?"
Charlie's eyebrows furrow and then she grins. "Hey, I want to shoot an arrow at them leaving as a joke."

(Charlie does the thing where she pokes partway out of the portal and aims an arrow to shoot)
JoYesterday at 11:04 PM

"Yes! My dungeon isn't big enough for intruders to stay for a long time. It takes a full hour for me to get the DP I would get it if they stayed around. But the invaders always kill all my goblins within 30 minutes at most! It's not fair! This time around I had so much DP too... Like I summoned 13 whole goblins, the hobgoblin, and a crystal golem but they're still leaving..." Dungeon Core 532 sighed. "So that only leaves it to killing... These intruders are super high level too, if we can kill them... We'd get so much DP!"
OODM: Call your target, also roll a 1d20+10 attack roll, with a 1d8 damage roll with your crossbow
Looking through the 'camera feed' of your dungeon. You could see the four intruders.
There was a black cat at the front. Followed by a blonde haired man. Next was another man with red hair who was the least armored. Lastly was an armored girl.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:09 PM
!roll 1d20+10
RPBotBOTYesterday at 11:09 PM
@akicheeto rolled 25. (15,   10)
JoYesterday at 11:09 PM
OODM: Who is your target btw?
akicheetoYesterday at 11:10 PM
(The blonde haired one)
JoYesterday at 11:11 PM
OODM: Roll damage!
akicheetoYesterday at 11:11 PM
!roll 1d8
RPBotBOTYesterday at 11:11 PM
@akicheeto rolled 3.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:12 PM
(Charlie immediately hides back in the Core after she takes the shot lol)
JoYesterday at 11:12 PM
You shot the bolt, and like before with the bandits, the blonde haired man turned around. He took the bolt directly on his back, but he didn't seem to flinch. He could take more of a beating than the bandits at the very least.
OODM: You don't need to hide back in all the way, you could like, poke the very tip of your crossbow, I assumed you were doing this. Likewise, you could just 'shoot' into the view screen, and your bolt would appear with all the momentum it had.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:17 PM
OOC: Oooh good to know. Charlie was just shooting a joke shot, she wasn't expecting anything to come from it
JoYesterday at 11:18 PM

"I can't see anything... Thyra?" The blonde man asked. The armored girl shook her head as well, though, she too drew her weapon.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:21 PM
Charlie looks at Adi as she glances at the menu with her list of attacks. "What's Shooting Star Beam? Does that do a lot of damage?"
JoYesterday at 11:22 PM

MysticsageYesterday at 11:22 PM
Amelia whipped around as the arrow hit Kurt, expecting to see a goblin and yet she knew that Nyx would have said if one had spawned. So something else must be going on. "Who the hell fired an arrow at you?!" she said exhaustion, surprise and confusion mixing into anger.

"That's just plain spiteful!" she yelled to the room "It doesn't even follow the damned themeing!" she said strangely even more insulted that they used an arrow for the final pot shot. As if the dungeon was trying to flip them off one final time and egg her on for a final fight.

JoYesterday at 11:23 PM
"Yes! I waggle my wand a few times, then I say really loudly Shooting Star Beam! And a beam of stars come out of it! It's pretty powerful..."
akicheetoYesterday at 11:26 PM
Charlie looked at DC 532. "You had a theme going on? Should I have thrown a crystal at them instead? Wait do I even have such a thing on me? Is there a crystal arrow?"
"I probably don't even have money for it though..."
JoYesterday at 11:26 PM

"A theme? Well... I mean, I really really like goblins. But the others told me I should use more crystal things, so I sometimes kind of try?" Dungeon Core 532 shrugs.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:27 PM
"Well, I guess we should stay on brand...Hey, Adi, which of your abilities is most like a crystal attack?"
MEE6BOTYesterday at 11:27 PM
GG @akicheeto, you just advanced to level 3 !
JoYesterday at 11:28 PM

"Like a crystal? Well... I have something called 'Twinkling Comet'... It sparkles... kinda like a crystal? But it's really destructive too, it might damage the room. Do you want me to try it Charlie?"

The blonde haired man spoke to his companion. "Amelia? Dungeons normally don't respond back..."
MysticsageYesterday at 11:30 PM
"Fuck, that last one someone is trying to mess with us, and unfortunatly I can't Judo flip a dungeon. Be prepared, If they are willing to keep going they may have more tricks ready!" Amelia said seething at this point.
"Nyx if you feel anything drain that shit. If the dungeon can spawn dudes behind us without trap doors. It's sentient" she responded to kurt. "We may need to get ready for more cheep tricks."
JoYesterday at 11:32 PM
As you talked with Dungeon Core 532, the four intruders seemed to be talking to themselves.

The armored lady then spoke.

"Mayhaps twas a trap that was missed? Thy prince did hath told us that dungeons change... Mayhaps is it in the middle of one such thing?"
OODM: Charlie, if you're paying attention to their convo, I can repaste it in here
akicheetoYesterday at 11:33 PM
"Ah, no. I don't want to damage the room really. DC 532 put effort into this place, it'd be rude to ruin her hard work."

OOC: She's kind of listening
JoYesterday at 11:34 PM

"Well... You are the Dungeon Master, if you think it's a good idea... Plus it just takes DP to fix everything up again!"
OODM: Alright I'll paste in their conversation in here too
MysticsageYesterday at 11:37 PM

"No one takes cheep shots at my friends like that!" Amelia Seethed opening friends list. she sends a message to Thyra
JoYesterday at 11:38 PM

"The sentience of dungeons... It was theorized as such, though, no conclusive evidence had ever been found for it. Instead, we've been learning how to live and co-exist with them. They provide a constant source of monsters, loot, and treasures for adventurers. I'm not fully convinced of their sentience... More that it's simply a part of how they exist. In the same way perhaps animals would feed, dungeons like these create monsters." The blonde haired man replied.

