[IC] Day of Giving (Eve)

Started by Throndir, December 13, 2013, 07:47:59 PM

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Every year, during the season of the coldest and longest nights, when the snow would pile their highest, and when the wind bit deathily cold, the Day of Giving was always a beacon of warmth, joy, and happiness for the many inhabitants of the kingdom. Ternadan was no less, celebrating the day with their families, and in the case of the members of Galas'nor, with their companions, friends, and fellow guild mates; their second adopted family.

There was much rejoicing, laughter, and merriment in the halls as the guild drunk up the mood of the place. A tree, as large as the door of the guild itself had been brought in, reaching up high, towering over the guild members, decorated with all sorts of things, including lights, streamers, ornaments, and even a couple of more questionable things. Yes. It was a time of festivities, as well as the time of giving (though there were indeed quite a few who looked forward to receiving more than giving).

One by one the guild members sneaked off from their group to place a box, or wrapped item underneath the tree.


  • Summary: Players can leave a gift for any other player on the forums or a NPC/shopkeeper/anyone else. In return they'll receive something random. Rewards can include coins, items both mundane and magical, and maybe exp. You have more of a chance to earn more, than lose items/coins. But I must warn that there is indeed a chance you won't get as much as you give. Though, it may possibly be mitigated by exp.
  • For this event only, for those who participate they will recieve an extra 1,500 coins for spending, +500 extra coins for each player you plan to gift to. Note NPCs aren't included. Eg, Annia chooses to give gifts to Weaponsmith, Vladimir (Linwelin), Kryas (Mysticsage), and Kin (Linwelin). She'll have 1500 + 500 + 500 to spend. 1500 for the base coins given, the first 500 for Linwelin, and the next 500 for Mysticsage. Note even though she's giving to the Weaponsmith, she doesn't get any extra coins to give, nor will she gain an extra 500 for gifting to both Vladimir and Kin who are controlled by Linwelin. In summary the formula would be: 1500 + (500 * Each different player) = Total amount to spend. You may go ahead and use the coins (and anything else you have) for a gift for someone, or not.
  • If a player has multiple characters, they'll not get the base 1500 coins, but you will still get +500 coins for each new player that you gift to.
  • To participate, you may either just say in quotes/spoiler that you're going up to the tree to place something. Or roleplay it out. You will then PM me what you have in your gift, who it's for, and the letter/card that you will attach. You may give as many gifts as you want to how ever many you want to.
  • Open to all characters, even if you have multiple ones of them.
  • Items in stores I DM are 20% off the listed price during the duration of this event. (Holiday sales after all). You may also request any item to gift, even if its not in a store. Either PM me the details, or where I can find it online, or roleplay out a custom order from a shop.
  • (((reg price of item you find online) * .20) * .80) = Price for GoG with 20% discount
  • 1500 + (500 * (number of separate players - not characters! - you plan to gift to)) = Free money given to spend
  • The freeform exp formula will be applied for all posts and PMs, with a multiplier of x2.
  • Bonus exp/stuff for players who decide to go beyond the norm, up to me as the DM to decide.
  • To keep with the surprises, I'm choosing to keep the "formula" that I will use to decide on rewards a secret. Needless to say there's dice involved.
  • Take a look at your Inventory or Bank. Please let me know if you're not on the Inventory or Bank spreadsheets. I'll go ahead and quickly create it for you. (Unless you're the few who are also DMs, then I really expect you to do it yourself!)
  • This will be resolved/ended on Dec 25.
  • It'll be Christmas! So let's be generous. Also easy to abuse this mission, but please keep it with the spirit!


"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."


The air was getting chilly around town, it was the holiday season! There are still people that I need to get gifts for but this year I'd like to do something really special. Thinking about everything that had happened, a perfect idea came to Ryine. He let out a glee filled shout. "I need a scribe! I have a great task for you!" He proceeded to exit the guild hall while quietly sharing his plans with the scribe.



?Oh Mimic! Isn't this exciting!? One of my favorite days of the year wooo!?


Put together by Throndir. Aha~.


Sophie's outfit. :D


The maid's excitement could hardly be contained as she sent an onslaught of overly happy thoughts to her raven. Sophie, in general, didn't have much gold to spare ? However, she had taken the time to make some gifts herself. And, of course, she had baked some yummy goodies for the guild members to nom on.

The maid wasn't sporting her usual attire ? She had prepared a dress specifically meant for the day of giving. It was strikingly similar to her uniform, though.

Sophie knelt in front of the tree, placing a couple presents gently beneath it. Oh, how she wanted it to be opened now! Mimic's eyes were locked on the tree... Sophie sensed a hint of mischief in the raven's thoughts. ?Don't you dare.? She scolded, knowing Mimic was fixated on the shiny decorations dangling ever so enticingly before her greedy bird. ?...Fine.? He replied begrudgingly, never happy when his instincts were denied. ?Don't worry,  silly, I made something for you as well!? She reassured him. ?Something nice and shiny, ok?? Mimic remained silent, but Sophie could feel his mood shift to excitement.



"It's the time to drink!" Golas roared as he slammed his mug into the table. Splashes of alcohol spilled onto the table, but the large man simply picked up the container and drank from it, swigging the mug down in one go. He wiped his lips with his sleeve and arm as he pushed the mug back to the pile of empty cups in the center; which had already contained more than a couple of mugs from Golas.

"And to give, Golas!" Someone in the crowd yelled out. Golas took it all in stride as he grabbed another full mug of beer and stood up tall, showing off the new robe and cape he was wearing, not to mention a red hat which was befitting for the season.

"And the time to get drunk! Buahaha!" He laughed as he chugged the entire mug again. The group around him laughed, they too in their own festivities and merriment. Except for one person sitting with him, who quietly sipped away at a cup of apple juice.

Annia was deep in thought, she was debating on whether or not to place gifts at the base of the tree. In her temple they had never celebrated the Day of Giving, and though her family in Medina attended parties and the like during the holidays, it was really more for nobles to get to know other nobles; politics, rather than something more meaningful. Even during her tour with the Silver Arms, she had always been too busy to partake in it, nor did she really know anyone else outside her own group to give to. But here in the guild things were different. She wanted to give some gifts, but a part of her worried that it wasn't something knights should do.

"Thinking too much? Drink missy!" Golas roared as he sat by her handing her his mug. Annia smiled softly.

"Apple juice is more than enough, you should try it." She replied. Golas looked at her increduously.

"It may look the same but it's very different. Something's bothering ya?" Golas asked as he took back his mug and drunk from it. Annia mumbled back, but it was hard to catch her words. Golas sighed as he roughly patted Annia on the back. She had stopped talking then, only smiled, as she continued to sip away at her cup. Golas looked at her curiously for a second, but after awhile began to reach for another mug of beer, there was no reason for him to think. Not that he had done much of it in the first place! He roared in laughter as his thoughts, and more than a few people looked at his seemingly random outburst. It was then that Annia had finally spoken.

"Do you think I should get someone a gift?" She asked quietly. Though it was loud in the guild halls, Golas still heard her.

"If there's one thing I learned, it's to live life without regrets missy. Nothing should be holding you back, while you still have the chance go get those gifts, give them to that person, for you never know when it may be the last time that you can. It happens more often than you think." Golas' eyes glazed over as he seemed to recall an event in his past. But it was interrupted by soft chuckling.

"I can hardly take you seriously wearing that outfit." She smiled wide. Golas grinned back as he pulled out a box from what looked to be a sack underneath the table.


"When you get your gifts, just follow my lead!" With that the large man headed to the tree laughing as he did so.

"Thanks Golas, I'll do that." Annia said, but of course no one was there to hear.


The morning started quietly, yet happily, and the grand giving season was upon the town, and the guild hall. Then, without warning, Kin jumped from the second floor bannister, which he'd seemingly taken a running start for, rolled twice in somersault-style, and darted out the door, laughing near-maniacally. "Gifts, gifts, work, work, FUN!" Was all that he chanted (loudly) between breaths as he did so. From inside the hall, quite audibly, everyone could hear another shout.

"Old man Fredriiiiick!!!"

"Dammit, Kin, quit it with the 'Old man' crap! Now what in the nine-hells is it? I've got orders to fill and don't have time for games! Fredrick yelled back.

Kin hadn't even been in the door yet for the conversation, but he didn't even pause. Fredrick was a good friend, and he knew that'd be the response. "I'll help you finish off the orders if you let me use the forge when we're done!"

Fredrick grinned, "Thanks for the help!"

