[Martial Tradition] Custom One

Started by Throndir, May 14, 2016, 01:40:25 AM

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For Lance to fill out, we need a custom tradition in order to have Jin not be good aligned. For now we'll assume the following:

Benefits: Trade in any martial discipline for Silver Crane.
Requirements: Neutral alignment

Need information that is missing below. Preferably you try to keep these the same length as the official ones, so we have enough information on it.

Alignment: Any neutral
Symbol: ?
Discipline: A ? may trade access to one martial discipline of his choice for access to the Silver Crane discipline.
Oath: <Insert description of the nature of the oath>
"<Insert actually spoken oath>"
Allegiance Benefit: <List out bonuses provided by tradition in written form. Also include repercussion of breaking Oath and how to retain.>
Description: <Description and history of the tradition>
Common Tasks: <Any tasks that are usually done by these members, to be used for any DM hooks>
Available Services: <Any services that are available to them, or discounts, etc.>