Fantasy World Creations

Fanfiction Roleplays => DanMachi RP: Thalia Familia => Topic started by: Throndir on September 17, 2019, 08:24:56 PM

Title: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on September 17, 2019, 08:24:56 PM

36 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 2 - Evening



Around 8 hours of travel later, the rest of the horses were starting to slow down, and it was also then that the group decided to camp out for the night. When the various crates and gear were pulled out for either cooking dinner, setting up camp, or looking through the items in it, the group discovered a couple of items apart from the rest of the normal mundane things included (primarily food stuffs, bedding, survival gear). Unfortunately, there was no note attached to any of the items, so no one was certain who among the villagers placed them with the rest of the goods.

[info]1) Masterwork Handaxe
2) Masterwork Leather armor
3) Halberd (unidentified)[/info]
[info]Decide amongst yourselves who gets the loot.

State any downtime activities. Assume you have a full 8 hours (8 hours rest, 8 hours travel, 8 hours downtime). Any downtime activity you can conceivably do is fine. We'll also take care of any daily things each night to keep it simple. That includes:

1) Ration reduction by 1, foreach PC, NPC, and animal companion (horses).
2) Expiration of monster parts, as per Monster Harvesting rules ( (only for surface creatures as first generation Dungeon creatures do not leave corpses behind).

Also state any watch order. Otherwise I'll randomly go by: Sotu, Mimsy, Taiga, Yuki, Eydis[/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Mysticsage on September 17, 2019, 08:47:02 PM
Taiga after mostly unloading the cart by himself will unload the gear near where they are building a fire

"I found this stuff, if anyone thinks they can make use of it they should at least for the time being."

"I'll take second to last watch if no one wants it. I can see in the dark with a little help. For now though i'm gonna go and see if I cannot get us some extra food while we are in good lands."

[info]with that he will spend his down time hunting and gathering, collecting water and the like.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 4 + 2, total 6[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Linwelin on September 19, 2019, 01:27:05 PM
Eydis glanced over the items Taiga presented; she wasn't comfortable using any of them and decided it was best she didn't take any, though every one seemed to have been made surprisingly well. Her eyes did keep wandering back to the halberd, however, and she couldn't help feeling there was something more to it.

"I don't want to keep it, but can I take a look at that halberd? I keep feeling something is odd about it." The elf reached out to inspect the piece more closely.

"Also, I'll take night watch. The darkest times are always the most enjoyable to me, and I can see just fine during them." She stated with slight anticipation in her voice, seemingly looking forward to what she hoped was a peaceful, quiet night outdoors.

[info]Taking 3rd watch. Right in the middle should be the darkest time, right?

Also, what are the rules for identifying that an item is magical in this setting? A skill check, or a spell? If it's a check, I'd like to roll to detect magic on the halberd.[/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on September 19, 2019, 03:19:45 PM
[info]A Detect Magic or Identification type of spell, which would allow the use of a Spellcraft to identify. You can skip that spell requirement by also having a matching Development Ability to the item being identified:

1) Blacksmith (For items smithed)
2) Enigma (For other items not smithed)
3) Mixing (For anything magic alchemy related)[/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Asta on September 21, 2019, 07:42:24 PM
"I'll take whatever watch is left over." Sotu said, largely uninterested in the plunder from the goblins. Barring the money of course. Let the others sort out items left on the corpses, if she saw something useful she would mention it.
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on October 06, 2019, 08:41:58 PM


36 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 2 - Evening

When Taiga left to attempt to go hunting for food, berries, or water and the like. Mimsy had volunteered.

"Oh, oh, oh! Taiga! I'll help!" The hume bunny said as she began to quickly pick up her backpack. She glanced at Sotu, wondering if she would tag along. Mimsy wasn't really the best at wilderness gathering. Her own profession as a farmer for the Carrots farm didn't quite translate over to skill in gathering goods, but she figured no one else really had anything going on during that evening anyways, and gathering food was part of being an adventurer.

"Sotu! Would you like to come with me and Taiga?" She asked.

[spoiler=Survival check to Aid Another Taiga's attempt][blockquote]Rolled 1d20-2 : 19 - 2, total 17[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Asta on October 06, 2019, 08:52:13 PM
"Ah. Okay." Sotu replied absentmindedly and padded after Mimsy. There was no guarantee she would be helpful, but she would at least try.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on October 06, 2019, 09:10:19 PM
[info]Taiga's Survival: 6 +4 (Mimsy) +0 (Sotu)
Taiga, Mimsy, and Sotu, head into the wilderness, searching for food. They didn't find much, all in all, they were able to gather about another day's worth of rations for just a single person.

Taiga, update your rations for another +1.[/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: pringerbeam on October 21, 2019, 04:39:48 PM
     Yuki, happy to let everyone else be proactive, will just lay by the fire and lazily lounge by the fire for a bit before making a half-hearted effort to go look for maybe something to eat other than the rations.

[info] Since my Survival is terrible, might as well just see if I roll well rather than help

Survival check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20-1 : 20 - 1, total 19[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on October 21, 2019, 04:49:08 PM
[okay]Yuki's Survival: 19
Taiga, Mimsy, and Sotu had left earlier already to go hunting for some food. Eventually, you yourself decided to make a half-hearted attempt to go look for something to eat other than rations. You quickly found a few rabbits, and a few throws of your weapons, you bagged yourself 5 pounds worth of meat.

It would be more time until Taiga and the others came back.[/okay]
1) Masterwork Handaxe
2) Masterwork Leather armor
3) Halberd (unidentified)[/info]
[info]Watch Order: Sotu, Mimsy, Taiga, Yuki, Eydis[/info]
[info]Evening Downtime
Sotu: Aid Another Taiga's Survival
Mimsy: Aid Another Taiga's Survival
Taiga: Survival to gather
Yuki: Survival to gather
Eydis: Pending, or skipped.[/info]
[info]Wagon Resources
Rations: 48 lbs
Food Consumption: 7 lbs a day.
Wealth: 50,000,000 vals
Capital (good): 10
Capital (influence): 0
Capital (labor): 0
Capital (magic): 0[/info]
[info]Resource Log
Food: -7, Night 1 consumption
Food: +6, Night 1 survival
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on October 22, 2019, 09:25:21 AM
[info]If there's no more downtime activities. Then:

Perceptions requested for your watch during the night.[/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: pringerbeam on October 22, 2019, 09:27:38 AM
[info] Perception check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 5 + 3, total 8[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on October 22, 2019, 11:34:10 AM


36 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 2 - Evening

[info][blockquote]Perception 1d20+2 : 4 + 2, total 6[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Linwelin on October 22, 2019, 05:55:11 PM
[blockquote]Eydis Perception:  1d20+6 : 11 + 6, total 17[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Asta on October 22, 2019, 10:37:42 PM
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 18 + 6, total 24[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Mysticsage on October 23, 2019, 02:47:06 PM
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 10 + 8, total 18[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 3: First Night
Post by: Throndir on October 25, 2019, 12:05:41 PM
36 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 2 - Evening - Night

The night went by uneventfully.

1) Masterwork Handaxe
2) Masterwork Leather armor
3) Halberd (unidentified)

Throwing these into loot pile.[/info]
[info]Continue to Chapter 4: Trade Troubles (

Leaving thread open for any potential RP. No RP excelia earned for this chapter thus far.[/info]