Surprisingly, the cat began to talk. "For a brief moment I felt mana from where the bolt came from."
akicheetoYesterday at 11:41 PM
As Charlie listens, she nods at this new knowledge. She turns to DC 532, "I didn't realize all dungeons aren't sentient. Are Dungeon Cores like you rare?"

Charlie's eyes zoom in on the cat, " spoke!"
JoYesterday at 11:42 PM
You see the armored lady nodding, though no one had spoken to her.

"Um.... Actually all dungeons are sentient? I'm sentient. And the others are too! Humans don't know much. They are really good for DP though... So..." Her eyes sparkled.
"Are we going to let this pink girl blow them up with... umm... Comet something?"

"Twinkling Comet!"

"Amelia... We should hurry out of here. There's too many strange things happening in the dungeon. The Guild should know."
MysticsageYesterday at 11:45 PM
"I'll help you track it." Amelia siad focusing her rage like a spear. "This is not one of those games where we beat the boss for there to be a second stage, I came her to see if I could talk to the dungeon core, and clear the monsters. Now it decides posion traps aren't enough but thagt its gonna take pot shots at us."
akicheetoYesterday at 11:46 PM
"Oh, I feel like if I told anyone they would think I'm crazy..."

Charlie looks at Adi, "I know you only do what I say but, what do you think about casting Twinkling Comet? In this dungeon? Too much? I kind of just want to see what will happen, honestly."
JoYesterday at 11:46 PM

"Well... I could... But it's a comet? I have a power to know what you know, so I know that you know that comets are really big."
"It would impact at full velocity where-ever you want... There would be a crator if you were okay with that!"
MysticsageYesterday at 11:48 PM
Amelia nods seeing Kurt's reaction, "Lets keep moving and keep our senses open for more attacks. I didn't realize the dugeon would have buggy I frames like a bethesda game." "
JoYesterday at 11:49 PM

"Oh master, check the map... They're escaping! Pink girl! Do you thing!" Dungeon Core 532 begged. "Quick!"

"I have to agree with your prince, Amelia... The exit is near, we should hurry on." With that the cat began heading his way south as well.
akicheetoYesterday at 11:51 PM
"Oh, you mean- a legit comet, I thought that was just a fancy name for the spell. No, let's not cast that- Wait did she just say Bethesda game?"

Charlie looks between the two expectantly. "Is Bethesda a place here?"
JoYesterday at 11:51 PM

Dungeon Core 532 tilted her head.

Adi did too.
Adi spoke first. "I only know what you know... Not about this world. I have no idea if Bethesda is a place here."

MysticsageYesterday at 11:52 PM
"For now discretion may be the better part of valor." Amelia said eagle eyed but following head on a swivel

JoYesterday at 11:52 PM
"Ahh.... I don't really pay attention to the human places? I just kill them... Or try to anyways."

"No... No..." Dungeon Core 532 looked at her menu sadly. "They're getting away..."
"I've... never had anyone that high level in the dungeon before...! And they're getting away!"
akicheetoYesterday at 11:53 PM
"Yeah, I figured asking you would be useless, DC. Don't worry about it. I just...didn't expect to hear something like that from anyone from this world."
JoYesterday at 11:53 PM
She turned towards you.
"Beth... dah? This is more important... You need to stop them, this is the last chance we'd get so much DP!"

"Bethesda, Ms. Dungeon Core..." Adi corrected. "It's a game development company in her world."
OODM: The intruders will be leaving the cavern in another 2 more rounds at their pace of a hustle
akicheetoYesterday at 11:57 PM
"Oh wow, you literally do know what I know. Wait, then why did you keep calling me Master when I kept asking you not to? You know how wrong it sounds to me cause you know what I know right? Or is that just part of your rules?" Charlie gets terribly side tracked easily.

At DC 532's insistence, she looks at the retreating group.

"Wait, you really want Adi to attack them? You see how crazy that guy is right?" Charlie points at the one that's been very vocal about everything.
JoYesterday at 11:57 PM

Adi puffed up her cheeks. "Well, being summoned from the cash shop has me treat you a certain way!" She pouted a bit. "I know it was weird for you, but it was just a sign of affection..."
MysticsageToday at 12:00 AM
Amelia with her friends list still opens sees if anything changes while they are fleeing if any names have appeared which  she doubts
JoToday at 12:00 AM
"And yeah... that guy is a little crazy."
OODM: I'll have the resolution for that in your thread Mystic, since on Charlie's end, all she would see is you saying 'Friend's List'
The red haired man, the one who said 'Bethesda' then said 'Friend's List' outloud.
akicheetoToday at 12:02 AM
OOC: Sorry I'm confused, who said Bethesda? XD
JoToday at 12:02 AM
OODM: Amelia, is actually a red-haired man
akicheetoToday at 12:03 AM
OOC: Oh my bad, I was going off of the gifs lol
JoToday at 12:03 AM

Dungeon Core 532 sighed. At this point the four intruders finally made it out of the cavern. The sphere of influence of the dungeon itself only reached to the entrance of the cave.
OODM: Feel free to roll a Perception if you notice anything off about his screaming earlier though
akicheetoToday at 12:07 AM
!roll 1d20+10
RPBotBOTToday at 12:07 AM
@akicheeto rolled 30. (20,   10)
akicheetoToday at 12:08 AM
OOC: Heh
JoToday at 12:10 AM
How the man screamed was very feminine-like. His voice sounded feminine in the first place, though. But it was then that you realized that the red-haired man, might not have been a man at all. You also noticed that the man had been wearing heavy clothes, having seen his face, it was more feminine than a normal man's