[Master] Lynnette Caldwell

Started by Oath, May 25, 2015, 01:50:05 PM

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Visual approximation minus this.. cross thing. [spoiler][/spoiler]

23 years old. Average height (5'5"). Brunette hair, Hazel eyes. Tends to be found wearing button-up dress shirts, along with a jacket with deep pockets. Depending on her plans, Lynnette will switch between a skirt and various types of pants. Often wears boots, due to her motorcycle being her primary method of transport. Has a small collection of simple jewelry, primarily earrings and bracelets. Also tends to wear gloves.


When not on business, Lynnette is fairly aloof. Tends to avoid small-talk with strangers whenever possible. To those that she is around more often, she is fairly friendly, though still not exactly forthcoming. Isn't particularly dishonest, but prefers to "win" the information battle. With the few people that she considers to be friends, she keeps her professional and personal life separate. She's also fairly curious, and when she is not otherwise engaged or busy, will investigate something that seems to be strange.


Is a bit of a closet foodie, enjoys checking out "mom and pop" type places, for the welcoming atmosphere. Enjoys cruising on her motorcycle, and following the current events of the business world. Tries to make it out to a shooting range weekly. Tends to wind down in the evenings with a glass of wine and a book. Uses the library quite often; favors detective stories.


Adopted by Gunther Reinhart, sort of out of obligation. Parents were business partners and died while on a family vacation overseas. Lynnette was kidnapped, and forced into a life of crime for a few years, until Gunther brought her back to New York, and officially adopted her. Among the family, this was not a popular choice, and due to this fact Lynnette is constantly excluded from activities involving the Reinhart family. She hopes to do well in the Holy Grail War to convince the members of the family that refuse to accept her that she is a worthwhile addition to the family. She's provided a monthly stipend from Gunther, but has been forbidden from living on any of the properties that are owned by the family.

Due to her status as an adopted daughter of the Reinhart family, despite her actual living conditions, Lynnette is a fairly well connected individual. She is acquainted with a large number of individuals, but considers very few of them friends. Since her adoption, she has also been studying German in an attempt to fit in with the family better. Her drive to be accepted by the family has become an obsession of sorts, and she constantly feels like she has to do something to get them to notice her value.

Lynnette's time in the underworld has provided her with a decent array of skills involving combat, driving, and navigating social situations. She has been in combat many times, also killing a substantial amount of people before being picked up by Gunther. Sometimes, she still has nightmares about the actions she has committed, but has tried to put her past behind her. Since returning to the United States, she has spent some time studying magic after learning of its existence. She isn't the best magic user, but has a decent idea of what can be done with it, despite being unable to do most of it herself. Lynnette's primary use of magic is defensive.

Her unique skillset, in relation to family members is part of why they are so cautious around her. Lynnette is also considered the "dog" of the family for these reasons as well. Usually tasked with the jobs that other members of the family are hesitant to do. Such as landsharking, or dealing with less than savory clients, Lynnette fulfills all of the requests faithfully. The fact that the family is the only reason she escaped a life that would be nothing but a day-to-day struggle for survival, has her convinced that things will be better once she can "prove" herself.

Reinhart family:

The Reinhart family owns a large amount of a pharmaceutical company, and Gunther Reinhart was tasked with the expansion of the business in the United States. He arrived over thirty years ago and through hard work has managed to prosper. The various children of the family, both his own, and nieces and nephews are all involved in the business as well. In the grand scheme of things, Lynnette is on the outside looking in. To the majority of the main family, she will never be anything more than an outsider and a nuisance that their dad picked up on a whim.

They're also an up-and-coming mage family, while their name hasn't received a large amount of attention, they have been producing decent mages for a couple of generations. After being adopted by the family, Lynnette began to practice magic but is easily the worst mage in the family. She also has been learning the family business, to varying degrees of success.

May add some more to this in the coming days.