And with that, the duo worked the forge tirelessly, and Kin's eyes glowed with glee. He loved his metals, after all. Weapons, armor, embellishments, scabbards, kitchenware, fence-posts, tree-stands, and everything you could possibly think of as needing to be forged, Fredrick and Kin completed that very day. But Kin didn't stop there. After the many hours of work, it had already reached evening, and Fredrick had to close shop; he kept his promise, however, and let Kin work on whatever it was he wanted to do. With a grimace, Fredrick looked back at the halfling, "Couldn't stop you if I tried, eh? Take care and lock up after you're done, Kin."

"You got it, old man." There was a groan, then the two of them laughed. "Fredrick." Kin stated with a grin. Fredrick smiled back, then closed the door and went back to his home, next door, to get some rest and be with his family.

And then the work continued. all that could be heard was the crackle of the forge, the whooshes of the bellows, the sizzling of the cooling water, and the pounding of metal upon metal. It was hard work, and lasted well into the night. He had done as much as he could in secret beforehand, so that the process was expedited, yet still the work was nearly endless. But at last, everything he wished to make was complete. It had cost him a pretty penny to get some of the materials, but he considered it well worth it. Some of them were especially delicate to craft, as well, so he wasn't done until close to midnight. He tested the objects' use, to the extent that he could without causing any wear, them wrapped each of the six gifts and tagged the boxes. Most were small, so he was able to fit them within his backpack. His final, and seventh, gift however, he left unwrapped, tied with a tag and note, on Fredrick's workbench to be found in the morning.

To Fredrick,

As thanks for dealing with this spontaneous halfling,
I've crafted you a hammer that can finally match your
skill. I guarantee that this one won't break, no matter
what you're asked to forge. That black-to-gleaming
steel look isn't your eyes playing tricks on you, my
friend! That is a solid adamantine hammer head. I had
to stoke the fires extra high for that beauty, but I
managed to make it extremely pure. Enjoy, and have
a wonderful season, 'Old man'.


And at last, Kin made his way to the tree. One by one, he set the boxes down amongst the rest of the gifts, trying to make them as visible as possible. Branwen...Sophie...Ryine...Kryas...Annia...Jornathel...that should do it! And with that he made his way back to the guild. Surprisingly he was quiet doing so, though it wasn't nearly as surprising as he reached his bed, collapsing immediately from fatigue.
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Kryas made his way to the tree sow falling lightly on everything. He could see his breath as he had his arms full of presents all of which are brightly rapped. He had used many of his connections that he had built throughout town to get these gifts. Some came from quite distant lands which he hoped would bring a smile to everyone's face. It's always nice to get and to give a gift that is unique to a person. Laying down gifts for: Kin, Lyolf, Rythine, Elys, Sophie, Vlad, Golas and, Annia.

This year is going to be a really great year. Kryas returned to the guild smirking and slightly wistful. He only wished some of his other friends had been there to spend the moment with them.


[spoiler]Gael will place a present under the tree.[/spoiler]


'Free things on some random day? How come my people didn't have this?' Callista was ecstatic that there was going to be some sort of 'giving' event that was a human tradition. Not for the so-called 'happy' and 'joyous' feelings that the other guild members proclaimed of when they talked about it with their eyes full of wonder and happiness, but the gifts! To her credit, she wasn't thinking about receiving them but giving them instead. Her mind was already racing with ideas of the many ways she can make use of this gift-giving event. After all, wouldn't the best gift be something unexpected and worth a few laughs?

There was only one problem however. She didn't really know a lot of the other guild members, though more than once she was sure that if they did, they wouldn't be too happy. She did play a couple of pranks on many of them, one even ending up completely drenched in some sticky ooze that took weeks to remove! But she always kept hidden. She giggled at the thought as she flew about above the rest of the guild members and nearer about the various wooden and stone support beams that held the roof together searching downwards. Then she spotted them: Annia, Aria, and a rather surly dwarf named Gandin. She snickered as she pulled out three faerie-sized boxes.

Gliding down she made her way to the large tree where the other guild members were placing gifts. One by one she placed each of the gifts underneath, touching each box and making them grow to a more regular size that non-faeries could easily make use of and open. All three items were neatly stacked on to each other, and she admired her handiwork.

Yes, they would defintely love them.