Chapter 01 - The Company of the New Dawn and the Tomb of Akhentepi

Started by pringerbeam, May 14, 2018, 08:33:15 PM

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[info]Perception (Sehra)
From where you stand you see nothing out of the ordinary beyond the sand that has piled over the years against the stone slabs that stands as doors for the mausoleum.

Perception/Knowledge: Religion (Alaya)
As you stand before the mausoleum's stone doors you are able to see figures carved into recesses next to the carved face which sits above the doors.  Within these recesses you see jackal headed statues which you are able to identify as those of Anubis: an ancient Osirian god of burials and mummification whose worship has waned in the modern day.[/info]


Buragan and I fall in line behind Alaya, hoping that we are prepared for whatever awaits us. As she walks up, she turns over and says "Noland, perhaps you should examine the doors, you never know if surprises were left for anyone who might want to inspect the long dead".


"Sure let me take a look at the doors."Noland steps ahead of everyone to exam the doors.

[info]rolling perception on the doors
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 3 + 5, total 8[/blockquote][/info]

[info]*As a side note as we go along ill be drawing a map of the tomb for my side quest. The reason the team will get from me is to have a map to the exit if we need a fast exit.[/info]


     Looking over the stone slabs from the sand piled against them you note no obvious handles or hinges.
You do notice that the doors appear to have been sealed with mortar, likely never intended to have been opened after the mausoleum was built so many years ago.  [/info]


Omar walks over to Sahra and Noland "Any one have any ideas on how we should go about getting in this place? Otherwise I can try to brute force it. But I would rather save that for a last resort if anyone has any other ideas." Omar then steps over to the near by pillar to observe it [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 12 + 1, total 13[/blockquote]
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     


[info]Perception Check
The long dead tree which likely once stood as decoration for the mausoleum stands desiccated before you.  The sands of the small dune you stand on are piled against the side nearest you while the other side bares the roots of the long dead tree to the elements, a hole in the otherwise smooth windswept pile formed by the roots of the tree.[/info]


Sehra kneels down before the hole and calls over Buragan "Any signs of life, or the lack thereof down there?"

[info]Tracking Check (Animal Companion)
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 8 + 6, total 14[/blockquote][/info]


     Buragan appears to sniff the sand and paws slightly at the entrance to the hole before turning around and slinking down the dune, apparently on the trail of something.  They walk a number of steps south before turning around to look for Sehra's consent to continue onward.


Lydia sighs and walks up to the door, examining the stone and running her hands across it. Searching for any easy way to open it, or a spot where the structure is weak enough to break the seal.

[info] Perception check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 17 + 6, total 23[/blockquote]


"Looks like he may be on to something, I shall follow" Sehra says as she beginning to follow, turning back to the party as she goes, "Keep an eye out."
Stealth Check; probably unnecessarily, but done more in a sense to be careful than to be quiet.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 2 + 7, total 9[/blockquote][/info]


     Buragan leads the way, weaving between graves and mausoleums as the two of you begin to make your way through the graveyard.   Several plots later, Buragan is continuing along with no signs of stopping as you move farther and farther away from the tomb of Akhentepi.  You approach the edge of the graveyard when you run into a troupe of pharasman acolytes, armed and armored in gear bearing the sign of Pharasma.  They look over at you and your animal companion.  The leader looks at you and then looks around for anyone else before speaking.  "You, nomad, what are you doing in the necropolis?"

Lydia/Rest of the Party
You notice that the doors appear to be built on concealed hinges and are designed to swing outward.  Further, as you examine the mortar which seals the doors, you notice the telltale tool marking of a crowbar or a similar instrument which was applied to the doors some time ago.  Regardless, it appears that the sand piled against the door will need to be removed in order to proceed into the tomb.[/info]


Jolted into to awareness by the Pharasman patrol, I look to them and say "Hello, I am Sehra Teraneva with the Company of the New Dawn, we were tasked with the investigation of the Tomb of Akhentepi." I show my armband with the companies logo on it (OOC: Note 1) "While we were finding our way inside my pet caught wind of something, and in my determination to follow, it appears that I have let him lead me much further away from the Tomb than I had intended. With your leave, I should return to the rest of the company."

[info]Note 1: I imagine as established group we would have some sort of banner or standard to identify ourselves?[/info]


     The lead pharasman looks to one of the other acolytes who looks at a scroll before nodding back.  "Well then you've wandered a bit far from your site.  I would recommend you return to your party, both to observe the laws of the expedition and for your own safety.  We received word that some of the other parties have come into conflict only to draw out some of the undead into the daylight.  It would be ill advised to wander the dead city alone.  Now, if you'll excuse us."  The acolytes turn and take their leave, continuing east down the quiet streets.


I nod in approval to them and reign Buragan in to return to the party, I lean into him and say "I'm sure there was something interesting you were on the trail of, but they are right, there are worse things to be found here than in the desert, where we were both born to survive. Now..." I say getting back to my feet "let us return to our comrades, the need us as much as we need them."


Omar walks back over to the door, "Welp I guess if anyone has a shovel or something to help dig I am going to get started on removing this sand from the door." Omar pulls out his warhammer and starts using is similar to a rake to start removing the sand from the door way

[info]If there is any rolls you want me to do I can add them in[/info]
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon